Keyboards and Kink

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  Knowing her before? Before what? He watched her carefully for a moment as she nervously awaited his answer. What wasn’t May telling him? Why was the “agency” looking for her?

  “What aren’t you telling me, sweetheart?”

  Tears started to pour down her face in earnest then as Alex knew he had to stand his ground, however much it hurt to see her like this.

  “Tell me,” he said again quietly.

  At first his heart broke for her then doubts crept in. Instinct told him that he should have kept that icy heart of his in check. He waited for the punch line

  “I fooled you, Alex. I made you fall in love with me to win a bet.” And there it was. Alex’s world shifted as his hands fisted at his side.

  “You’re lying.”

  She shook her head, as if no longer able to look at him.

  “I wanted to be…” She glanced up at Alex before looking at her hands. “…human.” Alex started to chuckle until it got louder and more dangerous sounding, even to his own ears.

  “I’m telling you the truth, Alex. I easily seduced you because I’m a Succubus.”

  That stopped his mirth. For some reason, he was expecting her to say she was a sparkly vampire or a werewolf or something. But a sexual demon?

  Alex was open-minded. But a naked demon in his study? Whom he found on a dating site? No fucking way.

  But his mind still whirled at the possibilities of the rumors he’d heard of the “agency” he worked for.

  And she was very talented, he’d give her that.

  Alex swallowed down his alarm at the fact he was even considering this madness.

  “Prove it.” How would she be able to? He’d resist her charms this time. Alex looked down at her large jiggling breasts. Maybe.

  “Describe your ideal woman.”

  You, everything in him burned to say. His wounded pride made him make up something that was her exact opposite. “Blonde, blue eyes and small breasts.”

  Her bottom lip wobbled again and instead of feeling satisfaction, he felt as hopeless as she did.

  “Fine.” In a blink, she was exactly the woman he had described. Alex staggered back and grabbed hold of the doorframe, his mouth falling open. “Do you believe me now?” Her voice was the same though. This was a total mind fuck.

  Seconds passed and each of them was silent.

  It was too much for him to comprehend.

  Alex turned and left the room. Answers were what he needed. He grabbed his shirt and car keys and sprinted from his house.

  Quite apart from the phenomenon he’d just witnessed, it didn’t stop the fact that the woman he’d fallen for, hook, line and sinker, had used him to win a bet.

  It sucked to be him.

  Chapter Four

  “Lu,” May breathed, pulling down her dress. “You always did have impeccable timing, my friend.” She pushed her long dark hair behind her ear and looked around the bedroom she’d been sharing with Alex a few minutes before and felt the desolate emptiness erupt again deep down inside. It was all over. “I guess it’s time for me to go home now.”

  Lilu laughed, a soft sound that shouldn’t have come from one of the minions of the Devil. “You won, my sweet. Congrats—you’re a mortal.” He sneered at the word but, when he wasn’t in front of the other demons, it wasn’t half as intimidating. “Of course, He wasn’t too impressed to have lost you but he’s always good for a bargain, you know that.” A piece of parchment appeared on the desk near her and she stepped forward to look closer. It was their written agreement, with His seal at the bottom.

  “Sign it and you become a mortal, losing your powers.” May took the pen he was holding and signed without thinking. “Congratulations,” he said as the parchment disappeared again.

  May looked up at him, her eyes glassy.

  “He told you he loved you. That was the deal,” Lu said quietly.

  “But … this was all a lie.”

  The large Incubus tilted his head and looked at her steadily, appraising her until at last he spoke. “Is that what you really think, May?”

  “Well, I—” Did she? A small part of her longed for any sign of love, any indication that what he said he meant.

  “We’re not the only ones who work for higher powers, you know.” His pocket vibrated and he pulled out a smartphone, then quickly typed out a message. “I gotta go, May.”

  “Lu? What do you mean?” Her supervisor and friend bent and kissed her hard on the mouth before striding away towards the bedroom door. “Lilu, tell me what you mean.”

  He stopped at the door, winked and was gone.

  May was just as confused as before, but one thing was for sure. She needed answers. And she needed to make sure Alex knew exactly how this human felt.


  May was ready to give up hope.

  Alex wasn’t responding to her calls or texts, and her limited knowledge of his usual haunts meant she didn’t know where to find him and it had been hours.

  She felt like jumping off a bridge. Scratch that, now she was human, it would bloody well hurt—well, not as much as she was hurting right now.

  How could she have been so stupid? She dropped her head onto her balcony rail and knocked it gently a couple of times, hoping for some inspiration and praying for divine intervention.

  It was early in the morning, the sun starting to light up the empty park below when she heard it. Talking. Lifting her head she looked out, scanning the area. Two people sat below on a bench in shadow but she could just about make out a face on one of them.


  Controlling her squeal of pleasure and making sure to thank the person who’d answered her prayer—even if it was somewhat of a foreign notion to her.

  May ran down the stairs, outside, and stopped as soon as Alex saw her. He slowly rose to his feet.

  She’d changed clothes when she got in earlier, and her jeans, t-shirt and trainers made her confidence flee. May turned and looked at the door again and wondered if she had enough time to change but decided against it, just in case Alex disappeared again.

  “May, I—”

  “No, Alex, I need to explain.” She stepped forward, curious about the older lady still sitting at the bench, intently watching them, but deciding to ignore her. “I never dreamed I would fall in love. All I’ve ever wanted to be was normal.”

  She looked again at the woman, wondering how much she could say in front of her.

  “It’s okay, she knows, May,” Alex said quietly. She knew? Who was she? The question was there in her eyes, but Alex didn’t answer. May had no choice but to carry on, make him understand.

  “I’ve never liked being a demon. It’s just so backhanded how some of them go about their jobs. I never felt like I fit in. So when I made the deal, half in jest, I took the opportunity when He took the bet.” May stepped towards him and touched her fingers to his.

  “I never meant to hurt you, Alex.” May looked at the ground, at the stupid trainers she wore. “I was already in love with you by the time we met but I thought it would be easy to use my charms to make you admit you loved me too.”

  “But I was immune to your usual charms, right?” The soft tone of his voice brought her head up so fast she could have snapped it straight off her neck. Alex was smiling at her, the corner of his mouth hitching up in that sexy way he had. He wasn’t mad?

  May nodded her head slowly as they both looked deep into each other’s eyes. May hoped he was seeing that she was his for the taking because she was already dreaming of their forever—

  “This is Mrs Baxter.” May blinked at her dreams being interrupted but the old woman who’d begun to blend into the background with her sensible two-piece tweed suit and salt and pepper hair now stood up and held out her hand to her. She warily took it, glancing back and forth between Alex and her.

  “It’s nice to finally meet you, child. We’ve had long discussions about you.”

  “We? You and Alex?”

  “No.” Mrs Baxter smile
d and looked to Alex. “You asked to leave Hell.” She made the sign of the cross briefly without missing a beat and May had to stifle a grin. “And when you did that, you became one of ours, young lady. And that means we couldn’t just let you fall in love with any old person, could we?” The sparkle in her eye suddenly made her look twenty years younger and pieces of the jigsaw slotted into place in May’s mind.

  “This was a set-up?”

  Her laugh was wicked and exploded from her like a volcano, scattering the few birds that had settled there so early in the morning. “Do you really think He would give you such terms including a dating site and three weeks without using your charms? No, once someone asks to leave His domain, He must make a deal with them and give them a fighting chance to win. Just as He does someone who offers his soul to the Dark One.” Again with the sign of the cross. “He had to discuss your unique circumstances with us.”

  She picked up May’s hand and placed it into Alex’s as they both gazed into each other’s eyes. “Do be aware that He will be watching though. You are a child of his, May. One day He might prey on you once more when you are in need. You of all people know how the game works.”

  Mrs. Baxter stepped away from them and bent to retrieve her handbag and umbrella. “Be good, my friends.” She turned and left them, May staring at her as she walked briskly into the chilly spring morning before disappearing behind a small copse of trees.

  “I’m so sorry for lying to you, May. I wanted to tell you.”

  May looked back at the man at her side and reached up to clasp his cheek.

  “We both had reasons for holding back.”

  Alex took her fingers in his and kissed each in turn and grinned. “You look gorgeous, by the way.”

  May looked down at herself and gasped. Shit, she’d forgotten about her attire. Her confidence took an instant nosedive and she grabbed hold of his hand and started to pull him towards her building. “Don’t look at me, I look a mess!”

  “You’re perfect.” That stopped her in her tracks as she remembered something. Something that was niggling her and she had to get it out as quick as possible. May didn’t even stop walking to talk.

  “I can’t change into your perfect blonde woman now. I’m stuck as me now I’m human. Sorry.”

  Alex let go of her hand and she reluctantly turned and looked at him. He was angry. She could see it in his eyes.

  “I fell in love with the woman I met online. The girl with the beautiful personality.” Alex put both hands on her face so she couldn’t focus anywhere but on him. “I want all of you, baby. Former demon or not.” He fiercely kissed her mouth as tears sprung to her eyes. How did she get so lucky to get this man?

  Alex let go of her face and took hold of her hand once more, pulling her more desperately towards the building, in through the entrance and to the stairs.

  “Just who was that woman, Alex?”

  “She was my boss.” He stopped at the bottom of stairs and took her into an embrace, kissing all her questions out of her head. Moments later, when she came up for air he carried on talking. “I didn’t know her real name until today. I only ever knew her as Cupid.” May’s mouth dropped open in disbelief. Surely not? Alex chuckled and shrugged his shoulders.

  “Anyway, want to give that balcony of yours another try? I want to hear you scream my name again.” May considered her options for a moment before her gaze moved past him.

  “Maybe I should introduce you to my lift? It’s very spacious. And it’s got mirrors.” Alex wiggled his eyebrows and pulled her towards it, and she knew right then that her demon charms weren’t going to be missed, one little bit.

  The End


  Jorja Lovett

  Copyright © 2012

  Chapter One

  With her flawless golden skin and baby blue eyes, the blonde star of the screen was a picture of innocence. Except for the thick cock sliding in and out of her pretty pink mouth. The wicked look she shot into the camera lens would have made any man hard in an instant.

  “You’re a bad girl, Melissa.” A ragged male voice sounded out of shot as he fucked her mouth, encouraging her lips further along his shaft. The blowjob recipient’s groans grew louder by the second. “Let me see your tits.”

  She released her hold on his erection long enough to whip off her black lacy bra and let her full breasts bounce into view.

  “Beautiful, Melissa.” A male hand took hold of the stiff cock and traced it over the swell of her cleavage before rubbing the head over a pursed nipple. The female cupped her own breasts, pinching the nipples and moaning whilst he pumped his hand vigorously up and down his hard-on.

  The camera shook as he built himself into a frenzy and spurted his load over the perky young tits. The last image before the camera shut off was the young woman’s self-satisfied smile as his cum dripped down her chest.

  Melissa bolted upright in bed, sweat making her nightshirt cling to her clammy skin. Would she ever be free of that mistake? She plodded barefoot to the kitchen and took a gulp of cold milk straight from the carton. Well, it was better than reaching for the vodka bottle she had grown attached to these past months.

  The laptop sat ready on the kitchen table, waiting for her nightly visit onto the SleepTalk website. The second her Red Riding Hood avatar appeared in the chat room, Night Stalker sent her an instant message.

  Call yourself an insomniac? It’s 1:30 a.m. I bet you had at least an hour’s sleep!

  The smiley face icon made her laugh out loud.

  I hope the group doesn’t throw me out for being a slacker!

  Chatting online with the other insomniacs saved her liver from drowning in liquor every time her troubled mind conjured up this awful nightmare. Night Stalker appeared on the site as frequently as she did and they had built up quite a friendship.

  If it comes to it, I’ll vouch for you.

  Aww, thanks!

  It’ll come at a price tho…

  What’s that? A year’s supply of moisturiser to soothe your hands? They must be chapped with all that jerking off you do over the Internet. The banter between them reminded her of the days when she could speak without care of being judged and sex was nothing to feel ashamed of.

  No. Something a little easier to come across (no pun intended!)

  Another message popped up before she could type a reply.

  Besides, I don’t need porn when I have a willing partner in my bed every night of the week

  I forgot you trawl the Internet for your victims.

  She sat back in her chair, the tension ebbing from her shoulders with every tease.

  Like-minded souls, I prefer to call them.

  She didn’t know much about her Internet friend but he made no secret of the fact he hooked up with many, many women online to indulge his “insatiable sexual appetite”. She was the last person on earth who would judge what he did in his personal life. In fact, she was envious that he could explore his sexuality whilst she would always be defined by hers.

  So what is it you want from me, Night Stalker?

  Now there’s a loaded question! ;) But I’d settle for your name for now.

  Her fingers hovered over the keyboard before she typed Melissa.

  I’m Daniel.

  As names went, that one seemed harmless enough.

  What do you look like, Melissa?

  Until tonight, they had never exchanged personal information. She wondered what made tonight different.

  Dyed red hair, blue eyes. Nothing special. You?

  After a few seconds his mysterious hooded avatar changed to a real photograph. Melissa peered closer to the screen at his image. With his thick dark hair and chiselled jaw, he looked normal, handsome even. Piercing blue eyes stared back at her with an intensity that sent shivers through her body and made her pull her shirt over her knees for warmth.

  How do I know this is really you and not just a picture you’ve cut and pasted from so
me hottie website?

  These days her cynicism tended to take over where men were concerned.

  So you think I’m hot? He typed back much too quickly for her liking.

  I guess I’ve spent too long cooped up within these four walls… No way did he need her to stroke his ego. By all accounts women were falling over themselves to bed him, so goodness only knew why he resorted to these chat rooms to snag himself a quick lay.

  Wanna come out and play?

  Melissa’s heart leapt. She couldn’t tell if it was through excitement or fear. Could she really face going out in public and run the gauntlet of jeers and innuendo? No, she couldn’t.

  Sorry, I can’t.

  I don’t bite…well, only if you want me to…

  Another flutter of her pulse told her she had spent way too much time in her own company. She might still have the same natural urges for a good-looking man to share her bed, but guilt and embarrassment now made for lonely nights.

  I’m a bit of a hermit these days. You go have fun and tell me all the sordid details later. There was no point in leaving them both frustrated.

  You want me to come to you? The cursor blinked at Melissa and she knew that she had to make that decision. Did she want to hide from her mistake for the rest of her life or take the first step to start living again?

  Chapter Two

  If Daniel had breath it would have been bated, waiting for Melissa’s response. He needed to tread carefully. She wasn’t like the others who knew who and what he was. Normally, he only used this particular local site in between conquests, socializing without his true nature being an issue. Those other chat rooms were full to the brim with humans and immortals with only sex and blood on their minds but tonight that simply didn’t seem enough. Melissa’s vulnerability and honesty when she reached out for help on the site had drawn from him some of those long-lost human emotions that made him care. Now that she appeared to have passed those darkest days, the person behind the computer screen intrigued him.


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