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A Billionaire BWWM Romance 7: The Honeymoon

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by J A Fielding

  The Honeymoon

  They're going on a honeymoon worth dying for...

  Julie has just married the man of her dreams, a down to earth and loving billionaire by the name of Steven. Never one to let his woman be without, the two are heading off to a luxury honeymoon in a secret location. On the cards? Relaxation, adventure, and intimacy in the way only a newly wed couple could do.

  But will their honeymoon turn out to be something literally worth dying for? Find out in this new BWWM romance by best selling author J A Fielding.

  Warning: Contains scenes of a sexual nature, please only read this steamy tale if you're over 18.

  Copyright © J A Fielding and BWWM Romance dot com 2015. This story can not be copied in full or in part.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

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  Chapter 1

  Julie Parker had just got married and was now officially Julie Davenport... just the thought of it made her ecstatic. It was well into the second half of her wedding and she had loved every bit of the day. Yes, even the parts which didn’t go according to plan.

  As she sat at the table next to her new husband Steven, Julie slowly took small bites of her fruit. She smiled at Steven’s baby sister who was now giving her toast. Truth be told though, she was not really listening to what she was saying. Matter of fact, she was as blank as ever. All she wanted to do now was go back to somewhere private with hew new husband and share in his warm embrace. She found herself wondering why she had agreed to an after party in the first place.

  The thought was soon interrupted as she realized glasses were going up in the air all over the room. Julie raised her glass, even though she didn’t have the first idea what people were toasting to. She took a sip of her drink before turning to look at Steven as he squeezed her hand.

  “You okay?” he asked as he looked into her eyes. She smiled and nodded.

  “Just a bit tired,” she said in a low voice. Steven smiled at her.

  “You want to get out of here?” he asked. She smiled when she saw the look in his eyes that spoke volumes. She knew that look. She had seen it so many other times. Steven smiled at her and nodded. “I just have to do one thing,” he said smiling before he got up.

  Julie looked up at him and smiled. He used a fork to hit the side of his glass calling for attention. Someone turned down the music as the room’s attention turned to him. He looked at her and smiled before he turned his attention to the four hundred plus people. This time, Julie paid attention. If there was a toast she wanted to hear, it was her husband’s. She had a smile playing on her lips, a smile that was not just plastered there for the sake of it. She looked at him, lovingly as she felt warmth wash over her, giving her a warm tingle down her spine.

  “When I first met Julie, I have to admit that if you had told me I would be giving a toast at a wedding, my wedding to her, I would have laughed in your face.” Everyone laughed. Including Julie, even though she was not sure she should have laughed at that particular point.

  “I’m not sure if that was a compliment or insult,” she thought.

  “And as most of you know, this is not my first rodeo but I must say,” he went on as he looked at her. “This, this is the best moment of my life. I knew there was a reason why things were so complicated at first, because I can tell you getting into Julie’s good books took a lot of work.” People laughed again. “But I wouldn’t do anything any differently because every moment I have spent with her, knowing her, loving her has been worth ten lifetimes and now that she is officially off the market,” he paused and looked at Julie before he offered his hand to her. She looked up at him and put her hand in his before he helped her up. She was looking into his loving eyes as he slipped an arm around her waist pulling her close. “I love you and I am going to spend the rest of my life loving the hell out of you,” he said. She smiled at him and leaned in for a kiss, the one thousandth kiss since she said ‘I do’ to him earlier that day. “Do you want to say anything?” he asked when she pulled away. She shrugged and smiled.

  “I think you’ve said it all,” she said, still smiling. He looked into her eyes and nodded but the master of ceremony or ‘hype master’ as he liked to be called walked towards them and shook his head.

  “You know there is no way I am letting you…we…” he said as he looked around the room. “…are letting either of you go without hearing a speech from the lady of the day, right?” he asked as he looked at them and then looked around the room. The entire reception erupted in a loud roar before people started chanting ‘Speech! Speech!’ Julie laughed and looked at Steven looked at her and shrugged.

  “It’s what the people want,” he mouthed to her. She smiled as he kissed her cheek softly before sitting down. She looked at the microphone in her hands and shook her head before she raised her gaze to look around the room. She had no idea what she was expected to say. After all, she had not been to enough wedding receptions to know what to expect of the bridal toast. Sure she’d heard of the best man and father of the bride toasts…

  “Well go on, missy. We are waiting,” the hype master said before the crowd cheered. She laughed and took a sip of her wine.

  “Honestly I wish that was vodka,” she said before she put the glass back down on the table. Everyone laughed. She looked up at her father and frowned. “Ahem…I mean…vodka flavored juice..?” she said making people laugh even louder.

  “Hey, you don’t have to justify yourself to me,” Michael shouted. Julie smiled.

  “Yeah, you’re my son’s problem now,” the older Davenport called out before he high fived with Michael. Julie could not help but think how high school they looked at that point.

  “So…unlike Steven, I have never done this before and I am always gone before the newlyweds even get to the cake…I really don’t know why,” she started. “But maybe it’s a good thing that I finally had a taste of a wedding cake even though I really didn’t have a choice,” she said and laughed. “Anyway, I just want to say that I couldn’t have been happier…I mean, the day had its own challenges. I mean half of us were stuck on the other side if the ravine for ages. This morning, I still wasn’t sure there was going to be a wedding but,” she paused and took a deep breath. She then smiled and shrugged. “I guess my wedding was not perfect but...” she paused again and looked at Steven. “It was the most beautiful perfect day of my life,” she finally said. Steven walked over to her and pulled her close for a long kiss. It was deeper and longer than any other kiss he had given her that day.

  “Whoa…save something for the wedding night, Davenport,” Julie heard one of the groomsmen saying. She was not sure who it was. She pulled away and smiled at Steven.

  “Speaking of the wedding night,” Steven said in a whisper. “Let’s get out of here,” he added as he took her hand in his. She smiled and nodded.

  “You read my mind,” she said. He looked at the hype master and smiled.

  “Oh I know that look…it is time to say goodbye to the newest couple in town ladies and gentlemen,” he said. Steven looked into Julie’s eyes and smiled. They had their reception exit all worked out and they just couldn’t wait to surprise everyone. “Uh oh…I know that look too. These two have something up their sleeve,” the hype master said. Steven looked at him and nodded.

  “You bet,” he said with a smile.

  “All right everyone.
Let’s get ready to say bon voyage to the new couple,” the hype master said as he looked at the deejay who looked readier than anyone else in the room. The whole room went silent as anticipation grew. The new couple looked at each other and smiled. For Julie, this was the one piece of her wedding day that was actually going as she had planned it. They had been waiting for just a few seconds but to Julie it felt like forever before they finally heard their song of choice come over the PA system.

  Ayyyyy…Now walk it out… Now walk it out… Now walk it out… Now walk it out… Now walk it out… Now walk it out… Now walk it out… Now walk it out…

  There was a loud roar from the people as they screamed and whistled. Steven and Julie were now doing the dance they had seen it on UNK’s ‘Walk It Out’ video. Or at least, they were trying as hard as they possibly could. They made their way out of the reception area and into the black stretch limo that was waiting for them in the parking lot. Julie frowned when she saw her best friend Meg, her cousin and two of Steven’s sister attaching empty cans to the rear bumper.

  “Really?” she asked as she looked at them. Meg smiled and looked at her before she went on to attach the ‘Just Married’ sign on the car.

  “Hell yeah. It wouldn’t feel right otherwise,” she said with a smile. Julie shook her head as the girls walked towards her. Meg was first to give her a long hug that seemed to last forever. “I love you,” she said in a low voice.

  “I love you too,” Julie whispered back. Just then it hit her. In all the years they had been friends, she had never really said those words to Meg and meant it the way she did at that moment. She pulled away and smiled at her. “Hope things are working out with you know who,” she said in a whisper. Meg smiled and pulled a key card from her cleavage.

  “I am not sleeping in my quarters tonight,” she said with a wink before she took a step to give Steven his hug. Julie was suddenly in Steven’s baby sister’s arms and she was almost lifting her up.

  “Whoa…” Julie muttered.

  “Relax. I wouldn’t drop you,” the youngest Davenport said. “I still like you,” she added with a smile as she pulled away. Julie looked into her eyes and shook her head.

  “You are crazy,” she said.

  “I’m happy to get another sister…who’s also a sista!” Julie looked at her and frowned. “What? I heard in the States a black friend does wonders for your street cred. I’m sure a black sister does so much better,” she added. Julie smiled and hugged a few more people before she climbed into the car.

  “Wait!” she heard someone yell. She looked at Pamela who was at the doorway. “The bouquet. Toss the bouquet!” she yelled. Julie smiled. Leave it to Pamela to make sure that they all adhered to all the wedding traditions down to the smallest detail. Julie smiled and shrugged before she turned around and looked over her shoulders at all the single women who had gathered behind her.

  “Ready?” she asked.

  “Do it!” Meg yelled. Julie then turned around threw the flowers over her head before she turned around to see who would catch it. She smiled when the youngest Davenport caught it.

  “What the fuck?” she yelled.

  “You better watch that mouth lady,” Steven’s mother shouted from the crowd. Julie smiled. She didn’t know how Mrs. Davenport heard her daughter over all those people and the music.

  “I wasn’t even trying to catch it,” Ashley said. Julie shrugged.

  “You better start by getting yourself a boyfriend,” Julie said before she climbed in the car. Steven smiled. “Your baby sister caught the bouquet,” she said. Steven laughed.

  “I would have loved to see the look on her face when she did,” he said.

  “I know, right? And she wasn’t even trying to catch it. It just happened,” Julie said.

  “Well, the universe has a way of communicating with us,” he said. Julie giggled and nodded.

  She looked at Steven when the car finally began driving off and smiled as he pulled the champagne bottle from the ice.

  “Alone at last,” he said as he poured two glasses of champagne. Julie smiled and nodded. “To a million years together,” he said. Julie frowned.

  “Just a million?” she asked. Steven smiled and then shrugged.

  “Okay to infinity,” he said. Julie smiled.

  “I’ll drink to that,” she said before she took a sip. “And to babies and grandkids and great grandkids… and so on,” she said. Steven smiled and nodded.

  “So you are going to give me kids?” he asked. Julie smiled and leaned back as she nodded. “When?” he asked. Julie turned her head and looked into his intoxicating brown eyes.

  “How soon can we get to the hotel?” she asked. Steven suddenly felt his pants get uncomfortable. He loved it when Julie was this direct. He opened the partition window and leaned forward.

  “Ivan, step on it,” he said.

  “Ja sir,” Ivan said before Steven put up the partition and then leaned over to kiss his new wife. He slipped a hand behind her neck and pulled her closer to him. He could already feel himself getting hard. The urge to be with his new wife was overwhelming. She then pulled away and looked into his eyes.

  “Slow down mister,” she said with a smile. “This is not how I envisioned my wedding night,” she added with a smile. “Besides, we’ve already had sex in a limo before,” she added. Steven laughed.

  “We still have fifteen minutes until we get to the hotel,” he said as he kissed her neck. She smiled and nodded.

  “Yes, but I have a surprise for you. So, trust me when I tell you that fifteen minutes is definitely worth the wait,” she said. Steven could not wait. He looked at her and smiled in agreement.

  Chapter 2

  Meg was all nervous as she swiped the key card allowing her access to Ellis’ room. She was not sure whether she was happy or nervous. She knew exactly what had brought her over and it was not conversation. Okay maybe it was, after all, Ellis was a great person to hang out with. But maybe conversation would follow later. She would just have to see how this night turned out. Or did she? She did not want to be the one to make things awkward by saying they could no longer hang out because they’d had awkward sex and everything was now officially weird. She tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear and took a long breath before she slowly opened the door. In the room, Ellis was seated on the long couch smiling. To Meg, he almost looked like James Bond…Pierce Brosnan and maybe a younger Timothy Dalton. Not Daniel Craig. She cared less for Craig actually.

  “You’re spiraling,” she thought as she tried calming herself down. It was just then that she noticed how gorgeous his room was. Somehow, she felt some anger at Julie for not telling her that there were better rooms…suites…at the facility than what she got. If anything, she got a version of her room at home. The only difference was that she didn’t have to make her own bed.

  “Meg?” Ellis called, snapping her back to reality. Meg looked at him and smiled. She was suddenly tongue tied. That never ever happened to her. “You okay?” he asked. She smiled and nodded before she nervously turned around and swung the door shut. “Drink?” he asked. She nodded as he rose from the couch and walked to his minibar. Minibar. He had a minibar…that was what was going through her head at that moment. Or was it that she was trying to make herself busy to forget everything that was going on around her?

  “Damn it. It’s the wait,” she suddenly realized. It had been so long since she had been intimate with anyone she was almost scared to do something wrong.

  “I have wine. Both red and white. And I am hoping you are a white person because I have a Chardonnay that will knock your socks off,” he said as he dramatically displayed an unopened bottle of chardonnay. Meg looked at him and smiled.

  “Actually, I’d like a bourbon if you have any,” she said. Ellis looked at her and smiled.

  “Bourbon, huh?” he said as he put the bottle down. “Woman after my own heart.” He poured two glasses of the drink. “Ice?” he asked.

  “Please,” M
eg said. If Julie would see her right now, she would have probably laughed her heart off. This was her very chatty best friend fidgety and lost for words. It was like Christmas in the summer. Ellis walked over to where she was and handed her one glass before he raised his glass to her. Meg needed no second bidding. She flashed down the contents of her glass making Ellis a little surprised.

  “Ahem…that’s an eighty year old bottle,” he said. Meg winced a little as she felt the drink burning its way down her gullet.

  “So that was what that was?” she asked as she reached for his glass and flashed it down as well. Ellis had to admit, he was impressed.

  “We should really go out some time. Do you mind if I fly you down to London one of these days?” he asked. She winced again and then smiled.

  “I’m sorry. I’m just really nervous,” she said. A slow smile played on Ellis’ lips.

  “What does a smart beautiful woman like you have to be nervous about?” he asked. Meg shrugged.

  “Flattery much?” she asked.

  “I’m not trying to be but I can’t help it. I’m…I just haven’t met anyone like you in a long time,” he said.

  “I’m not sure what to say to that…I mean I know your kind of women are the runaway models in Milan and some more Hollywood people. I am nothing close to that,” she said. He smiled and took the glasses from her before he led her to the couch. It was just then that she became aware of the soft music playing in the background. Ellis put the glasses on the table and looked at her. Meg was not sure whether it was the eighty year old bourbon or the fact that her loins were aching for him that she suddenly felt so comfortable…so at home with him.

  “So, runway models and Hollywood actresses. Is that what you think I’m into?” he asked. She shrugged and felt the color in her cheeks flush.

  “Do you blame me? I saw a Facebook photo of you and Ellie Goulding and another of you with One Direction…What the hell do you do anyway? How do you know all these celebrities?” she asked.


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