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Keyboards and Kink

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by Danica Avet; Sandra Bunio; Vanessa Devereaux; Carolyn Rosewood; Melissa Hosack; Raven McAllan; Kassanna; Annalynne Russo; Ashlynn Monroe; Casey Moss; Xandra James; Jorja Lovett; Eve Meridian

  “It’s nearly gone.”

  “So, don’t you think all that redeems you somewhat?”

  “Never really thought about it that way.” His full mouth curled up at the corners and Ursula’s clit began to throb.

  “What prompted you to start the website?”

  Reynold shrugged. “It’s easy to talk to people online. And I’ve always loved the written word. I never expected it to be so popular.”

  She pushed away the plate. “So what happens now, Reynold? What am I to you?”

  His eyes bored into hers. He strolled around the counter and drew her into his arms. “You’re my fantasy come true,” he whispered. “I’ve waited over four hundred years for you, Ursula.”

  Chapter Four

  All the other questions she had faded away as he kissed her, soft and gentle. When he brushed her hair aside she knew he was going to bite her again. It burned for a few seconds, but then heat filled her body and desire shot straight to her pussy. She groaned when he took off her robe and lifted her in his arms.

  He carried her back to bed and licked the wounds on her neck, sending waves of pain and pleasure through her body. Tears ran down her cheeks as his tongue traced a line from her neck down to her breasts. He took one nipple into his mouth and sucked hard. She cried out and reached down to stroke her pussy, but he pushed her hand away.

  “You’ll have to be patient this morning, Ursula.”

  His words inflamed her, sending her arousal spiraling out of control. Her skin was on fire and if she didn’t have his cock inside her soon she’d go out of her mind. Reynold threw a muscled thigh over both her legs so she was trapped, forced to submit to him teasing her nipples with his teeth and tongue.

  She whimpered and begged until finally his tongue trailed over her abdomen, lower and lower until he licked her pussy. Two fingers slipped inside and fucked her slowly while he continued to lick and suck her clit. When the climax crashed over her she screamed again. Wave after wave coursed through her body until she thought she’d pass out.

  Reynold turned her onto her stomach and plunged his shaft into her sore pussy from behind. He fucked her rough and deep, caressing her ass cheeks at the same time. She was raw from the night before but she welcomed the pain along with the exquisite pleasure. He pulled out and lay on his back, lust filling his eyes. “Come here, beautiful. I want to watch your face while I fuck you.”

  Ursula positioned herself over Reynold’s swollen shaft. He grasped her hips and lowered her until she’d sheathed all of him. He held onto her ass cheeks as she found the right rhythm, moaning with each deep thrust of his cock.

  She screamed and tossed her head back and forth as the pleasure overwhelmed her senses. This was unlike anything she’d ever experienced before. How was it possible anything could feel better than this?

  He pulled her down for a deep kiss, then his teeth grazed her neck and it sent a strong orgasm crashing through her. Ursula saw spots behind her closed eyelids and if not for his hands holding her she would have collapsed in a heap on top of him.

  He was carrying her again. She opened her eyes as he set her gently down and turned on the shower. He stepped under the water and took her hand. She leaned into his strong embrace as he lathered her skin with shower gel. The scent of freesias mixed with his musky scent, filling her senses.

  Reynold tenderly washed every inch of her body while holding her close, stroking her hair and back. He turned her around and lathered her breasts and pussy from behind until another orgasm began to build. Then he moved from under the spray and backed up against the wall before lifting her off the ground, cradling her ass from underneath. When she wrapped her legs around him he plunged into her pussy.

  She closed her eyes and leaned into him as exquisite pleasure filled her body. When he nipped at the wounds on her neck another impossible climax overtook her. It took several minutes to realize the whimpering she heard came from her own throat.

  He pulled out and lowered her to the ground, then moved behind her and gently bent over her. “Are you all right, Ursula? I’m not hurting you, am I?”

  “No, Reynold. It’s incredible. I never want you to stop.”

  He nuzzled her neck. “You have me as long as you want me, beautiful lady.”

  She shivered and moaned as he plunged into her pussy again, fucking her deep and slow this time. He massaged her breasts at the same time. Ursula couldn’t move. She couldn’t think. All she could do was submit. She prayed it would never end. The pleasure was beyond words, beyond all imagination. When he finally came, she felt his spasms deep in her core.


  When Ursula woke up it was dark outside. She used the bathroom then tossed on her robe. Reynold must have brought it back upstairs while she slept. He’d strewn rose petals strewn along the floor and the trail ended downstairs in her living room, where she found him in front of her TV with a bottle of expensive champagne and two glasses.

  “What are we celebrating?”

  His gaze pierced her soul. “Finding each other.”

  She sighed and took a seat next to him. He poured the champagne and lifted his glass. “To destiny.”

  “I’ll drink to that.” She took a sip, savoring the sharp taste, and glanced at the TV. “What are you watching?”

  “My favorite movie. Blade.” He flashed her a heart-stopping grin. “Will you watch it with me?”

  She giggled as she snuggled next to him. “I can’t believe you watch vampire movies.”

  “Well, I have to make sure they get it at least half right.”

  “What do you do if they don’t? Email the screenwriter?” She took another sip.

  “Can you imagine?”

  Her breath caught in her throat at the look of delight on his face. An impossible thought took shape as she stared into his emerald eyes. She couldn’t fall for him. It was a dead end. Yet, how could she resist his charm? And his lovemaking…it left her breathless, exhausted and raw. Even now she craved him again. How was she going to walk tomorrow morning at work?

  “Will you wear the jewelry I gave you when I take you out to dinner tomorrow night?” he asked, his eyes shining with happiness.

  “I’d love to.”


  Ursula could barely concentrate at work, and that was so unusual for her people kept asking her if she was ill. She also couldn’t stop smiling, which led several of her co-workers to ask quietly who she was sleeping with.

  She laughed off their comments, but in reality she wanted to shout it from the rooftops. Was it real? It had to be. Her entire body ached with pleasure and every time she touched the wounds on her neck she almost had an orgasm.

  Normally she didn’t log onto the Night Games site at work, but she found herself doing it every hour or so, just to stare at Reynold’s picture and see if he’d posted anything else. When she recalled all the times she’d gazed at his photo and wondered if it was real, or if he was single, she wanted to laugh. All this time he’d been right there, working up the courage to reveal himself to her. Her fantasy lover had always been with her and she never knew it.

  Turning back to her research, she tried not to let the obvious creep in. He wasn’t human. This couldn’t last. But for now she had him, and tonight she’d see him at dinner. The rose-colored glasses could stay on for a while longer.


  Reynold took her out to dinner every night for the next two weeks. He felt a surge of pride every time another man gave her an appreciative look. She started going into work early so she could leave in the middle of the afternoons to allow them time to see the sights. They toured places like the Old State House Museum before having dinner at restaurants like Legal Sea Foods.

  She was fascinated with American history, and he told her tales of life in her native country before it was a country. She told him he made the stories come alive as no history book could ever do, and he chuckled at her words. He’d lived it. To him it was still alive.

  She knew where all the best
restaurants in the Boston area were, including out-of-the-way places that tourists never went, like The Helmand in Cambridge where she tasted aushak for the first time.

  On Saturdays and Sundays they watched old horror movies, laughing at the dialogue and the plots. When they ate in, he helped her cook dinner, showing her how to make unusual dishes she’d never heard of. She wrote down the recipes so she wouldn’t forget them.

  At night they made love, and Reynold didn’t think it was possible, but each time Ursula found another way to bring him to new heights of pleasure. He couldn’t get enough of her body, and he loved to listen to her voice. It washed over him like a warm spring rain, fresh and cleansing.

  By the end of two weeks they’d made love in every room of her condo, including the kitchen. He knew she was tired and sore all the time, but she didn’t seem to care. Reynold was head-over-heels in love with her, and the realization scared the shit out of him. He was in deep, deep trouble.

  Each day he almost told her how he felt, but he was afraid to. How could he have a future with her? She was a beautiful, bright woman with a promising career. She deserved a human man who’d marry her and give her brilliant children. What the hell could he offer her? He lived in fear Lukas’s followers would track him down, and he had the rest of eternity to run from them while she’d grow old and die.

  Each day brought new pleasure to his existence when he looked into her dark eyes, and it also brought more despair. He’d lose her one day. There was no way around it. He’d never ask her to cross over. To choose a dark, cursed existence.

  They were watching a Bela Lugosi movie when she lifted her head as if a thought had just occurred to her. “You know, I just realized I have no idea where you live. You don’t sleep in a coffin, do you?”

  He laughed. Her sense of humor was adorable. “No, I don’t. I actually have a home in Charleston.”

  “South Carolina?”


  She frowned. “How do you get back and forth?”

  “The easiest way to explain it is to say I teleport.”

  “Does it hurt?”

  He grinned and pulled her close. “Not a bit. It’s like floating, only it happens fast. And I can’t really see anything. I have to concentrate on a destination and then it comes into focus just before I arrive.”

  “How long does it take?”

  “Depends on the distance. I travel between my home and here in about two minutes.”

  “Can anyone see you?”

  He shook his head. “Nope. They won’t see a bat flying around either.”

  She giggled, snuggling up against him, when he received a new text message on his phone. Panic seized him as he read it. “Shit.”

  “What is it?” she asked, her voice apprehensive.

  “Ursula, I have to go. Derek thinks someone found out about him.”

  “What does that mean? Is he all right?”

  “For now. Fuck.” He stood and ran his hand through his hair, hating the look of panic on her face. He should have told her this before. “Remember when I said no one had bothered me in a long time? Well, I think someone found Derek because of some documents he made me. He’s human and I need to get him to a safe place. But I’ll be back as soon as possible, okay?”

  Her fear was palpable. He could taste it. But if he left Derek vulnerable and something happened to him, he’d never forgive himself.

  “Of course. Go. I hope he’s okay.”

  Reynold pulled her into a quick embrace. “I don’t want you to worry, okay? I can take care of myself.” He gave her a quick kiss, then disappeared.

  Chapter Five

  Ursula munched her popcorn and tried to concentrate on the movie, but her mind raced in frightening directions. If a vampire had found Derek, would he be all right? She shivered as she recalled Reynold telling her how he’d destroyed both Dyvia and Lukas. Would he have to destroy a vampire again? And what if the other vampire was stronger?

  She moaned and turned off the TV as images of him hurt and helpless flashed through her mind. She knew next to nothing about the way he actually lived. The past two weeks had been nothing short of a dream. His reality was something she could never truly be part of.

  After climbing the stairs she lay in bed, telling herself if she went to sleep she’d wake in his arms and all would be well, but all she did was stare at the ceiling. Sleep wouldn’t come tonight. She missed his body next to hers and was terrified for his safety. She could call him, but what if that left Derek in danger? No. She’d have to wait until he returned.

  Ursula rolled over and curled into a fetal position, wishing she’d told him she loved him. At least he’d know. She didn’t want anything to happen to him without knowing how she felt.


  When she woke some time later, she heard noises downstairs and bounded out of bed. Relief coursed through her as she skipped down the stairs. “I’m so glad you’re back,” she called. “Is Derek all right?”

  Fear as sharp as a knife to the gut sliced through her as she stared at the broken glass in her back door. Footsteps sounded behind her and she turned. She was too afraid to scream. “Who’s there? Reynold, is that you?”

  Her phone was still upstairs. She started for the staircase but froze as a figure came around the corner. “Hello, ScienceGirl. At last we meet.”

  “What? Who are you? What the fuck are you doing in my house?”

  He took a step toward her and fresh terror seized her gut. Her heart hammered so fast she was afraid she’d pass out. She couldn’t let that happen. Stay in control.

  “I’m JohnBoy from Night Games. Don’t pretend you haven’t wanted this. You’ve been flirting with me since I joined.”

  “What? Are you out of your mind?” She searched her memory and finally the name rang a bell. Hadn’t Reynold kicked him off the site weeks ago? “How did you find me?”

  “I hacked their site, of course. Do you know how many times I’ve jerked off to your profile pic? Now I can finally do it on your big tits.”

  His words made her stomach roil. He took another step toward her and she eyed the silverware drawer. If she could reach it there was a nice big steak knife in there.

  “That bastard kicked me off the site but that didn’t stop me. I know you want me.”

  “If you don’t get out of my house right now I’m calling the police.”

  He shook his head as a twisted grin spread over his face. “I don’t see a cell phone in your hand, so unless you’re fluent in telepathy, looks like you’re shit out of luck.”

  “Get out of here,” she yelled, hoping her tone sounded braver than she felt.

  Fluent in telepathy.

  She could call Reynold in her head. She’d done it once before, after he told her he could hear her thoughts if she concentrated hard enough. JohnBoy lunged for her and she cried out. Fear spread through her like hot pokers as she tried to push him away. One clammy hand grabbed her breast and she almost threw up. She kicked at him and managed to land one blow to his kneecap. He jumped back and howled in pain as she sprinted for the stairs.

  Reynold! Help me! He has me trapped!

  Ursula fell and struck the top step with her chin as JohnBoy grabbed her ankle. Pain shot through her jaw and up the left side of her head. “You bitch. You’ll pay for kicking me in the knee.”

  “Oh God, please,” she screamed. “Help me!”

  JohnBoy laughed. “I’ll help you. I’ll help you act out every one of your fantasies.”

  Bile bubbled up and she retched as she struggled to free her ankle from his grasp. Her skin was so clammy she’d almost loosened it when he reached the top step and fell on top of her, groping. She tried to push him off but he was too heavy. When he squeezed her breast she screamed Reynold’s name out loud.

  “Shut up. Relax and enjoy it, you whore.”

  The air filled with the scent of ozone. A noise like a tornado tore up the stairs. JohnBoy grunted as someone lifted him off her, then yelled as he was toss
ed down the stairs. He landed at the bottom with a sickening thump as his head connected with the tile floor.

  Ursula couldn’t catch her breath as she sobbed. Reynold’s strong arms enfolded her. “It’s all right. I’m here. You’re okay now.”

  “He…the site…hacked…JohnBoy…” She couldn’t speak.

  “All that matters right now is that you’re safe.”

  “I tried to call you.”

  “I heard you,” he said gently.

  “I was so scared.” She couldn’t stop trembling. “We have to call the police. He might be dead.”

  “I hope he is.” His voice shook. “If he had touched you…”

  “I’m okay. You’re here. I’m okay now.” And if she had anything to say about it she’d never leave his arms again.


  Ursula couldn’t fall asleep after the police and ambulance left. She lay in Reynold’s arms, trying to forget the lust in JohnBoy’s voice and the sick gleam in his eyes.

  “Don’t leave me again.”

  “Ursula, no one has ever hacked into that site. I’m so sorry.” Reynold looked down into her face, pain in his beautiful eyes. “I took your profile off. No one will ever find you again.”

  “What about the other members?”

  He sighed. “I’m thinking of shutting the site down. I can’t take the chance something like this will happen again.”

  “What?” She sat up. “But you love doing this, don’t you?”

  He shrugged. “I do, but…well…I don’t need it anymore.”

  “I don’t understand.” A crazy hope began to build, but she was afraid to let it take shape, so she changed the subject. “What happened with Derek? Is he all right?”

  Reynold cupped her face, his look so tender fresh tears began to flow. “He is now. But we’re talking about you, Ursula.”

  “It’s impossible,” she whispered, shaking her head.

  The trepidation on his face nearly broke her heart. “I thought so too. I vowed never to love again. Not after Dyvia betrayed me. But you…I can’t fight this, Ursula. I love you. I won’t ask you to change, to cross over. That’s not a decision to be taken lightly. All I’m asking is that you give us a chance, for now, to make this work.”


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