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Giving A Chance (Chance Series Book 2)

Page 8

by Hamford, Kacey

“So tell me why you think you won’t be faithful then, when you haven’t slept with anyone else in months?”


  “Exactly, besides if you cheat on her you will have me to answer too as well.”

  “Shit…” I stopped in my tracks and looked towards the door I had exited from.

  “That scary, huh?”

  “No, I left Bonnie inside by herself, I gotta go. Speak to you later.” I hung up the phone and made my way back inside. What was I thinking walking away from her and leaving her all alone, I was stupid. Anyone could try and hurt her or make a move on her. As I approached where I left her I saw that she was talking to another guy and he was making her laugh. I shouldn’t have left her on her own.

  “Hey, sorry about that. Rose was on the phone.” I said as I approached Bonnie. She took a step back from the guy and looked at me.

  “Oh my God, is she ok?”

  “Yeah, she was just checking to see if we got here ok.” I looked at the guy and he smiled at me.

  “Oh sorry, Jon this is Joseph. Jon knows the guys in the band.”

  “Oh, really?” I asked, looking at him. Was this just a line he used to get into women’s panties?

  “Yeah, Esme is my sister.” Who the hell was Esme? Was I supposed to know. “Esme is engaged to Jax.” He carried on.

  “Oh, the lead singer?” I asked.

  “Yeah, I saw your girl here all alone and thought I would keep her company. She told me you would be back soon… Nice meeting you, Bonnie, I’ll see you back stage later.” He nodded at me and then left.

  “You’re meeting him backstage later?” I asked, raising my eyebrows.

  “Yeah when YOU.” She poked me in the chest. “Take me backstage to meet the guys.”

  I grabbed her by the hips and pulled her closer to me. “You having fun?” I kissed that spot underneath her ear that made her melt.

  “Mmm hmm.” She mumbled. I carried on kissing down her neck and she tilted her head to the side so I had better access. Her skin always tasted so sweet and I couldn’t get enough of her. “Dance with me.” She demanded. How could I say no to her? I grabbed her hand and spun her around so she could watch the show and we could still dance together. I wound my arms around her middle and said;

  “So, that guy wants in your panties.”

  “No he doesn’t, he would more likely want in yours.” She laughed.

  “What?” I asked, turning her around to face me.

  “Babe, he’s gay.”

  “Oh.” How did I not pick up on that? “Do you want a drink?”

  “Yes, please. Let’s have a shot.” She excitedly called out.

  “Come on then.” We both made our way towards the bar, I ordered us a couple of shots of rum. I was not drinking tequila, that shit did horrible things to me and I was not getting wasted. I was planning on worshiping Bonnie’s body later and I was already rock hard thinking about it and having Bonnie shake her little ass in my lap didn’t help.

  Chapter 17


  We were stood in a line outside of Flix’s dressing room, we would all be let in soon to meet the band and I was so excited. Rose would be so jealous when I tell her. Joseph was whispering in my ear, he was telling me exactly what he was going to do to me at the hotel later and my panties were dripping wet, I was about to tell him to take me to the hotel when I heard someone call out my name. I looked up and saw that Jon was stood there smiling at me.

  “Hey.” I said.

  “Come with me.” He looked at the bouncer. “These two are friends of mine.” The bouncer moved to the side and Joseph and I walked past him.

  “Thanks.” I said, grabbing hold of Joseph’s hand to keep him close to me.

  “No worries, you wanna meet the band?” I nodded frantically at him. I was about to explode with excitement. I could hear a commotion behind me and when I looked over my shoulder I could see pissed off females complaining that we jumped the queue.

  “Calm down, sweetness.” Joseph whispered to me. I nodded so he knew I had heard him. Jon knocked on a door and then pushed it open.

  “Hey guys, I got someone that wants to meet you.” I heard him announce. I heard mumbling but couldn’t make out what was said. Jon looked back at us. “Come on in.”

  We walked into the room and I was surprised to see that it looked cosy, with a couple of sofas, a large TV on the wall and a table full of drinks and food. I guess I expected to see half naked women, lots of alcohol and it to smell sweaty and seedy.

  “Hey, nice to meet you…” Jax, the lead singer said to me. He had a toddler in his arms and he was waiting to hear my name.

  “Hi, I’m Joe and this is Bonnie.” Joseph answered for me. He shook Jax’s hand.

  “Sorry, hi.” I said, awkwardly.

  “Come on in. Jax, don’t just stand there.” That must have been Esme, she was Jax’s fiancée. She had a protruding round belly and took the toddler from him.

  “Thanks, how far along are you?” I asked.

  “Seven months. Me and Marcy.” She gestured over her shoulder to a stunning woman, with long dark hair who had an even larger bump and a young boy cuddled into her. “We are both due a couple weeks apart.”

  “Come and sit down.” Marcy called out.

  “Only a couple weeks apart? You look like you’re further along.” I said to Marcy.

  “That’s my twin sisters in there.” The little boy said to me, placing his hands on his Mum’s tummy.

  “Wow, how exciting. You’re gonna be a big brother.” He nodded at me looking proud.

  “Daddy said I have to protect them, against boys.” I laughed.

  “Daddy is gonna be very protective.” A guy said from behind me. I turned my head around. “Hi, I’m Rick.”

  “Hi, Bonnie.” I looked around for Joseph and saw that he was talking to Will, the bands drummer. “Thanks for letting me come back here, I’m a big fan.”

  “No worries.” He winked at me.

  “At least you’re not one of the crazy ones.” Marcy giggled.

  “Crazy ones?” I asked. I wasn’t sure what she meant.

  “Yeah, some of the fan girls still try to sleep with our guys. I may be seven months pregnant but they won’t get past me.”

  “I don’t know how you do it, I couldn’t. I’d be too jealous.”

  “Oh, believe me, we have come across our fair share of crazy ones. They just gotta know who’s in charge.” Esme told me.

  “So, Bonnie what do you do?” Jax asked, sitting on the arm of the sofa that Esme was sitting on.

  “I’m in college, studying to be a nurse.”

  “That’s good. Here, this is for you.” He passed me a Flix t-shirt that had been signed by all the guys.

  “Thanks, my best friend is gonna be jealous.”

  “Take one for her too.” Rick said, passing me another one.

  “You sure?”

  “Absolutely. Does your guy want one?” Rick asked.

  “No, I doubt it.” I laughed. Joseph started walking towards me with Will and Frank.

  “Hey, sugar, I’m Will.” He winked at me and I said hi.

  “Frank.” He introduced himself. “Did you enjoy the show?”

  “Yeah, I loved it.” I began telling them all my favourite songs and what I loved about their music. We were sitting around chatting like we had known each other for years. Joseph had made me stand up so he could sit underneath me and I saw the look Esme and Marcy gave me. They thought it was a sweet gesture. I looked at him and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. He wound his arms around me and continued talking to Frank.


  “Sweetness, we should let these guys get some rest.” I said, lifting Bonnie off my lap.

  “Yeah, sorry to take up so much of your time. You got other fans to see.” She said.

  “It was lovely meeting you.” Esme said, standing up and giving me a hug.

  “You too.”

  We all said our goodbyes and I hurried to ge
t Bonnie back to our hotel room. While she was sat on my lap she would wiggle occasionally and I was sure she could feel my hard on. It must have been poking her in the ass. I was so hard that I had to adjust myself so I could walk.


  Bonnie walked straight towards the bed when we entered our room. I followed her quickly and wrapped my arms around her from behind.

  “Did you have a good time?” I kissed her neck and she moaned as she tilted her head to the side to give me better access. “Is that a yes?” She turned around to face me and I saw the desire in her eyes.

  “Yes, I loved it. Now I’m going to say thank you, properly.” She placed her hands on my shoulders and jumped up and wrapped her legs around my back, I grabbed hold of her sexy ass so she didn’t fall. She slammed her mouth against mine and I eagerly opened my mouth so I could feel her warm tongue caressing mine. I’d already had a hard cock when we left the concert, but now I was painfully hard, I needed to be balls deep in Bonnie and I couldn’t wait. I pulled away from her and she looked at me and pouted. I pulled her top off of her and quickly released her bra, letting her large soft breasts fall out. I walked and pressed her against the closest wall so I could get my hands on her. I rolled her nipples between my fingers and she moaned and leant her head against the wall pushing her breasts into my hands.

  “You are so fucking sexy.” I growled. She pulled at my t-shirt and I grabbed the back of it and pulled it off over my head. Her hands went straight to my chest and a hot sensation zapped through my entire body. I needed to try and calm myself down or I was gonna lose my shit before anything good happened. I pulled away from the wall and stormed towards the bed. I threw her down on it and she bounced there.

  “Strip.” I demanded. She didn’t hesitate and soon we were both naked and I was on top of her, kissing her madly. I couldn’t get enough of her.

  “Please, babe, please.” She pleaded, pulling my hand up to caress her breast and bowing her back.

  “Sweetness, are you on the pill?” I didn’t want anything between us, I wanted to feel all of her.

  “Yes.” She breathlessly moaned. I grinned widely and I kissed all down her neck and back up again. I couldn’t wait any longer, I needed to be inside her. Her nails were digging into my back, she seemed eager as she pulled at me. I pushed into her and she shouted;

  “Wait!” I stopped moving, thinking that I’d hurt her. She pushed me off of her until I slipped out of her. “You need to use a condom.”

  “Why? You’re on the pill. I’m clean, I promise. I got tested after we were together the first time and there has been no one since.”

  “You need to use a condom.” She stated, looking at me pleadingly.

  “But why?”

  “Please.” She whispered.

  “Yeah, ok.” I climbed off of the bed and searched through my bag for the condoms I had bought with me. As I walked back to the bed Bonnie looked happier. “Are you ok?” I was concerned.

  “Yes, come with me… And bring one of those.” She winked as she grabbed my hand and led me into the bathroom. Did she think I was lying about being clean? Or was she worried that she wasn’t clean? Did she always use a condom with Matt too? I watched her lean into the shower and turn it on. One she was happy with the temperature she climbed in and crooked her finger at me to join her. I grabbed the condom off of the side by the sink and placed it in the soap dish that was attached to the shower so I knew where to find it. She wrapped her arms around my neck as she stood on her tip toes.

  “Talk to me.” I said softly to her as I pulled her closer to me.

  “No, not now… I need you, baby.” She placed one leg around my hip so she was open to me and I dragged my finger across her wetness. She shivered and I knew it was from pleasure as we were in a hot shower. I reached for the condom as she closed her hand around my cock and pumped it a couple of times. I removed her hand and slid on the condom. She watched every movement that I made, her breath had become short and fast. I held onto her leg and bent my knees to line myself up to enter her. She wrapped her arms around my neck and buried her face. Once I entered her she moaned and trailed kisses and nibbles down my neck. I pumped in and out of her slowly as I held her close to me with one arm wrapped around her back and the other was placed on the shower wall keeping us steady. We didn’t stray from the slow pace, it felt like something different, it wasn’t just hot, it was full of emotion and that’s when I realised I wasn’t fucking her, I was making love to her. I always thought making love would be on a bed in the missionary position but it didn’t matter where we were, it was how we felt. A few minutes later I felt her clamping around my cock and she cried out in pleasure, followed shortly by me. We stayed in the same position for several minutes. She held onto me tightly and I didn’t want to let her go. When I pulled out of her to dispose of the condom, she whimpered. I turned the shower off and opened the door and grabbed a towel to wrap around her.

  “Do you want to dry your hair?” I asked her, she had been very quiet and I was starting to worry.

  “No, I’ll just tie it up for now.” She rummaged around in her make-up bag until she found a hair tie and I watched her pile a messy bun on top of her head.

  “Here.” I held out one of the hotels fluffy dressing gowns for her to wear and then grabbed the other one for myself. “Do you want a drink or anything?” I led her from the bathroom and she asked for some water. She walked over to the sofa and plopped herself down, I wasn’t used to her being quiet, usually she was busting someone’s balls over something. She was a wildcat, not a timid stray. I passed her the bottle of water and she grabbed hold of my hand.

  “Sit with me?” She asked.

  “Of course.” I sat next to her and she positioned herself against the armrest so she was facing me. “Are you ok, sweetness?” I was concerned about her.

  “Yeah, I need to tell you something. It’s difficult for me to say and no-one knows except for Rose. I have all these feelings for you, Joseph, and I don’t want to scare you away but you need to know this. I have to be honest with you. Even just spending this day with you, you make me feel things no-one else does, to be honest, it terrifies me.” She took a deep breath and I had to take one too. What was she going to tell me? Did she want me as much as I wanted her? Was she choosing me already? I smiled at that thought.

  “Go on.” I encouraged her to carry on talking.

  “I met Damien when I was sixteen, he was fun to be around, caring and I soon fell in love with him. I gave him my virginity and I thought we would be together forever. Oh, how wrong was I? He soon began cheating on me and when I walked in on him at a party with the class bike, I was devastated. We’d had a fight earlier on in the day and I was looking for him to work things out.” She stopped talking to drink some of her water. She was struggling to keep herself together, I sat there and let her talk, if it would help to talk about it, I would listen. I hated seeing her in so much pain. “You see, I told him that I was pregnant.” Shit, Bonnie had a kid? Why had I never seen it? Abortion? Adoption? “He was angry, telling me that I had tried to trap him. I didn’t Joseph, I would never do that. He shouted at me, I thought he was going to hit me. In the end, he told me to get rid of it and he left. I think if he had hit me it wouldn’t have hurt so much as him telling me to have an abortion. I had only just turned seventeen, I was confused, upset and angry with him. After a few hours, I went in search of him and knew he would be with his friends getting wasted. I just didn’t expect to see some slut riding him.”

  “What did you do?” I held out my hand for her to let her know I was there for her, she placed hers in mine and I ran my thumb over her knuckles hoping that it would calm and reassure her that I wasn’t going anywhere.

  “I left. He didn’t see me. The next day he came around asking if we could talk, he told me that he loved me and wanted to be involved in our baby’s life. I screamed at him, told him I saw what he had done. Told him to leave and that I never wanted to see him again. He tried to hurt me m
ore by telling me that he had been sleeping with other girls for months. I crumbled to the floor and didn’t move until Rose made me.”

  “Is this why you didn’t want a boyfriend?” She nodded.

  “He broke me, I lost all faith and trust in men. I only wanted to have fun. Nothing more.”

  I didn’t want to ask, but I had to. “And the baby?”

  “Oh, Joseph.” She cried placing her hand on her flat tummy. “I lost the baby. I was about ten weeks along. I started bleeding and knew that’s what it was, I called Rose and she came over but I refused to go to the hospital. I didn’t want to accept what was happening. After crying from the pain Rose had called my Mum and told her everything. I hadn’t told my parents yet. She came home and dragged me to the car to go to the hospital. I had to have a procedure done whilst I was there as I wouldn’t stop bleeding. Now I have damaged scar tissue on my uterus walls which means it could be more difficult to get pregnant now.” She was full on crying. I pulled at her arm until she was nestled on my chest and I held her close to me. Trying to calm her down but also let her get it all out, too. “They said it could have been stress that done it. I blame him, Joseph, he upset me, broke my heart and I crumbled. He took my baby away from me.” She sobbed.

  “Sshh, it’s ok sweetness. I’m here. It’s ok.” That was a lot of shit to take in. Bonnie had been pregnant, no wonder she didn’t want me unprotected inside of her. I ran my hand up and down her back and her sobs soon became non-existent. Her breathing had evened out and when I looked at her she was asleep. I was glad she’d told me everything, though I was now worried more than ever about hurting her. Was I the right choice for her? I wasn’t as sure now, maybe she would be better off with Matt. I couldn’t think about that now. I carried her from the sofa to the bed and tucked her in, I moved away and she whimpered catching hold of my hand. She wanted me close and I needed to hold her too. I took off the dressing gown, I would boil if I wore that to bed. As I climbed in, Bonnie sat up and took off her dressing gown too, we were both naked.


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