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Sons of Navarus Box Set #1

Page 40

by Scott, K. M.

  “Thane…” she whispered, but he covered her mouth with his and kissed her with a need so deep he’d feared it before now. It had made him wish time and again that everything in their world—her sire, the rest of the Sons, the Archons, the civil war—would disappear and leave them to the happiness he was sure they’d find if only given the chance. Now she was here and that happiness was even sweeter than he’d imagined.

  Slowly, he slid his tongue into her mouth, seeking hers as he cradled her face in his hands. She was his now. His to adore. His to protect.

  Sliding his hand under her sweater, he teased a nipple to a tender peak. Sasa moaned softly into his mouth, urging him on with her hands as she pulled him tighter to her.

  He pulled the sweater over her head to reveal her lacy pink bra that hid little from his stare. Unhooking it, he tossed it aside as yet another barrier to her he’d eliminated. He filled his eyes with the vision of her beautiful breasts, wanting to take the deep pink nipples between his lips and suck until she cried out in ecstasy.

  How many times had he replayed this in his mind as he lay alone in his bed just three rooms away from where she slept with another man? He’d fought against his desire, knowing it was wrong, but eventually he didn’t care. Fate had made a mistake giving her to Vasilije. She belonged with him—with a man who wanted to deserve her.

  He flicked his tongue over one excited nipple, his cock hardening to iron when he heard her whimper his name. Finally, after patiently waiting for so long, she wanted him as much as he wanted her.

  Dragging his tongue over her stomach, he teased her until her skin quivered with need. Her fingers threaded through his hair as she tugged and pulled his head up toward hers. “No more waiting. Please…I need to feel you inside me.”

  In seconds, her jeans were gone, along with her panties and his pants, and he was at her wet entrance ready to make her his. Arching her back, she pulled him to her, pressing her body to his as he eased into her. He filled her as she clung to him, her tender cries of passion filling his ears as he began slowly thrusting into her body, joining them as one.

  Her cunt was hot and slick, but still she was tight around his cock. Her body wrapped around him like a glove created to fit only him. Each thrust he made was met with one of hers, creating a rhythm that inched his release closer and closer. Sasa cried out as her climax raced through her body, spasms of pleasure milking his cock as she came. Thane felt his body tense and with one last thrust inside her, he finally took her as his…

  In his reverie, he felt her lips leave his body, and he opened his eyes to see her looking at him, her brown eyes wide not with hunger but with something else. “He can’t know about his. Ever.”

  Anger at her concern for Vasilije’s feelings raged inside him. “Did he expect you to just starve, Sasa? What about him don’t I understand now? Why do you care what he thinks after he leaves you like this?”

  In the darkness, he felt her hand touch his again. “Please don’t do this. You’re my only friend here. I need to believe out of everyone here you respect me.”

  Thane moved to pull his hand away, disgusted by how this was going to end, but Sasa gripped it tighter. Surprised, he looked into her eyes and saw real fear. “What are you afraid of? That he’s going to hurt you?”

  “No. That you’re going to turn away from me because I can’t be what you want. All I can offer is friendship now. That may not mean much to you, but it means the world to me, Thane.”

  As she spoke, her voice quivered and he realized she wasn’t afraid of losing Vasilije. She was afraid of losing him, of losing the only soul there other than Vasilije she’d let in. He hated the idea of having to settle for the tepid affections of friendship. He wanted her with him. Forever.

  But he’d take what she could give for now.

  As she left with the promise that he’d never tell a soul what they’d done, Thane let himself hope—really hope—for the first time that someday he’d get the chance to show her how much he loved her.

  Now all he could do was wait and hope he’d get his chance.




  I am everything you seek. I am vampire.

  Blessed with the gift of telepathy, Terek always knows what a woman wants. His gift has afforded him nightly sensual pleasures and exotic treats for centuries, but beneath the surface he yearns for much more.

  Ilona can give him what his soul craves, but only if he trusts his heart. One fateful choice made out of desire puts all he cares for in danger. With a civil war and the threat of Archon hunters at every turn, this Son may lose everything if he can’t find the balance between heart and mind.


  Terek held his wrist to her lips and waited for a sign that he hadn’t been too late. Seconds grew to minutes but finally she opened her eyes and looked up at him in the darkness. As a new vampire, she wouldn’t be able to see him, but he saw her.

  “Remain still.”

  Reaching for a match, he lit a candle on the nightstand next to the bed. In the pale light, he was struck by the frightened look on her face, and he reached out to tenderly caress her cheek, as any good sire would for one of his vampires.

  “Where am I?” she asked as she flinched from his touch.

  “My home. What’s your name?”

  “Am I still in Cocentaina?” she asked as she sat up quickly, immediately falling back onto the bed.

  “Remain still. You’re not ready to move yet. What’s your name?”

  For the second time, she didn’t answer his question, and Terek wondered if she could be in shock from the attack. He didn’t want to upset her, but he needed to know her name. Carefully, he listened to her thoughts but heard nothing.

  Finally, she whispered, “Ilona.”

  “Ilona, I’m Terek. Do you remember what happened?”

  Brown eyes stared up at him, wide with fear as tears welled up in them. “No…yes…” Her hand reached for her neck. “What did you do to me?”

  She attempted to roll away from him, but Terek held her fast to the bed. Eyes that had just been so full of fear flashed rage at him. “Let go of me! What have you done to me?”

  Never before had one of his vampires looked at him as if he were a villain. “I’ve done nothing to harm you. You asked for my help, and I gave it willingly.”

  “You’ve made me a monster.”

  “No, not a monster. Vampire.”

  Tears rolled down her cheeks as Ilona sobbed uncontrollably. “Vampire! No!”

  Terek brought his wrist to his mouth and pierced his skin. Holding his arm near her mouth, he watched her anger turn again to horror. “Ilona, take from me. This is who you are.”

  Closing her eyes, she shook her head.

  “I may not have chosen you, but I’m your sire now. I won’t let anything or anyone harm you, Ilona. I promise.”

  Ilona remained silent with her eyes shut. Terek waited a moment, hoping she’d relent, but finally slid his tongue over the holes in his wrist and wiped her tears. At least this time she didn’t flinch when he touched her, and as he calmed her he studied his newest vampire.

  Long, dark lashes rested on her pale skin, and high cheekbones gave her a regal look, accentuated even more by a proud, straight Romanesque nose. But Terek’s gaze was drawn to her mouth. Pouty, full lips trembled in her sadness, but he imagined they were even more lovely when she smiled.

  With his hand on her cheek, he caressed her tender skin and tried once again to reach her. “Ilona, please open your eyes.”

  Slowly, she looked at him. God, she was beautiful!

  “I won’t hurt you. As your sire, I would never hurt you.”


  “I’m the one who made you vampire. That makes me your sire. I’m sorry the one who meant to be your sire was taken from you.”

  Her expression twisted into one of disgust. “Do you think I want
ed him to do this? Do you think I agreed?”

  Terek hadn’t considered that she’d been an unwilling participant in her turning. A sickening feeling overtook him at the thought that she’d been attacked and forced against her wishes into his world.

  “I’m sorry, Ilona. Not all of us are cruel.”

  Behind him he heard someone, and he turned to see Jasmine in the doorway. “Ilona needs to rest. She’s been through a lot.” Turning back toward Ilona, he smiled. “If you need anything, all you need to do is ask. This is your home now.”

  She stared back at him with hatred in her eyes, and her silence spoke volumes. Terek knew it was no point in fighting what she felt. In time, she’d grow to see the gift she’d been given.

  As he passed Jasmine, he saw the look of concern on her face. In the middle of a civil war with the Archons, it was probably not the best idea to sire a new vampire, but as she always had, she’d take his newest vampire under her wing. That he could count on.

  Terek slid into the warm bath up to his chest and stretched his legs out in front of him. In no time, he was thankful to feel the water ease the stress from his muscles. The Roman bath was one of the best features of his house in Spain. Reminiscent of the bathing rooms in the homes of wealthy ancient Romans and those he’d seen in Turkey, it was one of the few luxuries he’d ever truly allowed himself to enjoy.

  Closing his eyes, he relished the sensation of Serena’s light touch on his skin as she slid her hands over his back, releasing the tension between his shoulder blades. His newest vampire until Ilona, she was young and beautiful, very much the image of Jasmine. He’d found her as a concubine to an Arab sheikh and freed her from her bondage with the clever use of his power to read other people’s thoughts.

  That was a little over a hundred years ago, and selfishly he’d kept her to himself, never allowing her to sire any vampires or be with another man. Terek knew it was wrong. Serena deserved the love and devotion she so unconditionally gave him, not a position in his favorite household, no matter how exalted it was.

  “Sire, you’re full of tension. Would you like anything in particular tonight?”

  Terek turned his head and saw a shy smile form on her lips. A quick visit to her mind showed him what she was too timid to voice. As much as he adored making love to her, he wanted something else tonight.

  “Serena, I’d like to talk instead.”

  In his ear, she whispered, “Yes, sire.”

  Slowly, he pulled her from her seat behind him until she stood in front of him. For a moment, he studied her beauty. Big brown eyes stared back at him as he let his gaze travel over her full breasts, tiny waist, and flared, feminine hips. Turned when she was barely twenty, she was the perfect picture of innocence and sensuality. For a moment, he thought of how many nights he’d found the exquisite pleasure only her body could bring him.

  “Come sit next to me, Serena.”

  A look of surprise crossed her features, but she did as he commanded and settled next to him at the end of the bath. “What troubles you, sire?”

  “Are you happy?”

  Terek expected her to quickly answer yes—or maybe he’d hoped she would—but she remained silent for a long moment. When she finally spoke, he saw not the young girl he’d made vampire but a woman.

  “I’ve been blessed to have you for a sire and your vampires as my sisters. I wouldn’t trade that for anything. But I love you and have hoped for longer than I can remember that you would love me in return.”

  Her words struck him like a fist to the chest. It wasn’t that he didn’t love her. He did, more than he showed. But as he’d been since the loss of his wife so many centuries ago, he wouldn’t let himself get any closer.

  “I’ve accepted that you do not care for me as I do you, sire. You ask me if I’m happy. In many ways I am, but I yearn for the love I give to be returned. To be loved by another as I love.”

  Terek stroked her cheek and thought about her request. Shame for his selfishness filled him as he looked at her beautiful face. How often had he made love to her believing she was content when in fact she’d been little more than a concubine in his house as she’d been in that sheikh’s home?

  “You seek permission to sire?” he asked, feeling strangely jealous at the idea of Serena with another.

  Lowering her eyes, she whispered, “I’m not ungrateful, sire. I’m just lonely.”

  A noise at the entrance to the bath startled him, and his focus on Serena moved to Jasmine standing in the doorway.

  “Serena, you’re needed in the courtyard.”

  Silently, she walked out of the bath and when she’d gone, Jasmine slipped out of her white silk robe and stepped into the water, taking a seat at the far end opposite Terek. Her expression told him she had something on her mind.

  “Why do you tease her such, Terek?”

  When he didn’t answer, she continued. “She adores you and you give her just enough hope to keep her desire alive. A hundred years and you’ve never allowed her to sire not even once. She’s kept here, your vampire devoted entirely to you.”

  “She wants to sire,” he said with a sigh.

  “Of course she does. She wants someone to adore her as she adores you.”

  Jasmine’s words struck a nerve. “I never promised her anything.”

  “Yes, you did. You may never have spoken the words, but you looked at her with those innocent eyes you have when you’re falling in love. You loved her once.”

  “What are you doing here, Jasmine?”

  “You’re my sire, Terek. When you need me, I come to you.”






  Vasilije—Made a vampire in the early 1600s, he became one of the Sons of Navarus after his sire was murdered. Powerful because of the many vampires he’s sired, he’s the first of the Sons to be targeted by the Archons. 6’2”, black hair, and blue eyes.

  Declan—Teagan’s brother, he was made a vampire on the same night as his brother but lost his sire shortly afterward. 6’3”, brown hair, and brown eyes. Nicknamed Saint because he won’t sleep with any of his vampires.

  Terek—Turned right before the Black Death, he’d been a monk in his human life. Mystical, his nature is quiet and thoughtful. 6’, black hair, and green eyes.

  Dante—Youngest of the Sons of Navarus, he’s cocky but lucky, especially with women. 6’1”, sandy brown hair, and blue eyes.

  Ramiel—The biggest of the Sons of Navarus, he has the face of an angel, but he’s the most violent. His sire was one of the original protectors of the prophecy’s knowledge and passed it down to him. 6’4”, black hair, and black eyes.

  Thane—Another vampire whose sire was one of the original protectors of the prophecy’s knowledge, he is one of only four vampires, along with Ramiel, who possess what the Sons of Navarus will need to uncover the secret of the prophecy. 6’3”, brown hair, and brown eyes.

  Sion—Lean like a machine, he prefers logic to emotions, his physical being a manifestation of his emotional being. 6’1”, pale blond hair, and grey eyes.

  Nico—Oldest of the Sons of Navarus, he was turned in ancient Greece in his early twenties and resembles a Greek god. His part in the Sons was handed down to him by his sire, a criminal in the vampire world. 6’2”, black hair, and brown eyes.


  K.M. Scott writes contemporary romance stories of sexy, intense, and unforgettable love. A New York Times and USA Today bestselling author, she’s been in love with romance since reading her first romance novel in junior high (she was a very curious girl!). She lives in Pennsylvania with her teenage son and a herd of animals and when she’s not writing can be found reading or feeding her TV addiction.

  Be sure to visit K.M.’s Facebook page at for all the latest on her books, along with giveaways and other goodies! And to hear all the news on K.M. Scott books first, sign up for her newsletter today and be sure to visit her website at

  Visit Gabrielle’s Facebook page and her website at to find out about her books too!

  Books by K.M. Scott:

  Crash Into Me (Heart of Stone #1)

  Fall Into Me (Heart of Stone #2)

  Give In To Me (Heart of Stone #3)

  The Heart of Stone Trilogy Box Set

  Ever After (A Heart of Stone Novella)

  A Heart of Stone Christmas

  Unforgettable (A Heart of Stone Spinoff Novel #1)

  Temptation (Club X #1)

  Surrender (Club X #2)

  Possession (Club X #3)

  Satisfaction (Club X #4)

  SILK (Volume One)

  SILK (Volume Two)

  SILK (Volume Three)

  SILK (Volume Four)

  The SILK Box Set


  Books by Gabrielle Bisset:

  Vampire Dreams Revamped (A Sons of Navarus Prequel)

  Blood Avenged (Sons of Navarus #1)

  Blood Betrayed (Sons of Navarus #2)

  Longing (A Sons of Navarus Short Story)

  Blood Spirit (Sons of Navarus #3)

  The Deepest Cut (A Sons of Navarus Short Story)

  Blood Prophecy (Sons of Navarus #4)

  Sons of Navarus Box Set #1

  Sons of Navarus Box Set #2


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