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A Fire in the Shell: Circle of Nine Trilogy 3

Page 46

by Josephine Pennicott


  The home of the Dreamers. The three sisters who lie sleeping in the shell, which is the bones of their murdered brothers, dreaming all the known worlds into existence.


  A book of magical techniques.


  Only three now remain in Eronth — sisters, the Triple Crones. At the Dark of the Moon they rise and hunt for heads. Favoured victims are small children and the elderly. Will also take the heads of flowers, and domestic animals such as ilkamas and meerwogs. Long banished to the Wastelands, they remain highly regarded throughout Eronth by all races despite their bloodthirsty tendencies because of their ancient origins and their close connection with the Dreamers. Many offerings are therefore left for the Triple Crones and many power rituals performed to honour them.


  Galaxy of exalted light beings, where Angels, Great Masters and exalted Crossas have their origins.


  Webx parents.


  A magical animal, gold with black stripes. Similar to a zebra. Used throughout Eronth for transportation and as household pets. Azephims have only recently begun to hunt them for their distinctive hides.


  Ancient Faery tribe in Eronth. One of only two pure-blood Faery tribes remaining. Feared by many Eronthites due to their extraordinary powers of enchantment and their bloodthirsty tendencies, in particular their love of the Dances of Death and their fondness for stealing Changelings.


  Faery creature. Tall with a large bulb-like pink head. Three large violet eyes. Gentle, peaceful, filled with wisdom and knowledge. Numbers are now gravely threatened along with their natural vegetation, which is being destroyed by the Azephims’ expansion into the Wastelands. Offspring are called Islaets.


  Two-headed being, extremely rare. Mainly located in Faia. Both blessed and cursed with an ability to see the past, present and future.


  Faery home brew.


  Azephim term of endearment meaning mother (Hosthatch).


  Legendary protective custodians of the Dreamers in the Shell. Many poems and songs of Eronth feature the keepers. Although no Eronthite has claimed to see them, it does not diminish their popularity.


  Region of the Web. Original home of the Azephims.


  An enormous sea-monster.


  Azephim penis.


  The professional storytellers of Eronth. They make their living touring the country and telling their tales in exchange for food and board. Also referred to as ‘the cursed ones’ because they can rarely settle in one place and raise a family, as their stories demand to reach as wide an audience as possible.


  Bloodsucking vampire, the muse of poets and artists. Those inspired by her have brilliant but short lives. Frequents the Glade of the Almost Were and New Baffin.


  Also known as ‘The Pricker’, the Lightcaster is a witch-hunter. A negative energy that feeds from prejudice, misogyny, superstition and hatred. Mainly located in the worlds dominated by patriarchal religions. Shunned in many of the known worlds, including Eronth. To all outward appearances the Lightcasters are charming, well-educated and slightly dandyish in appearance. There has been no recorded evidence of female Lightcasters. Parasitical and charming, they are masters of psychology and can rouse a mob in seconds. They tend to work alone and are immortal. They could only be destroyed if there was no discrimination or hatred remaining in any of the known worlds, which seems a highly unlikely event, for as Khartyn points out, ‘In the heart of the bright mother lies the dark mother, in the heart of the dark mother, is the bright mother.’


  Children who have died suddenly or under violent circumstances. Unable to accept their deaths, they become trapped in the known worlds. Sometimes referred to as demon children.


  Pronounced ‘loo-nus-uh’. A fertility festival in Eronth. Lugh is a popular fire god, sacrificed at the gathering of the grain harvest to ensure a bountiful crop the following year.


  The autumn equinox. The god prepares to leave his physical body and descend into the Underworld. Day and night are now perfectly matched. A time of balance and rest, but the veil between the world is thin. The bird of the autumn equinox is the swan, which represents the immortality of the soul. This festival marks the completion of the harvest, giving thanks for abundance.


  Enormous tarantula-like spider found throughout Eronth in rapidly decreasing numbers, although still common in the Glade of the Almost Were. Loved by the Faery tribes as a beast of burden, though they have other uses as well. Easily trained to follow orders due to its placid nature.


  Aromatic oils prepared by Azephims for rituals. Commonly used in censers and by application to power spots on their bodies.


  Third stage of Webx development. Equivalent to puberty in human terms.


  Azephim delicacy. Consists of Bluite ears and eyes in a marinade of coconut and lime juice, pan-fried with garlic and chilli.


  Popular pet in several of the known worlds, a hybrid monkey crossed with a dog. They are enormously loyal, intelligent beings. Meerwogs have electric blue eyes and a red stone in the middle of their forehead, and are the size of a small dog. Legend records the Meerwog was the Dreamers’ original chosen companion in the Great Shell, but as the devoted, loving animal could not attain a state of detachment set by the Dreamers, it was therefore banished into the known worlds.


  Mermaid siren. Lethal. Entices victims with her extraordinary beauty, and consumes them. The Book of Life states that to die by the mermain is to die in eternal ecstasy. The ocean is her natural home, but she can exist for short periods on the land. There are many historical accounts of Eronthite men sacrificing themselves willingly to the mermain’s mouth.


  Hidden knowledge. Spiritual truths beyond understanding in Eronth.


  Ocean formed from the blood of the giant Amira.


  A temple destroyed in the Great Flood of Unah. The site is now occupied by the New Baffin Tremite Scribes.


  A sea nymph.


  Refers to the city after the Great Flood of Unah, when the Baffinites began to worship Aphrodite more than previously in the city’s history.


  Fourth stage of a Webx’s development. Oakdeer could be likened to a mature human man. It is an important stage and many initiations are set at Oakdeer as the Webx is prepared for Elders. Oakdeer is a lengthy period of testing. The stages are shootling, sap-spawned, Masachinoneaf, Oakdeer and Elders.


  Malevolent tree spirit of the ancient Oldeld race.


  Pre-Aphrodite period when the Baffinites worshipped the old snake religion.


  Magical term for a conch shell.


  A division of the Outerezt.


  Aged Azephim. Too old to continue to use Glamour, they are banished from the Web. Most of them die attempting to cross into other worlds. The remainder have formed a small outpost colony in the Wastelands. Tolerated (barely) by Ishran.


  Azephim castle.


  More affluent area of Faia. The market square where ceremonial festivities are held.


  Chocolate-covered ants and bugs.


  Protectors are to be found in several of the known worlds. Often referred t
o as guardian angels, they carry amulets of various colours, commonly blue, that contain powerful binding and repelling spells. Protectors are not infallible and there are several recorded cases of them failing to protect their charges. All beings from all species have Protectors, although the quality of the Protector can vary dramatically. Protectors are more prevalent in worlds where magical skills are underdeveloped, such as Earth. It is a known esoteric law that the more you focus on your Protector, the more life and energy you give it.


  Extinct animal of Eronth, a Faery familiar.


  Eronth slang for tongue.


  The Sabbats are spaced at equal distances from each other, and they refer to the celebration and acknowledgment of agricultural and astronomical events. The eight Sabbats are Salhmain, Yule, Candlemas, Ostara, Belthane, Litha, Lammas and Mabon. There are many myths surrounding the Sabbats. Many Eronthites recognise the Sabbats as being a meditation on the totality of life. All that is without lies within.


  A mischief night. A night of primordial chaos. The astral is less firmly bound to the worlds and it becomes easier to cross. This is a time when we can best communicate with our dead. The phooka is believed to rise and spend the night destroying and contaminating everything in sight. A night which belongs to neither past nor present, nor to any world. The veil between worlds is at its thinnest, and fear and uncertainty grip the land.


  Azephim term for servant.


  Early stage of Webx life. Equal to birthing in human terms.


  A form of divination. Can involve gazing into substances such as mirrors, crystal balls, pools of ink to achieve clairvoyant impressions.


  Ancient Sea Hag race.


  A group of sisters living beneath the ocean under the rule of the Warrior Queen Shambzhla. Hags normally hate all land-dwellers, as they believe the land to be their natural territory as it was originally under water. Sea Hags are covered in poisonous spines along their back and arms. They have a split brain: the right side is under their chin, and the left side is on top of their head. They have huge crusher claws for hands. Their teeth are inside their stomach which opens out. There are twenty pairs of gills over their body, and they have black seaweed over their body. They are highly skilled in magical arts.


  Priests and priestesses who honour Hecate. Many Semnotatoi were ritually castrated and transgendered. They cast horoscopes, perform spells, maintain temples and sacred groves and care for the cursing alters.


  Gold coins, minted in New Baffin but used throughout Eronth.


  Derogatory Azephim term for young ignorant being.


  A Webx in the infant stage of development.


  Miniature flying horses used to pull skymobiles. Capable of reaching great speed in the air.


  A shaman from the snake people. The Snake Crone crosses continually between worlds giving aid and healing where it is needed.


  Poison extracted from deadly vipers from the desert outside New Baffin. A common poison used by sailors hunting mermains with blowpipes.


  Underworld Crones. They are described as having snakes for hair, dog’s heads, coal-black bodies and bat’s wings. Their duties include listening to complaints of insolence from the young to the aged, of children to parents, of hosts to guests and to punish such crimes by hounding the culprits relentlessly. Their victims die in torment. They have a foul stench about them, and they engage their time by dragging mortals to the Underworld, thus the name Snatcher.


  Evil manifestation that feeds on blood and internal organs. Has its origins in negative thought patterns from all known worlds. Solumbi often attach themselves to their creators, hence the vast numbers in the Wastelands. They have evolved into expert Crossas in their lust for blood.


  Witch’s saying that concludes a spell or ritual, similar to the Catholic ‘amen’.


  Tiny spider Faery that lives in trees in Eronth. Now extinct, although there are rumours of recent sightings of Spitrees near Faia.


  Peace bond between different species on Eronth. The Azephim have refused to be part of the tekti.


  Common language that flows easily from the tongue with the realisation that all worlds and languages are one.


  Based in New Baffin, the faithful recorders of the Book of Life. There are eleven scribes in all. They are rarely seen but their words are read and interpreted and misinterpreted by the population of Eronth.


  The phrase ‘Turn of the Wheel’ refers to the cycle of eight Sabbats recognised in Eronth. The Turn of the Wheel reflects our own inner cycles.


  Also referred to as the Great Flood of Unah, a well-known flood that destroyed many of the ancient buildings of Old Baffin including the primitive seawall and the Temple of Mythalogorus. As a result of Unah, Aphrodite gained a more powerful position in the city.


  Ferocious and much-feared sky demon. Used by some Dark Angels for sport.


  Home for the Azephim angels who migrated from the Web-Kondoell. Originally the Azephim attempted to settle in Moon Valley, but they were banished to the Wastelands. There are many unexplored regions of the Wastelands. The Outerezt, the outpost for aged Azephim, is located within the Wastelands, as are many giants.


  Native place of the fierce Azephim angels, in the same dimension as Eronth.


  Portal between the Web-Kondoell and other worlds. The Webeye is not often used by the Azephim because it is an extremely quick means of transport, and can result in lingering headaches and nausea.


  Reclusive, tree-like race of beings based in Zeglanada. According to the ancient myths the sons and daughters of Amira and Lepso, blew breath into an ash and an elder tree. These two trees became the early ancestors of the Webx tree race. Webx are multi-incarnational and live simultaneous lives in parallel worlds. Webx Elders like to claim that their early ancestors came from the Dreamers’ Shell, from the salt water tipped from the Shell. This claim is disputed by the Tremite Scribes, who say the Webx crossed from the Heztarra Galaxy and that the earliest Webx ancestors migrated to other worlds. In some worlds, they solidified their energy and became trees, shrubs, mountains and rocks. The original Webx elders were 200 metres high. They decreased in size with each generation, but increased in magical powers. They are a peaceful, highly sensitive race, skilled in telepathy, root communication, rock splitting and shape-shifting. they make excellent healers due to their empathetic natures. Webx obtain their nutrients from the soil. It is possible for them to take food orally, but many have died attempting to do so.


  Ancient Faery tribe of Eronth. One of the only two pure-blood Faery tribes remaining in Eronth. Slightly more thickset in appearance than their counterparts, the Imomm; they are also more peaceful, although still widely feared in Eronth.


  In an anti-clockwise direction, against the sun.


  Also known as ‘the Furious Host’. It symbolises wild magic and rage, and is ancient in origin. The Hunt consists of a pack of hounds, a spectral leader and a group of tortured ghosts. It attacks and kills people, and in its wake death and war often follow.


  Flying mosquito-like beings that inhabit the Glade of the Almost Were. Have minute human heads attached to their bodies. They giv
e a burning sting to their victim’s body, which, if not extracted, leaves thousands of eggs that hatch flesh-eating maggots which can devour the host-victim alive in seconds.


  Tiny Faery race. Mischievous and bordering on cruel, Winskis love to torment. They enjoy petty theft. The Winskis spend their time among the Imomm and the Wezom tribes, but a Winski remains true to himself/herself and answers to no lore but Winski lore. A baby Winski is referred to as a Winskiette.


  Ancient Faery language tongue.


  Demon protective thought pattern often used by Azephims.


  Tropical island inhabited by the Webx people. The term Zeglanada means New Dawn.


  Musical instrument similar to a lute. Held against the chest to play. The strings are plucked.



  Leader of the dead wolf pack that accompanies Hecate, the Mother of Monsters.


  Dark Lord, negative energy. Anti-witch. His power is often called upon by the Azephims and the Lightcaster.


  The love goddess. Erotic, beautiful, uninhibited. Aphrodite is always connected with the sea, which is an archetypal symbol of womankind. The essence of feminine beauty.


  Janusite. Chief Counsel to Mary, High Priestess of Faia.


  The goddess of magic and enchantment. Protector of women. Independent and wild, Artemis lived her life surrounded by her beloved animals and nymphs. Artemis is multi-breasted as she nourishes all forms of life.


  Hindu millionaire Guru in India.


  Prophesied by the Tremite Scribes, the Awakener refers to the energy that manages to release the wizards from their stone imprisonment. It has also been interpreted that with the wizards’ release, the Eom will also awake, although there is heated debate among the Eronthites regarding that prophecy.


  Janusite divinity. Very little is known regarding the Janusitic divinities. It is a very complex system and the Janusites of Eronthite guard their secrets well.


  Maid to Mary, High Priestess of Faia. In reality, a Sea Hag disguised by Glamour.


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