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Feral King (The Dominant Bastard Book 1)

Page 10

by Sparrow Beckett

  She took over, suckling, swirling her wicked tongue, teasing with an intense expression of bliss, her gaze fixed on his face. Rodrigo forced her down on Severin’s cock, from time to time, making her open wider to try to take more of him. Severin gritted his teeth, trying not to come even as he marveled at how pretty she was when she was drooling and tears leaked from her eyes.

  With his hand around her throat, it felt like something between them settled, establishing itself more deeply – or maybe he was a gullible idiot with his cock wedged into a pretty girl’s mouth. It was hard not to be obsessed with her every expression, every reaction.

  He clenched his jaw and tried not to come, shifting with discomfort at the closeness of his orgasm as her pretty little mouth tried to steal his control.

  “Ah, ah,” Rodrigo admonished, pulling her back until Severin’s cock popped out of her mouth. “No rushing.”

  Inches from her, Severin’s cock pulsed, threatening to paint her lovely face.

  “Please,” she begged, struggling against Rodrigo’s grip, choking herself on Severin’s hand. The edge of Severin’s boot nudged her knee, and she lowered her pussy onto it, rubbing herself against it through her jeans. The girl wept, trying to reach him with her tongue, while rocking her heat against his boot. Rodrigo’s harsh breaths were a match for Severin’s as they watched her debase herself. “Please, I need to make him come. Let me go!”

  Severin should have taken control of the situation, but he was too lust-crazed to trust himself.

  Still holding her hair, Rodrigo slowly let her closer. Using only her mouth, she took Severin’s cock back, moaning in relief as she closed her lips over the head. Pleasure shot through Severin, renewed and aching. Rodrigo moved closer, lowering his face until it was next to hers, watching avidly as her mouth sucked and tugged at Severin’s cock. His friend was too close, but Severin didn’t care anymore.

  Ro grabbed Minnow’s jaw with his free hand and used his hold on her hair to shove her down on Severin again, using her mouth to fuck his cock. Her gaze locked on Severin, lustful and hazed. Rodrigo kissed Minnow’s ear and murmured to her about how she was a good girl.

  Minnow’s mouth coaxing, sucking. Her breath hot then cold every time she gasped. Rodrigo controlling her movements, pulling her away just as Severin was about to come, then letting her go again.

  Severin meant to push Rodrigo aside, to ask him what the hell he was doing, but it was too hot, too good, and he leaned back in the chair just letting it happen, watching the sensual slow motion movements of the girl’s mouth along his aching cock. Pained ecstasy tightened his balls overfull.

  Minnow latched onto the head of his cock, torturous, insistent. He struggled to maintain control, but holding off had started to hurt.

  Her tongue performed some sort of magic trick, moving in a way he’d never anticipated. He gasped, knowing it was too late. Come exploded from him in hot, painful spurts. Minnow fought to keep up, but she lost rhythm even as she drew more aching pleasure from him. Severin watched as long as he could before his mind couldn’t handle more, shutting down even as his body accepted every bit of feeling she forced on him. Through the fog, he watched her finish him off, licking him clean. He should be disgusted, but that emotion was alien to him – there was only a profound euphoria, paired with underlying confusion.

  He should hit Rodrigo and storm out.

  How had this even happened?

  Rodrigo rose from the floor, offering a hand to Minnow and assisting her to her feet. His friend was very pointedly not meeting his gaze.

  “Has anyone ever told you that you’re a control freak? Just had to show me how it was done.” Minnow smiled at Rodrigo, who smiled back wickedly.

  “I’d hardly try to school you in something you’re obviously good at, but that was fun.”

  Severin’s anger simmered as he watched Rodrigo brush her hair back from her face. It was a tender, possessive gesture, and it made Severin want to gut the man.

  Severin got to his feet, buttoned his jeans then searched for his shirt, hand over his tattoo bandage. Now Rodrigo would take her. Why had he ever brought her here? He never should have let them meet, let alone instigate their meeting. He’d thought Rodrigo was his friend but maybe he was just a naive idiot.

  “Mister Leduc?”

  He tugged his shirt on, not answering her.

  “Severin –”

  “Just leave it, Ro.” His chest hurt, and he just wanted to get away from them. He needed space to breathe.

  Rodrigo put a hand on his arm, but Severin shrugged him off and headed for the door, fighting down the urge to jump on him and fucking throttle him. Twice Rodrigo had touched him without asking today. Rodrigo knew the fucking rules. He’d been breaking them for the past eight years.

  He thudded down the stairs and was out of the house before John even had a chance to get to the door. He threw a leg over the bike and threw her helmet in the grass. Korsgaard would have to get her own ass home.

  Both her and Ro constantly with their fucking pushing. He didn’t need to push himself. He needed a life he could control. Hell, Miss Korsgaard could stay with Rodrigo, for all he cared. They were a good match.

  Chapter Seven

  “Fuck.” Rodrigo strode to the front room and Minnow followed him, pulling on her shirt. They watched from a window as Severin gunned his bike down the driveway, the gate at the end barely opening on time for him not to crash into it.

  “He ran last time too,” Minnow murmured. “Maybe I’m making a mistake pushing him.”

  Rodrigo stiffened. Had he forgotten about her? He strode to the drink cart and poured himself some whiskey.

  “What the fuck was I thinking?” He tossed the drink back. “He trusted me, bringing you here like that. I never should have laid a hand on you.”

  “I’m sure things will be fine. He’s probably just a little freaked out. He’ll regret taking off like that.” The lie was polite, and they both knew it for what it was.

  “This never should have happened.” He poured himself another drink. “Eight years of friendship, then he shows up here with you and I lose all of my self control.”

  He sat heavily in one of the wingback chairs, hand on his chest, as though in pain. “If he ever speaks to me again it’ll be a fucking miracle. Fuck.”

  The word was on repeat in her head too. No other word had the versatility to express everything she was feeling.

  “I’m sorry. This is my fault.” Minnow pushed back her hair, running her fingers through the snarls he’d put in it. Rodrigo’s hands had felt so good controlling her, and the memory of him forcing her down on Severin was still hot, even though she was upset about what happened afterward.

  “It’s not your fault. I got caught up in the moment. The worst part is, even knowing how things turned out, I can’t say I wouldn’t do it again. I’m no saint.”

  Minnow sat across from him. “If he didn’t want you involved, he should have pushed you away. You honestly think he’s too polite to say no?”

  “You don’t understand. He’ll never trust me again. I betrayed him.”

  “Yeah, I can see how helping him get a blowjob is at the top of a list of reprehensible acts.”

  “Whether he seemed into it at the time is irrelevant.”

  “Maybe the orgasm will put him in a forgiving mood. I can attest to the fact that your participation didn’t turn him off any. I wasn’t prepared for a drink from the fire hose.”

  Rodrigo laughed as though in spite of himself. “I hope I didn’t wreck things between the two of you. So many times I’ve offered to arrange women for him, but he’s so fucked up he can’t even accept temporary physical relief.”

  “I hope he doesn’t stay mad at you,” she said honestly. The poor man seemed just as upset as Severin was. As she was.

  “Yeah.” He sipped at his whiskey. “So is it the money?”

  “The money for what?” she asked blankly.

  “Is that why you’re interested in hi

  The shock in her expression must have said everything he needed to know because he his smile turned more genuine.

  “Have you met the man?” She shivered. “I tried to keep things professional, but between how he looks and how he looks at me, I was shit out of luck.”

  He barked a laugh. “Just try not to break him too bad when you leave him.”

  “Despite what happened earlier, our relationship isn’t your business.” She smiled when she said it, but the last thing she wanted was this man meddling in things, even if he was Severin’s best friend.

  “It’s hard not to overstep myself where he’s involved,” Rodrigo admitted. “I’m overprotective.”

  “And I seem dangerous to you?”

  “Submissives are the most dangerous creatures on the planet. You convince a dominant that you’re theirs, and then when they finally trust you, you destroy them.”

  “Spoken like a man who’s had his heart broken.”

  “I’m irrelevant. Severin is the one who needs protecting.”

  “Oh? Are you in love with him or something?”

  He coughed, his brows raised in surprise. “Just friends, little girl.” He shook his head in teasing disapproval. “Typical female.”

  “I’d watch.”

  “...and dirty!”

  “Oh, like watching the two of you would be a hardship? Participating was even better.”

  He swirled the remainder of the whiskey in his glass. “I won’t interfere again. I shouldn’t have in the first place. I’m happy for him that he’s found someone he trusts to let closer.”

  They lapsed into silence, but Minnow was so wrapped up in her own thoughts, replaying what had happened, she hardly noticed.

  She came back to herself and pressed a tentative hand to her breast, then winced. Rodrigo shifted in his seat.

  “If he wasn’t so upset, I wouldn’t have regretted any of this,” Rodrigo admitted.

  “I feel the same way.” She pressed her lips together and drew a long breath. “It was fun while it lasted.” Whether she meant this afternoon, or her entire relationship with Severin, even she wasn’t sure.

  “Fun, yeah.” He snorted. “You can say that because you’re not sitting here with blue balls.”

  Glaring, she grabbed a pillow and threw it as him. He deflected it and raised a brow.

  “You doms and your dommy eyebrows.” She grimaced. “It’s your own fault – you and Severin. I was lured here under false pretenses.”

  “Poor Minnow. You got off when I pierced your nipples. There I was just trying to do my job.”

  “Your job is to force orgasms on unsuspecting submissives?”

  “You were more than a little suspecting by the time it happened.”

  “If that’s the usual process for piercings and tattoos around here, I’m surprised there isn’t a huge lineup.”

  He laughed. “There is, but it’s an exclusive club. Severin only. He paid for that room and everything in it.” He shrugged. “After I graduated from finance I never thought I’d tattoo again, but Sev has ways of getting what he wants.”

  “Oh? How?”

  “He asks people who like him too much to say no. I used to cut his hair too, when he used to bother cutting it. Never had a lesson.”

  She sighed. “He’s such a broken boy, but so fucking pretty.”

  “Pretty?” He furrowed his brow. “Not a word I’d use for that ugly bastard.”

  “He makes the ugly work for him, somehow.”

  Rodrigo saluted her with his glass. “I like you. Anyone who can find a soft spot in their soul for a man like Severin has to be good people.”

  “Well, I try to be a good person. I’m not out to hurt him. If he can get past whatever spooked him just now, I might be lucky not to lose him entirely.” What on earth was she supposed to do now? Call him? Follow? Look for an apartment and a new job?

  “I don’t see him more than about once every week or two. If you can at least try to smooth things over between him and me, I’d be eternally grateful.”

  “Eternally, huh? I’ll have to get that in writing.” She tapped her chin impishly. “Having you owe me could be a good thing. Payback might be a bitch.”

  He shifted in his chair again, frowning at her. “You should know better than to brat around a dominant.”

  “You’re not my dominant.”

  The gleam of interest in his gaze held a meaning she decided to ignore. Rodrigo was hot and fun, but he wasn’t the one who made her giddy and afraid.

  “No, I’m not. I’m going to give you a ride home now, before I can’t resist flirting with you anymore.”

  A feeling of foreboding made her stomach clench. Time to find out if the man she was half in love with now hated her.


  The ponderous clang, clang, clang of Severin hammering a piece of metal influenced Minnow’s gait as she walked toward the garage. Two steps for every hit. The heat of the covered plate she carried was welcome, considering the nip in the air. It hadn’t been long since they’d gone swimming together at the lake, and yet the idea of swimming now seemed completely absurd. She should have worn a coat, but for the past week the garage had been almost too hot to bear.

  As it was, Severin rarely came inside, and hadn’t spoken to her, even though they were the only ones in the house.

  He didn’t look up as she entered, but the shift of the muscles in his neck made it obvious he knew she was there.

  “I brought your dinner,” she said, putting the plate on an unused workbench. She gathered the dirty dishes from lunch and piled them to take back to the house with her. “If you want, we could watch a movie or something tonight?”

  “No.” He didn’t turn to look at her, but it was the first word she’d gotten out of him in days.

  She smiled cheerily at his back. “Well, I’m going to start watching something after I clean the kitchen, so if you change your mind you know where to find me.” She moved closer and he whipped his head around to watch her, his gaze wary.

  “I said no.” He frowned. “I have work to do.”

  “Okay.” She moved closer yet, and he turned to face her.

  “What do you want?”

  She shrugged, wishing she could run her fingers over his beard. His eyes were bright and half-mad in the flickering light from the forge. With all of the electric lights off and him stripped naked to the waist, his skin sheened with sweat, he looked like Vulcan from the leather-bound illuminated book of Roman mythology she was reading in the library. It was easy to imagine Severin depicted in the style of the book’s illustrations, burnished golds and dark shadows lit by the crimson and orange of the forge’s flames.

  Although she’d tried to stay and watch him several times, he’d kept rushing her out. This time he only watched her. Sexual tension thrummed through the air like an electric charge, making her blood feel like it was buzzing through her veins. Everything about the man said ‘crawl to me and lick my boots.’

  “So what are you working on today?”

  He glowered at her. Not ready to talk, apparently.

  “It’s nice and warm in here. I hadn’t realized how cold it had gotten.” She lingered, running her fingers over his tools but not going so far as to pick anything up. Even this, she could tell, was difficult for him to accept.

  “Why do you keep trying, Miss Korsgaard? Why don’t you just go home?”

  She frowned. “I let go of my apartment, remember? If I leave, I’m on the street.” Things had seemed so pleasant and relaxed before Sutton left that she hadn’t worried about becoming homeless at the time.

  “Call Rodrigo and ask him to take you in for a while.”

  What the fuck?

  “Mister Leduc, I don’t even know Rodrigo. Why would I want to live with him? Why would I even have his phone number?”

  “Like you didn’t fuck him after I left?”

  “What? No!” She stalked right up to him, her fists balled at her sides. The man was insufferab

  “Why not? You seemed to like each other well enough.”

  She forced her hands to relax. He didn’t respond well to battles of will. Instead, she ducked her head and pushed her hair back from her shoulder. She didn’t want to fight with him anyway.

  This close, she could feel the heat coming from his heavily muscled torso.

  “Your pleasure was the whole point. That was about you, not about him and I.”

  “No, that was about you and the fact that he wants you.”

  She rolled her eyes. “No, he doesn’t – but even if he did, so what? He can’t just take me. I’m a human being with free will, Mister Leduc. He can’t just throw me over his shoulder and walk off with me.”

  “Why not? I would.”

  The dangerous look in his eyes made her want to lick him.

  “So why haven’t you then?” she asked, finding it impossible to stop the words from coming out. “Besides, if you think Rodrigo would jeopardize your long-standing friendship over a woman he’d just met, that you’d marked as yours, you don’t have a very high opinion of the man.”

  “What about you?”

  “What about me?”

  “You let him touch you.”

  “It was your idea.”

  His jaw set under his scruffy beard.

  “Did it make you jealous?” she asked carefully.

  “No.” It was obvious from the glittering anger in his eyes that it had and still did. “Maybe you should get to know him. He’s a man worth knowing.” He was quiet for a long moment, but she doubted he was done saying what he had to say. “Actually, once I would have said that, but now I don’t know.” He turned toward his forge, and she examined his strong profile. Maybe this was more distress and confusion than anger.

  “Because of what happened? Because he got caught up in the moment?” She reached for his arm, then realized what she’d almost done and folded her hands together behind her back. “Rodrigo loves and respects you. He did what he thought you wanted.”

  “I won’t be talking to him again.”

  “But why? He’s your best friend. You seemed to be into what was happening – how was he supposed to know you wanted him to stop?”


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