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Quinlan's Quest (Quinlan O'Connor Book 1)

Page 7

by Alyssa Bailey

  Chapter Six -Partnering in the New Land

  Summer came again and so did the O’Connors floating back and forth as the whim took them. Quinlan and Cheyenne had been officially dating for well over a year now. Several times in the summer months, Quinn went down for a few days or left for his loan out to the forestry and Cheyenne never failed to earn a butt burning when he returned. Da laughed every time saying that he knew Cheyenne had enough spice to handle his son. Quinn agreed.

  The final straw came when Ciarán’s wife Katie came for a visit, and Cheyenne decided to show her the town and her favorite bar.

  Arriving back at the O’Connors, Cheyenne was feeling a little mellow and after seeing Quinn was home, she tried to think fast. First eat then brush teeth—no, no. Brush teeth first before Quinn figures out where we were. That turned into a pipe dream for it dissipated the moment they walked into the kitchen. Quinn kissed the top of Katie’s head and then reached to place a kiss on Cheyenne’s quivering lips.

  If he noticed, he didn’t say but asked, “Where have you two been?” The tone had changed from playful to serious, and Quinn was no longer smiling but stern.

  “Um, we were just riding around, and I was showing Kate around. Why?”

  “Where did you stop to have a drink?”

  “Oh, we had a drink at the Phase.”

  “Cheyenne, how do I feel about you drinking and then driving?” She wiggled in her discomfort and he shot her another interrogator question. “How many drinks?”

  “I was not over the limit because I checked with their little portable breathalyzer before we left the club,” she responded smugly. “I didn’t want you to think I didn’t listen to you. I know the limit.”

  “That’s nice but not my question.”

  He was using the voice. It was the darkly quiet, a force to be reckoned with a voice that she loved to hate. Cheyenne shivered in response just thinking about his so damn sexy voice. She felt the irrational gush as her libido went into immediate overdrive. Again. Quinn leaned into Cheyenne’s space, his breath tickling her ear and his words sending waves of thrilling heat and trepidation through her body.

  As his rumbling voice broke the surface, he advised, “I would tread carefully, Piscín, you do not want to feel the leather leaving my mark on you tonight. Truth and attitude will determine the way of this, so tread very carefully.”

  Cheyenne quickly glanced at Katie who seemed a little stunned at the dom that was Quinlan O’Connor. She couldn’t let her embarrassment get in her way now. She was not wrong.

  He stepped back slightly to repeat his question “I asked you, how. Many. Drinks?”

  “Two, all right, just two lousy drinks. Really, they were not much. I learned my lesson the last time, Quinlan.”

  Her memory quickly went into play about the time she was riding home with someone who had drank too much at a bachelorette party. It had been the worst spanking of her life by a frightened Quinn.

  Quinn sighed and asked, “Did you have dinner first or at the same time?”

  Both women shook their heads. Quinn sighed again, this time with resignation. Cheyenne knew what that meant. She looked down at her hands as she nervously twisted them. Quinn caged her chin with his thumb and pointer finger, looking intensely into her eyes for a moment before he spoke, his eyes never leaving hers. Katherine might as well not have been in the room at all.

  Katie shivered in the presence of Quinn’s suppressed angry. “You’re like a dom on steroids,” she whispered as she took a step towards the door.

  Quinn graced her with a surprised look, shook his head, and sucked in a deep breath, holding it before releasing it. His body visibly relaxed some, and he spoke with less intensity. “So, you had drinks on an empty stomach and believed that if you blew under the limit, it would be appropriate to drive. Right?”

  “Right.” Maybe, I mean, sure, that’s right, isn’t it? Another drink might help.

  “Wrong. When you drink on an empty stomach, it goes to your head quicker and hits harder, and just because you blew under the limit right after the drinks doesn’t mean that is what it is afterward.”

  Cheyenne seemed to find a false sense of righteous indignation, for she gave a good fight in the final stages of this battle.

  Katie murmured almost under her breath. “That’s it, girl, it might be a losing battle, but you’ve got spunk. And chutzpah.”

  Cheyenne rearranged the items on the kitchen counter. “We came straight home, and I was under the legal limit.” She turned to look at her man. “You can’t be angry about that. And if you are, then you’ll need to live with it.” She leaned on the counter and crossed her arms, mimicking Quinn’s stance. “I’m a grown woman, we both are, and you can’t be upset or you can, but I won’t join you in your anger or give into it. Get over it.”

  “Look, I only have to answer to Ciarán. He’s my husband. I didn’t, we didn’t do anything wrong.” Katie risked a defiant look in Quinn’s direction and a supportive look in Cheyenne’s before trying to quickly leave the room.

  “Hold it right there, beag amhain. You forget Ciarán isn’t here. You have some explaining to do as well, my dear sister. There is no way that you are allowed to get in the car with someone who has consumed two drinks.” He stood to his full height, donning his deputy persona.

  Katie stood stock still before crossing her arms as well. “I’ll take it up with Ciarán. You don’t get to discipline me, Quinn. I get you’re angry, but that’s your issue.” She turned and stormed out of the room, relieved to have made her escape.

  After Kate had left the room, Cheyenne completed her thoughts aloud, “And I don’t have to meet anyone’s expectations but my own because I am not married. Good night, Quinlan.”

  With that, Cheyenne turned to leave the kitchen with the intention of getting into her car and driving home. Quinn grabbed her upper arm, and none too gently led her outside to his own truck. Cheyenne tried to shake Quinn loose but couldn’t and, looking over at his face, she told her inner self to settle down because this man was determined to get his desires known. She loved that he was no pushover, nor was he one to put up with anyone’s garbage but she was an independent professional who did not stand for edicts when directed at her. Well, except when these O’Connor men and Andrew made them. That made her angrier with herself for allowing him the opportunity to bully her. Well, bully might have been too strong a word. It was more like dominate, command and conquer. Going all dom over something as silly as who was right, the breathalyzer or he.

  Once they were at Cheyenne’s apartment, Quinn directed Cheyenne to the sofa while he made coffee. He then sat down with a cup for each of them and kissed her long and hard, possessing her before he began to talk. He discussed how much she meant to him, how much Katie meant to Ciarán and that if they were hit or hit someone or thing due to drinking, it would be life altering. Even if they thought they were under the limit and they survived the accident, the emotional pain would never go away. After warming her ears further with responsibility and expectations, Quinn warmed her bottom with that calm precision and calculated thoroughness that drove her to madness. There was not one inch of unaddressed skin from her ass to her legs.

  “This is not for being defiant or arguing your case, that was not a problem. The problem was that after we have had many discussions, one quite memorable, I believe, you still drank and then drove.” Verbal retribution over, Quinn allowed his hand to communicate his thought on her choices this day. Five hard centered swats had Cheyenne apologizing for drinking and then driving. Five more for each newly tenderized cheek had her whimpering she would never do it again. Additional swats that overlapped her bottom creases and then moved on for several well understood slaps to her thighs finished off the task.

  Then, once her tears had subsided, he warmed her heart by bringing her up to his lap and kissing her thoroughly almost desperately. He lifted his head, breaking the kiss, to speak.

  “When Katie mentioned she only had to meet Cia
rán’s expectations for her because he was her husband, she was right. I might have wanted to impress upon her the safety issue more, but she is Ciarán’s wife. She is his beautiful challenge. Then you said you did not have to meet the expectations of anyone because you weren’t married; I heard a definite truth there. I have left you without a strong commitment and security, and I am sorry for that. It dawned on me that some of your defiance was because you needed more of me to pay attention. You needed a stronger, more tangible commitment from me. I was prepared to give it but was waiting for the right time. After this stunt tonight, you being entirely confident of my reaction to it, I knew you were trying to force my hand. Cheyenne, you make me happy, irritated, frightened, passionate, protective, and so many things in between.”

  “Like bossy, pushy, dictatorial—”

  “Yes,” Quinn cut in and agreed. “But, you also make me feel alive and fully male, all man around you. I am everything I ever wanted to be with a woman, and you are everything I need in a lover and wife. Some things I never knew I needed, but you show me I do. I know you drive me crazy sometimes, but if I did not have you in my life permanently, it would be a dark and lonely existence. A life I do not want nor can I deal with. Cheyenne Jamis Sterling, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

  “Will you keep spanking me?” Cheyenne asked.

  “I will,” he quietly answered.

  “Will you continue to be overprotective, domineering, demanding, and pushy?” Quinn nodded his head with some hesitancy.

  “Will you continue to refuse to let me have the fun I used to have, like clubbing all night with my friends? Create rules I have to keep, push my limits, and make me stay honest even when it’s hard and put my trust in you?”

  “I will,” he answered clearly and with more conviction but with a slip of a smile beginning.

  “And will you cuddle me when I need it, wipe my tears when I am sad, laugh with me when I am happy and argue with me when I am angry?”

  “You can count on that, piscín.”

  “And love me always?”

  “Oh, baby, I will forever love you.”

  Cheyenne nodded her head and said, “And in conclusion, will you finally make love to me?” Her face a picture of pleading.

  Quinn burst out laughing with relief. “I promise to make love to you so often you will never remember I made you wait.”

  “Then, on the strength of the last answer alone, I will marry you, Quinlan O’Connor.”

  It took Quinn a while to get through her tears of happiness and onto the moans of satiation, but he gladly persevered until her senses were saturated with his adoration.

  Later that evening, Cheyenne was begging Quinn to love her completely.

  “Sweetheart, I will give you your heart’s desires and your body’s needs when the time is right. Play on the beach with me a little longer before taking the plunge into the ocean. Let me make love to you in all other ways but that one. Once wet, you won’t be satisfied to stay on dry land, and we have to be on dry land a bit longer.”

  “One good reason, just give me one good reason why,” demanded Cheyenne after she was battling a particularly difficult day of sexual frustration. “Let me just, you know, give you love.” She begged as she reached between them to unbutton his pants.

  Quinn’s libido shot right where she expected it to, but Quinn had worked long and hard over the years to control his responses and delay his gratifications. For him, it was important to be able to do that so his lady, forever now Cheyenne, was satisfied. He found it enhanced his experience, and when he finally did release, the result was earthshattering. He wanted that for her as well.

  Quinn placed his hand over hers to stop the progress of her fingers. Then leaned down and kissed her gently as he took her hand away.

  “Cheyenne, piscín, I love you, but you have to trust me to know what I am doing and that I am doing the best for you. I know you want more, baby, I do as well, but waiting will make our first experience incredible. I will make it so good for you. I promise.” Leaning away, he looked into her eyes, begging her understanding.

  “I want you to remember the first time we fully consummate, always. I know we both have experience, but our experience will be spectacular, not only because it’s the first time after we are married but the first time for us. And, because the wait is so worth it. But, finally,” Quinlan’s dom voice had arrived, “because I am asking you to wait. Delay this pleasure with me.”

  Cheyenne fell onto his chest and took a deep breath. “Well, all I have to say is I hope I don’t expire before I get what I need.”

  Quinn laughed as he gathered her into his arms, planting a juicy kiss on her pouting lips.

  “I’ll do my best to make sure you don’t, piscín. I will love you forever, Cheyenne.”

  Cheyenne cuddled tight into Quinn’s arms. “I know. Heaven help me, but I can’t imagine life without you,” she moaned before she fell under his hypnotic spell once again. Cheyenne knew that no matter what, they were forging a new life together otherwise known as bossy husband meets irritated wife, crossing into new territory they would call making love—finally, with nothing but hopes and dreams ahead of them. Oh, and spanking benches.

  The End

  Alyssa Bailey

  Alyssa Bailey is a dyed in the wool Texan living in the beauty of Southeast Alaska with her husband, her youngest four (of eleven) children, two dogs and two cats. Her first memory of books was when her mother read to her as a small child. She began writing as soon as she could put letters together to form words. Her first story at the age of six was about a performing horse that ran away from the circus. As she got older and read more of a variety of books, she would say, “I can do better than that” and then rewrite them in her head. She was writing fan fiction before fan fiction was a 'thing'.

  In high school and college, she won journalism and special recognition for her academic and fictional writing. Alyssa is a firm believer in all things spanking. She loves writing about domestic discipline and power exchanges between strong, intelligent women who are not afraid to make a stand and men confident enough to give them their space but Alpha enough to keep his woman safe, in spite of herself. Her characters predominately live in Regency England amongst lords and ladies, in the contemporary realm amongst men and women of the world, and all things Cowboy. Contact her, she loves to chat, and as always, have a Spankolicious day!

  You can find Alyssa online:


  Twitter: @blushingalyssa

  Blog/web page:



  Also by Alyssa Bailey and Blushing Books!

  Cowboy Welcome

  Taming Texanna

  Chase Abbey Series:

  Lord Barrington's Minx (Book 1)

  Becoming Lady Barrington (Book 2)

  Lady Caroline's Defiance (Book 3)

  The O'Connor Series:

  Liam & Jocelyn's Story

  Her Sweet Complication, Liam O'Connor Book 1

  Liam's Lessons, Liam O'Connor Book 2

  Loving Liam, Liam O'Connor Book 3

  Ciaran and Katherine's Story

  His Gentle Persuasion, Ciaran O'Connor Book 1

  Rancher's Creed, Ciaran O'Connor Book 2

  Katie Consents, Ciaran O'Connor Book 3

  Quinlan and Cheyenne's Story

  Quinlan's Quest, Quinlan O'Connor Book 1

  Accepting His Ways, Quinlan O'Connor Book

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