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Keyboards and Kink

Page 17

by Danica Avet; Sandra Bunio; Vanessa Devereaux; Carolyn Rosewood; Melissa Hosack; Raven McAllan; Kassanna; Annalynne Russo; Ashlynn Monroe; Casey Moss; Xandra James; Jorja Lovett; Eve Meridian

  Come for me, baby. [Whiteknight1975]

  Pressing down on her bud she massaged the small nubbin and stroked her soaked channel. Faster she worked her hand and allowed the fluttering that started in the pit of her stomach to rise. She pushed hard on her clit and dots of color burst before her eyes. The friction intensified and everything went still. Her orgasm exploded in a multitude of sensations and her body shook from the force of the currents charging through her.

  Slowly she pulled her hand away from her cleft with a wet pop and lay in her chair with her hips resting on the very edge of the furniture piece and her legs stretched out in front of her.

  Lifting the phone from her desk, she stared at it for long moments. Carefully stabbing at the keys on the qwerty board she typed a message.

  That was amazing. Now pull out that lotion, baby. It’s your turn. [Blackqueen77]


  Ian’s slipped a hand over his crotch and adjusted himself. Leaning back, his chair tilted and he stared at the message on the screen. Taking a deep breath he closed his eyes. Next to him a computer beeped while running the program he’d uploaded. If things went the way he hoped they’d be out of the office before midnight and he could finish where he left off with his cyber-lover.

  Black queen was so damn hot and his imagination was out of control. He saw her as a raven-haired warrior princess decked out in armored regalia, wielding a claymore sword. Chuckling, he thought about how he’d played way too much Dungeons and Dragons as a child. She was smart and he couldn’t imagine her any other way. Some of the plays she made on the chessboard were risky but they paid off in the end when she’d beat him. The fact that she could talk about anything he brought up only enticed him more. Soon he would have to ask to meet her but loathed the idea of destroying the fantasy he’d created.

  He’d heard the stories from friends. Finding the perfect person only to discover they were something altogether different when they met. His phone shook before tolling. He tapped the screen and waited for the message to load.

  Baby? [Blackqueen77]

  Sorry, that was all for you sweetness. I can’t, at least not right now. Later when I have more privacy I’ll enjoy myself more with you. I promise. [Whiteknight1975]

  Ian wrapped up the message as a knock sounded on his door. Nodding his head at Juan as he punched the send button, he looked up at the scowling man stalking into his office. Juan dropped into the chair and gave Ian a scornful look.

  “Whoever created this bitch knew what the hell they were doing. Even with the quick program you created to chase the bastard, it evolved, splitting into a three-headed beast like a fucking hydra.”

  “Okay, so what happens if we cut off the heads?” Ian spoke his thoughts out loud.

  “I’m scared to find out. If I cut the thing off at its knees I fear it could duplicate itself. This feels more like high tech espionage than some stupid ass accidentally downloading something they shouldn’t have.” Juan wiped a hand down his face.

  “Okay, have you narrowed down the area that the virus came from?”

  “Yeah, it was definitely the Customer Care Center.”

  “I spoke to the administrative assistant over there. Apparently she was told to stay there until the issue was resolved. Get a team together. I want someone we trust on every floor that has a CPU. Juan, you stay here, keep watch over this monster’s progress. I’m running a program now but I’m going to load some additional commands, make the bloody thing think there is no more information to collect. When our programs start I want you to text us so we can manually type the command in on every processor. Once our commands start eating away at it you need to alert us so that we can cut off all the computers at the same time.” Ian turned his chair to look at the current program running.

  “That might work.” Juan smiled. “See, boss, that’s why you get paid the major money.”

  “It either works or it doesn’t but I’m hoping for the latter, then maybe we can find the person that unleashed the virus.”

  “So, Ian, what floor do you plan on going to?” Juan rose from his seat.

  “Shut up, idiot. Go monitor our progress. I need to tweak this program before we can upload it and that might take me a little time.”

  That didn’t answer my question. You’re going to see your girlfriend on the CC floor, aren’t you?” Juan made kissing sounds in his hand.

  “Why are you still here? I thought I gave you a job to do.” Ian swung his chair around, giving Juan his back as he started to add the additional commands.

  The click of his office door closing coincided with his phone buzzing.

  I intend to make sure you keep your promises, Sir Knight. L8tr. [Blackqueen77]

  He smiled at her statement before placing the phone next to his keyboard, his flaccid cock now semi-erect. If she looked half as good as he imagined he could work with the rest. With her texts as incentive his fingers flew over the keyboard, an idea of how to build a kill measure into the program taking form. Typing out the code to build the walls that would trap the worm eating through the company’s computerized secrets, he filed away his thoughts on black queen for later.

  Ian flexed his fingers and glanced at his desk clock. Creating the necessary trap doors to make his idea work took longer that he’d anticipated. He picked up the handset to his phone and dialed the Customer Care Center. The line opened on the first ring.

  “Daria Reese speaking.” Her voice was husky.

  “Yes, umm, Daria, this is Ian.”


  “Well, uhh, we met earlier today.”

  “I know who you are. How may I help you?”

  “I’m on my way to your area to handle the CPU in your department. I wanted to make sure you were still there.” Ian blurted the words out quickly. What was it about this woman that made him nervous? Online he was always in control.

  “I’ll be here until the computers come back up. I have to switch the phone lines to our Care Center in India and there are only a handful of people with clearance to do that and since my boss wouldn’t stay the task falls on my shoulders.” She snorted.

  “Why didn’t your boss stay until he found out what was going on?” Ian’s interest was piqued.

  “Martin has me calling him every hour with updates. I keep him well apprised of the situation.” Daria kept her tone cool.

  “Okay, I’ll see you in a few minutes then.” He replaced the handset in its cradle.

  Ian picked up his phone and texted a message to Juan. Something didn’t feel right about Daria’s boss. The hairs on the back of his neck rose. He knew the people the company’s owner hired. Most of them had been friends for years but this Martin fella was new. Ian knew that when the terminals went down all the department heads stayed. They didn’t start leaving until he told them he had a plan to have the computers up tonight. He plowed a hand through his hair. He’d have to wait for Juan to get back to him.

  He gathered his laptop, various wires and what he liked to refer as his hacking kit. Standing, he checked his area and walked over the threshold out of his office, locking the door behind him. He nodded to the other people in his department as they prepared to go to the other processors and went to the elevator.

  Chapter Three

  Daria looked at her message to white knight and looked down her body. After the powerful orgasm she’d closed her eyes, and she’d actually nodded off for a bit, waking when her phone rang. She stood and her slacks fell to the floor. Shaking her body her butt started to tingle where the body part had fallen asleep. Lifting her arms high above her head she stretched. She pushed a hand through her hair, brushing the loose tendrils to the back of her head. She pulled the band from her hair and ran her fingers through the locks one more time before replacing the elastic.

  Twisting, she caught the scent in the air. The smell of her cream permeated the area. She chewed on the inside of her lip as it dawned on her that Ian the hottie she’d met earlier was on his way to her section. Bending to pul
l her pants up around her waist, she quickly fastened them and cinched the cloth belt around her waist. Buttoning her blouse, her fingers hastily moved down her shirt and she tucked the ends into her slacks. Wiping a hand down her face she caught a whiff of the appendage.

  “Shit, shit, shit.” Daria dropped into her chair and opened her bottom drawer, digging through her purse she snagged the body spray and hand sanitizer that had migrated to the bottom.

  Pouring a good dose of the disinfectant in her hand, she rubbed vigorously then rose from her seat and started spraying her area generously. The ding of the elevator had her whipping her head around to look through the glass partitions. Dark curls came into sight and Daria sent a silent prayer up that everything appeared normal. The snick of the security doors disengaging made her move quickly through the maze of desks back to her own.

  Shallowly inhaling she fell back into her seat and pulled a manila folder in front of her. She looked up when a pair of muscular jean clad thighs stopped at her eye level. Lifting her head she met an azure blue stare. He smiled and she wet her damp panties all over again. She swallowed and spoke.

  “Hi.” Daria was at a loss for words.

  “Hey yourself, I wanted to let you know I was in the department but I’ll stay out of your way and mainly be in the mainframe room.”

  “Okay.” She glanced at the desk clock and picked up the telephone handset. “Do you have any idea of how long this reboot may take?”

  “Possibly a couple of hours at the most but I have my fingers crossed that we will be out of here in time for a late dinner.” Ian lifted his hand and walked away.

  Daria watched him leave, her gaze glued to the way his pants stretched over his ass. The phone started beeping from nonuse. She depressed the button and lifted the handset to her ear. Dialing Martin’s number she left him an update. Picking up her cell she typed in a quick message to white knight.

  I’m still at work. We may have to cancel our date. [Blackqueen77]. She didn’t have to wait long for his response.

  I’m at work too. Let me know when you get off. [Whiteknight1975]

  I already did…get off. [Blackqueen77]

  Sweetness, I’m going to make you pay for teasing me. [Whitknigh1975]

  She smiled at his statement.

  Are you threatening me? [Blackqueen77]

  No, baby, I’m making you a promise. Now I’m going back to work. [Whiteknight1975]

  Daria sighed. If only their budding relationship was actually physical. White knight was perfect for her; at least he was on the computer screen. She looked down at the sheets of papers with all the graphs and columns and couldn’t focus. Pushing the papers away she rose from her desk and went to see how Ian was progressing.

  Maneuvering in semi-darkness she found him in the brightly lit CPU area. He had two laptops running and cords connecting them all. She stayed in the shadow and watched him. He’d procured a chair from someone’s desk and was rolling between the monitors he’d set up, his finger moving across one keyboard then another. Ian rolled his shoulders and she watched the way his muscles bowed and flexed beneath the fabric.

  Daria cleared her throat to get his attention. “How’s the program coming along?”

  “This virus is being a pain but we’re moving along fairly quickly.” He stabbed the enter button and looked up at her. “Sorry you’re the one that had to stay.”

  “I’m sure it’s in my job description somewhere.” She waved a hand and smiled. Looking in his eyes was like getting lost in the clear blue sky.

  “Yes, well, your dedication is appreciated.” Behind him his screen bleeped and a chessboard showed up as the screen saver.

  “Oh, you play chess?”

  “Yeah, love the game.”

  “Really? Me too. I love pitting my wits against someone else.”

  “Cool, where do you play?” Ian leaned forward, placing his elbows on his knees.

  “Sometimes I play in the park, other times I play online at” Daria tried to cur her excitement in discussing the game she loved.

  “I play at Checkmate quite a bit. What’s your sign-on?” The processor behind him beeped and he turned around to type a few more commands on the keyboard.

  “I’m blackqueen77, when I’m on. What’s your sign on?”


  Ian’s heart stopped. He whirled his chair around and stared at the woman leaning on the doorjamb. He followed the lines of her body, starting at her stiletto heels, moving up her tailored slacks to her mis-buttoned blouse. Why hadn’t he noticed that before? To her exposed collarbone peeking out from the wide neck of her shirt. He took in everything about her, lingering on her very kissable lips.

  He focused on the hand she was waving in front of him and ran his tongue over his dry lips. Ian rubbed damp palms over the arms of the office chair he occupied. Leaning back in his chair he watched her face as he spoke.

  “I go by whiteknight1975.”

  Her eyes widened and for a minute Ian could swear all the air left the room, making it hard for him to catch a breath. She seemed to be having the same problem the way her mouth opened and closed several times. Heavens, but his queen was beautiful.

  Straightening, she put her fists on her hips. “Damn, if I’d known you were this hot I would have insisted we meet.” Then she giggled.

  Standing, Ian laughed with her as he closed the space between them. Stopping inches in front of her, he took her face between his hands. “I‘ve been wanting to do this for months.” Slanting his head he pressed his mouth against hers, pushing his tongue along the seam of her lips. She placed her hands on his shoulders. Holding tight to his body she pulled away from the kiss. Breathing hard he looked down at her and met the swirling chocolate of her gaze.

  “You have no idea the things I want to do to your body.”

  “I have some knowledge of your desire.” She shifted, rubbing her hip on the hard length of his cock.

  Suddenly, all the whirring and computer noises went silent. They both turned their heads to stare at the huge CPU. His two laptops flashed and then code was moving across the screen at an incredible pace. Ian’s cell phone rang. He released Daria and reached for his mobile. Rubbing his thumb over the screen he answered Juan’s call. Grinning he hung up and turned to give Daria the news. She was gone.

  Ian stepped to the doorway and called out to her. “Hey, Daria, where did you go? I have great news.”

  Her voice floated out of the darkness. “That’s fantastic. But I wonder…how bad do you really want me?”


  “Play with me, Ian. Come find me. I want to hear all about your good news.” Her chortle echoed in the cavernous room.

  “My program is eating away at the virus. I have some time. If I chase you, I plan to spank you when I catch you.”

  “Promises, promises.” Her glib reply came back to him.

  Grabbing a length of telephone line from his case, Ian prowled into the darkness.


  Daria covered her mouth with both hands as she crouched behind a cloth-covered partition. She’d tried to stick to the darker corners of the room. A snicker escaped from between her fingers when he called out “Marco.” Yeah, like she’d fall for that one and answer Polo. Leaning forward she looked around the divider. Daria spied a clear pathway and took off in that direction.

  She heard his muffled steps and went the opposite way. She came to a crossroads under florescent lighting. Kicking off her heels she picked them up and sprinted through the open area. Ian came from another opening and snagged her by the waist, lifting her high in the air. Expelling a breath when her back came in contact with his chest, she dropped her shoes and threw her body forward to escape his grip.

  His lips brushed her ear. “Caught you.”

  “Uh-huh, now what?” Her nipples pearled under her clothing at the soft kiss he pressed beneath her ear.

  “Put your arms behind you.”

  “Why?” Daria moved her head, unable to tu
rn around in his embrace.

  “So we can play, sweetness.”

  She took a step forward when he loosened his grip. Sliding his hands down her arms he pulled her hands together behind her and held them in one large palm. Daria peered over her shoulder and caught glimpses of cord. Felt the cool plastic being twisted around her wrists. Her wet panties now totally soaked with her cream.

  Feeling the tug at her waist she looked down to see her sash disappearing from the belt loops. She closed her eyes when he placed the colorful scarf on her face. Daria stood in place when he moved away from her. She felt the brush of his fingers as he started to unbutton her blouse.

  “I tried to figure out earlier why your shirt was buttoned wrong. After you told me who you were it dawned on me why your outfit seemed a bit off. You dressed in a hurry after playing with yourself.” Ian finished unbuttoning her clothing. “You have a beautiful body.” He pulled the sides of her blouse apart.

  Daria swallowed and stayed quiet.

  He pushed the fabric over her shoulders. She felt his breath against her heaving breasts. A finger followed the lines of her bra and she pressed her thighs together, raising her chin.

  “Like that, baby?” He pushed under the material at her back and freed her tits from their encasement.

  Her nipples tightened, and a calloused fingertip grazed her taut nubs. She sucked her bottom lip into her mouth and bit down to keep from moaning. His hands left her orbs and trailed down her ribcage, fingers working her slacks’ clasp. Hands reached into her pants and slid around to her ass. She felt the squeeze of both cheeks by strong hands then heard the crinkle of material as he pushed both her panties and pants down her legs. He lifted first one foot then the other to pull the clothing away. Cold air wrapped around her body, making her shiver.

  Ian moved when he pulled her slacks away and now she couldn’t hear him. Goose bumps raced up her arms as panic started to set in. Daria took a step, pulling at her wrists locked behind her. The blouse bunched at her elbows, restricting her movements.


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