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Theirs to Hold (Hazard County Threesomes)

Page 1

by Rory Michaels



  Rory Michaels Featured Books


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  About the Author

  The Raven Books’ Complimentary Material

  Theirs to Hold

  (Hazard County Threesomes)


  Rory Michaels

  Theirs to Hold (Hazard County Threesomes) © Copyright 2013, Rory Michaels

  First Electronic Printing May 2013, The Raven Books

  Cover art by Natalie Winters © Copyright 2013

  ISBN: 978-1-62501-031-5 / 1625010311

  Edited by: Suz Gower


  All books copyrighted to the author and may not be resold or given away without written permission from the author, Rory Michaels.

  This novel is a work of fiction. Any and all characters, events, and places are of the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or events or places is merely coincidence. Intended for adults only. Must be 18 years or older.

  The Raven

  Published by Raven Books ~

  Raven Books and all affiliate sites and projects are © Copyrighted 2004-2013

  Rory Michaels Featured Books

  A Macon Valley Ménage

  The Unexpected

  The Untold

  The Unspoken

  The Unforgettable

  The Unwrapped

  The Unabashed

  The Unbridled

  The Undressed

  Hazard County Threesomes

  Theirs to Take

  Theirs to Hold

  Theirs to Tame

  Theirs to Hold

  Hazard County Threesomes Book Two

  Mario and Kirby are about as opposite as two men can get. One has made his fortune breeding horses and the other made his in the bio-tech industry. As opposite as they might be, they share two interests—one with each other and the other in Dedra Hopkins. They long for her to be their permanent third. The woman they share for the rest of their lives. She took off for the big city years ago, leaving Hazard County in the dust. Now she’s back and ready to give them a chance if they’re men enough to take it—and they’re more than men enough.

  Warning: This short story contains m/m/f sex, m/f/m ménages a trios, explicit sex, strong language and a cowboy and a sexy businessman who will melt your socks off. If you’re looking for long, drawn-out plots and sweeping romances, this isn’t your book. This is a short story that won’t apologize to anyone. If you want hot, dirty, sexy and to the point, you’ve found it. If not, it’s best to move right along, this isn’t the book for you.

  Chapter One

  A hot breeze blew past, bringing with it the smell of the horse barns. The shade trees helped cut down on the temperature, making it a good twenty degrees cooler when hidden from the sun’s rays. Rain had been sparse in Hazard County, but the heat and sun had not. Typical this time of year, but often uncomfortable. Sweat was worn like a second skin and there wasn’t a whole lot to be done about it.

  Mario Moreno signed the last of the transfer orders for the dapple gray horses he was selling and nodded to the man in charge of getting them to their new home safely. In the heat, Mario had to doubly assure they’d be well cared for. Frequent water stops would be a must.

  Will Moore tipped his hat. “Thank you kindly.”

  “How long is the drive?” asked Mario. He knew, but wanted to hear it again for his own peace of mind.

  “Just under four hours. I’ll stop on the way and check on ‘em.”

  Mario knew the horses were in good hands. He’d been using Will for years to transport the horses he bred and then sold. Will was a standup guy who always got the job done while taking exceptional care of the horses.

  Will paused. “Hey, you hear Dedra is back in town?”

  Mario tensed, his hand gripping the paper tightly. Dedra Hopkins was a name he hadn’t heard mentioned outside he and his best friend in years. She was a face and body he thought of often. She’d been Kirby’s best friend all through school and Mario’s secret obsession. Well, not so secret to anyone who was close to him. Neither was his other secret—the one he’d tried to keep but failed the minute he finally admitted how he felt for the biggest nerd in school.

  Kirby Tilton.

  He laughed. Damn that Kirby for calling him out on his feelings for him. And damn him for being right. The men didn’t flaunt what they had, mostly because they weren’t sure how to label it. But both talked often about Dedra—though Kirby was the only one of the two of them to talk to her and he’d never had the nerve to push for something more.

  She is the one for us.

  He sighed. Getting her on board wouldn’t be easy. Hell, she’d run from Hazard County eight years prior and hadn’t been back until now. He wasn’t so sure announcing they wanted her to be their third would make her want to plant roots and stay. From what Kirby had told him of her sexual past, she was far from a wild child.

  “The look on your face says you still think fondly of her,” Will said with a snort. Will knew all Mario’s secrets because Will held a fair share of his own, so he didn’t go blabbing to the public.

  Fond of her? Fuck. That didn’t even begin to cover it. He still dreamt of her, of what it would be like sharing himself with her and with Kirby. He sometimes pictured Dedra’s face while he was sinking his cock in some local gal. He and Kirby had an open relationship with the understanding that when they did find the woman who would work for them both, they’d stop seeing anyone else.

  Mario didn’t exactly have the best reputation when it came to the ladies. He tended to bed them and be on his way. It wasn’t like he didn’t tell them upfront that he wasn’t looking for anything serious. But they always thought they’d be the one to catch the white whale. It never went as they planned. He fucked them and then went on to the next. And there always was another waiting in the wings. Always someone he could close his eyes and pretend was Dedra. None of them appealed to both him and Kirby. None were the perfect one for them. Dedra was.

  It’s just a matter of convincing her of that.

  Until then, he’d continue doing what he was doing—banging chicks and also having a relationship with Kirby. They weren’t out in the open with everyone in town about their relationship, mostly because they weren’t sure what to call it. And all too often people let others into their business too early, only to have something good totally and utterly fucked up by folks who shouldn’t have any say in the matter. All Mario and Kirby knew was they had sparks. Sparks that ignited into an inferno when Dedra was discussed.

  Some of the best sex the two had ever had came on the heels of talking through their dream of a threesome with the woman. They’d tried other threesomes but the women they picked never worked for them both. Damn, his cock was hard thinking about how good it had all felt—talking about Dedra during their time together. It would be better with Dedra. He just knew it.

  It wasn’t like he had any issues with landing women. He had the money to tempt other women, the looks to hook them and the bedroom knowledge to make them want to keep him. He ran a hand through his shoulder-length, raven-colored hair and took a deep breath. He knew he was a tramp. He wasn’t exactly proud of it though.

  He focused on Will. “You sure she’s back?”

  Will nodded. “Seen her with my own eyes.” He whistled low. “Hot damn
, didn’t think she could get any better lookin’. I was wrong. She was wearin’ some fancy jeans, that ass of hers fillin’ them out just right.”

  Mario’s cock hardened at the thought.

  Will raked an amused gaze over Mario. “Need some alone time, bud? You’re lookin’ like you might whip your cock out and have at it here and now.”

  They’d been friends a long time. Mario shrugged. “Might. You should run along now. Quick, before word gets out and rumors spread about us.”

  Tossing his head back, Will laughed. “You like pussy way too much to be throwin’ your junk out for me to see. Plus, I’m not Kirby.”

  Mario snickered and patted Will’s shoulder. “Thanks for seeing to the horses.”

  “No problem, bud.” Will turned to go but stopped. “How long before you’re in town, nippin’ at Dedra’s heels?”

  “What makes you think I’d drop everything for her?” asked Mario. He didn’t want to admit he would, but the truth was, he was desperate to get to her. First he’d call Kirby and alert him she was in town. They’d come up with a way to talk with her about what they wanted. Kirby was the obvious choice to make first contact since he and Dedra were such good friends.

  “The fact I know you.” With that, Will headed past the deep green metal trailer holding the horses and to his truck. He started it up and pulled away, waving as he went.

  The man was right. Mario would head to town as soon as he showered. Then, he’d find Dedra and do what he’d wanted to do for years—fuck her and convince her she was meant to be with not only him, but Kirby as well.

  He’d made himself a promise long ago that should their paths ever cross again, he’d make damn sure he grabbed hold of her and never let go. He made his way up the steps to his place and paused, looking out and over the ranch. Dedra had taken off for a different life. What if she’d found someone else to make her happy and what if she didn’t plan on staying in Hazard County?

  He’d worry about all that later. He pulled his cell from his pocket and pressed the first contact.

  “Kirby, she’s home. She’s back in Hazard County.”

  Silence greeted him. “You’re sure? She didn’t tell me she was coming home.”

  “Will saw her.”

  More silence followed. “What do you want to do?”

  Chapter Two

  Dedra couldn’t believe how little Hazard County had changed. She’d been gone for years but it was as if time stood still while she was away. She clutched the tiny bag containing Mrs. Stanner’s delicious peanut butter cookies and walked along the sidewalk, soaking in the sights of home. She’d already stopped at the dress boutique, at the hair salon to say hello to the women working there and by the bakery for her favorite treats. City living had gifted her with losing a few pounds, but it was only because there were no bakeries there that compared to Mrs. Stanner’s.

  She let out a long, measured breath. Truth was, the city lacked something else. Or rather someone else. Her best friend.


  She hated their relationship being nothing more than random texts and emails throughout a day. They barely found time to talk on the phone together anymore and when they did, Kirby was cryptic and simply asked again and again for her to come home. The longing in his voice moved her, setting her on a mission to do just that—to come home.

  Here she was, ready to surprise him. She hoped he’d be happy to see her. She knew how busy he was with his bio-tech business doing amazingly well. She had to laugh because the few times they’d managed to sync schedules and video chat, he’d been dressed up from the waist up but in boxers from the waist down. And he’d given two professional videoconferences right before their friendly one. He’d always been whimsical and off the wall like that. It was part of what she loved about him. His heart was a heart of gold. She knew he’d do anything for her if she even hinted at needing help. Trust was so hard a thing to come by and she trusted him with every fiber of her being.

  Kirby had spent most of their youth with his nose in a book. But oddly enough he’d spent a great deal of time running through her mind over the years in ways she shouldn’t think about one of her closest friends. Sure, they’d fooled around growing up, but they’d never had full-on sex. She wanted it from him, more than anything. Just thinking about him now made her panties wet. When he’d stepped back during their informal video chat to reveal he was in boxers from the waist down, she’d nearly bit a hole clean through her lower lip. She could still remember the outline of his cock through the thin material of his boxers, and she wanted to have it rammed between her legs, soon.

  Her secret fantasy was to be with Kirby and another man. She knew Kirby’s tastes ran both ways. She loved him for his openness and had to admit she was curious as well.

  She ran a hand over her upper chest, the heat of the day getting to her. Also, the heat of her thoughts wasn’t helping much. She paused, dipping her head and taking a deep breath. With several more items on her to-do list, she pulled focus and headed back down the center of Main Street.

  She made it ten paces before the hairs on the back of her neck stood on end. Pausing, she glanced over her shoulder and froze. Kirby was there, watching her from the center of the commons area. He wore black sunglasses and his hair was longer than she remembered it being, but she’d recognize him anywhere.

  In several long strides he was to her, standing close, pulling down his sunglasses. “Dedra?”

  She flashed a sexy smile. “Surprise!”

  He grabbed her and pulled her close, bending and hugging her tight. His designer suit was tailor-made and soft against her cheek. It seemed out of place in the tiny town, but then again, so did Kirby. He always had, yet he loved it and refused to move anywhere else.

  She smiled, thankful he was happy to see her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and clung to him, the smell of his cologne driving her mad with lust. She took a deep breath and then kissed his cheek. Kirby shocked her by putting his lips to hers. The kiss was emotion-filled yet chaste. Somehow it turned her on more.

  He kept his lips close to hers and she knew he couldn’t be comfortable bending the way he was to maintain eye contact. “Hey, you.”

  She winked.

  He kissed her again, surprising her. “Kirby?”

  He ran his hands down her arms and then put them on her waist, standing to his full height. “You’re home for good?”

  She shook her head. “I took a couple of weeks off work. I wanted to surprise you. I hope this is okay.”

  He shocked her more by lifting her in the air. “This is perfect! And you arrived on a great day. There is a get-together tonight. It will be a great time to catch up with some people from school.”

  She laughed. “I doubt any of them will remember me.”

  He raked his gaze over her slowly, a tiny smile lifting the edges of his mouth. “Oh, there is one guy I’m sure remembers you.”

  She nudged him. “You don’t count.”

  He wagged his brows. “That’s why I wasn’t counting me.”

  She looped her arm through his. “Do tell.”

  He strolled along Main Street, keeping her close, grinning, refusing to spill what he was talking about. A large, white SUV pulled to a stop near them. She was surprised to see Brad Lofton exit the vehicle. He smiled wide when he spotted Kirby. “Hey, I’m having a cookout and bonfire tonight at my place. You and your woman want to come?”

  She nearly piped in to say she wasn’t Kirby’s woman, but Kirby squeezed her arm gently and spoke first. “My lovely lady and I would love to stop by. I think loosening up to a good old-fashioned get-together is just what she needs.”

  Brad tipped his cowboy hat and headed into the hardware store. She looked Kirby up and down. “He has no clue who I am or that he and I went to school together all our lives.”

  “That is Brad. He also was surprised when we told him Boy George was indeed a boy.”

  Laughing, she walked arm in arm with Kirby, letting him lead. He to
ok her bag of cookies, opened it and sniffed. “Ah, peanut butter cookies. Your favorite. I should have known you’d visit the bakery before you visited me.”

  “Hey, I love to eat. Feed me and I just might be yours for life.”

  He laughed. “I’ll remember that.”

  She nudged him. “But, I love you too.”

  He stared down at her for what felt like forever. “I love you too, Dedra.”

  He pulled away and withdrew his cell. As he texted, she tried to peek.

  “What are you doing?”

  He grinned. “Making sure someone that I know remembers you shows at Brad’s get-together.”

  She lifted a brow. “You told me once that Brad’s parties end up orgies.”

  He laughed. “I did say that, didn’t I? Does that mean you’re chickening out and don’t want to go?”

  “Oh hell no!”

  She wasn’t missing one of Brad’s famed parties for anything. “I need to get cleaned up. My rental car is back that way. I need to stop past the B&B.”

  Kirby shook his head. “Not happening. You’re staying with me.”

  Chapter Three

  Kirby waited as Dedra seemed to take forever getting ready. He’d been pleased she’d permitted him to talk her into staying with him rather than the local bed and breakfast. She no longer had anything in the way of family in town since her aunt’s passing, and a piece of him often worried if she’d decided her roots weren’t strong enough in Hazard County to bother returning.

  He watched the master bathroom doorway, imagining what she might be doing behind it. He had a total of seven bedrooms and nine bathrooms in the home, yet he insisted she use his private one. Closing his eyes, Kirby thought about what Dedra looked like naked under a stream of hot water, rinsing the lather from her toned, petite body.

  His cock ached, making his pants feel tight. Too tight for comfort.


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