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Dragon Eruption

Page 41

by Amelia Jade

  Five, ten minutes later, he didn’t know or care, she stood up a little straighter and he let her go. She turned out of sight, wiping as discreetly as possible at her eyes.

  “Sorry,” she said with a little laugh-hiccup. “Wasn’t exactly the way I intended things to go.”

  “It’s okay,” he reassured her.

  “Can I tell you something?” she asked abruptly, looking up at him, golden-brown eyes wide, but clear of tears for the moment.

  “Of course,” he said, steeling himself for the worst.

  “I have nightmares. Every night.”

  “About what?” he asked, stunned and unsure of where the conversation was going.

  “Of her. Greta, my foster mother. Of…of…” she swallowed and shook herself. “Of turning into her with my own child.”

  Then he got it.

  “You’re scared you’re going to be a bad mother,” he said, voicing her fears.

  Kelly gave him a tiny nod.

  His first instinct was to sweep her up into another hug, a large one. That was his instinctive move, to hold her and tell her that it wasn’t going to be like that. But something told him it wouldn’t be the right move with Kelly. Simple reassurance that she was being silly and would be a great mother wasn’t going to work.

  “I don’t see the problem,” he said instead. “I think everyone feels that way. I’d be more worried if you didn’t have fears. Nightmares. If you weren’t terrified. That, to me, would be more worrying.”

  “How the hell would that be more worrying?”

  “Because then you’d be overconfident. You’d miss things that someone else wouldn’t. This is a huge, life-changing moment. You are going to be responsible for another living, breathing, bleeding human being, for the next eighteen years. Think of the commitment, of all the things that could go wrong. Of course that’s terrifying!”

  He could see Kelly getting ready to shut down, but he forged ahead, unrelenting.

  “Now think of all the other things. Of your child’s first laugh. Of when they begin to crawl, and then walk. The first time they call out for ‘mama’ and reach out their arms toward you. Of them going off to school, participating in sports perhaps, and other activities. Of the smile they give off when things go well. Think how they come to you when something is wrong, seeking your guidance, looking to you for answers, because you are that one figure in their life who can always be counted on.”

  Kelly was staring at him now, a ghost of a smile on her lips as she envisioned all that in her mind.

  “You should be scared. But you should also be happy, excited, and joyful for what’s to come. It’s a wondrous moment in life, but don’t think for a second that you have all the answers. Because you don’t. But that’s okay, because you’re smart enough to seek help to find them, to use your support system and your brain to overcome any of the challenges. And in the end, you’ll always have that reminder, whether they’re on your arm, or yelling at you with super-charged hormones during puberty, or coming back several years later when they finally realize how cool you are.”

  She stared at him for a long, long time before speaking.

  “Thank you.”

  It was just two words, but it was all that he’d hoped to hear.

  “You’re very welcome.”

  She stepped closer to him, her hand still in his. The cool firmness of the countertop pressed in through his pants, making him acutely aware of the fact that he was pinned against it, Kelly standing in front of him.

  The room grew hotter as blood raced through his system, the temperature in the room jumping ten degrees with each inch she closed between them.

  “Kelly…” he started to say, but a finger to his lips stopped him from saying more.

  Chapter Twelve


  She was so nervous it came as a total surprise when the fingers on her left hand responded to the command without hesitation and without shaking violently. Her finger pressed against his lips, quieting him down.

  An instant later his hand slid up her forearm and twisted her hand slightly so that he could kiss it, the softness of his skin mixed with the slight scratch of his day-old facial hair. Her lower lip curled under her teeth instinctively and she bit down on it.

  Gray’s eyes stayed locked on her, never wavering as he stroked her arm and kissed her hand. There was a question in his gaze, a polite query. He wanted to know if she was sure about this, giving her an out if she wanted it. Truthfully, Kelly thought about taking it. She hadn’t planned on this happening that night, but now that she was headed down that path, turning back didn’t seem overly appealing to her.

  Besides, why should she stop? Kelly was a grown woman, who could make adult decisions on her own. There was nobody that she needed to own up to or report to about who she slept with. That was her choice, not anyone else’s. So what if she chose to be with Gray? What harm could come of that? They’d been seeing lots of each other, and though they hadn’t kissed since that one night, the desire most certainly had been there.

  She’d seen it etched on his face every time he said goodbye to her after stopping by. He’d displayed admirable restraint in not attempting anything, in letting her come to him when she was ready. The question was, was she ready?

  That was ridiculous though. How did one ever know they were ready? Gray was hot. He satisfied the physical appeal, with his white shirt stretched across his form to the point it was nearly see-through. Big, powerful pecs above thick bulges of abs, rippling in succession until they disappeared beneath his belt. She could see that, his biceps that practically pulsed with muscle and his shoulders, wide, and angular. She eyed him, noting the tightness of his pants around a growing outline of something long and not overly thin.

  Yes, she was definitely ready for that. And personality-wise…personality-wise she still had a few reservations. Gray was hiding something, a temper, she thought, something dark and ugly on his soul. She’d seen it earlier when talking about her being given up for adoption. A nasty glint had appeared in his eyes for split second, a moment so brief she’d thought she’d imagined it. But she hadn’t. He’d never turned it on her, and a gut hunch told her he never would. That it was reserved for those who truly deserved it.

  Which is fine. It’s not like I’m marrying the guy. We’re just talking sex. I’m an adult; I can handle this. It’s my choice.

  That was the truth. Gray was giving her a choice, to pursue her initial action with the knowledge of where it was going to lead, or to back off, letting things calm down. It wasn’t something large, just a pause and a slight lift of his eyebrows, so tiny that she only saw it because of how intently she was looking back at him. Yet it was all she needed to confirm her feelings.

  Kelly stepped closer, until no more than a few inches separated her protruding stomach from his rock-hard abdomen. It seemed weird she thought, as she lowered her hand from his mouth to press her splayed fingers across his chest, that someone like him would want to have sex with someone like her. Kelly didn’t exactly feel that pregnancy had done her body any good, though she wore it better than many women she knew. It sent a thrill through her though, to know that Gray desired her as she was, not as she might have looked half a year earlier.

  “This is my decision,” she told him, speaking at last.

  Gray nodded. “I know. I just wanted to make sure you’d made it.”

  She didn’t answer him with words. Instead Kelly’s hand slid up his chest to curl around the back of his neck and with a firm tug, she pulled his face down to hers, until their foreheads touched, eyes an inch apart and staring at each other.

  “Oh, I have.”

  Then she kissed him, not holding anything back as she arched into him. He was firm and yet gentle enough that she wasn’t worried about her child. His fingers gripped her arms and hips with a strength that stole her breath, and a tenderness that warmed her soul. His eyes devoured her hungrily and yet admired her every curve. His lungs rose and fell with a rapidity bro
ught on by her, and only her.

  Low guttural sounds of pleasure emerged from him as she slid across his skin until she could nibble gently at the veins of his neck, one hand resting on his shoulder, the other making its way south between them. Kelly pressed hard into his muscle, feeling each individual one roll under her fingers as she kept the hand descending, until it encountered his belt. Gray hissed softly at that, but it was nothing compared to the sound he made when she pushed her fingers another five inches lower and found the outline of his hard cock.

  Gray shuddered and groaned delightfully as she began to drag her fingertips across the shape of it, trying to contain her reaction to the size of it. He was big. Like, really big. Thick too, she realized as her palm pressed slowly down the length of his shaft, feeling the width there. There was a brief second where she considered stopping, but she didn’t.

  There was another split second of panic where she almost laughed out loud while fondling his cock, but Kelly was able to get a hold of herself in time to prevent that sort of embarrassment from happening. Some of it must have slipped through however, because Gray lifted a single eyebrow in question.

  “You’re big,” was all she stated. Then, “Intimidatingly so.”

  He smiled. “I’ll go slow, I promise.”

  “You’ll have to,” she laughed, still stroking him with a constant back and forth motion. “Otherwise you’re going to destroy me.”

  One corner of his mouth ticked up further than the rest. “I think you’ll be okay.”

  “I think so too. I’ve just never had anyone as big as you, and that’s being completely honest.”

  “Flatterer,” he joked, his hands sliding to her waist.

  Kelly stood straight as he moved her hips however he wanted, fully in control of her. She was prepared for something, but him turning her around and lifting her up onto the counter was not one of them. He stepped between her legs, their heads now almost even in height.

  This time, he kissed her. The difference was easy to tell. Before it had been slow, sensual, and tentative. This time it was strong, confident and conquering. Grey cupped her head in both hands and covered her mouth with his. The sheer dominance in the gesture ignited all sorts of thoughts, fires, and crazy ideas within her, enough to make her moan through the kiss. The instant her lips parted his tongue was there, exploring her mouth. She was cornered, like an animal being hunted. But that only spurred her on, and she attacked back.

  Kelly leaned in to the kiss, pushing him back even as her moan turned into something more demanding as she grabbed his cock through his pants, making it clear to him that it was hers for the night. She owned him. He may take what he wanted from her, but she would get all that she needed from him.

  “Your shirt,” he said, his voice deepening, balancing on the edge of becoming a growl.

  His fingers grabbed the hem of her white blouse and slipped it over her head, forgoing unbuttoning it in his haste to get it off. Kelly didn’t wait, reaching out to lift his, revealing the glorious slabs of muscle underneath. Her bra hit the floor next, and suddenly there was skin on skin contact.

  She hissed at the searing sensation produced from his touch. It was hot. It burned. Yet she needed more. Her fingers dug into his back, fingernails leaving long welts as she pulled him into her, gasping as his teeth bit down into the tender skin of her neck, sending delicious stabs of light pain through her brain.

  Gray took first one, then the other of her nipples into his mouth, the slow, circular movement of his tongue bringing them to hardened points. Kelly arched into him, feeling the heat pool between her legs. She loved having her breasts played with, and Gray was doing all the right things. His fingers slid over her sides, under the swelling of her stomach and undoing the drawstring of her pants. Tugging on them gently, he managed to get them all the way off as she lifted herself up on the counter.

  That’s when she found out he could do wonders with his tongue on more than just her nipples. Long, slow movements, never missing a beat. Kelly leaned back, legs spread wide, heels barely able to rest on the counter. The cupboards pressed up against her shoulder blades, the wood cool compared to the heat being generated by Gray’s actions. With one hand she reached down and pulled him in.

  “Harder. Faster,” she commanded, feeling the pressure building swiftly toward the inevitable conclusion.

  Gray didn’t say anything, didn’t stop. He simply did as she needed. His tongue pressed harder and moved quicker between her thighs. Strong, sensual hands gripped her legs, sliding up and down, inside and out. Every inch of her was covered as he explored, not confining himself to anywhere. Thumbs tweaked her nipples, fingers clasped gently around her throat, and finally, as she reached the peak of her pleasure, Gray slipped a finger inside of her.

  That was it. She could take no more. Kelly cried out and bucked on the counter as she exploded. Muscles tightened all over her body at first, preventing her from even breathing as slight tremors worked themselves up to full-on spasms as orgasmic ecstasy blossomed in a rushing wave out from between her legs, spurred on by the frantic flicks of Gray’s tongue and rubbing of his finger.

  Her cries bounced off the walls as full control returned to her in an instant. Air rushed into her lungs and right back out again as she gasped, moaned, and everything in between. The muscles in her stomach shook for the longest, but eventually they calmed and allowed her to think, though everything was colored in a soft golden glow.

  Gray stood up, a slight smirk of contentment on his face, the look of achievement that all men get after pleasing a woman they cared for. It wasn’t something that could ever be replicated, but seeing it made her smile anyway. He had every reason to look a little smug. That had been one of the most intense orgasms of her life.

  “I’d heard…” she said, still breathing hard, “but I didn’t believe.”

  “Heard what?”

  “That you, that shifters are good in bed naturally, but wow.”

  He smiled. “I dunno, it’s not that hard. I listen to you, react and adjust to how you react.”

  She fixed him with a stare. “Well, whatever it is, you do good. Now come here,” she said, pulling him close and kissing him hard while she fumbled with his belt, to no avail.

  “What is this black magic trickery?” she asked after a moment, unable to figure out the buckle of his belt.

  “Auto-cinching,” he bragged, reaching down with one hand and flicking it open so quick she couldn’t see how. “Comfiest belt ever.”

  “Right. Not too interested in the belt right now,” she said, her voice sultry and smooth as she slipped a hand inside his underwear and around his shaft, immediately gently stroking up and down.

  “I can see that,” he said with a gulp, wiggling out of the remainder of his clothes until he was as naked as she.

  “Gently,” she commanded, using her free hand to pull him closer until she could rub him against herself.

  Gray took over at that point, placing the tip of his cock at her entrance and then pushing it inside, just enough so that she could feel it.

  That was enough.

  “Oh,” she whimpered, shocked by the size of it.

  Then again, it had been six-plus months. Maybe she was just unused to the sensation.

  Gray thrust another inch inside of her.

  Nope. Definitely wasn’t rusty. He was just that big.

  Without being pressed, he withdrew and then began to move in slower, more rhythmic motions, in half an inch, out a quarter, in a half, out a quarter. It was slight enough that she could relax and enjoy the sensory overload his huge cock was giving her.

  Kelly felt her walls begin to adjust, and suddenly her voice was telling Gray to give her more. That she wanted more. Her shifter complied and her eyes went wide with shock as he slid himself fully three-quarters inside.

  “Holy shit,” she gasped. No other words were needed.

  He withdrew and repeated the action.

  Another minute and he came to a halt,
all eighteen hundred inches of him buried inside of her.

  Okay, maybe that’s an exaggeration. But who cares!

  Kelly hadn’t bothered to stop and measure, but it felt unreal. Amazing. Incredible. She was stretched to her limits to accommodate him, but she’d done it, and she didn’t regret it. His cock was coated in her wetness, ample evidence that she didn’t want him to stop.

  “Fuck me,” she said, trying to move against him, but hampered by the edge of the counter. “Please, Gray.”

  Once more he moved his hips, thrusting in and out in motions so rhythmic they could be timed to a beat. It was perfect, allowing her to expect it and prepare for it.

  Almost immediately he dropped a hand from where he’d been gripping her knees to hold her legs up. His thumb swirled gently around her swollen nub. Kelly trembled at the touch and felt her walls clamp down around him. Gray grunted in surprised pleasure, his mouth dropping open as he began to groan.

  “Just like that,” she told him. “Make me cum again!”

  His groans became growls, and he thrust against her harder, enough to shake her body, making her breasts bounce wildly. Gray’s eyes lit up at the sight, and she removed one hand from the counter behind her and began to play with them while he watched. The sheer erotic pleasure in his eyes at such a simple action was driving Kelly insane. She didn’t have much longer.

  “I want you,” she moaned. “Please Gray. Don’t stop.”

  He didn’t.

  A moment later she trembled, and another, more violent climax tore through her body. She felt herself suddenly grow wetter, and a pair of blue orbs blazed with frantic light as Gray realized what had happened.

  Kelly needed down, and she slid to the floor on unsteady legs. Gray took care of that. He gripped her by the waist, turned her around, and bent her over the counter. Then he stepped up behind her and thrust deep within her in one smooth stroke, taking her with ease. She screamed, mostly in pleasure, mixed with just that teasing, hungry little bit of pain that she secretly craved but wasn’t willing to admit.


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