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Round N Around We Go (Has Cupid Gone Mad?)

Page 8

by Belinda Elkaim

  Karina appears panic stricken and Taylor covers her mouth in shock. Conrad grabs the bottle from Karina’s hand and reads the address to the operator on call.

  “Am I sure that Amber Winters has been kidnapped and is being held involuntarily at this location by Neyo St Pierre?” Angrily he repeats the operator’s question out loud and answers affirmatively. “Yes I am sure ma’am.” He rubs his forehead impatiently and listens to her over the phone. Taylor and Karina listen in and after a few seconds, Conrad appears annoyed and speaks assertively into the phone, “Amber Winters has disappeared for a few days and there are signs of struggle in her condo. We are looking at a bottle of prescription left behind by the kidnapper. That’s proof correct?” He pauses for another moment to listen, “No don’t send anyone to Amber’s home here, you have to dispatch the officers to the kidnapper’s home before it’s too late!”

  Conrad fumes in disbelieve and blurts into the phone. “I give up, dispatch whomever to wherever, I can’t dispute your protocols. The address here is 16018 Collins Avenue, apartment 1808, missing person’s name is Amber Winters.” Angrily he hangs up on the police operator.

  Looking at Taylor and Karina, he vents furiously in incredulity. “This is absurd and the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. They have protocols to follow. She is dispatching the cops here and not there. What stupid protocols!”

  Finding the situation hard to believe, Conrad decides to take matters in his own hands. “I have an idea.” he looks seriously at them. “The three of us will go to Neyo’s building. I’ll go up to his place while both of you wait downstairs in the car. If Amber is not there and we are wrong with our judgment, then we will leave and try to figure out another way to locate Amber. But if you don’t see me coming down, that means something is wrong. You can call the police from there and tell them you hear gunshots. That would bring them out right away.”

  Looking confused as ever, Karina stutters and tries to digest the situation. “Wait, aren’t the cops coming here? Shouldn’t we wait for them?”

  “No Karina.” Taylor looks at the bottle of Latuda and agrees with Conrad. “We need to find Amber now and not a moment later. She’s been missing for two days already. Let’s hope it’s not too late!”

  ************ Parked outside Neyo’s shady looking condo building in North Miami, they look around the neighborhood and feel extremely uncomfortable. Fortunately there is still daylight which makes them feel a little safer than they would in the darkness of the night.

  They discuss the strategy again and Conrad repeats himself, “Remember, if you don’t see me coming back in maximum fifteen minutes, then that would mean something is wrong and you can call the cops.”

  Karina is reluctant for Conrad’s risk. “Are you sure about this? It sounds dangerous to me.”

  He assures her that everything will be fine. “I’m certain Karina, Neyo knows me and it wouldn’t shock him to see me at his door. I wasn’t the one who fired him so he shouldn’t have anything against me. I’ll be alright.”

  Nervously speechless, Taylor and Karina watch Conrad disappears into the building. Breaking the silence, Taylor couldn’t help complimenting Conrad’s courage. “Look at what he’s willing to risk for her safety.” She speaks truthfully from the depths of her heart. “My man sent me on a ninety days hiatus over nothing.” She fights against her tears and is genuinely touched by the love that Conrad has for Amber.

  “Well, as a consolation for you Taylor, my man disappeared and died on me. I will never forget how cruel the entire ordeal was. Mind you, he truly loves me but shutting me out from his painful fight against leukemia was the only way he knew how to deal with it. So, as unfair as things may seem, people love in different ways. Just because Ivan sent you on a ninety days hiatus does not mean that he doesn’t love you, maybe it’s the only way he knows how! Think about it.”

  Taylor refocuses on the crisis on hand and changes the subject of the conversation. She looks at her watch in fear and announces that ten minutes have already passed.

  “I’m scared.” Taylor admits.

  Karina seconds nervously. “Me too. I can’t breath.”

  Almost fifteen minutes have passed and Conrad is still nowhere in sight. “Karina, we should call 911 now. I’m very serious. Something is terribly wrong, we need to call now.”

  Just as Conrad has instructed, Karina dials 911 and tells the operator that they have overheard multiple gunshots firing inside the location and that people are screaming inside the condo. She exaggerates the hysteria and urges them to hurry then hastily hangs up.

  “Great.” Karina ignites the engine of her car and moves to the opposite side of the road, “I just lied to the authorities. I’ll be in so much trouble. This is serious!”

  Taylor puts her hand on Karina’s arm and squeezes it firmly, “Trouble? Let’s hope that Amber and Conrad are safe and unharmed!”

  Within minutes, they see two police cars with silent sirens pulling up outside Neyo’s building. Two cops storm into the building and the other two remain outside to stand guard.

  “Shouldn’t everyone be coming out already? What’s taking so long?” Overwhelmed with anxiety, Karina begins to chew on her fingernails.

  Feeling distressed and lost within the chaos, Taylor shares Karina’s panic and begins to babble, “Oh my God, is that an ambulance pulling up?” Turning pale as paper, Taylor watches the ambulance park behind the second police car. Karina gasps loudly as she watches the paramedics climb out from the back of the ambulance and rush into the building carrying two folded stretchers.

  “Oh no!” Karina mumbles and gets out of the car.

  Taylor watches her walk over to the police and follows her, “Wait for me!”

  One of the cops sees them and attempts to stop them from entering the scene. “Ma’am, you can’t go in there right now. Do you live here?” He questions them.

  “No,” Karina looks at the entrance of the building and wonders where everyone is, “but our friends are in the building.”

  As the cop tries to make them back away, they see Neyo cuffed and taken into custody. There is blood on his face and he appears beaten up, infuriated and uncooperative. They watch the policeman shoves him onto the back seat of the second police car.

  Taylor gasps and holds on firmly to Karina’s hand. “Where are Amber and Conrad?” She questions the cop. “Where are they?”

  More onlookers gather behind them and curiously stare at the building, gossiping and assuming stories from their imagination. Preoccupied with the commotion, the cop busies himself and tries to clear the parameter.

  Karina is the first to see a stretcher coming out of the building. “Conrad!” she screams, rushes past the cop and runs over to her injured friend. His white shirt is covered with blood and Karina can see multiple stab wounds on his chest. “Oh my God!” She exclaims as the cops pull her back. She watches the paramedics move his stretcher into the ambulance and turns around to see the second stretcher coming out of the building.

  Taylor breaks through the blockade and rushes over to find Amber lying motionlessly yet awake on the stretcher. “Amber?” Taylor grabs onto Amber’s arm and squeezes it firmly. Ridiculously still, Amber is not reacting at all.

  She walks alongside the paramedic and demands for an answer. “Why is she not responding?” She nudges him for answers. Disregarding the tears rolling down her cheeks, the paramedic pushes his way through and ignores her. “But what’s wrong with her? Her eyes are wide open but she’s not moving, she’s not talking, please tell me what’s wrong!”

  “Miss, I really don’t know and I can’t tell you. Our job is to take these two people to the hospital as quickly as possible and you are in our way!”

  Chapter Eight.

  Having spent nearly six hours at the police station answering redundant questions regarding the Amber case, Taylor and Karina are eager to head home. Having truthfully answered all the questions, they impatiently await the officer to type up the report.
/>   Exhausted and in need of caffeine, Karina scouts for a soda machine in the unending maze of the police station. Walking past rows and rows of little cubicles, she realizes that everyone is preoccupied with their tasks and nobody seems to care that she is wandering around and getting lost within their facility.

  Taylor continues staring blankly into the empty space in front of her. She misses Ivan but refrains from calling him back. It’s a silly game, a lover’s quarrel, and it’s about who gives in to call first. She is determined not to be the one who bends. After all, he is the one who has sent her away; calling him would imply submission to his over controlling ways. She can’t help comparing notes on how differently Conrad loves Amber and is saddened.

  Karina miraculously finds her way back to the desk and puts down two cans of Coke Zero and an assortment of unhealthy snacks. Opening and devouring a bag of Cheetos, she watches the police officer walk back to his desk.

  “I think you girls will be happy to know this,” The officer begins unemotionally. “We just heard from the hospital, Conrad Fallen is out of surgery and is monitored in the ICU. Amber Winters was injected with high dosages of Katamine, which explains why she was conscious but temporarily paralyzed. The drug has worn off and she is fine now. They say she will be discharged after a twenty fours observation, you can visit her later if you’d like.” Seeing no interruption from the girls, he continues. “And, your story checks out. Neyo St Pierre probably stole the Ketamine from his doctor who was treating him for his bipolar depression. He’s being charged for kidnapping and three counts of assault.” He closes the folder and finally shows a faint smile. “Well, I guess we’ll take it from here. Thank you both for the cooperation.”

  He hands them each a business card and reserves the right for further questioning.

  Karina looks at Taylor on the steps outside the police station. “Taylor, I think I aged ten years since this morning. I’m exhausted and am dying for a shower but I think we should pay Amber a visit first. She needs us there.”

  Wholeheartedly agreeing with Karina’s suggestion, they head over to the hospital to visit Amber and Conrad.

  Still in shock and far too weak to do anything, Amber appears distressed and prefers not to speak. Barely audible, she holds their hands feebly and thanks them for coming to her rescue.

  Seeing Amber lying helplessly on the hospital bed, Taylor tries to soothe her by stroking her hair and comforting her. “You’re welcome.” She smiles warmly, “But it weren’t just us, if it wasn’t for Conrad, things would have turned out miserably. He’s a hero and definitely a keeper.”

  Amber tries to speak a little louder, “I know.” She smiles weakly and begins to drift off.

  Karina sighs, “Poor thing. God knows what Neyo did to her. I’m just thankful that we got to her on time.”

  Sympathizing with the ordeal that Amber has been through, Taylor suggests brilliantly, “You know what, I think I’ll stay the night at Taylor’s condo and tidy things up. I’ll pick her up tomorrow and bring her home to a nice home cooked meal. Why don’t you meet us at Amber’s place for dinner tomorrow night at eight o’clock, it will be a nice chance for us to get together. I will stay and take care of her until Conrad comes out of the ICU and fully recovers.”

  Karina supports her idea and drops her off at Taylor’s condo before heading home.

  Energy depleted, Karina is glad to be home. She fills her bathtub with warm water and sprinkles in some therapeutic salt. Eagerly she steps out of her dress and slips into the inviting waters to enjoy a long rejuvenating soak.

  Soothed by the serenity of the moment, she closes her eyes and begins to drift. Falling into a deep sleep in the tub, she dreams that Alex is waving at her. “Karina.” She hears him mumble. “I’m here!” He calls out to her softly. In her sleep, slowly and gradually she sinks lower and lower into the waters of the tub until submerged. Taking in a breath of water through her nostrils, she wakes abruptly and springs up to gasp for air.

  Choking and stunned by the loud buzz of the intercom, she grabs onto the sides of the tub and quivers.

  The buzz of the intercom continues to annoy her. She steps out of the tub, wraps an oversized towel around her and rushes to the intercom. Not expecting visitors, she answers impolitely, “Who’s this?”

  “It’s Anthony Risso, Theo’s son.” He answers through the intercom.

  Karina is not looking forward for company but reluctantly lets him in. Expediently she steps into a casual knit dress in floral print and answers him at the door.

  “Hi Tony, I wasn’t expecting anyone, sorry about the wet hair and messy look.” Karina laughs and shows him in.

  Tony makes himself comfortable and sits on the sofa. Watching her dry her hair with a towel, he apologizes for the intrusion. “Sorry to disturb you unannounced but I couldn’t wait until the morning.”

  Karina freezes and fixates a stare into his eyes. She begins to look worried again and speaks weakly. “I’m sorry, it has been a long trying day. Is everything ok?” She sits on the couch next to time and looks at him with exhausted eyes.

  “I’m afraid not.” Tony covers his face with both hands.

  The exhausting day seems to be unending and she is not ready for more bad news. She slouches into the couch and leans back, staring into the ceiling above her, she begins slowly, “Please do not tell me that something has happened to Theodore.” She pauses and bites her lower lips. “Please don’t tell me that.” All of a sudden her world seems to implode. She feels desiccated, utterly dry and unable to shed another tear.

  Silence fills the loft and for minutes that feel like eternity, nobody is able to mutter a word as both sit inertly still.

  “I don’t believe a word they say.” Tony breaks the silence. “Papa is one of the strongest man I know, he is healthier than everyone add together. He has never had a heart problem and I refuse to believe that it is possible for him to pass away with a heart attack in the middle of nowhere.”

  Karina feels helpless and cannot answer. She waits for Tony to speak again.

  “And what was he doing in Brescia?” He uncovers his face and stares at her. “We don’t have any family or friends there; he has never been there either. Heck, there aren’t even art galleries there. It’s unlike him to be unreachable for weeks just to take a vacation in a small town in Italy, far away from everything and then just die of a heart attack in the middle of nowhere with nobody around?” Tony looks at Karina and studies her lack of reaction. “I’m not buying it.”

  Karina’s thoughts ponder and she recalls Keith’s last words at the gallery. Finding the story suspicious, she renders it difficult to believe the scenario either.

  She sits up slowly and turns her head towards him. Weakly she asks, “How did you find out?”

  Tony bends his head and stares onto the floor. “The Polizia found his hotel room and passport, traced down our family in Florence and my uncle called me this afternoon.”

  Assuming that Keith is not lying about his theory of the ‘trail’ then perhaps Theo’s death is unnatural and manipulated. However without evidence, she does not want to burden Tony with any careless assumptions. Nothing seems to make sense to her anymore and she feels exceedingly overwhelmed to think rationally. There is only so much sadness that she can handle in this lifetime.

  “I’m sorry Tony. My condolences. Where will you bury your father, here or in Italy?”

  “In Florence.” Tony sits up and is prepared to leave. “I’ll let you know about the arrangements. I do know that his assets here in the U.S will be liquidated here of course, and I already know that he has instructed his attorney to include you in his will. He told me that before. Everything within the walls of the gallery now belongs to you. You’ll hear it from his attorney in a few days.” Tony stands up and looks at Karina with the saddest expression on his face.

  Karina pulls herself up and steps forward to give Tony a heartfelt embrace. She has all the respect for Theodore, his mentor, his extended family. Sh
e loves him more than she loves her real father and the pain of losing is just too much for her to endure.

  She walks him to the door and before he leaves, he turns around and embraces her tightly. “Karina, we need to stay in touch. Just because my father’s body no longer exists in this world does not mean that our connection has to cease. I would like to become closer friends with you than we have before, if that is alright with you.” He looks into her saddened eyes.

  “Of course Tony. I know that Theodore would like that very much.” She smiles and chokes beneath her words. “I’m not sure on how I can possibly get used to living without him. This is going to be difficult.” Reality finally sinks in and she tries to accept the truth, “Both men I love have died. I feel so alone Tony.” Tears finally flood her eyes as emotions surge.

  “We’ll help each other go through this together.” Tony kisses her on both cheeks. “It’s the sad reality that we must face. It will be difficult, but we’ll have to learn to cope with it. Besides, papa believes in reincarnation. He will come back to this world in another form.” He begins to tear as well and slowly manages to stop crying. “Goodnight Karina, I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  She closes the door behind him and sits on the floor. Leaning against the door, she begins to sob uncontrollably. There has been so much sadness in her life and she wonders if happiness will ever return to her.

  Memories of Theodore flood into her mind. She recollects how they have met and how he has helped her become who she is today. Without him, she may not have survived the darkest moments when she lost her deceased boyfriend Alex. Now both of them have passed away.

  She recalls how he has taught her to paint and showed her everything that she needs to learn. She remembers the jokes that he cracks and small things he does to cheer her up on a gloomy day.

  She thinks of how he has left hastily and the unsolved mystery of the anciently old canvas. She remembers the envelope that he has left her with.


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