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Quinlan's Quest (Quinlan O'Connor Book 1)

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by Alyssa Bailey

  “So, all that being said, you need to remember what I have told you, how you feel right now, how cherished you are this minute, and not forget. Then, I want you to call me and talk to me when those doubts raise their distrustful heads. See if the sound of my voice does not excite you again bringing back the memories of here, this place, and this time. Will you do that, Cheyenne?”

  “Yes.” He leaned down and amped up her desire a little more and then stopped. It was important to leave her desperate and needy.

  “Well, piscín, it’s late, and I need to get you home.” Leaning down to make love to her mouth for a few more moments, he let her up, holding her steady until she could stand on her own. He wanted to leave her feeling frustrated, needing him. He was sure he had. Quinn helped her into her car and followed her home because of the lateness of the hour. Cheyenne didn't discourage him.

  As he was opening the door of her apartment, he leaned in and said, “Piscín, no pleasuring yourself this week. Wait for me and I will take you on a magical trip. If you disobey me, I will whip your ass glowing and then make you come five times straight.”

  “You can’t…” She shut her mouth.

  “Good girl.” He kissed her, drawing her into his warmth and then left.

  Quinn had been very careful not to violate or insinuate himself any further than sensually. He did not want that to cloud her thinking or to be a reason to get upset. No thoughts of sex other than her imagination should color this first time. Sensuality aplenty, that was how you wooed a woman. Sex was for a man, sensuality for a woman and he was determined that she feel like a lady when she was with him. Quinn had decided he was keeping this little piece of fluff so he was going slow and steady. Quinn went home with a smile to await the phone call.

  What Quinn had predicted about Cheyenne’s thinking did indeed happen and Tuesday evening he got the call he was waiting on.

  “Hello, piscín, are you all right?”

  “Yes, I am all right but no thanks to you. You brought me to that crazy place.”

  “I allowed you to stay, and lower your voice, please.”

  “Right, well if you were concerned about my safety and well-being, you would have taken me home or sent me there.”

  “Cheyenne," he said, his tone clear and steady, "remember I told you to not go, but you disobeyed. Surely you remember getting your bottom spanked? I watched over you while allowing you to stay.”

  “Allowing me to stay? What the hell? You don’t allow me to do anything. I do what I want to do. And I wanted to go. But I'm afraid of how I feel there, of how you make me feel when I'm with you.”

  “Do you want to go back?”

  Silence. “Maybe.”

  “Do you want me to take you back?”

  “Yes,” she whispered. “But you spanked me. I don’t want you to do that. I mean, not the punishment kind.”

  “Will you stay safe?”


  “Then I won’t need to spank you for punishment.”



  “I’m sorry. You told me this would happen, and I just needed to hear you and scream a little. I’m okay now.”

  The next training session, Friday, he had picked her up. Quinn was not usually an exhibitionist like some of the other masters were, but in private, he enjoyed the things the club offered. They were learning each other.

  Getting to know Cheyenne was complicated at times. One night, she was all sugar and spice, and the next night she was nothing but spicy. Quinn also saw that when they went out to dinner or socialized, she enjoyed her wine a bit too much and did not like it when he limited her to two glasses. He made a deal with her that he would not drink more than he allowed her to drink. She took a few moments to think about it, his final statement of not ordering wine again or not offering it to her if she did not agree, made the pact stick.

  By the third and fourth weeks of orientation at the club, Cheyenne allowed him to try some sensuality heightening on the leather and fleece covered table. She was shocked that it brought her to orgasm without even touching her lady bits other than to flick her clit a few times. She was so responsive that he had to tie her to the table, which, once she acclimated to the restraints, was what helped to drive her over the top. It wasn’t a mind-blowing orgasm but certainly noteworthy. Quinn enjoyed helping her find her sensuality. Inside the club, she behaved well, almost too well, but outside of the club, he was forever discovering more bad habits that needed addressing.

  She had gone to the drugstore one day to get over the counter medication for a sore throat that came with a fever for three days. During his business security check, Quinn had just happened to walk past her car parked in front of the store and went in to find her.

  “Hey, piscín, what are you doing here?”

  Quinn reached for her and felt the heat coming from her head before he even touched her. “Cheyenne, honey, you are sick. How long have you been sick? I just talked to you last night.”

  Cheyenne shrugged her shoulders. “Just a couple of days, it really isn’t that big of a deal. It will go away with these.” She showed him her armload of cold relievers.

  “What is that you are getting? Throat spray, flu relief, aspirin, heating pad, juice, all good things for flu but why didn’t you call me?”

  “I was fine. It got worse a few days ago, I already told you. Now let me go home.”

  Quinn grabbed all that she held in her hands and grabbed a thermometer to add to the pile. He then sent her to the car to wait on him.

  “I am going to take you home.”

  He purchased the items and went out to her car, and it was gone.

  Damn it, Cheyenne, you have to let me in even when you are vulnerable. He got her things home pounding on the door when she did not answer.

  “Cheyenne, I’m here as your boyfriend but, piscín, if you need your dom to show up, I can make that happen.”

  He heard the padding of her feet across the entry and the door unlock. She left him to open it. He sat with her until the next afternoon, catering to her every need. When it was obvious she was getting worse by the day, he called a halt. By the time he got her to go agree to the doctor, she was unable to stand without getting dizzy.

  “Cheyenne, I called and couldn’t get you an appointment today so they suggested we go to the emergency room. Let’s get you ready.”

  Still, she resisted. “No, no wait. I can go tomorrow. They will have appointments then. Or I can go to that new clinic that just opened up for walk-in patients only.”

  “Cheyenne, you aren’t going to make another night. You don’t sleep well now.”

  “I don’t like going to the doctor.”

  He smiled, she was giving in. “I know, but you will be fine. I am going with you. Now, do I go as your boyfriend or as your dom?”

  “Why do you always pull that out?”

  “Because I’m not a mind reader and I don’t know if you simply need moral support or if it’s too much for you and time for me to take over.”

  “Fine, boyfriend.”

  In the emergency room he tried to let her handle everything and just support her, but when she began to decline any basic tests like a blood test or chest x-ray, he asked the doctor if he could talk to her for a moment.

  Once alone, he said, “Enough. You need the tests to find out what is wrong with you, and so you do not decline them again. If you have a question, you ask, but if there is a reasonable reason to have it, then you do it. Understand?”

  “Fine,” she huffed, arms crossed and defiance written all over her.

  “That, my dear, is a count of twenty when you are well again. Your dom had to make an appearance. Too bad you couldn’t have done with just the boyfriend.”

  She had strep throat. She was then placed on antibiotics, which cleared the symptoms up almost immediately. It was not until he filled her medication, had gotten the doctor’s business card and tucked her in bed, was he satisfied. Then, when she felt better, he
had a long talk with her about the merits of listening to him when he tried to take care of her. Cheyenne was not happy, but since she had just been told she had strep throat, her need to be right was overridden by the reality of the situation. Her hot bottom reinforced the message as she counted them out.

  “I’m sorry, but I just don’t like doctors.”

  “Fine, but next time, you talk about it not get bratty with me. You know I have my limits, and there is a price to pay if you make me reach that limit.”

  A few months later, as they had their relationship rhythm well established, Quinn walked in on Cheyenne giving her personal cell number to her patrons and staying after hours to work with a client who was a violent felon just out of jail. Quinn walked in to see her handing out her cell phone number again, which he threatened to change if she did it one more time. He would be handling that in the morning.

  Cheyenne pouted. “It's for my clients.”

  “Cheyenne, cut it out. You have a business phone, and there is nothing that an accountant needs to do on an emergency basis that couldn’t be handled the next morning.”

  She had no rebuttal to that and so reluctantly complied. The same week, Quinn found her working late when he drove by her office and stopped because the lights were on and the closed sign was not yet up.

  “Cheyenne, what are you…” Quinn stopped when he saw she was with a client. “Excuse me. Cheyenne, can I see you for a moment?”

  Quinn quickly apprised her of the situation she was in and demanded that she see the client during business hours if at all. “Quinn, I will be done soon. I promise.”

  “Nope, you are done now, and you are getting your seat painted red because I am just too tired to keep seeing you put yourself in danger. I have tried to work through this with you, Cheyenne, but I cannot sit by and wait for you to catch on that you are not to put yourself in harm’s way. Your father was not as much of a target as you are. He was a man and as chauvinistic as this is going to sound, my girlfriend and my sub are too vulnerable to an assault. Therefore, I will show you I mean business, and you are to mind me. Just as soon as you set another, a daytime appointment for your client.”

  As soon as the client left with some encouragement by Quinn and a new appointment in hand, Quinn stood up and locked the door. He pulled the shades and proceeded to paddle her bottom for her lack of personal safety. He spanked her until her lip was quivering and her breakthrough sobs were barely contained to which she became quite angry.

  “You stop. I am an adult, and you don’t get to whack me because you don’t like what I do.”

  “Spank and yes, I do. Your safety is paramount to me even if it isn’t to you so you will keep my woman safe, do you understand me? We agreed that I spank for naughtiness.”

  “I didn’t agree, I just acknowledged.”

  “Do you have anything to say about it now?”

  “No, I will stay safe.”

  Quinn continued to wail on her bottom hard and fast until he had heartfelt apologies pouring from her trembling lips. Satisfied, he scooped her up to his lap. He kissed her soundly and took her to dinner without showing any remorse or sympathy that her poor bottom was slightly tender in the restaurant seating.

  He revisited her haphazardness a few more times before she seemed to get the message he had tried to tattoo on her bottom.

  “Cheyenne, baby, lock your car door.”

  “This is a small town, and we don’t have car thieves. And I do take all valuables and my car keys with me.”

  The next week some teens went joyriding. Quinn was quick to point it out to her. She agreed to lock it when in town. He was trying to change her bad habits without getting into her space, but it was proving difficult.

  One day Cheyenne was attempting to change her bulb in the overhead light fixture from the back of a wheeled chair. He had swatted her butt for that as he brought her down from the chair back and made her promise not to do that again. She promised as she rubbed the smarting cheek. He had his doubts.

  Chapter Five - Settling the New Land

  The first winter after they had been dating a number of months, Quinn and Cheyenne were down to help on Katie’s new home and to help with her wedding.

  “This family is always doing something,” marveled Cheyenne. She could see he enjoyed his family, and he seemed to want Cheyenne to participate in every little event and ritual that they did. Cheyenne felt a bit out of place at times and Quinn, when he was there to see it, seemed to understand. She loved that he would just take her for a horse ride, a drive, or a walk along the stream. They laughed while she learned to ride better for it was never a love of hers.

  “Have you watched Quinn with Cheyenne?” Caoimhe asked Kelly as they were making flower arrangements for the reception.

  “Yes, and can you believe she has him wrapped around her little finger?”

  Alesha and Jocelyn came in carrying decorations and joined in.

  “No, I don’t think she has him wrapped I think he curled himself around her like a snake and his dinner.” Everyone laughed.

  “He gave me the evil eye when I suggested Cheyenne drive me to Missoula yesterday,” added Katie. “The weather was not going to turn until much later in the afternoon.”

  Katie gave her a funny look. “Oh, but she went anyway.”

  Kelly smiled, “Yep, she sure did. I think I am going to like this one. She is the only woman not related to him who has stood up to Quinn and openly defied him.”

  “Yeah,” added Caoimhe, “but I think she paid the price.”

  Cheyenne walked in just in time to hear the last little bit. “I did.” She rubbed her bottom in mock comfort.

  Alesha had compassion for her plight. “Oh, I am so sorry. Should I get Shane to talk to him?”

  “Why? I didn’t lose in the long run.”

  The women laughed. “You dog,” declared Kelly.

  “I didn’t get all that I wanted but for now, it will do.”

  Several of the men walked in, and the conversation quickly diverted to other topics. It wasn’t until much later that Cheyenne learned the reason for the quick subject change. Quinn was not the only one who did not agree with gossiping even if it was about them. Most if not all of these men were comfortable spanking their ladies. Their wives, while complaining outwardly, seemed to melt inwardly if their stories were true. These men loved their women with hot, fiery passion, that was for sure. Fire so hot sometimes they feared they were going to be consumed by the heat of it. Somehow, it made Cheyenne more comfortable with Quinn’s proclivity.

  Ciarán and Katie had a beautiful wedding. Cheyenne and Quinn had to get back right after the house was nearly completed, but not before Cheyenne learned many secrets that the O’Connor women shared about how to live with their men. She would store that information for when she needed it.

  Not long after they were back in their routines at home, Liam called to say they welcomed a baby boy.

  “I would like to have children someday. I’m just not ready for them yet,” sighed Cheyenne.

  He agreed. “That’s just fine by me because once we start; we’ll be in the baby stage for a bit and I want to have you all to myself for a while first.”

  That suited Cheyenne just fine except he hadn’t asked her to marry him yet. They hadn’t even had sex yet.

  “Besides, it will be difficult putting my pregnant wife on the spanking bench, don’t you think?”

  To which Cheyenne teased, “Maybe we should start right away, then.” She received a playful swat on her thigh and a hot kiss for her trouble

  Spring approached and, if possible, his Cheyenne was even more active and the day finally came when their playfulness was pushed aside for real discipline. One warm evening while Cheyenne was out at a bachelorette party, his phone rang at about eleven-thirty and looking at the caller ID, he saw it was a fellow deputy. His heart jumped into his throat.

  “Hey, Dodger, what’s up? Is everything all right?” Dodger was a fellow deputy and club mem

  “Quinn, sorry to wake you, man, but we have your lady here, and we need you to come pick her up.”

  “Say again? Cheyenne, you have Cheyenne?” he asked as he sat up alarmed and fearful of her safety. His stomach knotted hard. “Why? Is she hurt? Where is she?”

  “Oh, she’s not hurt, nothing happened to her, but she needs a ride. She isn’t in trouble or anything,” Dodger hesitated before adding, “with us. We are keeping her ride, the one she had, with us for a bit.”

  “Where are you?”

  Cheyenne was feeling much soberer since the deputy had clarified she was Quinn’s Cheyenne. He was very kind to her but did not even hesitate to put her in his SUV and lock her in after he told her he had called Quinn. She had nearly begged him not to call Quinn. Yelling, stomping, reasoning, and finally crying, but the deputy had said they took care of each other’s loved ones, and she was Quinn’s woman so he had no choice. Then the agonizing wait while he got everyone situated was unbearable, it was excruciatingly difficult because she did not even have to guess the state of Quinn when he finally got there. The sister of the bride-to-be was arrested for driving while intoxicated and released to her family on her own recognizance so the wedding would not be ruined. Cheyenne knew her fate would not be so accommodating or forgiving.

  Quinn had shown up soon after, talked to the deputy, then walked over, opened the door and hauled her out of the car. If felt as though he was all but dragging her out, but she acknowledged later that her perceptions might have been a little off. Maybe.

  Dodger told Quinn the owner noticed the driver was drunk and called it in even before they had gone inside. The only one left was Dodger and Cheyenne, who was obviously irritated but became very subdued when she saw Quinlan. His face and body language spoke volumes, and they were telling her she was in trouble. Her dom Quinn had come to fetch her not her easygoing boyfriend Quinn. After hearing that she was not driving but was a passenger and not as drunk as the other four in the vehicle, he thanked Dodger again and took Cheyenne with him.


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