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Keyboards and Kink

Page 15

by Danica Avet; Sandra Bunio; Vanessa Devereaux; Carolyn Rosewood; Melissa Hosack; Raven McAllan; Kassanna; Annalynne Russo; Ashlynn Monroe; Casey Moss; Xandra James; Jorja Lovett; Eve Meridian

  “That’s it, Maggie, go for it. I love to see you like this, eyes misted, body shaking. Oh so exciting. Fuck, Maggie, I’m so hard I could snap. I’m going to come for you love, now, now ahh shit, yes.” As she felt herself tip into ecstasy, she saw him shudder, heard his shouts and saw him shake. It was enough to finish her. She slumped into the chair and closed her eyes. Just for a second.

  When she opened them the screen was blank.

  The cursor hovered…

  Chapter Three

  Session has expired.

  Maggie slid to the floor. Please, God, not that. Left the room, been cut off—well, no, not that either—been interrupted, logged out. Not expired, never that.

  From her seat on the carpet she stared at the screen, willing it to come to life. Futile, Maggie, he’s gone. Get up, build a bridge, and get over it.

  But although she told herself to move, her body wouldn’t respond. Pictures flashed through her mind, his face, his smile, and those dim eyes. Happy laughter, his cum on her breasts.

  A coffin.

  “Noooo,” she shouted, her voice echoing in the silence. “No, no, no, no.” Fuck it, Maggie, melodramatic or what? The link was down, the connection broken. That’s all. Now get up and get on with it. But try as she might her legs wouldn’t obey her, and she stayed where she was, shaking, her eyes staring at the screen as if by looking she could bring it to life.

  She didn’t, of course.

  Eventually, like an old woman she stood up, and logged out. Went into the bedroom and cried. For him, for those unborn babies, and for what might have been.

  Surprisingly, she slept.

  And woke up determined, fighting, and stubborn. How dare they stop them communicating. Session expired indeed. No way, no bloody way.

  She checked her phone. No text so she sent one herself.

  Reinstate session immediately.

  Sent an email.

  I expect to see session available 7 pm tonight.

  She waited. Eventually an email arrived.

  It cannot be guaranteed session available.

  Hah. That was easily answered.

  You think not? Think again. Remember where I work.

  Then there was silence.

  Maggie did her washing. Ironed a shirt, vacuumed the lounge, all with one eye on the computer and an ear open for any texts.

  Nothing. Niet, rein de tout, zilch. A great big fat silence. It was like being in a bubble.

  Finally several hours later her phone showed a text.

  7 p.m. Be there.

  Nothing else.

  Well duh, she thought. However, exactly where is there? In the house, by the computer, what exactly?

  She checked her emails.

  One please send me money—how the hell had that slipped through the spam filter, one last days of our furniture sale—oh really, how uninteresting, and one short email that she really wanted.

  Conservative, restrained—no, not restrained—restrained. And remember. Love is everything.

  Okay, so maybe no handcuffs and whip then. She went for a pencil skirt and a lacy blouse. With a strap top underneath, no bra and knickers—she’d gotten used to the bare assed theme, and truth be told rather liked it.

  And waited. If she hadn’t seen the second hand sweep round time after time, she’d have thought the clock had stopped. Maggie couldn’t settle. She wanted it to be seven p.m. Not four or five-thirty. Seven.

  At six she had a cup of tea and burned her lip. At six-ten she repaired her make up, went to the loo and ate an apple. At six-thirty she went to the loo again. By ten to seven she was a nervous wreck.

  She logged onto the site she’d used first.

  Nothing, a blank screen. Then…

  Invalid log on. Session not available.

  Maggie banged her head on the desk.

  Do. Not. Do. This. Please, she begged silently.

  It ignored her—naturally.

  Maggie groaned. What next? She tried the other site. That was worse. It didn’t even acknowledge her.

  How can I do anything if it won’t let me? What next?

  Three minutes to go.

  She dashed into the kitchen and poured a glass of wine, feeling she may need it, then went back to the study and the computer.

  One minute. Thirty seconds. Her clit did its clenching-oh-am-I-going-to-get-attention act it did each time she thought she might be in contact with him.

  The screen flashed, the cursor moved.

  Session delayed, please wait.

  Maggie groaned. Wait for how long?

  Five minutes? Ten?

  It was thirty long minutes. That flipping message stayed stubbornly on the screen.

  Maggie replenished her wine, took some crackers and pâté to the computer, being careful not to drop food on the keyboard.

  Session delayed.

  “I know, you keep telling me. For fuck’s sake update, refresh or something. Don’t keep me dangling.”

  Well, it was a computer, so it ignored her.

  Finally, after forty-five minutes the screen flashed.

  Session arrived.

  Yeah? Where? Maggie waited, feeling her arousal increase. Why had she put a pencil skirt on, making it so hard to touch herself?

  The seconds ticked by. Still nothing else appeared on the screen, or on her phone.

  She put her glass to her lips.

  The doorbell rang.

  Maggie jumped, dropped the glass and looked at the stain on her blouse and skirt in dismay.

  Hell, she looked like the whole of the local male voice choir had come on her.

  The bell rang again, shrill and insistent. She’d better answer the door.

  Slowly she opened it to the extent of the chain.

  “Take the chain off, Maggie mine. Bring me in and fuck me.”

  She had the chain off in seconds, crying, laughing, hardly be able to believe her eyes.

  “It’s you? Really you, here? How, why? Who?” She was incoherent with pleasure, as she slammed the door behind him, not even looking to see if he was alone.

  “It’s me. Because I needed to see you, be with you, be in you. And they knew it. We have an hour, Maggie, a precious hour. Shall we?” His hands were at the buttons of her blouse, hers at his fly.

  “Oh God, so good, love.” His cock sprung free as she guided him to the bed and helped him onto it. “Not the chair this time?” He was laughing as she almost ripped her skirt off and sat over him.

  “Ah, Maggie, this is heaven.” She was impaled on his cock, her hands moving from his nipples to her blouse, helping him strip it from her. She felt her nipples pinched and soothed as she set up a steady rhythm on his cock. Tightening and relaxing her muscles as his cock swelled inside her, Maggie knew she couldn’t last long.

  “Lean forward. Let me suck your nipples love as we come. Please, they are so sweet. Your body is so perfect for me. The feeling of you holding me deep inside you is an invitation to fill you. I’m going to come. Let me suck as I do.”

  She leaned forward, her breast enticingly near his lips.

  “Help me, Maggie.” His voice was agonized. “Lift your breast to me, hold it for me.”

  She did so, gladly. Still holding his dick tightly inside her pussy, never breaking her pace, she held her breast and leant forward enough to put it to his lips. He sucked and nipped, she screamed, and his cock contracted. He groaned. Maggie felt him come and fill her. She convulsed and her climax surrounded them, her moans mingling with his, as gradually they both came down from their high.

  She slumped across his chest, his cock still deep inside her, his hand on her back, stroking and soothing, his breath on her cheek.

  “Ahh, Maggie, I do love you so. It was worth all the subterfuge, the conspiracy, just to see your…” He paused and she could feel his laughter. “Face.” She felt his lips on her hair, as he smoothed it down her back. “And the rest of you. Well, it will be if you sit up and let me feast my eyes. As long as you don’t move off me,
and put me out of you yet, that will happen soon enough. I don’t have the staying power these days I’m afraid, but one day…” His voice trailed off. Maggie heard the sadness and the hope.

  “One day,” she replied. “And soon I bet.”

  He laughed and the action moved his cock ever closer to the entrance of her pussy and out of her. “You don’t bet.” He reminded her.

  ‘I do now,” she said. “In fact, I bet you we’ll be having marathon sex very soon. Within three months. I win, you buy me a Prada handbag. You win…” She paused.

  “You have a clit ring,” he said, laughing. “But maybe that’s my incentive to drag my heels.”

  Maggie made her mind up. “If I win I’ll have one. If I lose you have two.”

  He winced. “Ouch, that’s an incentive all right. Three months from today?”

  She nodded and kissed him on the nipples, ending it with a tiny nip as his cock seeming with reluctance slid out of her, the essence of him remaining in her as a reminder of what had been.

  Her phone bleeped.

  “You need to get that, love, it’ll be for me,” he said. “Session time’s up, I bet.”

  He was right. Slowly she helped him wash and dress, each touch etched in her memory, as all too soon she watched him leave.

  His last words whispered as the door closed behind him.

  “Session interrupted briefly, love. Normal service to be resumed as soon as possible.”

  Oh how she hoped so.

  Chapter Four

  “Got to dash, girls. I’ve got a computer lesson.” Well, what else could she call it? Especially to two preschoolers.

  Her sister smiled knowingly, and she didn’t know the half of it. “That’s a new name for it,” Suze said. “But I guess it’s as good a euphemism as any. Enjoy your lesson.” She winked.

  Maggie laughed, and waved. As usual she was running late, something that seemed to be happening more and more lately. She was so tired. The last two months or so had been hard. Many nights she woke up in the early hours, frustrated, hot, wanting and in tears. More often than not, as she logged on to her PC, eager and waiting to see those words Session ready, she was disappointed and saw, Session delayed, Session unavailable, or even one awful day. Session denied.

  How dare they deny her, her session? But they could, and they did.

  The week before those three months were up, she could count on the fingers of one hand how many times she’d been in touch with him. She’d worn out the battery in her vibrator, smashed two vases and a plate in her frustration, and her keyboard was pristine. It even got to the point where she couldn’t be bothered to masturbate. There seemed to be no point. Yes, she was permanently horny, but felt no interest in self-help. She wanted him or nothing.

  She wasn’t eating, felt sick, and craved polony. She hated polony.

  Suze dragged her to the doctors, and held her as she fell to pieces, and cried all over her, the doctor and the receptionist.

  “Really? Oh wow.” She could pinpoint the exact day, it would be hard not to. Now if only she could see Session about to begin, life would be almost perfect.

  Eagerly she logged on.

  And waited.

  And waited. Finally the screen lightened and the cursor moved. Eagerly Maggie moved closer, as if it would bring them together.

  Session is no longer available; session has been discontinued on this site.

  She burst into tears. No, she needed her session, now, it was important, she had things to say.

  Staring at the screen didn’t help.

  She tried a text to the number she’d used all those weeks ago.

  This number is no longer live.

  “Well, for fuck’s sake,” she shouted to the empty room. “I need it live, I need my session, I need it.”

  She was crying as the doorbell rang. The last few nights it had been her neighbor to borrow milk, the daughter of an old school friend asking for sponsorship, and someone looking for a house in the next street. She didn’t hold out a lot of hope that this caller would be any more interesting.

  Morosely she put on the chain and opened the door. A foot slipped into the gap.

  “Open for me, Love. And not just the door.”

  “What? Oh shit.” Her fingers fumbled with locks and chains and then she was in his arms.

  “It’s you, really you?” Maggie said over and over again. “How long are you here for? How long do I have this session? Do you have to go back?”

  He shook his head. “I’m home now, Maggie, home for good. Look.” He pointed behind him. “No wheelchair, no stick—well, not often. Session is no longer unavailable, interrupted or finished. Session is about to start. So love, how’s your clit feeling? Ready for a ring?”

  Maggie shuddered. “Ee, well, maybe, but first…” She didn’t have a chance to finish.

  “First,” he interrupted. “I’m going to love you, fuck you, screw you senseless. All night. Then we’ll discuss rings, and anything else we need to. Take me to bed, woman.”

  Maggie took his hand and led him into their bedroom, her heart pounding. He really was home. All those long months of rehabilitation, and finally he was here.

  “Chair?” she asked. “Are you watching?”

  He shook his head. “Oh no, I’ve been an onlooker for too long. I’m in you every which way tonight until we both are so sated we can’t move. My cock is begging to be in your sweet pussy, your tight ass, your warm mouth. Everywhere. So strip.”

  Never had a command sounded so sweet. She watched as he carefully climbed onto the bed and leaned against the headboard, almost fully dressed—the snap of his jeans was undone.

  “And you,” she asked.

  He nodded. “Soon, but first I want to watch you, feel my cock rub against my zip and know it will soon be released from prison. Then slide into you slowly, savoring every moment, before fucking you senseless. Then turn you over and slide into your ass, and coming again. And again and again. So … shall we begin? Session starting?”

  Maggie got onto the bed and put her finger into her pussy, coating it with her juices, before offering it to him, to suck and taste. He pulled the digit into his mouth and moaned around it.

  “You taste of heaven. Hell, the thought of you kept me going through those long months apart. Each step I took brought me nearer to you, to the thought of this night. Fuck me, Maggie, please. Love me all over, let me love you, let’s be together,”

  Slowly she moved his zipper downwards and cradled his cock in her hand. “Heaven,” he whispered.

  “Heaven,” she agreed, and hitched her skirt up around her waist. “Can I sit on you, feel your cock in me and feel you fill me with your cum?”

  His breath hitched, and he sighed. “My pleasure, love. Hell, Maggie, we can do anything now.” He pushed deep into her.

  “Even make babies,” she said.

  “Even that if you want. Normal service has been resumed.” He began to move inside her.

  Maggie knew she was home.

  “It has. We have,” she said happily. “Session no longer interrupted. Two little Sessions will arrive in seven months or so.”

  He stilled, his cock buried deep inside her. Maggie undid the buttons on his shirt, and put her hands on his chest. “You, Mr. Session, are a very clever man. Once quickie in nine months and here we are. We’re going to be parents.” She waited anxiously.

  “What are you doing?” His cock was out of her faster than she could say fuck me. “Why are you out of me? I want to feel you in me.”

  Instead she found herself hugged, rolled over under him and ruthlessly kissed.

  “Is it safe? Will I hurt you?”

  Maggie laughed and tugged his jeans down. “You’ll hurt me if you don’t get that dick in my pussy and fuck me furiously,” she said frankly, and then blushed. “Hell, six months ago, I’d not have said that. That’s what six months of a virtual Session and not the real thing has done for me. But I don’t want it again. Virtual you helped, but I pref
er the real thing. Well, most of the time anyway.”

  He laughed with her. “Phew, I’m glad about that. I’d hate to think I’d been usurped by an inanimate object.”

  Maggie looked at him; she hoped he could see all her love in her expression. “Not a chance, though now you’re here with me, I can tell you, that those sessions were the making of me. It was my chance to tell you things I’d never dare to have admitted to face-to-face. And some of those objects you sent me weren’t exactly inanimate now, were they?”

  “Did you mind? Were you happy using them?” He paused. “Do we carry on using them?”

  Now was the time to be totally open and honest.

  “As long as I get your hot, hard, real pulsing cock in me as well, I’m happy. I was glad you sent them to me, and once I fathomed some of them out, I was very happy using them.” She giggled. “And as for carrying on using them? Why not, as long as you don’t mind if I return the favor?”

  He kissed her nose. “Not at all, tit for, well, tit, I guess.”

  “Now there’s a thought.” Maggie had never felt so happy. After those long, cold and worrying months, when even those short sessions and her sense of being sated after them made her feel guilty and alone, now she was on top of the world—and on top of him. Wriggling out from under him, she threw his jeans on the floor, and crawled up the bed and over his body, her breasts rubbing their way upwards until her clit sat snug on his cock.

  “The start of a new session, do you think?”


  She sat up in bed, a baby on each arm happy, satisfied and smug. The computer screen flickered.

  Session about to begin.

  Careful not to wake either baby, she put then onto the duvet and adjusted the camera. A face appeared on the screen.

  “Hi, my loves? Are you all well?”

  Maggie grinned. These sessions were not so regular now. In fact, now they tended to be for pleasure rather than necessity. This one was necessary. His last check up, his last enforced absence.

  “Hi, glad our session is here. Though no hot sex this time, just hot chicks!” She giggled. Twin one gurgled, twin two burped.

  He laughed. “Hot chicks indeed. I love you all, and remember, session interrupted, normal service will be resumed as soon as possible.”


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