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Tudor Rose (The Tudor Dynasty Series)

Page 10

by Salisbury, Jamie

  “Zara!” he shouts in my ear, “Baby, that’s wonderful when?” He’s got my robe open, his hands wrapped around me.

  “Five months. May 14th. I went to the doctor the day we each went shopping. I knew I was, but I wanted to get to a doctor and then tell you in a special way. And believe me keeping it from you hasn’t been easy.”

  “So, everything is okay? That was the doctor’s office who called?”

  “Everything is fine. And yes, that was the doctor who called. I am scheduled to have a sonogram done after the first of the year.”

  He pulls me back to look at me better. I take his hand and place it on my bump covering it with mine. He melts me with a passionate kiss, drawing me tighter.

  Chapter Ten

  Since we have been together, we really haven’t had time for any sort of social life. If we aren’t engrossed in each other, re-launching his career takes up our time. The threats are always at the forefront of my mind. Nothing has happened, but they’re still very real. So I am surprised when old friends of his contact him with news of a party.

  “Just who are these people, A?”

  He rattles off names, some I have heard of, most I haven’t. “Come on Zara. Let’s go. It’ll be fun. It’s just a bunch of people I’ve known for years who still get together. Besides, it’s the holidays.” He’s working it. Flashing his best pout, those blue eyes of his melting my core. I give in.

  “Okay, you win. We’ll go. Where are we going?”

  “Don Roberts is hosting it. He lives on the beach, so I’m sure it’ll be out there. Unless it rains.” Watching me, he walks next to me and squeezes me in a bear hug. “You’re going as my wife this time, let me show you off. Kick back and enjoy yourself. Okay?”

  I shake my head and smile at him. “Yeah.” I walk back to the dining room table where I have been working. I’m not real warm and fuzzy about this party, but I’m not going to spoil it for him.

  The evening of the party I change at least three times before Amadeus stops me. “Zara, you look beautiful, baby.”

  “Sorry, I’m just nervous.”

  He bends over and kisses me. “Come on, let’s go before we get side tracked.” He swats me on the rear, chuckling under his breath.

  The drive takes longer than I thought. I’m not sure where we are. He turns down a street which is lined with cars. He finds a place to park and we walk toward the host’s house. A few people acknowledge him as we’re walking into the house. He squeezes my hand.

  A studious looking, balding gentleman welcomes us. “Amadeus Tudor! Let me look at you! I really didn’t think you would come.”

  “Well, here I am!” Amadeus replies. “Don, this is my wife, Zara. Baby, this is Don Roberts.”

  “Married, when did you sneak this in?”

  “A couple of months ago,” I reply.

  “Zara, isn’t she, wasn’t she your manager, Tudor?” he asks, eyeing me over.

  “Yes, and she still is. Don here owns his own techy company. At least he did.”

  “Yeah, I’m one of the computer nerds. But enough of that. You two come on in and enjoy yourselves.”

  He escorts us to the bar. Amadeus takes a beer and hands me a diet soda. He leads me through the house and maze of people. We walk down to the beach and a large bonfire where a crowd is mingling. Amadeus introduces me to countless people. I gaze across the fire and am taken aback by the sight of three of his former band mates and their significant others. I try not to let on I’ve seen them and refocus on the couple he’s talking to. Too late, he’s seen them. He bends down and whispers in my ear, asking me if I have seen them. I nod and we walk around, chatting with various people.

  All the shit starts when Johnny Roberts, one of his former lead guitarists gets directly in Amadeus’. face.

  “So the great Amadeus Tudor has decided to grace the little people tonight. And you brought your wife? Is that what she is now? I thought she was just part of your harem.”

  I squeeze his hand. “A, come on.” I try to lead him away, but he stands firm.

  “What, cat got your tongue? Your woman has to talk for you?”

  “I see you’ve still got your nasty disposition, John. There was a time when I’d take your ass to the ground. But you’re not worth the effort.” He turns from his former friend, puts his arm around my waist and leads me toward the house. Glancing up at him I can tell the fury is burning. His eyes are black pools and it is taking every ounce of energy he has for him to maintain control.

  A few more obscenities are hurled our direction, but we keep walking. He spots a couple he’s known for years and introduces me. We sit with them, making small talk. Don appears, apologizing for the incident. Not keeping up with music, or apparently his friends, he claims he’s unaware of what transpired months earlier. I have my antenna up. I am not comfortable here.

  Don leaves us for a few minutes, then returns with two bowls of oyster chowder or stew. I politely refuse, but Amadeus digs in.

  “It’s a new recipe. What do you think Amadeus?”

  “This is great Don. Don’t mind Zara, she’s not an oyster person.”

  Oysters about make me gag. Other friends of his join us and they sit and talk about times long ago and inquire about Amadeus’. life now.

  He finally gets up and excuses himself for a few minutes. While he is away a couple of the guys apologize for the incident on the beach.

  “Ya’ll weren’t the one’s behaving badly. So don’t apologize for him.”

  I am startled by how he looks when he returns. He motions to me, telling everyone we have somewhere else to go this evening. Don is nowhere to be found and A wants to go. Now.

  We walk hurriedly to the car. “What’s wrong, A”?

  “I just started feeling bad. I didn’t want everyone to know. That’s all.” he replies, but his face tells a different story.

  “You’re sure?” We reach the car and he unlocks my door. I try to scowl at him. Let him know I’m concerned.

  “I’ll be fine, Zara. Let’s go home.”

  We ride in silence. I finally recognize where we are. I glance over at him and can tell he is not feeling good. I lean over to stroke his hair. He’s sweating profusely.

  Suddenly, he pulls off the road and parks. Without saying a word he’s out of the car, throwing up violently. When he finally can stop, he opens my door.

  “Zara, you’ve got to drive. I……”He turns around and starts throwing up again. I help him in. I spot a plastic bag, pick it up and hand it to him, just in case.

  Pulling back into traffic, I drive toward home. Concentrating is difficult as my concern is now turning into full blown worry. Still covered in sweat, Amadeus has both arms folded in front of him, hunched over. From my angle he appears to be shaking.

  “Amadeus,” I yell in his direction. “Amadeus, talk to me, sweetie. What’s going on with you?” I get no answer out of him, only some sort of pitiful sound. His breathing is sounding labored.

  A hospital sign flies by us on the freeway. I take the next exit and like a crazed woman I follow the signs to the hospital a few blocks away. I continue to the emergency room entrance.

  Opening the passenger door, I am panicked at Amadeus’ appearance.

  “Baby, come on. We’re at the emergency room. They’ll find out what’s wrong.” He does not respond to my voice at all.

  The next thing I know hospital staff have him out of the car and onto a gurney, wheeling him inside. A nurse stops me from following.

  “We need some information from you first,” a young nurse says, leading me away toward a desk. I sit and answer her questions, all the time looking toward the hallway where they took him.

  While we are talking a tall blonde headed doctor rushes over.

  “Are you the one who brought Mr. Tudor in?” he asks, eyeing me carefully.

  “Yes, I am. I’m his wife, Zara Tudor. You know him? What’s wrong with him?”

  “Amadeus and I have known each other since we were kids. I
hate to ask you this, but what kind of drugs has he taken?”

  I stare in disbelief at him, not sure I’ve heard right.

  “Amadeus does not do drugs. He never has. And if you knew him like you say you do, you’d know that. He hates drugs.”

  “Well, he’s on drugs now and he’s overdosing. I need to know what he took”

  “No, that’s not possible!” I scream. “He does NOT do drugs!”

  “Okay, Zara. Come on, sit down. I’ll be back in a while.” He disappears back behind the double doors.

  I am hysterical, trying to comprehend what I’ve just been told. This cannot be happening. The young nurse I’ve been talking to brings me a glass of water. I gratefully take it from her and sip on it. Calming down, I sign the pile of paperwork. She takes me to a chair in the waiting room in a corner where I can gather my thoughts.

  Replaying every second of this evening I don’t hear Joe Franco walk up.

  “Hey, Zara. Remember me?” He’s looking down at me as he sits in the chair next to mine.

  “Of course, Joe. Why?”

  “I was in the area, and when I heard Amadeus’ name, I came over to see what was going on.”

  “The doctor who came to talk to me said he was on drugs, overdosing. He doesn’t do drugs Joe, never has. It makes no sense to me.”

  “Tell me about your evening. Where have you been?”

  “We went to a party that some friends of his were having. I couldn’t really tell you where it was. At a beach.”

  “Did Amadeus ever go off on his own to talk with any of his friends?”

  “I know where this is headed. No, the only time we were not together was once when he suddenly had to go to the bathroom. When he came back, we left because he was feeling bad.”

  “Anything else? What did he drink, eat.”

  “You know what was strange? A couple of his former band mates were there. He had a confrontation with one of them. He drank beer. The only thing he ate was some sort of oyster stew or chowder. I didn’t eat any because I detest oysters.”

  “That’s odd that someone would invite him to a party where they knew his former band members would be. Who gave the party?”

  “Don Roberts. Amadeus has known him for years.”

  “Okay, that’s a big help Zara. Is there anyone you want me to contact for you?” he asks, standing up. “I’m going to hang around for a while.”

  “Oh, lord. I hate to do it. I guess I should call his parents?” I don’t know if I’m asking or making a statement.

  “That would probably be a good idea.” Joe replies.

  I find my phone and call William and Grace. William answers the phone and I start to tell him what is going on and I lose it. The harsh reality that Amadeus may die clouds my thoughts. Joe takes the phone from me and explains the situation to William.

  The doctor friend of Amadeus’ reappears and sits next to me. “I’m not going to lie to you. He’s in serious condition, Zara. He’s ingested a whole cocktail of drugs into his system. We’ve pumped his stomach. That’s a start.”

  “Can I see him?” I ask, noticing his name tag.

  “Let us get him stabilized first. I’ll come get you as soon as he is.”

  “What then?”

  “He’ll go to the ICU. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. He’s still not stabilized enough to warrant moving him.”

  I nod my head. The two men, I notice, are looking at each other. In the background, I hear Grace’s voice.

  “Bill!” She rushes up with William in tow. Bill, the doctor once again explains Amadeus’ condition.

  “Well, how did he get the drugs? Zara?” I look up at her.

  “I don’t know Grace. That’s what we’ve been discussing.” God, I think, they don’t even know I’m pregnant! Bill interrupts our conversation before it turns into something it shouldn’t.

  “Grace, from what we can tell, he had to ingest the drugs orally. And since he doesn’t do drugs, they had to be in something he ate or drank.” He walks next to me and pats my shoulder. “I’ll be back in a while to update you. Hopefully by then he’ll be stabilized and you can see him.”

  “Thanks.” He leaves walking through the doors to the exam rooms.

  Grace sits down on one side of me, William on the other.

  “Zara, would you like some coffee?” William asks.

  “Yes, in a minute. I’ve got something I need to tell you both. This isn’t how we were going to tell you.” I’m fighting back the tears.

  “What is it Zara?” Grace asks, taking my hand.

  “Amadeus and I are going to have a baby!”

  “Zara, that’s wonderful! When? When did you find out?” Grace asks, smiling over at William.

  “May. I found out just before Christmas, but I didn’t tell Amadeus until Christmas morning.” The thought of that morning makes me start crying.

  Grace puts her arm around me. “He’s going to be fine Zara. You‘ll see. Amadeus is tough.” She shoos William off to get coffee. I still can’t stop the tears.

  After what seems like an eternity, Bill comes through the doors. The look on his face isn’t very reassuring.

  “Zara, I’ll take you back to see him before we move him to the ICU. He’s not out of the woods yet. I have him sedated. His body’s been through a lot tonight and he needs the rest. The next twenty-four to forty-eight hours are critical.” He looks over at Grace and William.

  “Go with Bill, Zara. We’ll wait for you here.” Grace whispers to me. I look over at her and try to give her a good game face.

  “I’ll bring her back here. You and William can see him once he’s been moved.”

  He escorts me down the hall until we come to one of the sterile looking exam rooms. As he opens the door, the first thing I see is how pale Amadeus is lying there. A nurse is checking the IV pump, but no one else is in the room. Walking over to him, I brush the hair back off his forehead, then take his hand. I squeeze it hoping he’ll know I’m there. I bend over, kiss his cheek and whisper in his ear. “I’m here sweetheart. You’re going to be fine. I love you Amadeus.” It is all I can do to speak the words. I feel the tears coming back again. Standing back up, I stroke his cheek and squeeze his hand again. He looks so vulnerable laying there. Come on Zara, I say to myself, you’ve got to be strong for him now.

  Bending back over him, I kiss him on the cheek once more. “I love you Amadeus.”


  Thank you for purchasing Tudor Rose, the first installment of the Tudor Dynasty series. I hope you enjoyed it.Tudor Rubato, the second book of the series coming early 2012.

  About the Author

  Jamie Salisbury cannot imagine life without writing. Her writing career began as a child and was a natural to follow her through her life. She currently resides outside Atlanta, Georgia.

  She enjoys traveling, photography, knitting and all things equestrian.

  Her books are women’s fiction. Whether historical or contemporary romance they’re chick-lit: creative, savvy women with a splash of swanky attitude thrown in.

  Discover other titles by Jamie Salisbury

  Perpetual Love (Book 1 of the Albert and Anne series)

  Look for “Challenges”, (Book 2 in the Albert and Ann series), coming January 2012.

  Follow Jamie Salisbury Online:



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