Playing With Fate

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Playing With Fate Page 10

by Ava Thorpe

Luke got up from his position, pushing Carter up until his back was against the back of the couch. He straddled Carter, his legs dangling over Carter’s thighs. “Is this okay?”

  Carter gripped Luke’s ass with his hands, pulling him tighter. “Perfect,” he said. Luke’s ass felt heavy in his hands, and he wanted to know what it looked like, felt like, without Luke’s jeans as a barrier.

  Luke started to kiss down Carter’s body, his lips trailing soft, featherlight marks all over Carter’s skin. When he reached the zipper of Carter’s pants, he stopped, hovering hesitantly over it. “We don’t have to do this. I—I can stop, if you want, but god, Carter, I want to suck you off so badly.”

  Carter’s brain short-circuited. Just the thought of Luke’s mouth wrapped tightly around his dick was enough to send him into overdrive. Palming his cock through his jeans to calm himself down, he swallowed thickly. “I want you, Luke,” he said. “I want you to do whatever you want to me.”

  Without wasting time, Luke unzipped Carter’s jeans, pulling the garment over Carter’s hips until it was around his knees. He nosed at Carter’s cock, still covered by his boxers.

  Carter felt like he was about to burst with anticipation. He never thought he’d be on the receiving end of a blow job from a man, but right now, none of it mattered. The only thing that mattered to him was Luke, on his knees, looking up at him with darkening eyes.

  Luke sucked on the head of his cock, through his boxers at first, before stripping them away. His cock was hard, leaking, and Luke swallowed his cock with flourish.

  “Fuck,” Carter cried out, trying not to thrust his hips up. He didn’t want to choke Luke, but the feel of Luke’s mouth around him—tight, wet, and oh so warm—was like the most delicious torment.

  Luke was enthusiastic. He sucked on Carter’s cock deftly, wrapping his hand around the base. He tugged gently, jacking Carter off in time with his mouth, and it didn’t take long before Carter was nearing the edge.

  “God, baby, I’m not going to last long if you keep doing that,” Carter said, letting the endearment fall from his lips.

  It only spurred Luke on. He sped up, deepening his suction on the head of Carter’s dick. It was all too much, too fast, and Carter was hit with the intensity of his orgasm. “I’m coming, god, Luke, I’m coming,” Carter cried out in warning.

  Luke pulled off him, gripping Carter’s cock tighter as he stroked the length up and down. Carter came, his body wracked with spasms, as his come covered Luke’s fingers.

  Moving up from his position, Luke kissed him, his tongue swirling inside Carter’s mouth. Still coming down from his high, Carter melted into the kiss, letting himself be carried away with Luke’s fervor.

  When they broke apart, Carter heaved Luke back onto the couch beside him. His hands still shaking from the aftershocks, he inexpertly unzipped Luke’s pants.

  “You don’t have to,” Luke said quietly, but his eyes were blazing with need.

  “Shh, I want to,” Carter reassured him. “I want to touch you.”

  Carter had never touched another cock apart from his own, but holding Luke’s cock, feeling how heavy it was in his hand—it felt natural. Right.

  “I don’t know what I’m doing,” Carter said self-consciously. “Tell me what you want, I don’t want to get it wrong.

  Luke laughed. “I don’t think there’s such a thing as a wrong thing.” He was panting, whimpering as Carter ran his thumb over the slit. “Yeah, just like that.”

  Encouraged, Carter curled his fingers around the shaft, slowly moving his hand up and down over the length of Luke’s cock.

  “Come here, please,” Luke said. “Kiss me.”

  Carter kissed him wetly, as he continued to jack Luke off. He wanted so badly to see Luke come, to make him feel as good as he made Carter feel.

  “I’m so fucking turned on, I’m not going to last long,” Luke whispered, almost sounding like an apology, and Carter kissed his worry away.

  “I want you to. I wanna see you lose yourself, Luke,” Carter said.

  Luke keened, the best, hottest noises coming out of his mouth, his breath warm on Carter’s cheek. “Fuck,” he cried out, as ropes of come pooled on Carter’s hand.

  His body was wracked with spasms, eyes shut tight, and Carter had never seen such an enticing sight. Luke looked amazing, and it was even more perfect knowing that Carter made him feel that way, that Carter made him come.

  Carter kicked off his pants and boxers to the floor. He kissed Luke’s forehead, letting the man fall on Carter’s side. “I’m going to get something to clean us up, okay? You stay here,” he said.

  Luke just nodded against him, his eyes still closed. Gingerly moving Luke, Carter stood up and went to the bathroom, washing the come off his hands. He grabbed a towel from the rack and wet it slightly.

  Then back on the couch, he cleaned Luke gently, wiping up his hands and his cock. Tossing the towel away once he was done, he sat down, pulling Luke towards him, until Luke was on his lap.

  “You’re the best,” Luke said dreamily as he laid his head at the crook of Carter’s shoulders.

  “Uh huh,” Carter said, grinning. “I bet that’s the endorphins talking. Hell of a drug.”

  Luke pinched his side. “Shh, no science talk, only afterglow.”

  Wrapping his arms around Luke, Carter pressed their bodies close. Luke was heavy, but warm and familiar, and Carter didn’t want to let him go yet.

  He felt like he should be freaking out. After all, he just had an orgasm with a man, and that same man was laying half naked on top of him. None of the freak out came, though, and instead, Carter was filled with happiness—contentment—deep in his gut.

  “No regrets?” Luke said quietly on Carter’s shoulder.

  “No regrets,” Carter said honestly.

  Chapter Fourteen


  The next few weeks passed by in a blur. Luke spent most of it with Carter and Puck, and more and more he was starting to see Carter’s condo as his second home. Somehow, he’d accumulated a pile of his clothing in Carter’s closet, and his toothbrush now joined Carter’s in the bathroom.

  They still hadn’t talked about…whatever it was that they had, but Luke wasn’t worried. What they had was good—better than anything he could have imagined.

  They’d spent every moment they had not involved with work or school together, and Luke was happy. The only exception was Christmas.

  He went home for Christmas for a couple of days, and Luke was glad he’d cut his trip short. He was originally planning on spending two weeks at his parents’ house in Hamilton, but had decided against it at the last minute.

  It was a tense affair. His parents—his father, especially—still hadn’t dropped the idea of him going to law school, and with law school application deadlines looming, the pressure to have the perfect application for Dalhousie was mounting.

  Luke hated it.

  “We just don’t want you to waste your potential, Luke,” his dad had said over Christmas dinner, and Luke wasn’t able to fight back.

  He never did, not when his parents were concerned. He wished he had the courage to tell his parents no, to tell them he didn’t actually want to go to law school, but he didn’t.

  Luke took a deep breath. It was a nice day out, if a bit chilly. It was warmer than normal for a January day, and he was just at the tail end of his walk with Puck.

  His phone rang. The caller ID was marked ‘Private.’ Luke answered his phone, curious. “Hello, this is Luke.”

  “Luke, hey. This is Mike from Future, I’m not sure you remember me. It’s been a while,” the person on the other line said.

  Feeling his heart race, Luke said, “Absolutely, I remember you, of course. How can I help?”

  There were clinking plates in the background. “I don’t know if you are still interested in that gig you auditioned for, but if you are, it’s yours. Sorry it took me a while to get back to you. You know how crazy holidays can get.”

sp; Excitement bubbled up in Luke. Holy shit. He actually got the gig. “Yeah, definitely, I’m still interested,” he said, unable to keep the gleam off his face. “Thank you for considering me. This is fantastic news.”

  “Perfect,” Mike said. “Why don’t you text me your email, and I’ll send you the standard info sheet we have for performers. Everything will be in there, including info about setting up and your pay.”

  Pay? Luke didn’t know he would be getting paid for this. This gig was sounding better and better by the minute. He was willing to play just for the exposure. “Will do,” he said. “Thanks again, Mike, you won’t regret this.”

  Mike chuckled on the other line. “I know, kiddo. You’ll be great.” He dropped the line, and Luke fired off his email quickly on a text.

  Then, he texted Ben. DUDE, I got the gig! Thank you! I wouldn’t have gotten in if it weren’t for you.

  Ben texted back almost immediately. Just don’t forget about me when you’ve won your first Grammy.

  Luke snickered, before pocketing his phone. He still couldn’t believe it. He was going to be playing at Future. He needed to practice, and get his song list in order. There were a lot of things that needed to be done, but Luke was excited. He lived for this, and he couldn’t wait to dig into his gig prep.

  Letting Puck into his car, Luke drove happily to Carter’s condo. He wasn’t sure how he was going to focus on his essay, not when he was this ecstatic.

  Carter wasn’t due for another couple of hours, but Luke had gotten into the habit of staying around after his walks with Puck on the days he didn’t have class. Carter’s place was quiet, and he was able to get a lot of his assignments done. It helped that Puck was a good study buddy, always laying quietly at his feet as he wrote his papers.

  Today was no different. Stealing some of Carter’s leftovers, he munched on cut veg as he worked on a paper for his Political Science class. He hated it, and he dreaded going to class every time, but his dad had insisted on him taking it as an elective.

  “It would be good prep for law school,” Dad had said, and as usual, he wasn’t able to say no. He registered for the class grudgingly, and now he was paying for it.

  He wasn’t actively bad at it. In fact, he was doing well in the class, but only because he felt like he had to do well in it. He wasn’t interested in the course material at all, and it took him twice as long to complete his assignments than usual.

  Luke was knee-deep in his paper, when Puck started to circle the hallway, whining. Carter must be close. The door opened a few seconds later.

  “Hey buddy, did you have a good day,” he heard Carter say, and Luke smiled involuntarily. He just couldn’t keep the pleasure out of his face whenever Carter was around.

  He hopped off the bar chair, and greeted Carter with a kiss, his arms snaking automatically around Carter’s waist, stepping up high on his tip toes. Why did Carter have to be so ridiculously tall?

  “Oh, hello. I could get used to coming home to this,” Carter said.

  “How was practice?” Luke asked, blushing. Maybe he overdid his greeting, but he had a great day, his essay aside. He was happy to see Carter.

  Carter dropped his bag on the floor, and led Luke to the living room. “The usual, Coach worked us hard. She’s pretty concerned about playing Washington tomorrow, and I don’t blame her. They’ve got some big guns on that team.” Carter sat on the couch, letting Luke stretch out beside him. Luke laid his head on Carter’s lap, moaning softly as Carter threaded his fingers through Luke’s hair.

  “Feels good, don’t stop,” Luke said, closing his eyes. He loved it when Carter did this. It made him feel so relaxed, like all the cares in the world suddenly didn’t matter. “I’m sure you guys will be fine. Your power play is improving, so that should help.”

  Carter stopped. “Power play?” he asked, surprise evident in his voice. Then, teasingly, “What do you know about our power play? I thought you didn’t watch hockey, huh, babe?”

  Luke shivered at the endearment. Carter had been calling him ‘babe’ more often recently, and Luke privately looked forward to it every time. “I may have looked up a couple of things,” he admitted.

  “Oh? Does that mean you’ve watched me play?” Carter asked. He resumed petting Luke’s hair.

  “I’ve watched highlights here and there. But only when they’ve come up,” Luke said coyly, lying through his teeth. He’d been watching more and more Admirals games recently. He didn’t understand half the things he saw, but he loved watching Carter play.

  Carter played with an intensity and ferocity on the ice that made Luke shudder with want. He was tough, rough, and sexy as fuck. He didn’t often get into fights on the ice, but he was fast, running over his opponents from the other team with practiced ease.

  “That sounds like a lie,” Carter said dubiously. “Admit it, you like watching me play.”

  Rolling on his side, Luke clutched at Carter’s shirt, snuggling into him. “No comment,” he said.

  “Would you want to see me play live?” Carter asked.

  Luke cracked one eye open, looking up at Carter. “Like, at the arena?”

  Carter rolled his eyes playfully. “Yes, the arena, where else? I can get you tickets?”

  Luke considered it. He’d never seen a hockey game live before. “Maybe, but then who would walk Puck?”

  Shrugging, Carter squeezed the back of Luke’s neck, gently massaging it. “You can walk him early or switch with Ellie. It would be good to see you. I’ll even get you a jersey.”

  “Ooh, can I pick the player? I want a McLeod one,” Luke teased.

  Carter pinched him. “No, it’s me or nothing,” he said, with an undercurrent of fierceness to it that made Luke’s toes curl.

  “Fine, if I must, I guess I can wear one of yours. But I still want an Ash jersey,” Luke said. He loved the idea of wearing one of Carter’s jerseys. He didn’t want to examine why, though, because there lay trouble. He wasn’t ready to untangle the feelings in his chest, coiling around him tightly.

  “No,” Carter said with finality. “But I will get you tickets. Are you free for tomorrow’s game?”

  Luke thought about it for a second. He had his paper to do, but that was it. He could walk Puck an hour earlier than usual, and if he took transit, he wouldn’t have to worry about finding parking. “Yeah, I think so. Can I get a ride back with you?”

  “If you don’t mind waiting, yeah, we could do that,” Carter said. “You can bring a friend, too, if you want.”

  Luke didn’t really know anyone in his circle of friends who liked hockey, but it would be nice to sit with someone at the game. “Sure, I can ask around.”

  “Perfect, that’s settled, then,” Carter said. He tugged at Luke’s shirt. “Come up here.”

  Complying, Luke sat up, setting himself up so that he was sitting side by side with Carter, their legs touching. Carter cupped his chin, kissing him. The kiss was quick, almost chaste. It just made Luke want more.

  Carter stroked his hair, peppering light, tender kisses all over his face. It was too much, and not enough at the same time. “How was your day? Was Puck good?” Carter asked in between kisses.

  “He was good, didn’t give me any trouble at all,” Luke said. “And my day was okay, pretty uneventful. Just working on my paper for my political science class.”

  Luke didn’t know why he said that. He should have told Carter about the gig—hell, he told Ben. There was a part of him that felt hesitant. Carter was a professional hockey player, for fuck’s sake. He was used to performing in front of thousands of people. Luke’s thing was small, and he’d be lucky to play in front of hundreds at Future.

  He felt…inadequate, and he was sure Carter wouldn’t care. It was a big deal to Luke, but he knew in the grand scheme of things, his gig was peanuts.

  Carter pulled him so that Luke was straddling his thighs. It was becoming increasingly clear that Carter loved having him like this, and Luke couldn’t blame him. He loved it, too
. He loved sitting on Carter’s wide, powerful thighs. It was intimate, and he thrived on their proximity.

  “Political science? Is that the class you hate?” Carter asked as he massaged the small of Luke’s back.

  Leaning his head on Carter’s shoulder, Luke sighed heavily. “It’s not my favorite,” he said diplomatically. “This paper is brutal, too.”

  “Why don’t you just drop it? You don’t need it for your major, right?” Carter asked, sounding concerned.

  He didn’t need it for his major, no, but Luke wasn’t sure Carter would understand. “No, but I have to take it anyway. It looks better on my law school applications.”

  Carter caressed his cheek. “Right, law school. You always look so…unenthusiastic every time you mention it.”

  Leaning into the touch, Luke kissed Carter’s palm. “I am. Enthusiastic about it. I mean, it’s not my passion like hockey is your passion, but not all of us are as lucky. Sometimes it’s not possible to do what we’re passionate about.”

  Luke trailed his fingers down Carter’s chest, stroking his abs. The last thing he wanted to do was talk about his law school woes with Carter.

  There were a thousand other things they could be doing, things that were more pleasurable, more fun.

  He mouthed at Carter’s neck, licking at the spot right below his ear.

  Luckily, Carter seemed to have gotten the message. He tugged gently at Luke’s hair, putting their lips together in a passionate lock, his other hand skillfully unbuttoning Luke’s jeans.

  This was more like it. Luke may not be enthusiastic about law school, but he was definitely, one hundred percent enthusiastic about Carter.

  Chapter Fifteen


  Luke left Puck an extra bowl of kibble after the two of them finished their walk. He felt a little bad leaving him early, but Ellie was going to come over later early in the evening to walk him again. Puck was going to manage, Luke was sure, but he had a soft spot for the little guy.


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