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Feral King (The Dominant Bastard Book 1)

Page 8

by Sparrow Beckett

  He smacked her ass, shocking the hell out of her. She felt heat staining her cheeks, and she glared at him.

  “Hands to yourself, Mister Leduc.”

  “You going to report me for sexual harassment?”

  “Well, I’d have to report myself first, and that would be all kinds of awkward.”

  He led her out front and hailed a cab, then gave the driver his address and another roll of cash, along with his purchases. Apparently cabbies delivered things to the middle of nowhere if you paid them enough upfront. Who knew? They always refused to come to the house for her, but money in hand seemed to be enough incentive.

  “Where to now?”

  “I need to see my financial planner, right after I do one more thing.”

  “Sounds exciting.”

  “He’s also my best friend.”

  She frowned at him. “So you have a housekeeper who’s your mother, a former paid companion who’s now your brother, and a best friend who’s your financial planner. Are you married to your hairdresser?”

  “When you only know a few people, they have to pull double and triple duty, but no when it comes to the hairdresser.”

  “I’m the only person in your life who’s just an employee.”

  His gaze slid to hers, but he said nothing.

  “That’s what you told the saleswoman at the jeans store when I said I was your friend, then you dragged me into that side hallway and groped me. What’s a girl to think?”

  “Come on.” He brought her back into the mall and up the elevator to the ritzy section she never went to.

  “Now we’re talking, rich boy. Tell me what we’re shopping for.”

  “I’ll know when I see it.”

  He prowled through the stores, drawing a mixture of glares and interest. Following Severin around a mall could essentially be a social experiment if anyone bothered to record and interpret the data.

  In a small jewelry store he bought a simple stainless bracelet made of sturdy chain links, and with a price tag that would have made her faint a few weeks before. It was more than her monthly rent.

  “Is it Sutton’s birthday soon?” If so, she should pick something up for the woman too. They’d become close.


  They walked back outside and he motioned for her to get on the bike. She picked up the helmet and threw her leg over the seat. He grabbed her arm as though to steady her, and something cold touched her wrist. The bracelet. He latched it in place then looked off across the parking lot as though he was assessing traffic.

  “What are you doing?” she asked, staring at her wrist, then back up at him.

  He shrugged one shoulder in a detached masculine way, as though it wasn’t fucking weird. “You said you’d wear something for me if I tried jeans on.”

  “I thought it was going to be something perverted. Jewelry is...a little strange. Do you often given bracelets to your service humans?”

  “Shut up, Miss Korsgaard.”

  She raised her brows at him, and his face set in a scowl. He pulled his goggles up from his chest and secured them over his eyes, and she rushed to put her helmet on. There was never any predicting what he was going to do, but at least he wasn’t boring.

  Chapter Six

  Bringing her to see Rodrigo was stupid, and yet they were already through the security gate and pulling up in front of the house before Severin had really thought it through. Sure, Severin, introduce the attractive young woman you’re getting infatuated with to fucking Rodrigo – smooth, worldly Ro, who didn’t have any of Severin’s issues.

  Stupid idea, but it was too late now.

  He got off the bike and shoved his goggles back down, surly where he’d been excited only moments before. Without waiting for the girl, he strode off to the front door, the tall glass-and-concrete structure making Severin’s house seem silly and old fashioned by comparison. Everything about Rodrigo and his life spoke of money and power and ability. Normally that didn’t bother him, but he liked the way Minnow looked at him, and he didn’t want her looking at Rodrigo the same way – or with even more interest. Damn. Well, if she was going to be around for a while, she’d end up meeting Ro sooner or later.

  The girl appeared in his peripheral vision just as the door swung open. Rodrigo’s valet, John, held the door for them, his work-casual attire probably not giving Minnow a hint as to who this man was. With the white hair and deeply creased face, John could be Rodrigo’s father or grandfather.

  “Mr. Leduc, welcome. Mr. Solis wasn’t expecting you,” John said much more formally than he normally would if it had just been Severin at the door.

  “You can’t expect someone who never calls ahead, John,” Severin countered, patting the man’s shoulder.

  “I see you’ve brought a guest?”

  “Yes, this is Miss Korsgaard,” he said. “She’s my new handler.”

  John gave a shallow bow. “Pleased to make your acquaintance, Miss Korsgaard.”

  “Please, call me Minnow,” she offered.

  “Minnow?” His brow rose.

  “Yes, that’s my first name.”

  “Oh no, I couldn’t possibly,” he protested with a friendly but remote smile.

  “Is he in the basement?” Severin asked.

  John’s gaze drifted to Minnow then back to Severin, a frown of disapproval creasing his brow.

  “It’s fine, John. She’s open-minded.”

  John inclined his head but still seemed reluctant to say much. “The master is entertaining.”

  “Upstairs or down?”

  Rodrigo strolled into the foyer then, buttoning the cuff of the tailored dress shirt that hid a wealth of tattoos, his usually smooth hair rumpled in a dashing way. The bastard. When he saw Severin, his face broke into a wide, warm grin.

  “You really need to learn how to call ahead, jackass.”

  Severin felt his mouth twitch in an attempt at a smile. Rodrigo was the only person on earth who was always happy to see him. “Who’s here?”

  “No one now. Jenny and Antje just left.”

  “You don’t even look tired.”

  Rodrigo laughed. “You know those two. No work for me. I’m just their voyeur.”

  Minnow made a small sound of amusement, and Rodrigo swung his head around looking for the source. He hadn’t seen her standing off to the side.

  “Well hello there.” His usual smile of amusement turned up several watts, and he took a few steps toward her with that smooth grace of his.

  Why couldn’t Severin have a best friend who was a bit unfortunate looking? Maybe someone who wasn’t almost as tall as Severin, who didn’t have the polite kind of muscle that looked dashing under a dress shirt, and who didn’t have a wicked smile and mischievous eyes. Women always wanted to know what he was amused about. Rodrigo’s ex always bemoaned the fact that he had that mix of danger and fun that made him irresistible to other women, even though he wasn’t one to stray if he was in a relationship.


  “Rodrigo, this is my new handler, Minnow.”

  “You know my first name, Mister Leduc?”

  “A handler?” Rodrigo laughed, the sound booming through the foyer. “Does she keep you on a tight leash, you big bastard?” He slapped Severin’s shoulder companionably. Severin gritted his teeth, but he’d grown used to Rodrigo’s manhandling over the years. “No one envies you your job, preciosa. How long have you been working for Sev?”

  “Awhile, although he just started tolerating me a few days ago.”

  His smile quirked up further at one corner. “Did you bribe him with food? Food doesn’t always work, but it’s more likely to get his attention than anything else.”

  “I let him boss me around. He likes me more when he gets to tell me what to do.”

  Ro snorted, but his sharp eyes were assessing her, assessing Severin, reading body language and making calculations.

  Severin didn’t like the way Rodrigo was carefully not checking her out now, as though he’d f
igured out Severin liked her.

  “Come on up. You wouldn’t have brought her here if she was squeamish. Then again, knowing you, maybe you would.”

  Rodrigo led them up the staircase, with Severin insisting Minnow go first so he could watch her ass. Instead, his gaze fastened on the bracelet she hadn’t taken off. A heavy wave of satisfaction rolled over him. Stupid. Crazy. If he thought he could get away with it, he’d weld a metal collar around her neck even though she wasn’t actually his.

  Today a basic array of equipment and implements stood around the sun-drenched living room. Severin had done most of the metalwork to Rodrigo’s specifications, heavy, but easily folded and moved by men their size with the features Ro had asked him to include. Hinges, lockable wheels. It meant rarely walking into the same dungeon twice. It also meant things could be put into storage if necessary.

  Minnow’s gaze swept over every bit of the room but she didn’t seem fazed.

  “Nice set-up,” she said to Rodrigo, who seemed to be waiting for a reaction from her.

  “Thank you. I take it you’re a kinkster?”

  “Submissive masochist.”

  “You’d have to be to put up with Brutus over there.”

  They shared a laugh, and it felt like Severin’s blood was going to boil out of his veins. Three seconds of conversation, and they were already buddies, with the girl freely offering personal information?

  Rodrigo offered them drinks then the two of them got to know each other for a while, while Severin learned more about her than he had during the past month.

  “I can’t believe you know Malachi,” Minnow said, shaking her head. “I guess the kink community in the area isn’t that big.”

  “No, it isn’t. If you hadn’t gone away to school you’d know all the regulars too.” He leaned back in his chair, draping his arms imperiously along the back of it. “Malachi and I did our apprenticeship at the same tattoo shop, back in the day. Back before I did my degree. We keep in touch. He and the girls have been busy, between the farm and the kids.”

  “Yeah, I’m sure they are.” She combed her fingers through her hair, and Severin caught a flash of the bite mark he’d apparently left on her neck. “I haven’t gone out much since my last break-up.”

  “No dominant at the moment?”


  “Ah. I wondered when I saw the bracelet. It looks like someone staking a claim.”

  She ducked her head and fiddled with the stainless links.

  “I put that on her,” Severin said, breaking his silence for the first time in a half hour.

  Minnow bit her lip, her cheeks blazing.

  “Catch and release?” Rodrigo asked, raising a brow.

  Severin bared his teeth. “No.” He wasn’t sure what had come over him, but he wasn’t going to sit here and let Ro think she was available. Not that she was his, but she sure as hell wasn’t going to be Rodrigo’s.

  “So you two are in a relationship you negotiated?” Ro asked.

  Severin stared him down, wanting to deck him. Why was Rodrigo pushing him on this? Probably because even though he’d just met the girl, he could tell she was worth keeping. They weren’t in a relationship, and he wasn’t even sure if he was capable of one, but he didn’t want Rodrigo to steal her already.

  “It’s complicated,” Minnow cut in, not letting Rodrigo corner him. “It’s also none of your fucking business.”

  “Submissive but not a doormat, I see.” Rodrigo winked at her. “And loyal. I like her, Sev.”

  “Like her less and I may let you live.”

  Rodrigo roared with laughter. Asshat.

  “So what did you come by for, other than to hang out and show off your new...handler?”

  “I want some work done.”

  “Now?” Rodrigo sighed but got to his feet. “I haven’t seen you since Church left and you show up looking for favors. Figures. Is that all I am to you?” His eyes held a mocking challenge that Severin sometimes had the urge to answer. It was better that they keep their friendship platonic.

  Severin shrugged. “Pretty much.”

  “Just tell me I’m not putting another hole in your junk. You’re starting to look like a tragic fishing accident.”

  Minnow snorted.

  “Did he tell you his dick is pierced?”

  “Oh, I’m well aware,” she said, chuckling. “I just didn’t know you were the one who did the work.”

  Rodrigo hid his incredulous expression with a mocking bow. “I’m a multipurpose friend.”

  “I think this means you win the contest of which of Severin’s friends is the most multipurpose, Rodrigo.”

  Severin didn’t like the way the girl said Ro’s name – with too much familiarity. Interests in common. Friends in common. A strange discomfort ate at his stomach.

  “No,” Rodrigo countered, “I think you’ve won that one.” His tone held a hint of envy, but Miss Korsgaard didn’t seem to notice.

  They followed Rodrigo through the impeccably decorated house to the basement.

  “So what am I doing to you today?”

  “A tattoo,” Severin replied. “A relatively small one.”

  “Sure.” He started moving around the tattoo studio, prepping things.

  “You’re also going to pierce this hellion’s nipples for me.”

  Minnow sucked in a breath. “What?”

  Rodrigo paused long enough to frown at him. “I won’t do it unless she consents.”

  “She has a fucking safeword.” The words came out as more of a growl, and he didn’t miss the way the girl’s eyelids fluttered. He grabbed her hair and she mewled, making his cock twitch. “Do you have any objections?”

  “No, Mister Leduc.”

  “I didn’t think so.”

  Rodrigo kept working on getting supplies ready, giving them a moment.

  “You like him,” Severin whispered in her ear.

  “No, sir,” she whispered back.

  Mollified, he stripped out of his T-shirt and took the picture he’d sketched from his back pocket. Rodrigo took the paper and examined it before setting it aside.

  “Like we talked about? On your ribs?”


  Minnow drifted over to the table where Rodrigo had set down the paper, and glanced at it before rolling her eyes.

  “A girl demon on the boy demon’s leash? Having her kneeling wasn’t enough?”

  “Both is better.”

  “Beware. Your Mister Leduc has a serious leash fetish. He’ll be leading you around town on one soon if you don’t safeword.”

  “He’s warned me. He tried to disguise it as a joke about me being his service human, but I wasn’t fooled.”

  “A full-service human, are you?”

  Minnow smirked at Severin and gave him a challenging look. “Maybe if he’s a good little dominant.”

  “A sexy girl with a bratty mouth.” Rodrigo groaned. “Be still my heart.”

  Severin’s hand flashed out and grabbed her wrist before he realized what he was doing, and he upended her on his lap. He paused, but she didn’t try to get away, so he delivered six hard smacks to her gorgeous ass before shoving her back to her feet.

  “Don’t fucking test me, Miss Korsgaard.”

  “Holy shit,” Rodrigo blurted. He’d frozen in place just within Severin’s peripheral vision, but it was the girl who held his attention. She was staring at him with her lips parted, her expression a mix of desire and humiliation.

  “Sorry, Mister Leduc. I –”

  “Didn’t think I’d correct you in front of someone you don’t know well? I warned you.”

  “You did, sir,” she said meekly, her eyes wide and still surprised.

  “Next time your pants are coming down first.”

  She blew out a shaking breath. “I understand, Mister Leduc.”

  The matter settled, he turned back to Rodrigo who was standing beside him with the bottle of disinfectant dangling from his fingers.


  “I never thought I’d see the day.” His friend shook his head as though to clear it but said nothing else as he finished setting things up.

  Rodrigo made the demon and his little slave come to life on his ribs, filling in a spot where the demons on his back wrapped around. The burn helped calm his nerves, like it always did.

  Why had he decided to bring the girl to Rodrigo’s?

  First of all, because he wanted Ro to like her. Just not too much.

  Second, because he was feeling out of his depth. Letting her direct things felt strange, but the only experience he had was with watching. Not the best teacher. What the hell could Ro do to help, though?

  As for piercing Minnow’s nipples – that had been a flash of inspiration. Possibly the best idea he’d ever had in his life. The idea of watching Rodrigo slide a needle through the poor girl’s nipple make him really fucking impatient to get his tattoo over with.

  Minnow watched the process eagerly, and after her shock at the spanking had subsided, she started asking questions.

  “I’m surprised you don’t have any tattoos, Minnow,” Rodrigo said as he worked. “Most of the masochists I know have at least one or two.”

  “Honestly, I was afraid.”

  “Of the pain? It’s not that bad.”

  “That I wouldn’t be able to stop. That I’d end up covered in tattoos. Between the fact that they’re beautiful and I like pain, I don’t know if I could stop myself, and I know how people with tattoos get treated – particularly women.”

  “True. That’s why mine are all in places I can cover with clothes,” Rodrigo said. “If I’m going to get people to trust me with their money, I can’t risk it.”

  “Exactly. If I’m trying to get people to trust me with their vulnerable loved ones, I have to try to look sweet and demure.”

  “But you aren’t.”

  “No. It’s completely false advertising.” Her gaze shifted from Rodrigo to his work, then to Severin. “I must have fooled Sutton, though. I feel bad for corrupting poor Mister Leduc.”

  “Watch yourself, girl,” Severin grumbled. It was hard to know when to correct a playful submissive. He wasn’t particularly playful, himself, but he enjoyed the quality in her.


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