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The Highlander's Bargain

Page 24

by Barbara Longley

  “I’ll travel to Inverness to speak with Giselle, lass,” he mumbled into her ear, “if it will put you at ease.”

  “I’m coming with you.”

  “Nay. You’ll stay here where I ken you are safe.”

  “Nope. I’m coming with you to bargain with her. I did what she wanted me to do, and now she owes me a favor.”

  “Humph. Do you mean to take me from one argument to the next, woman?” He smacked her bare bottom. “You are a wee, managing termagant.”

  “OK. Whatever.” She snuggled closer. “So long as I get to be by your side while I’m a wee termagant, whatever that is.”


  Robley turned his mount from the lead of their party and cantered back to where Erin rode in the wagon with the supplies. “Are you well, love? Warm enough? Comfortable?”

  “I’m fine,” she grumbled. “You don’t have to ask me every half hour. I have my jeans on under my woolen gown, my Harley jacket, the shearling wrap and the mittens True loaned me.” She scowled at him, eliciting a grin from the soldier driving the ox cart. “It’s not even that cold.”

  “Mayhap you’d like to ride in my lap for a time. You can join me at the head of the line.” True’s gentle mare was tied to the back of the cart. He’d secured the horse for their journey in the hopes Erin would learn to ride along the way. They’d been on the road toward Inverness for days, and still she’d opted to sit in the back of the wagon to be jostled about with their tents, gear and food.

  “I’m good. Thanks.”

  “Do you fear the horses?” He couldn’t understand why anyone would chose bumping along in a wooden cart over riding.

  She shrugged. “Maybe. I’ve never been on one.”

  “Ride with me for a bit, lass. I desire your company.” Her brow rose at his suggestion, and heat crept up his neck. Memories of last night’s lovemaking in the privacy of their tent flooded his mind. His desire for her was insatiable, and he thanked the powers that be that her passion equaled his in every way.

  “Remember how you reacted to riding in my car”—she glanced at the men accompanying them on their journey—“er, wagon? I didn’t give you a hard time.”

  “Aye, I do remember. My reaction did no’ stop me from continuing to ride with you, did it? Come, lass. Having you in my lap will keep me warm.”

  He wore soft, fur-lined boots, trews and a tunic for the journey, along with a parka designed by True. He was comfortable and warm enough, but aroused. He wanted his wife. He always wanted her.

  She glanced up at him. “Oh, I don’t know.”

  He brought his gelding up beside the wagon, leaned over and scooped her up into his arms.


  “Wheesht, ye wee termagant. We’ll see Inverness ere long. Surely you can indulge me for a short while.” He drew her close and settled her on his lap. “’Tis no’ so bad, is it?” Truth be told, he needed the physical contact to assuage his mounting anxiety. Nothing good would come of their meeting with Giselle; he was certain. Erin’s expression grew pensive, and she focused upon him in that way she did when trying to gain some idea of his physical well-being.

  Slipping her arms around his waist, she snuggled against his chest. “It’ll be all right, Rob. I don’t believe Giselle is evil, and keeping us around is good for True, Hunter and the rest of our clan.”

  “Humph. ’Tis against my better judgment that we travel here. Betwixt you, my parents, uncle, aunt and cousin, what choice did I have in the matter? With all of you haranguing me daily, I could find no peace.”

  “You’ll thank us once all of this is behind us.”

  He rested his chin on top of her head, hoping with everything within him that she was right. They rode on in companionable silence, and by twilight, she’d fallen asleep. His arms ached from supporting her, yet he had no will to place her elsewhere. She belonged in his embrace, sheltered and protected by his strength. His chest ached, and the backs of his eyes stung. He did not want to face a life without her. Mayhap he’d lock her up in one of the dungeon cells in the keep when he went to Giselle’s cottage. Erin would be furious, but she’d still be there when he returned—if he returned.

  The castle came into view as he continued to ponder his options. If he did lock his wife up, he’d have to let someone know where he’d put her in case he didn’t return. Mayhap one of the turret chambers would suffice. He grunted. What was he thinking? If he met his end, surely she’d want to be returned to her life in the twenty-first century. ’Twas selfish to think of locking her away. Doing so would not alter his fate or hers. His heart heavy, he shook her gently. “Wake, love. We’ve arrived.”

  She stirred, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. “It’s dark.”

  “Aye, but look you there.” He pointed. “The lights ahead will guide us.” Torches burned upon the ramparts, and candlelight shone from several narrow windows of the keep. “We will sleep in a bed this night.”

  “A bath too? Can I have a bath?” She straightened.

  “Aye, and a hot meal before a warm fire.”

  Sighing, she began to fuss with her gown and then her hair. He chuckled. “No need to fash about your appearance, lass. They’ll ken we’ve been on the road for days.” A snowflake drifted down to land on her shoulder. He brushed it off. Another landed in her hair, and soon fat white flakes began to fall in earnest. “It appears we’ve arrived just in time.” He squeezed her shoulders. “What do you think of riding horseback?”

  “It’s OK, as long as you’re holding me. Horses are so big, and we never had any kind of pets when I was growing up. I guess I’m just not used to being around animals.” She shrugged. “I never had a puppy or a kitten—no sleepovers or birthday parties either.” Regret laced her tone. “If we ever have children, we’re going to make sure they know with absolute certainty that they are loved.”

  “For certes our bairns will know we love them.” She glanced at him, her expression vulnerable, and his heart tumbled. She was so beautiful, and more than anything he desired to have a family with her. Any son or daughter of theirs would surely be adorable. If they had a daughter, he hoped she’d have her mother’s eyes, and if by chance any of their bairns should inherit her fae gifts, he’d be sure they would ken those gifts were cause for celebration.

  “For certes, love.” Robley hugged her close. “But since you never had a pet of your own and are uncomfortable around horses, I’d like to teach you to ride. I believe you’d come to enjoy it, and I’ll secure a gentle palfrey for your very own. Your first pet.”

  She bit her lip, and even without special abilities he sensed her anxiety. They’d just been talking about bairns of their own, and what had happened with True and the ferry master’s daughter must be fresh on her mind, as it was on his. Mayhap ’twas the thought of childbirth in the fifteenth century worrying her. Or mayhap thoughts of what might happen once they confronted Giselle vexed her. “First thing on the morrow we’ll set out to see Giselle. Let us no’ dwell on our worries this eve. This is your first visit to Inverness.” He nodded toward the keep. “What think you of the castle?”

  Against the starry sky, the darker outline of the imposing structure stood out. Situated on the banks of the river as it was, Inverness was the hub of commerce for the entire region, and that his clan had the keeping of it for their king filled him with pride. As seneschal, ’twould be within his power to make Inverness even more profitable—for the good of the clan and their people.

  “It’s hard to say in the dark, but it looks huge.”

  “It is quite imposing.” He kicked his horse into a canter, leaving the rest of their group behind with the wagon. Erin clung to him, giving a little cry of alarm at their pace. “I’ve got you, Erin.” They were close enough to the keep now that he had no worries for their safety upon the road. He approached the portcullis and greeted the guards. He and Erin passed through to the
bailey, and he instructed the guards to keep the gate up for the rest of their men. An hour later, he and Erin were awaiting a hot bath and food to be brought to them in the chamber usually reserved for his parents.

  “It’s nice to be inside again,” Erin said while hanging her jacket on a peg. “Not that I have anything against camping out. All things considered, I was never terribly uncomfortable.”

  She sent him a beguiling smile just as a line of servants entered the chamber, two bearing the tub and the rest carrying buckets of hot water, soap and linens. Yet another started a fire in the hearth, and a groom from the stable set their trunk against the wall.

  The head housekeeper came in last and greeted them with a tray in her hands. Her curious gaze fixed upon Erin. “Welcome tae Castle Inverness, milady. We all wish ye happy. ’Tis good tae see our lad wed at last.” She set the tray on the table. “I’ve hot stew, bread, cheese and mulled wine for ye tae sup. Is there aught else ye’ll be needing before retiring?”

  “Nay. Our thanks, Margaret. That will be all.” Truth be told, he wanted them all gone so he could have his wife to himself. Thoughts of a meal consisting of more than jerky and oatcakes elicited a rumble from his empty belly. He poured two goblets of the spiced wine and brought one to Erin.

  She cupped her hands around the warmth of the goblet and took a sip. “Mmm. This is good.”

  A flurry of activity went on around them, and once again his mind wandered to thoughts of locking Erin away while he pled with Giselle. Finally, the last of the servants departed, closing the chamber door behind them. “Come eat, Erin. The bath will stay warm enough by the hearth.” He pulled out a chair for her.

  “Just a minute. I can’t believe I’m going to say this, but I’ve grown used to wearing gowns every day, and these jeans gotta go.” She lifted her skirts and unbuttoned the denim, sliding the trews down her hips and legs. She kicked her jeans up and snatched them from the air with one hand. “Ah, that’s better,” she said, folding the garment and setting it on the trunk.

  His breath quickened at the glimpse he’d caught of her bare legs, and his blood rushed to his groin. Soon. He’d have her in his arms soon, but first a meal and a bath for them both. To distract himself, he tore the bread in two and placed one of the pieces beside Erin’s bowl. Then he took the dagger from his waist and cut slices of cheese. “Erin, if aught happens to me—”

  “Nothing is going to happen to you.” She scowled. “I won’t let it.”

  “Och, aye?” He grinned at the ferocity in her tone. “Have you brought the pepper spray with you? Think you we’ll have better luck with the stuff this time ’round?”

  “I have it. It’s in my purse. Maybe I’ll bring it tomorrow just in case.” She took her seat. “I plan to stage a sit-in on Giselle’s doorstep until she agrees to protect us both.”

  “Humph.” He sat across from her. “Back to my question. If aught happens to me, would you want to return to your own time or remain here with my family?”

  “Don’t ask me that. It’s not like I’d have a choice either way.” Her eyes glistened with the moisture filling them.

  “I need to know.” His heart thudded against his ribs. If she wished to stay, mayhap locking her away was not such a foolish notion after all.

  “I don’t know.” She blew out a breath and leaned back in her chair. “Life is precarious in your time. One unfortunate infectious disease and it’s all over. We have hospitals and antibiotics in my century. We have vaccinations against most of the diseases that kill people in your era. Plus, I’m not a noble, Rob. I have nothing to offer to anyone other than my skill as a midwife, and I don’t know that I’d enjoy being a burden to your family forever. Without you, my future here would be pretty bleak.” She averted her gaze. “Besides, I did have a life before you traveled through your time to fall into mine. I guess I’d want to finish my education. Like I told you before, getting that midwife certification has always been very important to me.”

  “What if you’re already breeding?”

  “If I am, the argument for returning is even stronger.” She sent him a pleading look. “Can we talk about something else?”

  “Of course.” He dipped his bread into the savory stew and took a bite. “Mmm.” He gestured toward her steaming bowl. “’Tis good. Eat, and then I’ll wash your hair for you.” He’d lost his appetite, but he didn’t want her to see how her words affected him. He’d brought her back in time against her will, turned her life upside down and all on a whim—or mayhap a fae-induced compulsion. Forcing his thoughts away from the path they’d taken, he focused upon more pleasant pursuits, like bathing Erin.

  Washing her hair had become one of his favorite intimacies, and he did so as frequently as she’d allow. The groans of pleasure his ministrations elicited, the sensuous feel of her silken locks tangled in his fingers and the erotic picture she presented while relaxing in a tub all acted to heighten his desire for her to a fever pitch. Anticipation had him growing hard, and he too found his trews restrictive. Her face flushed, and she graced him with a knowing smile.

  “I forget sometimes that you sense how you affect me physically.”

  “I do pick up on your reactions, but it’s OK.” She took a mouthful of her stew. “This is good.”

  Their meal finished, he refilled their goblets and set them on the mantel. “I packed some of True’s shampoo and soap. I ken how much you favor them.” He rummaged through their trunk until he found the ceramic jar and the wrapped bar of fragrant soap. “Come, love. Let me help you out of your travel-encrusted clothing.”

  “If you insist.” Grinning, she unbraided her hair and moved to stand before him.

  Her eyes smoldered with the same anticipation stirring within him. “Do you ken ’twas first your emerald eyes that enticed me? There I was, entangled in your arms and legs, fresh through time, and all I could do was stare into them. You are an enchantress, mo céile.”

  “Your baby blues had the same effect on me.”

  “Truly? I had no idea.” His fingers skimmed her bare shoulders as he undressed her, eliciting a swift intake of her breath. An echoing ripple of excitement sluiced through him.

  “What could I have said?” she asked. “I knew nothing about you, and the way I reacted frightened me. People are not supposed to get turned on by strangers who pop out of thin air to land on top of them. Are they?”

  He chuckled. “I dinna ken. Mayhap, if fate has more in store for those who find themselves in such straits, ’tis only natural to react as we both did.” Divested of her gown and chemise, she stood gloriously naked and within his reach. How could he refuse such an enticement? He drew her close and kissed her deeply. “You smell of the outdoors and wood smoke,” he murmured against her throat.

  “I need a bath.” She backed out of his arms and stepped into the tub. “Ah, the water is still hot.” Lowering herself into the large copper tub, she sighed. “This feels good after days on the road.”

  “And the view is also quite grand.” Rob grabbed the shampoo and soap. “I’d like to bathe all of you, Erin. May I?”

  “Oh yeah.” She tipped her head back and sent him an enticing look before ducking her head under the water to wet her hair.

  Rob tore off his clothing and studied the tub. “Do you think we’d both fit?”

  “We can give it a try, but maybe take some of the water out first.” Erin pointed to a bucket that had been left behind.

  He snatched it up and scooped its fill from the tub. “Lean forward.” He filled his palms with shampoo and stepped into the water, settling behind her. She rested her arms on his knees and leaned back against his chest.

  “This is wonderful,” she whispered as he massaged the shampoo into her scalp and worked it down to the ends of her tresses.

  “After your emerald eyes, ’twas your tawny golden hair that caught my attention.”

  “Oh?” Sh
e wiggled closer. “I drooled over your broad shoulders and muscled everything.”

  He laughed. “Muscled everything?”

  “That’s right. You’re way too sexy for your own good, Robley. You have no idea.”

  He reached for the wooden bowl provided with the tub and rinsed her hair. “Aye, and I find your curves enticingly soft and sexy as well.” He took up the bar of soap. “Up, babe.”

  She straightened, and he soaped her back, coming around to run his sudsy palms over her breasts, his groin tightening at her gasp. “Mine,” he rasped, moving his hands lower. “You are mine, and I love you, Erin. Dinna ever forget that you mean more to me than life itself.”

  She moaned as he parted the folds of her feminine flesh to find the nub of pleasure there. Opening for him, she rested her head on his shoulder. Her lids half closed, and her mouth opened slightly. Throbbing to the point of pain with his need to be inside her, he plied her the way he kent would send her into the throes of ecstasy, watching intently as she came closer and closer to release. His breathing grew heavy, and his hips lifted and thrust against her bottom. With one hand he continued to pleasure her, with the other he turned her head to kiss her deeply, plunging his tongue into her mouth to mate with hers. Her taste, the feel of her wet, soapy skin against him brought him as close to heaven as he ever hoped to be.

  She shuddered and writhed in his arms, taken by her climax. Lifting her by the hips, he positioned her above him. “Support yourself on your knees and place your hands against the foot of the tub.” Gently he helped her into the position he desired. “Lean forward,” he commanded, sliding down slightly into the water. Using one hand to guide him, he brought her down, entering her slick heat. “Och, lass, ye do me in.” He moved against her, and water splashed out over the sides. “Damnation, we’ll soak the floorboards.”

  She laughed and lowered herself to meet his next thrust. “It’s just water. We’ll clean it up later. Don’t stop.”

  He grasped her by the waist and moved in a circular fashion inside her. “Ah, lass. Stay still.” She held herself firmly against him. “Aye. Right there. Dinna move.” The water lapped gently around them as he continued to find his pleasure within her, coming nearer to losing control. He reached around to fondle her luscious breasts, tweaking her erect nipples until she moaned and arched into his touch. She tightened around his shaft, spasms wracking through her, drawing him up in their wake. His climax sent spirals of sensation pulsing through him. One more thrust, and he lost his seed inside her. Settling back against the copper back, he drew her in, sighing with contentment. They rested together, replete.


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