Then He Showed Up

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Then He Showed Up Page 22

by Chris Campillo

  “Sshh. Don’t wake up the kids.” Kate took her glass but didn’t drink. She didn’t think her stomach could handle it. She’d forced down half of a meatball at dinner to keep the kids from being suspicious. That had nearly killed her.

  Sue had no problem drinking hers. “I can’t believe you’d even consider not going. You haven’t been this lit up since Jack was in town.”

  “Exactly. And don’t you remember what a basket case I was the day he left?” She set down her wine, no longer pretending any interest. “This must be what a crack addict feels like. I want it, but I know I’m going to crash when it’s gone. Crack is whack and Jack is back.”

  Sue grabbed Kate’s hand. “Honey, be honest with yourself. Ever since you read that email, you knew you were screwed. You’re not going to push this whole notion aside. You’re going to crash one way or another.” She took a sip of wine. “So go ahead and be a crack whore.”

  Kate stared at her supposed friend. “Do you hear yourself?”

  “Listen. You’re not the same person you were before. You went into that affair blind. Now you know what to expect.”

  “So why put myself through that again?”

  “Because you do feel something, and he obviously does, too. Why not act on it, enjoy it? Who knows what will happen?”

  Kate stood and collected the bottle and glasses. “Oh, no, no, no. Don’t even talk that way. Nothing can happen. We live in different states, remember?” And Kate would never consider falling deeper for Jack. She wouldn’t set herself up for the pain that would surely follow when the magic ended. When Ian’s spell was broken, it’d nearly killed her.

  Sue followed her into the kitchen. When Kate had set down the glasses, Sue grabbed her shoulders and turned her around. “You do feel something for Jack. Why not explore it?”

  “Explore what? It’s a weekend. Nothing more.”

  “So then take it for what it is. A weekend of nothing but fun and fucking with a man you’re crazy about. Hell, sign me up.”

  Kate laughed.

  “Oh, girl,” Sue said, her eyes lit up with victory. “You are so going.”

  Kate rolled her eyes. She hated that Sue was always right.

  Chapter 29

  “Ready or not. Here I come,” Kate whispered to herself.

  She stepped out of the elevator into the hotel lobby. Scanning the crowded group of guests, she hoped to see Jack before he saw her. Her heart was pounding, and she’d long given up on trying to control the nerves dancing in her stomach. If she saw him first and had a chance to adjust to the reality of it, she might not stroke out.

  No such luck. When she spotted him, he was smiling at her with that dazzling smile that always took her breath away. She whimpered with excitement. Thank God she was religious about doing her Kegels.

  They met halfway, and Jack grabbed her in his arms. “Kate,” he whispered next to her ear. She held on for dear life, knowing that if she let go, she’d fly through the roof with the euphoria of being in his arms. Crack is whack, and Jack is back.

  She finally pulled away so she could give his face her full attention. Still gorgeous. “Jack.” At the moment, she couldn’t form any other words.

  “God, it’s good to see you.” He broke his gaze and looked over her body. “You look fantastic.” Kate was grateful Sue had taken her shopping for a new, weekend wardrobe.

  “You do, too.” She was able to form a sentence. That was a good sign.

  They continued to gaze into one another’s eyes, and Kate wondered if he might be as delirious as she. If so, he was the first to sober.

  “Let’s get going. My driver’s outside.” He grabbed her hand. The chemistry was palpable, and she could tell by the look in Jack’s eyes she wasn’t the only one to notice. It was so odd to see him after three weeks and still feel such a strong, sexual connection. The only question was when they would act on it. As much as her body was on fire for him, she was nervous. Would they go straight to his hotel and jump into bed? For some reason, that scared the hell out of her.

  Jack must have read her mind. “Let’s get some lunch.”

  Kate couldn’t imagine holding down anything at this point, but she’d never been more grateful for an invitation to dine. “That sounds great.”

  They arrived at a nearby bistro that looked as if it were a mecca of power lunches, even on a Saturday. When they were finally seated, Jack leaned back in his chair, looking more at ease. “It’s great to see you, Kate.”

  The tender way he said her name, like so many times when they’d made love, caused her cheeks to flush. She noticed the flickering glow in his eyes and hoped he was remembering those times as well. Did they still mean as much to him? Or had he moved on to an exotic, Indian beauty? Jack was a ravenous lover, and Kate wondered if he found a lover in every port.

  He ordered a bottle of wine, no doubt something delicious. When the waiter left, he grabbed her hands, the energy crackling between them.

  “Tell me why I’m getting emails from Ted Evanston on the Austin project.”

  And the magic’s gone.

  She’d hoped they could’ve avoided this conversation. Jack had purposely avoided talking business the week they’d spent together. No such luck this time. Then again, the change in management had to be a surprise.

  Kate pulled her hands away and straightened her posture. Best to gird the loins when things turn ugly. She proceeded to share the news of Ted’s discovery and the resulting damage.

  Jack’s warm demeanor vanished as curse words accented her explanation. Not what she’d envisioned while at Victoria’s Secret, shopping for their getaway.

  “I won’t work with that ass.” He pulled out his phone and started to dial before she stopped him.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I’m fixing this mess. I’ll tell Russell I won’t work with Evanston.”

  “No!” Surrounding diners glanced their way, but she didn’t care. Jack couldn’t interfere. “You can’t fix this. If you try, it will only make things worse. Ted is competent, but he’s a jerk. If he’s pulled, he’ll make sure everyone knows about us. I can’t afford that. Not now.”

  “Fuck.” Jack murmured the curse, but she heard his frustration. Angst poured from him. “I’m sorry, Kate. I never wanted to cause you problems at work. I’m so damn sorry.”

  “It’ll be okay.” Kate forced the words. She chanted them every night before she fell asleep. “Russell’s looking out for me. I’ve got a new project. In fact, that’s why I’m in D.C.”

  He didn’t look convinced, his shoulders weighed down with guilt. This was not how she wanted to spend their precious time together. Thank God, the wine arrived, and Kate took advantage of the interruption to change the subject.

  “Tell me about the project in India.” He hesitated, so she grabbed his hand and squeezed. “Please, Jack. Let’s not waste our time on things we can’t change.”

  Begrudgingly, he told her about the project and the little he’d seen of the country. As time went on, the tension eased. They were back on track.

  Jack asked Kate about Madeline and Charlie, watching her light up. It helped him push aside the shitty situation he’d left her in. The subject was not closed, but he’d address it later with Russell. He wouldn’t waste their time together. Those kids were special, he knew by watching Kate. The thought of meeting them crossed his mind. Surprisingly, the idea appealed to him. He’d love to see Kate with them. Jack studied her animated expressions and hands, remembering every nuance so he could recall it when they parted. But he needed more than that. From the minute he’d seen her walk off the elevator, he’d wanted to make love to her.

  When she finished her story, Jack raised his glass. “To reunions.”

  Kate hesitated, searching his eyes. “To reunions.” She took a sip of the wine and then set her glass on the table. She focused on straightening her silverware.

  He reached across the table to still her hand, but the waiter arrived, distracting Kate.

  “We have some specials today that are receiving rave reviews. Would you like to hear about them?”

  “Yes, please.”

  “No, thanks,” Jack replied at the same time. He turned to Kate, who looked embarrassed, and then told the confused waiter, “Please, tell us about the specials.”

  The waiter droned on about snapper and capers, but Jack studied Kate. Her neck was as long and delicate as he remembered. He wanted to nuzzle into it as he had on those nights in Austin, after they’d collapsed in exhaustion. He willed her to look at him, to see what he needed, to want what he wanted.

  When the waiter left, Kate studied the menu and made a few comments about the specials, but Jack didn’t listen, he couldn’t pretend any more.

  “Kate, I’m not hungry.”

  When she looked up, he gazed at her, letting her see his true hunger.

  She took a ragged breath. “Me neither.”

  Chapter 30

  “Let’s go.” Jack stood up and helped Kate from her chair.

  “Shouldn’t we wait for the bill?”

  “No.” Jack’s voice was deep and drawn. She knew that voice. She knew he was losing control, and she was right there with him. He threw down enough bills to cover the wine as well as make the waiter’s week. She’d never been happier that the man was wealthy.

  “What about the driver?”

  Jack was already on the phone. Great minds, desperate bodies, they all think alike. “Change of plans. We’re ready to leave.” Jack stayed on the phone but locked eyes with Kate. His were dark and intense, and yet there was a question in them. It was as if he were warning her, “Speak now or forever hold your peace.” The man would get no argument from her. She couldn’t hold back a smile that obviously triggered something in him.


  Jack pocketed the phone and then grabbed Kate’s hand. She was sure he would’ve dragged her out of the restaurant if he were a caveman. But she wasn’t wearing tiger skin, and he didn’t carry a big stick—at least where people could see it—so they walked at a brisk pace.

  Just as they exited the restaurant, the car pulled up. When the man jumped out to open their doors, Jack waved him off.

  “I’ve got it. Take us to the apartment.”

  Once they were in the car, Jack started toward Kate, but then stopped. “If I touch you now, I won’t stop, and the company apartment isn’t that far.” He held her hand, and sensations shot through her body. She searched Jack’s face and found he was right there with her. His eyes were dark, his nostrils slightly flared. He tightened his grip on her hand.

  Kate ached with need, wanting to cry out for lack of his body. She noticed Jack’s erection and whimpered.

  “Jesus, Kate.” He yanked her into his arms just as the car stopped.

  Jack threw open the door and pulled her out, walking right past the driver. “We won’t need you tonight,” he called over his shoulder, rushing her up the steps of the brownstone.

  As soon as he unlocked the door, he pulled her inside and slammed it shut, pressing Kate’s back against it. Despite their frantic needs, Jack paused and touched her face. “I thought about you every second of every day.”

  She saw longing in his eyes and reached up and cradled his jaw. Then the sweetness ended. He took her lips with a rough and hungry kiss. It was the kiss her body had been screaming for, ever since lunch. Hell, ever since she’d seen him at the hotel.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her body into his. As he worked his mouth down her chin and neck, she couldn’t hold back gasping his name. The passion demanded a release.

  He lifted her hips, causing her skirt to rise, and she wrapped her legs around his waist, feeling his hard length pressed against her core. He grabbed her thighs and hissed, “Shit.” The thigh highs had been a good choice. Moving his hands up, he reached her beautiful, lacy panties that were nothing but a hindrance at this point.

  “Jack,” she moaned.

  “I know, baby.” He carried her over to a leather chair and sat down with Kate on his lap. One at a time, he unwrapped her legs so they were hanging over the arms of the chair. She rubbed against him, groaning with pleasure. Their kisses became even more heated.

  He broke away, his chest heaving. “We’ll make it to the bed next time.”

  “Yes. Yes,” Kate hissed. Then one, last, lucid thought. “Have you been safe?” Jack kissed his way down her neck. The sensations stunned her, but she recovered and pushed away so that she could watch his eyes.

  “Have you been safe?”

  Jack stared at her dumbfounded. “What?”

  “Have you used protection with other—”

  “Are you kidding?”

  “We’re adults, Jack. I need to know. You don’t need to lie to spare my feelings.” Kate couldn’t stand the thought of Jack with another woman, but the idea of him lying to her . . . it would crush her.

  Pressing his forehead to hers, he whispered, “You consume every minute.”

  Joy ripped through her heart, knowing she wasn’t alone in her addiction. She’d never realized how possessive she was, at least where Jack was concerned. Trust would never come easy, but right here and now, she believed him. If she thought she was turned on before, this emotional liberation created internal combustion.

  She fumbled with his belt and pants and managed to free him. She looked in wonder. “You have the most magnificent cock.”

  “You bring out the best in him.” He groaned as she moved her hands along it, relearning the length and texture.

  “Stop.” He grabbed her wrists. “I’m too close.” He closed his eyes and took a deep breath as if he was gathering control, but when he opened them, she could see it’d done little good.

  He ripped her blouse apart, ignoring the buttons, and then froze. “So beautiful,” he moaned, cupping her breasts. Kate no longer felt guilty for spending so much on the lacy bra.

  Jack’s admiration was replaced with need. There was no gentle foreplay. He didn’t bother with the clasp in front but pulled down the demi cups, exposing her taut nipples. He brought his mouth to one and pulled on it, using his fingers on the other.

  Moaning, Kate rubbed against his cock, desperate for relief, desperate for him. “Jack,” she gasped. “Now.”

  He yanked up her skirt and ripped the crotch of her panties. His forcefulness almost made her come right then. He lifted her hips and entered her in one long, deep plunge. She cried out in pleasure, as he let out a primal groan.

  “Feels so good. Mmmm, so good,” Kate moaned, barely able to see through the haze of pleasure. When she could focus, she found Jack’s eyes closed and his jaw was tense. She could tell he was as desperate as she was, so she began rotating her hips.

  Jack cursed and began thrusting into her, each time pushing deeper. Kate moaned, and his moves became more frantic. He worked his hands up her thighs, until he reached her sensitive spot. The combined pleasure was too much for Kate. She came in such an explosion that her entire body trembled. With one last thrust, Jack had his own release while calling out her name.

  Aftershocks continued to ripple through them as they came down. Kate collapsed onto Jack’s chest, and he fell back into the chair. She could still feel him beating in her. They were melded together for some time until their hearts slowed, and then Kate began to giggle.

  “What’s so funny?” Jack asked, pushing her up so he could see her face.

  Kate could barely hold her head up; a lifetime of endorphins swam through her brain. She didn’t try to hide what was surely a goofy smile. “I don’t think I’ve ever wanted or needed anything so much in my life . . . My memories didn’t do you justice, Jack Graham.”

  Her words did a number on him. There was definitely pride, but there was something else, something that tightened his chest. Making love to Kate was beyond the physical. There was something about her that took the experience to a higher level. He’d always had strong needs. Had always dated women that shared the same appetite
. But no matter how great the sex, it was nothing like being with Kate. Watching her let go, trusting him, was an honor. She knew him better than anyone, and he liked sharing that intimacy.

  Kate wiggled, running her hands over his chest. He grabbed her chin and kissed her lightly. “Come on. Let’s grab a shower, and then I’m going to take my time with you.” He patted her ass, then lifted her hips so that she could stand, albeit wobbly. When he got up, he wrapped his arm around her waist and led her upstairs.

  They entered the master suite, and Kate glanced over the room that was centered around an enormous rice bed. It wasn’t his place; Gridion kept it for their executives, but it was important that Kate like it. “What do you think?”

  She nodded. “It’s lovely.”

  “Good. I’m glad you like it. We’ll be spending the weekend here.”

  “You think so, hmm?” She looked at him with one brow cocked.

  He unfastened her bra. “Oh, I know so.”

  She started to unbutton his shirt. “What will we do for food?”

  “It’s covered.” He pulled his shirt over his head. “There’s six tubes of cookie dough in the fridge. If we don’t die from exhaustion, the salmonella will kill us.”

  Chapter 31

  On Sunday, they eventually made their way to The National Cathedral. The few tourists remained indoors due to a light rain. Kate convinced Jack that the outside views were worth getting wet. They studied the famous gargoyles as best as they could with the rain splashing on their faces. When they moved into the Bishop’s Garden, Kate walked ahead, eager to explore the enclosed grounds.

  She heard his footsteps on the path before he caught up. “Isn’t it beautiful? I know this sounds hokey, but it really is like we’re in a secret garden.”

  Jack grabbed her from behind and pulled her in close, his umbrella protecting her from the rain. It felt so natural to rest her head against him.


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