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Janna's Werewolf

Page 11

by Fawn Lowery

  “So why don’t you introduce me to your friend, Janna?”

  She turned, deliberately drawing Barton closer with one hand on his arm. She noted the sudden rigid stance on Nick’s part. Given the slightest hint that she had been stalling so the policeman could get a closer look at him, he would have bolted.

  “Nick Austin, this is Lieutenant Barton of the Madison Police Department. Nick is from Dover Run. He’s a private investigator.”

  “Nice to meet you,” Lieutenant Barton offered his hand to Nick.

  There was no hesitation on Austin’s part. He poked out his hand and shook the Lieutenant’s hand, smiling slightly.

  “So what’s your business in Madison, Mr.

  Austin?” Barton inquired.

  Nick straightened his shoulders and proceeded to lie to the policeman. “Just visiting the area. I might want to invest in some real estate here.”

  Lieutenant Barton nodded his head and turned his gaze on Janna. “I’ll walk back to the newspaper office with you. I have a little business with Elmer.” He took hold of Janna’s arm, aligning his steps with hers and walking ahead of Nick Austin.

  Janna silently thanked the policeman. She had planned to return to the newspaper office—but the thought that Nick might have other ideas suddenly popped in her mind with the Lieutenant’s offer to accompany her. She slid a wary glance at the officer. Had he had the notion that Nick might have other plans for her—since she had asked him to investigate him?

  I can’t leave anything to chance.

  When they returned to the newsroom, Janna went to her desk and began her article about the last murder victim. He was presumed out for a morning jog when he was attacked. He was Mark Gentry, a computer programmer, in his late thirties. He lived alone, and had no close relatives in the area. His body had been released to the funeral home for burial and services were scheduled for Friday. She hit the enter key and sent the story to copy.

  He’s just one more victim on a growing list.

  She looked up to spy Nick staring at her from across the room. She looked away quickly, lest he decide to come over. His gaze was threatening and her senses took on a sudden alertness. She stifled a shiver of utter fright as she felt his gaze wafting over her body. No doubt he was sizing her up—perhaps figuring how to kill her. She doubted he would put the job off much longer. Had he been able to get her alone earlier, he may have gone through with his plan then.

  She thought again of the incident alongside the road. He had tried to force himself on her, making lewd comments about wanting to have sex with her. Had she remained safe thus far because he wanted to fuck her? She felt the niggling thoughts of a plan coming to mind—though she feared putting herself at too much risk to catch him.

  She doubted whether Rick would go along with such a scheme. He seemed adamant about protecting her. She glanced toward the office in search of him. She saw Lieutenant Barton and Elmer McCoy talking, but Rick was absent. Last she heard he had gone to the front office for a meeting.

  She tried to turn her thoughts to Rick and their budding relationship. He seemed sincere in his feelings for her. And she needed him because of her Moon Phase—the Curse that gripped her body at particular times of the month. She suddenly crossed her legs, willing her body not to react to her thoughts concerning sex.

  Nick Austin suddenly headed in her direction and she sat up straight in her desk chair, ready to spar verbally with him. She hoped he didn’t want her to leave with him—or any of the other thousand things she could think of that he might conjure up. As before, she fought an inner battle to get her emotions under control. The problem could intensify should he sense her fright of him.

  He strode to her desk and folded his tall body into the empty chair in front of it, aiming his silver gaze at her.

  Had circumstances been different—had she not been aware of whom—what—he was, she would have been attracted to him. He was quite handsome with his dark hair and silver eyes. And he was tall and well built—the ideal man any woman would like to meet and perhaps fall in love with.

  Maybe he thought she would have that reaction to him when he came to Madison.

  She felt a new shiver of emotions stir within her body. What if she had had that very reaction to him? Surely she would be dead by now. Surely he would have taken advantage of his ability to charm her.

  Or would he merely have taken advantage of her Moon Phase and fucked the daylights out of her?

  She shook her head, dispelling the thoughts. At least she had not fallen under his spell—thanks to Rick Sawyer. Rick was her savior—in a way. She had met him only days before Nick arrived in Madison and thanks to her Moon Phase, she had needed him to service her.

  Service her?

  The words sounded so remote, so unlike her true feelings. She locked gazes with Nick as he sat in the chair and looked at her. Why hadn’t he said something? Why was he so silent? Surely he wasn’t aware of her thoughts. A shiver of surprise raced up her spine. Weren’t all werewolves capable of the same powers? Some were more astute than others, she supposed, since anyone could be bitten and thus empowered by the Curse. But were there those that had increased powers? She studied Nick Austin as his gaze bore into hers.

  “What do you want?” She spoke through gritted teeth.


  She was suddenly flooded with the notion that he really meant to have her. She shifted in her chair, his words unnerving her.

  So that was his hold off—the reason he hadn’t tried to murder her yet.

  He leaned forward in his chair and propped his elbows on the edge of her desk. He rested his chin on his clasped fist.

  “I have a penchant for little blond werewolves.”

  She stared at him, unable to defend herself verbally.

  “Only I want to take you in human form. I want to touch every silky inch of your body. I want to feel your plump breasts, pull your nipples into my mouth, run my tongue up and down your legs—“

  “Shut up!” she hissed.

  He laughed jeeringly.

  “I want to part your fleshy pussy lips and tickle your clitoris with my tongue. I want to slide my fingers inside you and thrust you to orgasm while I watch the pleasure congeal on your face. I want—“

  “Shut the hell up!”

  He inched closer to her across the desk. “I want to tie you up and have my way with you. I want to drive you insane with want—I want to make you beg me to stick my shaft inside you and ease your lust.”

  Janna lunged out of her chair, making it crash against the desk behind hers. Her heart hammered against her rib cage. Her face felt flushed. Sweat stood in tiny beads on her brow.

  “Or should I say, these are the things I intend to do to you.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Nick Austin had verbally raped her.

  Janna headed to the bathroom as fast as her legs would carry her. She needed to digest his words and erase any possibility that he might be successful in his threat against her. For the first time since he had made his presence known, she was totally terrified of him.

  He’s big enough to make his threat good.

  She worried over whether to tell Rick. And then after pacing the small bathroom several times and wringing her hands until her skin was red, she decided she couldn’t possibly tell Rick. There would be hell to pay.

  Then another thought suddenly assailed her—a thought so morbid and unsavory that she felt her stomach curl at the notion. She couldn’t bring herself to voice the idea, afraid it might become a reality and she’d have to go through with it.

  But it just might work.

  Nick was hot for her. So hot that he put off killing her just so he could wait for the chance to seduce her. If it weren’t for Rick—

  She sucked in a quick breath. The two had fought over her already—in her living room, right before her eyes. Although at the time she really hadn’t fully understood what Nick’s keen interest in her was. She had blamed all sexual innuendos spoken by the two
men on her Moon Phase. Now she was wondering if that was really the case.

  She turned and strode from the bathroom. At least it was time to go home and she was looking forward to it. She only hoped it wasn’t too dangerous for her to stay in her own house for the night. She bit on her bottom lip as she returned to the newsroom.

  A quick glance around the room and she let out a sigh of relief. Nick was absent.

  She gathered her purse and went in search of Rick. She needed to be with him after the ordeal with Nick Austin. She was keenly aware of her surroundings as she walked through the long wandering hallway to the front offices. Nick could be stationed anywhere along the corridor—lurking to overtake her and—

  Stop being scared of him!

  She needed to run, she realized, suddenly aware that she was forgetting she was a werewolf with real capabilities of her own. She could sprout fangs and long claws—she could lash out and rip flesh with little effort. She could sink her fangs into an unsuspecting body.

  She felt like crying. She halted her feet and leaned against the wall, tears coming to her eyes. How had things gotten so out of hand? She knew the answer without thinking too hard. She imagined herself an investigative reporter. She went in search of a story.

  She found a rogue werewolf killing innocent people and sought to destroy him.

  She unzipped her purse and delved her hand inside in search of a tissue. Suddenly she heard footsteps behind her and whirled around, fright gathering anew inside her.

  She almost fell on the floor when she saw Rick coming toward her.

  “I thought I told you to stay at your desk until I came for you.”

  His tone sounded slightly irritated and concern pulled at his handsome features.

  “Sorry,” she muttered, forcing a smile. She couldn’t possibly tell him why she had come in search of him—the words Nick had said to her.

  Rick smiled then and snaked one arm around her waist. “I have a surprise for you. I think you’ll like it.”

  “I’m sure I will.”

  He gathered her against his side and turned toward the main door of the building. And Janna let her body relax a little, sensing that immeasurable strength she had come to associate with him.

  * * * *

  Rick pulled his car in behind Janna’s at her house and shut off the motor. Janna glimpsed his face in the rear view mirror. All the way home, she had wondered what his surprise was, now she was completely baffled at what it might be.

  She scanned the surrounding street before exiting the car. There was no sign of Nick Austin, but she refused to believe that he had found something else to amuse himself. She glanced in the mirror again, seeing Rick getting out of his car. He strode to the trunk and opened it.

  Curiosity welled up inside Janna. She grabbed her purse and the keys from the ignition and opened her door. She had always been leery of surprises—since transforming into a werewolf was surprise enough at sixteen years old.

  She saw his suitcase and smiled. For once, a surprise might be a good thing. She hurried her steps to him, stopping only when she was in his arms. She rose up on tiptoe and kissed him with renewed vigor.

  “That’s a welcome home if I ever had one,” Rick exclaimed, pressing her body into his.

  She hurried to push out of his arms and grab his hand. The sooner she got him inside the house, the sooner it would be real. She stifled a shiver of excitement as she took the door key out of her purse.


  She turned abruptly at Rick’s verbal remark and saw Nick pulling his car to the curb in front of her house. She felt her emotions flag.

  “Go inside,” Rick ordered. He set his suitcase on the front porch and headed toward Austin’s car.

  Janna fumbled with the door key, jabbing frantically at the lock trying to get the key inside. Of all the damn luck—

  She glanced over her shoulder at the two men. Rick was at the car and Austin was shutting off the motor. God! She hoped there wasn’t another fight between them. She bit her lip and made another attempt to unlock the door.

  Austin was out of the car—Rick was jabbing angrily at his chest with one finger. Any second now, one of the neighbors would call the police.

  Which might not be a bad idea.

  She reached inside her purse and retrieved her cell phone. Punching in Lieutenant Barton’s private number, she willed him to answer.

  “Yeah. Who’s this?”

  “Janna Marlow. I need you to come over to my house right now.”

  “Sorry, kid. I’m busy. What’s the problem?”

  Janna pulled in a long breath.


  She watched as Nick suddenly got back inside his car and Rick strode toward the house. She felt relief travel through her insides.

  “Lieutenant, I’m sorry. I dialed the wrong number,” she lied.

  “Marlow, you want to know what I’m busy with?”

  She hesitated, her eyes pinned on Rick as he joined her on the porch and Nick drove off down the street.

  “Marlow, I’m on the scene of another murder.”

  Oh God!

  “I’m behind the sports stadium. Hank thinks the victim is a woman. We’ve found a purse and a pair of high heels.” He let out a disgusted sigh. “There are pieces of the victim scattered all over the sidewalk.”

  * * * *

  Janna paced the distance of the living room and turned, heading back in the direction she had previously paced.

  I have to tell Rick.

  “Every time Austin gets pissed—he kills—slaughters some poor innocent person.”

  Rick rose from the couch and caught her by one hand.

  “It isn’t your fault, Janna.”

  “He followed me here.”

  “Well, maybe that’s true—but you aren’t directly to blame for his killing rampage. He’s a were who can’t control his urges.”

  She combed her fingers through her hair. “I should go to the crime scene.”

  “Not tonight. You’re staying right here where I can keep an eye on you.”

  She met his gaze, identified the warmth in his eyes. She smiled tentatively.

  “Thank you for being here for me.”

  He tugged her into his arms and kissed the side of her head. “I can’t think of any place I’d rather be.”

  She forced the words from her mouth.

  “I have a plan to trap Austin.”

  She felt Rick tense, his muscles knot in expectation.

  “He came here to kill me. Why not give him the opportunity—or make him think he has the opportunity.”

  “You want to use yourself as bait? Janna—that’s crazy!”

  “It’s just crazy enough to work.”

  “Honey, when I said we’d think of a way to deal with Austin, I didn’t mean we would put you in danger.” He brought her hand to his mouth and kissed her knuckles. “Lieutenant Barton and I had a little talk today.”

  She gasped and tensed her muscles. “You didn’t tell him I’m a werewolf, did you?”

  “No.” He shook his head. “He’s getting all sorts of calls from citizens of Madison, asking questions. Seems the story about the pack of wild dogs is raising suspicions of a police cover up.”

  “That’s just one more reason to set a trap for Austin.” She pulled her hand from his grasp and went toward the kitchen. She didn’t often drink—liquor and werewolf tendencies didn’t mix—but under the circumstances, she needed something to calm her senses. She took a bottle of red wine from the cabinet and grabbed a couple of glasses. “If we put our heads together, I’m sure we can come up with a plan that will put Austin six feet under.”

  She returned to the living room and poured two glasses of wine. Taking a seat on the couch, she gulped her glass full without taking a breath.

  Rick shook his head. “You’re letting Austin get to you.”

  “That’s part of the problem—he’s trying to get to me. He wants to kill me, Rick.” She stared at him with wi
de eyes. “I have to get him before he gets me. Don’t you see?”

  She felt her stomach rebel against the wine and suddenly bounded off the couch and raced to the bathroom. She made it just in time—loosing the liquor in the toilet. She wiped her mouth and silently cursed her desire to become an investigative reporter. That seemed to be where her problems started—thinking she could identify a murderer.

  “Are you all right?”

  She looked up to see Rick standing in the doorway of the bathroom, a look of concern on his handsome face. She forced a smile and shook her head, though her stomach still ached to high heaven.

  He crossed the room and turned the shower on. “You need to relax and I have just the means of bringing that about.” He tugged his t-shirt over his head and stepped out of his shoes. He unzipped his jeans and pushed them down the length of his thighs, his eyes on Janna perched on the toilet seat.

  Her eyes were bleary and her temples were beginning to pound.

  God! He’s gorgeous!

  She didn’t object when he knelt in front of her and began opening her blouse. She moved her arms and sat up a little straighter, giving him room to work. He removed her blouse and reached behind her to unfasten her bra, a slight smile on his face.

  Janna heaved a sigh and stood up when he rose and tugged her to her feet. He quickly released the zipper in her skirt and pushed it off her hips. He knelt before her again and ran his hands across her abdomen, lowering to her bikini panties. He leaned forward and kissed her belly, making her shiver and grab his head in her hands.

  “You’re right. You know how to make a girl relax.”

  He chuckled and pulled her panties down, slowly, deliberately, letting his hands skim along her legs with such subtlety that she felt a quiver of desire begin in her stomach and spiral along her limbs. Her senses suddenly came alive and she was ready to see what he had in store for her next.

  He tugged her into the shower, pushing her back against the wall of the shower and reaching for the bar of deodorant soap lying on the shelf. He lathered his hands and smiled at her as he encompassed her breasts in either palm. He stroked her flesh, rubbing slowly and seductively, working the lather into a froth that peaked around her taut nipples.


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