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Janna's Werewolf

Page 2

by Fawn Lowery

  How bizarre is this?

  Should she tell him that there was no need to take time to don a condom? Should she confess that she had decided at the age of sixteen—the day after her first Change—that she had gone to the doctor and gotten birth control pills—deciding never to bring children into the world because of who—what—she was?

  Her eyes roved over his muscular body. His legs were very developed and his waist and abdomen were ropy with taut muscles. And his cock—

  She pulled in a quick breath at the length of him.

  Keep your mouth shut and enjoy that lovely long stick of male cock!

  “I promise not to hurt you.” He gave her a little push backward.

  She flopped down on her back. Rick grasped her calves and positioned her legs across his shoulders. Anticipation welled up inside her as he pulled her body to the edge of the king size bed. He brought her hips upward as he stood up, levering Janna on her upper back. He entered her, easily and smoothly; he began to move, pumping his powerful hips as he worked his hard length inside her moist passage.

  He was long and hot and the heat of his body immediately mingled with her warmth, further assaulting her senses. She felt his length fill her passage and with each thrust of his powerful body, she grew closer to climax.

  He gazed down at her, pinning his inspecting gaze on her jiggling breasts as he pushed in and pulled back, then pushed in again and again.

  Janna was on fire. Already the sensations were beginning. She reached her own hand to her breasts. They needed to be touched, fondled, so badly. She tweaked her hardened nipples, giving herself little shivers. When she raised her eyes and locked gazes with Rick, the abundance of smoldering lust in his eyes added to the erotic effects his fucking was giving her.

  Suddenly orgasm was upon her. She sucked in a quick breath and clutched the bedcovers with both hands. With an urgency born of need, she bucked her hips, signaling Rick she was on the verge of coming.

  The orgasm crashed through her, spilling along her limbs with such force that she cried out, “Oh my God! That feels wonderful!”

  She withered against the bed, lolling her head from side to side with the assaulting sensations racing through her body. Still Rick hammered her passage—lunging in hard and pushing her against the bed. He grasped her buttocks in either hand, holding her steady while he worked his cock inside her.

  “Baby, you are one good lay!” he rasped as he climaxed.

  Chapter Two

  “I suppose you want that interview now.”

  A short laugh leapt from Janna’s throat. “I just traded a fuck for a newspaper column.” She turned to glance at him. He was even more gorgeous naked. He lay on his back, one arm folded beneath his head. His chest was magnificent—broad, muscled, and adorned with a spray of dark blond hair. “How long has it been for you?”

  There was no need to clarify the statement—he knew full well what she was referring to. Their eyes locked in a knowing gaze.

  He let out a long sigh and ran one hand through his hair. “What are the odds that you and I would meet?” he remarked, raising one eyebrow in speculation.

  He could be that rogue I left home to get away from. Hell! He could be the rogue murdering all those people! He could have followed me!

  Get a grip! I’d be dead already if that was true!

  He reached out one hand and smoothed his palm along her bare arm. “Just a few months. I was bitten one night as I left the stadium after a match.” He shook his head, sending his blond hair across his shoulders. “At first I couldn’t believe it. I thought things like that only happened in the movies.”

  “Oh, they’re real alright,” Janna assured him, her lip curling up in derision.

  “How long has it been for you?”

  She sighed. She looked away from him, aiming her gaze on the window of the hotel room. The urge to run surged through her insides.

  “I was born into a pack,” she admitted, a little amazed that she was telling him such things. Usually she was tight lipped about her lineage and the Pack. “My mother was bitten by my father during his first Change.” She eyed him, noting his lack of surprise at her words. “I have three brothers. The family Pack lives in Connecticut. My father is an attorney and my mother is a stay-at-home mom.” She smiled at the thought of describing her mother in such a way. In reality, her mother was the force behind the Pack. “I’m the oldest. I had my first Change when I was sixteen. I thought I was going to die.”

  “Yeah. It wasn’t exactly something I want again. But then it got easier.”

  She nodded her head. “It’s not like we have a choice in the matter, though on occasion I’ve considered throwing myself in front of a racing semi just to end it all.”

  He pulled her down on the bed suddenly and wrapped his arms around her. “It’s not as bad as all that.”

  “What planet are you from?”

  “Seriously,” he said, chuckling. “We have all this immense strength, we can hear a thousand times better than the average person, we can smell a cunt a mile away—“

  “Oh, you make it sound so damn wonderful!” She pushed at his chest, breaking his hold on her body. She rolled to the edge of the bed and sat up. “Then there’s this damn Moon Phase—I’m compelled to find a man and fuck his brains out once a month or go completely insane.”

  “What’s wrong with that?”

  She couldn’t help but laugh at his comment. Shaking her head at the audacity of the situation, she stretched out on the bed beside him. If it was only in her power—she’d eliminate the moon altogether.

  “You’re a male chauvinist.”

  He shrugged one bare shoulder. “To repeat—what’s wrong with that?”

  “So what are you doing here in Madison—besides giving a tennis exhibition?”

  “I just moved here. In fact, I bought a hundred acres of ground and I’m going to build a house on it. I’ve retired from tennis.”

  An arched brow rose. “You think you can hide on that much ground—run instead of giving into your instinctive desire to hunt.” Her words were more statement than question for him. “It’s hard to deny the urge, trust me. I’ve been trying to do just that since I was sixteen.”

  “Do I detect a little bit of cynicism?”

  “Yeah, I am a cynic, at heart.” She pulled in a steadying breath. Why was she bothering to tell him such things?

  “So what are you doing in Madison?”

  “My grandmother used to live here. When I was a kid, I used to visit her. It was the greatest time in my life. Of course, that was before I really understood what it meant to be a werewolf and have to go through the Change. My folks moved north once word got out that there were werewolves in the area. My mother thought it best to move into new territory and at that time, there were no known Packs in Connecticut. But just last year, a rogue invaded the area and went on a killing spree. I decided it was time I took leave—just in case I should happen to run into him.” She caught his inquisitive gaze. “I didn’t want to chance encountering him and having to fight him off during one of my stupid Moon Phases.” She shrugged her shoulders, leaving the rest of her words unspoken.

  He stared at her for a long moment, then leaned toward her and kissed her mouth. He cuddled her naked body in his warm arms. His palm skimmed along the rounded contours of her hip and thigh, making its way between her legs. She moaned and parted her thighs. His hand slid instantly into the warm recesses of her crotch.

  The urge was too great or else she was unwilling to reject the opportunity to have sex with him again. The burn inside her body was not to be ignored. White flames of desire licked along her nerve endings, driving her need to sate the lust filling her.

  He rolled atop her body. Pulling his mouth from hers, he planted hot little kisses along the hollow of her collarbone, skimming his touch over the crest of one breast. He sucked a taut nipple into his mouth.

  Janna pulled in a quivering breath and arched her body toward his hot mouth. A shiver of
expectancy quaked through her. His lips were soft and moist against her hot flesh. Releasing her nipple, the wet tip of his tongue stroked her ever so slightly. He worked his way along her fevered body, sensually stroking and tasting her skin, sampling her most sensitive areas.

  Her heart hammered against her rib cage. Passion rose in mountainous peaks inside her body. Rick’s tongue was rapidly approaching the place between her legs—she pulled in a quick breath, feeling his fingers push into her hairy crotch. She moaned and spread her legs, giving him full reign to her cunt.

  His mouth engulfed her tissues, warm and wet, and so very arousing. His tongue slid inside her sensitive lips, tickled her aroused clit and sent a multitude of sensations racing along her limbs. She grabbed at his head with both hands, compelled to hold his head against her crotch. She bucked her hips, rubbing her clit against his devouring mouth.

  “I’m climaxing! Oh God! I’m climaxing!”

  She yelped out loud and ground her crotch against his mouth, holding his head in a tight grasp. The bed squeaked with her bucking movements, her heels dug into the mattress, she arched her back and rolled her head back, savoring the orgasm as it streamed through her body.

  “My turn,” Rick whispered once she had stilled and was breathing in a raspy tone. He worked his way up her body, kissing the moist skin of her inner thighs and running his palms along her smooth contours. He pushed her thighs apart with one knee and sank his cock inside her, making her gasp with his big size.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and brought her legs up to clasp about his thrusting hips. Releasing a long breath, she began to move with him, matching her rhythm to his thrusting lunges.

  “Maybe this…wolf stuff…isn’t all…bad,” she conceded, savoring their thrashing bodies as they pressed tightly together and moved as one.

  Chapter Three

  “I have to go. McCoy will be up in arms.”

  Janna rolled to her side and sat up on the bed. Combing her fingers through her hair, she looked about the room for her clothes. Where had Rick thrown them when he pulled them off her body?

  She remembered suddenly that she hadn’t gotten an interview from him. She turned to look at him, only to see him scribbling frantically on her notepad. Smiling, she went toward the bathroom for a quick shower before dressing.

  When Janna emerged from the bathroom she found Rick reclining on the bed, pillows pushed behind his head. On the bed beside him lay her notepad and pen. Locking gazes with him, she finished buttoning her blouse and reached for her notepad. He grabbed her wrist suddenly, pulling her down on the bed beside him.

  “I can’t stay,” she hurried to say, her emotions suddenly battling her decision to leave him. The flames of desire licked blazing hot along her senses.

  “I know,” he said, heaving a sigh. “You never gave me an answer about dinner.”

  She smiled at him. “I’m free.”

  “I’ll pick you up at seven.”

  “Make it six.” She felt her cheeks pink at her suggestion.

  “Why don’t I just go to work with you and we can go to the restaurant from there?” His broad smile was disarming.

  She waved her notebook at him. “I have to get this story typed up and turned in before the five o’clock deadline.” She pulled her hand free of his grasp and stood up. “You didn’t write anything that will result in my being promoted to sports reporter—did you?”

  He shrugged one bare shoulder and grinned at her. “I just reviewed the game.” He rolled to the edge of the bed and stood up. In the next instant, he was between her and the door of the room.

  “We’ve been dancing around our situation for fifteen minutes now, Janna. Let’s be honest, shall we?”

  “I don’t know what you mean.”

  “Baby, you’re in your Moon Phase. I know how the urge to have sex is burning inside you—“

  “Yeah, well…I said I’d have dinner with you—“ She grinned in spite of things. “We both know what we’ll be doing once we finish the meal.” She sighed and pushed her long hair off one shoulder. She narrowed her gaze on him as a sudden thought bloomed. “Are you asking me if I’m going to fuck some guy between the time I leave here and the time you pick me up for dinner? Do I look that damn desperate?” A surge of rage suddenly rose inside her.

  “I didn’t mean it like it sounded.” He caught her by both upper arms. “I was going to suggest that we go away for a few days—you know—some place where we could be secluded—“

  “So we could stay in bed and fuck without the fear of being discovered?”

  “You make it sound so tawdry!”

  She laughed suddenly. “Frankly, Rick, I don’t think you could pack enough condoms to keep up—if we went away and spent the time in bed.”

  He laughed deep in his throat.

  An arched brow lifted.

  “We could help each other out here.”

  She heaved a long sigh and stepped back, breaking the hold he held on her upper arms. “You might think this wolf stuff is hot shit, but I think it’s a terrible blow to my life.” She turned and faced the window in the room. “Right now I could leap through that damn window and run down the street—Changed, of course—and never think twice about what we just did.” She turned to face him. “Does that make any sense to you?”

  He eyed her, his inspecting gaze traveling the length of her body and returning to her face. “I struggled to understand why this Curse happened to me in the beginning, but now I realize I have to accept the fact that I can Change into an animal, that I can choose to kill or try to stifle the urge. I can spend the time I’m in wolf form running like hell, trying to dispel the urges racing inside me, or I can give in to the inevitable and kill—perhaps an innocent person—or a squirrel. Have you ever tasted one of those things?” He wrinkled up his nose and stared at her.

  She chuckled. “I once chomped down on a rat. It was a vile thing.”

  She leaned down and picked up her purse from the floor. She scooped her notepad and pen off the bed and headed toward the door.

  “Point is, Janna, you’re who you are and there’s little you can do about it—at this stage in the game anyhow.”

  “I know that—but I don’t have to like it.” She tried to stifle the little voice in the back of her mind that screamed at her not to tell. “I’ll never bring children into the world, Rick. I’ll never marry. I’ll never be a lot of things because of who, or what, I am.”

  “Honey.” He crossed the room so quickly she hadn’t time to evade his hands. He yanked her against his chest and wrapped both arms around her body. “We can work this out.”

  “There’s nothing to work out. I’ve made up my mind.” She pushed out of his embrace, though every fiber of her body objected to separating her body from his incredibly tempting naked physique. “I have to go.”

  Regret surged through her insides as she grasped the doorknob and yanked the door open. Wanton urges surged through her insides, but she chose to deny them, chose to leave handsome, virile, Rick Sawyer and his offer of unlimited sex.

  Damn that Moon Phase!

  * * * *

  The newsroom was noisy, as usual, when Janna entered the door and headed for her desk at the back of the room. Thank God the few people at their desks were either on the phone or glued to their computer screens. Not one person remarked about how late she was returning to work. She hurried down the aisle between the neat row of desks, notepad clutched in one hand, her mind trying to focus on the article she had to whip up and get turned in before the five o’clock deadline, when she spied Elmer McCoy coming out of his office.

  He motioned one hand at Janna.

  Oh hell!

  Could he tell she was looking at him? Or could she possibly act like she hadn’t seen him gesture toward her?

  “Miss Marlow, I’d like to see you in my office.”

  She tossed her notepad onto her desk and went toward the editor of the newspaper, a firm set to her jaw. If he made one remark about he
r being late—

  Elmer McCoy was approaching sixty, with a paunch that bulged over his belt. He wore glasses that usually perched atop his balding head. He watched Janna make her way toward his office, a scowl across his pudgy face.

  “I don’t recall giving you the afternoon off,” he remarked, stepping inside his office. He rounded the large mahogany desk centered in the room and flopped into the leather desk chair flanking it. “I assume you got to see Sawyer.”

  “Yes sir, I did.”

  “And you have a story for the evening edition?”

  “Yes sir. I do.”

  He aimed a scrutinizing look at her. “You had a call today from out of state.”

  A sudden tremor of fright raced through Janna’s body. She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth and nibbled on it, holding her breath that Elmer McCoy wasn’t going to ask the next question—the question she had been afraid he’d ask since she began work at the paper.

  “So, you’re name isn’t Marlow after all.” He leveled his gaze on her. “After I spoke with the woman on the phone, I did a little checking into your background. Seems your grandmother, Mary Marlow, used to live here in Madison.” He pinned her with his gaze. “So, did you like the name Marlow better than Connor and just decide to lie to me so I’d give you a job?”

  Janna sucked in a quick breath. “My last name is of little consequence to you, Mr. McCoy. I could have chosen the name Smith for all you know.” She felt sweat pop out on her forehead. She had never been interrogated before and she couldn’t say she was enjoying it one little bit. Why hadn’t she taken Rick Sawyer up on his offer to leave town? A brief flash of memory rocked her senses. She could be in his arms right now if she hadn’t been so insistent on coming back to work and getting her story in before the deadline arrived.

  “I’ve taken the liberty of having your name changed in payroll.” He handed her a slip of paper from his desktop. “Your mother wants you to call her right away.”

  Janna took the paper he offered and glanced at it, recognizing the number scribbled on it. Curiosity welled up inside her. Why had her mother called her at work instead of ringing her cell phone? And why in hell had she seen fit to divulge her identity to Elmer McCoy?


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