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Sundown, International 4: Maneater

Page 6

by Cat Marsters

  “All right for some,” Lliadra said.

  “Yes,” said Eliadne, seating herself upon the blond Fae’s cock as they perched on the edge of the bed, watching us. “It is.”

  Ruarc, I said telepathically as he turned me onto my knees on the chaise and slid his cock into me from behind, can you talk to them? Telepathically, I mean?

  Only when we’re in the room together, he said. There’s too much iron in the way here.

  I lost my train of thought as he fucked me hard for a few minutes, his fingers pinching my clit as he drove deep into me. Then he pulled out, falling to the floor with a mental sigh of, I want to come too much to keep that up. Come here and let me lick you.

  I scrambled into his lap and he lifted my hips to his face.

  “He’s good at that,” Eliadne called out, and I could only gasp in agreement.

  What are they saying? Ruarc asked. I can see their lips moving.

  She -- I lost my breath for a moment as he pushed his fingers inside me -- was just complimenting your pussy-licking skills.

  Mighty kind of her.

  And before that -- merciful Zeus, Ruarc! -- she said… she said… no, the vampire said… if I scream any louder I’ll bring the house down.

  Ruarc stopped for a moment, which was a shame. She said what?

  But that’d kill her, because of the daylight. I mean, I don’t actually know if it is daylight or not --

  Could you scream that loud?

  I honestly don’t know.

  Ruarc looked thoughtful. He went back to licking my pussy, a little slower this time, but that allowed me time to think.

  And what I thought was this. Maybe I could scream loud enough to bring the building down. But then we’d all be trapped inside it. The vampire could well combust, and even if she didn’t, by the sounds of it, she and the Fae would kill each other. Added to which, Starne and his men would surely not take very long to come after us.

  No. Making the building fall down wouldn’t work.

  But, and here was a thought. So far the only precautions Starne had taken around me were to prevent me from flying away, or affecting anyone with my voice. Since all the other inmates were behind highly specialized bars and Ruarc was deafened, I couldn’t make them do anything.

  But I could tear Ruarc to ribbons with my teeth.

  I could have eaten the henchman.

  Why wasn’t Starne bothered about that?

  Ruarc was stroking my anus with his finger, lubricated with my own come. It made it harder to think, but the idea I was trying to hold onto was this. Starne had seen me with the teeth and the claws, but he’d been under the influence of The Voice then. Did that mean he hadn’t noticed how dangerous I could be?

  Right then, Ruarc penetrated my ass with his thumb while licking deep inside my cunt, and a spontaneous orgasm overtook me. Evidently I screamed, because the Faeries and the Elf all cried out, “That must’ve been a good one!”

  “It was,” I replied, but my sudden cheer had more to do with my discovery. I’d have checked it out there and then, but I’d no doubt Starne was watching, even if he couldn’t hear. And besides, I wanted to know how my Voice affected paranormal beings.

  “Everyone stand up and walk toward the bars,” I said, and everyone turned their heads to look.

  Even Ruarc.

  The vampire stood up. Lliadra got to within half an inch of her iron bars. But neither of them actually touched the barrier. Both Fae, who had to disentangle themselves first, didn’t even get to their feet before they shook off the effect.

  The werewolf howled.

  I nearly heard that, Ruarc said.


  “That wasn’t funny, siren,” the vampire snapped.

  “Wasn’t meant to be,” I said, as Ruarc rolled me to my knees and took up position behind me. “I needed to see if you were affected by my siren voice.”

  “I felt a compulsion,” Lliadra said. “But I could fight it.”

  “Easily,” Eliadne agreed.

  “I’m not going to do anything you say,” the vampire sneered.

  “Tell me your name,” I said, and yelped as Ruarc pushed inside me. His thumb was still in my ass, stroking me from the inside as he slowly fucked my pussy from behind.

  The vampire began, “Maria de Ce -- fuck off, siren.”

  I smiled to myself.

  “But at least you can fight it,” I said, “which -- oh! Do that again -- is more than humans can do.”

  “Does Starne know this?” Lliadra asked.

  “Of course not,” Eliadne replied. “He’s watching to see what we do.”

  Are you still talking? Ruarc said, and reached round with his other hand to fondle my breasts as he stepped up the pace.

  Not -- any -- Zeus! -- more, I managed. Harder. Fuck me harder.

  Happily, he said, and did just that, shoving me screaming into another orgasm before coming himself, so much and so hard his come dripped from me.

  Exhausted, we lay together on the fake grass.

  Are you going to scream the place down? he asked, idly stroking my breasts.

  No, I said, trying to get my train of thought back on the rails.

  It would mean escape for all of us.

  It would mean Maria turning to dust, and you Fae might not be fond of vampires but they’ve done nothing to me. And besides, if you get free, you three and she will kill each other. Not to mention the werewolf.

  Ursula. She is pretty feral. Ruarc sighed. Look, I’ll talk to the others. If we can come to an agreement… maybe make a truce with Maria… will you think about it?

  Yes, I said, but what I was thinking about was something else.

  Chapter Seven

  Starne so enjoyed the display Ruarc and I put on that he put us back together every day after that. I didn’t mind -- well, for a given value of ‘mind’ -- Ruarc was a skilled and considerate lover, and the fact that we could hold a conversation was a definite bonus.

  Eliadne realized something the other day, he told me as I sucked on his cock. Starne and his men must undoubtedly have their ears blocked, or the speakers switched off or something, yes, so they’re not affected by your voice?

  I couldn’t exactly nod, so I thought, Yes.

  But what about lip-reading?

  My eyes met his. He took his cock from my mouth and laid down with me on the fake grass, licking and caressing my breasts.

  I wondered about voice recognition technology, I said.

  You’re talking to someone who can’t program a video recorder, Ruarc replied, his cold eyes dancing. Yes, they were still cold, cool eyes to match his chilly beauty, but his touch and his words were warm. He’d told me he was Unseelie, the Winter Court of the Fae, which explained a few things.

  Voice recognition. Basically it’s a computer that can recognize human speech and translate it into written words. If the speakers are turned off, Starne can’t hear, but the computer can.

  And are computers affected by your voice?

  I… have no idea. But it’s still a risk.

  Agreed. We’ll have to be careful about what we say.

  He moved down my body, pausing to kiss my stomach, before settling between my legs to work some of that tongue magic on my pussy, after which coherent thought evaded me.

  One afternoon, when I was escorted out into the garden, Ruarc was already busy with Eliadne. Writhing on the ground, her waist-length auburn hair wrapped around them both, they were eerily beautiful. His buttocks flexed as he drove deep into her and her teeth dug into his shoulder, muffling her cries.

  I didn’t say anything, just watched them moving together, a duet of perfection. Did I look like that when Ruarc made love to me? Was it ever that flawless, so perfectly synchronized?

  No, it wasn’t. It had been that perfect with someone else, once… but since he was the man responsible for getting me in here, I refused to think about him.

  Mindful of our agreement not to say anything that might give away the telepathi
c link, I waited for the henchmen to make the first move. One of them lowered a side of the iron cage surrounding the Fae lovers, and they looked up.

  I gave a wave. Ruarc smiled. Eliadne looked delighted.

  “Oh goody,” she said out loud. “It’s been too long since I tasted pussy.”

  She made good on that. While I was being so thoroughly distracted by her, Ruarc explained that he was the only true telepath of the three Fae, and that Eliadne and Tiel couldn’t communicate without Ruarc there as a sort of router.

  Like on the Internet, I said, and Ruarc just looked helpless.

  We passed a very pleasant afternoon together, the three of us, Ruarc relaying messages between me and Eliadne, who was an extremely enthusiastic lover. The next day, I found her and Tiel waiting for me. Ruarc was a dark presence inside his cell.

  I smiled, nervously, because unless they spoke out loud we had no way of communicating. And they, of course, couldn’t hear a word I said.

  “Not,” Starne’s voice came through the overhead speakers as Tiel and Eliadne went through a sinuous erotic dance, while I got in the way, “as stimulating as with the dark-haired one.”

  Stimulating. Ew.

  “He doesn’t know your name,” I called to Ruarc.

  “Why would he?”

  His voice was cool too. Sexy… but chilly. Like the rest of him.

  I put all thoughts of golden skin and sun kissed hair and warm deep tones out of my mind. That way, madness lay.

  * * *

  My guess was I’d been there a little under two weeks when Starne triumphantly announced a special treat for me.

  He’s letting you go? said Ruarc, who was reclining against the back of the chaise with me between his legs.

  I gave a mental snort, which is actually harder than it sounds. Maybe he’ll be allowing us to actually talk.

  No… because then you might command me to do something.

  Like what? The bars are made of iron and the chain on my ankle is unbreakable by anyone.

  I don’t know. But then I’m not an evil genius.

  Neither is he, if he doesn’t know you’re telepathic and I have five rows of teeth in my mouth.

  Ruarc laughed inside my head and cupped my breasts fondly. I turned my head to kiss him, wriggling back against his cock, wondering vaguely what the surprise might be. I liked being with Ruarc, but there was an odd sense of just being with a friend, sharing a mutual interest. Like playing tennis, only… sweatier.

  A shiver ran over me. Ruarc smiled against my mouth, clearly thinking he’d been the cause, but it wasn’t a shiver of pleasure. It was a shiver of… I don’t know. Apprehension, I think. It wasn’t a feeling I was used to.

  Then Starne’s voice came out of the loudspeaker, and he sounded even more smug than usual. “This is Mr. Black. He’s paid an awful lot of money for the privilege of being with a siren, so I do hope you won’t disappoint him.”

  I went still.

  Chloe? Ruarc said.

  I shook my head.

  What is it? Are you all right?

  I swallowed. Took a deep breath. I’d been putting off thinking about this moment. The moment when Starne pimped me out. Up until now, it had all been… well, it hadn’t exactly been my choice to have sex with Ruarc and the others, but I hadn’t minded. We were all in this together. And I liked them.

  But now… now…

  Starne has… my fingers tightened, my nails digging in my palms… invited a guest.

  Ruarc paused. Hell.


  He started stroking me again, but more cautiously this time. What are you going to do?

  I took in another breath and let it out slowly. The urge to get out my claws is overwhelming.

  And yet…

  It’ll be pointless. Sure, I might stop this guy, but then Starne’ll figure out the one advantage I have, and likely lock me away for the rest of forever where people can come look at me but not touch.

  Ruarc’s tone was frustrated. Not if you use your siren voice.

  If I do that, I’ll deafen everybody. You included.

  Well, I can’t hear anything at present --

  Ruarc. This voice can melt rocks. It can sure as hell penetrate whatever they blocked your ears with. It could kill you. I’ve seen it kill humans before.


  It wasn’t me personally -- I began, but then there was the electronic buzz of a door opening, and three of the henchmen trooped out with the iron cattle prods they used to hold back the Fae whenever their iron cage was being dropped.

  Looks like this is my cue to exit, Ruarc said. He turned me in his arms and gave me a quick, firm kiss on the lips. Good luck, sweetheart.

  I was suddenly very afraid. All the others had been rented out, dragged from their cages with varying degrees of violence and pinned down by shackles of iron, silver, or holy chains. I’d never seen it, but Ruarc had hinted. He said Maria fought like a demon and when they got Ursula out, she had to be sedated and it still took three henchmen to subdue her.

  I didn’t want to have sex with some rich pervert. I didn’t want to fight him. I didn’t want to touch him.

  Ruarc took my hand and squeezed it as the front of the cage was opened, and one of the henchmen advanced, cattle prod in hand. Ruarc surrendered, his hands raised, not willing to let the iron touch him.

  Christ, my head hurts, he said, wincing, but I hardly heard because as the henchman moved, he revealed the man who’d been standing behind him.


  For a long second I couldn’t breathe. Later, I wondered why I hadn’t let the beast out and ravaged him there and then, but I guess the answer to that was clear enough. He was just so dazzling. I felt like I had the first time I saw him.

  By the time my brains returned and I remembered what he’d done to me, he was already speaking.

  “The Faery can stay,” he said, removing his bathrobe. He was naked underneath, as glorious as ever, and that rich, golden voice washed over me. “I want to watch her being fucked.”

  At that I snarled and felt my claws come out, but Ruarc shouted a hasty warning in my head and I stepped back, growling, as one of the henchmen held out an electronic pad to Alexius, who scribbled something on it. A second or two later Starne’s surprised voice came over the speaker again.

  “He wants the Fae to stay,” he said. “Wants to watch you being fucked. Well, he’s already been watching from up here. Nothing like a live show, I suppose.”

  His tone said that he personally found it very distasteful. A man like Starne probably found all human interaction distasteful, but put up with it if it was profitable.

  The henchmen, receiving their orders on the electronic pads, backed away and released Ruarc, who gave me a puzzled look. They closed the cage again and retreated, leaving the three of us alone while I wondered how the hell Starne hadn’t noticed the client he’d sent down here was the man he’d shot and killed two weeks previously.

  Well, at least you’re not alone, Ruarc said, moving away from the bars. I was, my first time, and… oh.

  I didn’t take my eyes from Alexius. What?

  Damn iron. Chloe, what do you see when you look at him?

  I glowered at Alexius, who had the decency to look a little nervous. The man who put me in here.

  Oh. Hell. And… er… would you describe him as middle-aged, balding, overweight, and with a penis smaller than my big toe?

  I gaped. No!

  No, I didn’t think so. But that’s what Starne and his men are seeing.

  This time I dragged my eyes away from Alexius. Ruarc seemed to be listening to something. No, he said, she can’t hear you. She’s not telepathic. She can only communicate through me. He put his head on one side. Who the hell are you, man? And who put a Faery glamour on you?

  I badly wanted to say something, do something, but no doubt by now Starne was wondering why we were all just standing there doing nothing but glaring at each other.

  I pointedly walked pas
t Alexius and wrapped my arms around Ruarc, who held me distractedly, apparently listening to Alexius.

  Tell him if he touches me I’ll rip his dick off, I told Ruarc, who glanced down and gave me a slight smile, before repeating the message. He paused, then said, He said he thought you might say that.

  Did he, now? Shock was giving way to anger. I went to my knees, wiggling my ass as I did, parting my legs and giving Alexius a damn good view as I sucked Ruarc’s cock into my mouth.

  He says… Ruarc let out a hiss of breath as I wrapped my hand around the base of his cock. He says you have every right to be angry, and he’s really very, very sorry.


  He says he can explain.

  I’m sure he does. I fondled Ruarc’s balls. Ask him to explain how he’s standing here watching me suck your cock when I saw him shot and killed two weeks ago?

  This’ll be interesting, Ruarc said, and relayed my question verbatim.

  He listened for some time, while I sucked his cock deeper, pulsing with anger, almost trembling with it. How dare he come back like this? To see me humiliated, definitively, totally humiliated?

  And how dare I want to touch him so badly it made me shake? I was almost as angry with myself as I was with him.

  I tugged at Ruarc’s hips. Get down, I told him. I want your cock inside me now.

  If Alexius wanted to watch me being fucked, then by Zeus I’d give him a show. I’d get him so horny he’d be ready to burst, and then I’d point and laugh at him when he did.

  Ruarc did as I told him, lying down on his back and guiding his cock into me. I rode it fiercely, my eyes on his, not quite ready to look up at Alexius.

  Okay, Ruarc said finally. He wasn’t killed.

  Well, duh.

  He was very badly injured though. Can you see the scar on his shoulder?

  I wasn’t willing to look at him, but I’d noticed it earlier. An ugly purple spider-web under the skin. I’ve seen it.

  He was shot with -- maybe this makes sense to you -- an arrow dipped in Hydra’s blood?

  Yes, I said, teeth gritted. It should have killed him.

  It would have, if he hadn’t acted fast and known a Faery who could heal him.

  My fingernails dug in Ruarc’s shoulders. How convenient.


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