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The Vampire's Resolve

Page 7

by Martha Woods

  “It’s not as bad as it looks, I don’t think,” she says.

  “Not so sure I agree with you on that. You’ve lost a ton of blood out of those bite wounds. But you’re a trooper,” I say. “My apartment’s upstairs. Come up and we’ll get you whatever you need. Why didn’t you blink out of the alley?”

  “I was too scared,” she says. “It takes a lot of concentration and it’s not very reliable yet.”

  “I do understand that,” I say. “When were you Awakened?”

  “When I was twelve,” she says. “But my power has stayed pretty quiet until recently. My mom told me that some witches don’t have extreme abilities. I thought I might be one of those.”

  “I am a late bloomer,” I say. “I wasn’t Awakened until recently, though I have had the sight for a long time. I could see the dead, especially if they had a connection to a case I was working on.”

  “We live in a community of witches,” Tabitha explains. “My mom’s a little bit of a hippie, actually. It’s like a commune. Some of the other women are starting to experience abilities they didn’t have before.”

  This raises a red flag for me, but I don’t really have time to say anything, because the girl collapses just as I open the door to my apartment. Vincent is nowhere to be found, but Damon and Alexis are on the couch, looking comfortable together.

  “A little help?” I ask, holding Tabitha up as I haul us both through the door.

  Damon is first to jump up, picking up the girl and taking her to the couch. Alexis puts her hands on the teen, looking at me for explanation.

  “She was attacked by two werewolves,” I say. “I managed to stop them and get her out. She said she didn’t think she was badly hurt but…”

  “Could be shock, but maybe something internal,” Alexis says. “If you could give me some quiet, I’ll see what I can do for her.”

  I roll my eyes at Alexis. I shouldn’t be so petty, not when her skills as a healer have saved me, Damon…probably many others, several times. But seriously, kicking me out of my own living room? Not cool.

  “How did you manage to stop the wolves?” Damon asks, grabbing my upper arm to direct me toward the kitchen.

  I stay planted in place. There is no reason I should be removed from any space in my own home. I do answer Damon’s question, though.

  “I managed to send out some kind of light pulse. It blasted them backwards, knocked them out,” I say. “Nothing I’ve ever done before. I just lifted my hands to protect myself from their attack and it blasted right out. Thank goodness, honestly, or I would have been werewolf lunch.”

  “Probably a stress response,” Alexis says, her hands on Tabitha’s chest, her eyes closed. “Do you think you could do it again? Rally that power on your own?”

  “I have no idea,” I say. “It felt reactive, my body’s way of dealing with imminent threat. But it doesn’t matter right now, because that girl needs help.”

  Alexis goes quiet, her attention on the young woman now lying on my couch. I meet Damon’s eyes and he nods toward the kitchen. I don’t want to leave. Honestly, I’m feeling revved up enough that I want to be in Alexis’ space, to force her to get off of her sanctimonious high horse and stop acting like she’s the only person worth anything in the room. Damon grabs my arm and gently tugs again. He knows me well enough to see that I’m feeling aggressive, ready to confront her. I look at her, eyes narrowed and turn back to him, earning raised eyebrows in return. If I could read his mind, I am sure he would be telling me “now is not the time.”

  Only because I want that girl to be okay do I acquiesce and follow him.

  Chapter 13

  We sit at the kitchen table – the very table where we nearly made love not too long ago.

  “What was going on when I got here?” I ask.

  “Nothing,” Damon says. “She only got here ten minutes before you got back. Said she came to check on me, which she must have because she didn’t knock or anything – just walked right in. She was surprised to find me up and functional.”

  “I need to get better about locking the doors,” I mutter.

  “I mean, she really was shocked to find me awake,” he says. “I’m sure she just thought she’d wander in and check in and do whatever it is she does with those healing powers.”

  “Did you sense her at all? When you were sleeping?”

  He shrugs. “Not really. I sensed you, though. I heard you, I think. It’s all a bit fuzzy, for the most part.”

  “Good,” I say. “I don’t want her in your head. I don’t want her near you.”

  “Don’t be a mean green jealous machine,” he says, grinning.

  “Whatever,” I say. “It’s late. Who just shows up unannounced, at night, and then lets herself in? Someone who’s too damn comfortable, that’s who.”

  “She was just checking in on me,” Damon says.

  “Oh I’ll bet she was,” I say.

  “What does that mean?” he asks.

  “It means she wants you,” I say. “She probably thought she’d just crawl right in bed with you. Right on top of you.”

  “Stop being ridiculous,” he says. “She has been healing me, right?”

  “Yes,” I say. “But that doesn’t mean she doesn’t want you.”

  “What is your evidence of that?” he asks.

  “She as much as told me to let you go so she could have a chance,” I say.

  “Well, I think I’ve said before I’m not interested in her like that. I’m interested in you.”

  “And I’m bonded to a vampire and we’re unable to have sex,” I say harshly. “So you might as well climb aboard the SS Alexis and get it on.”

  Damon smirks at me.

  “Stop,” I warn.

  “You’re cute when you’re jealous,” he says.

  “Shut up,” I say.

  “No, I mean, I’m usually the jealous one. You know, since you’re basically married to another man now, it is sort of fun to be on the other side.”

  I sigh heavily. “Damon…maybe it’s best if…”

  “No,” he says.

  “Just hear me out,” I say. “Seriously. She’s way more beautiful than me. She’s talented, has her shit together from what I can tell. She wants you. Maybe you should forget about me. Move on. Give her a chance.”

  Damon reaches across the table to hold my hands. “No, Amy,” he says. “You’re not getting rid of me that easily. I told you I love you. I know we can figure this out. It will all be okay.”

  We sit for a few minutes, just holding hands and breathing. Finally, I say, “I need to call Vincent back. And Tariq.”

  When both men arrive, we all crowd into the kitchen.

  Vincent stays near the window, as if he might jump out of it at any moment. He might, actually. Wouldn’t be the first time. Damon stays at the table. Tariq leans against the refrigerator.

  Tariq is the first to speak. “I do enjoy being called away from a warm bed, Amy,” he says.

  “Sorry,” I say. “I know it’s been a long couple of days. But I need everyone’s help with something. I want to call a meeting. I want the heads of ever vampire coven, ever werewolf den, and I want every non-homicidal witch in LA. We have to find a way to work together or we will never get to Quick. I know he’s only one man, but…”

  I stop there, everyone staring at me, waiting for me to continue.

  “Holy shit,” I say, mostly to myself. “Why didn’t I see this before”

  All three men wear expectant looks on their faces, just waiting for me to explain.

  “At the precinct, when Quick came to visit me, he came in the form of a female police officer. He shifted back when he left my cell. And Matthew Quick the actor…”

  I push open my laptop and get onto the IMDB site. I browse photos and there is a definite difference between Matthew Quick of two years ago and Matthew Quick today. They look similar, but not exact.

  “Are you all seeing this?” I say, holding up the laptop to show everyone. />
  “He could have had plastic surgery,” Damon says.

  “To make him look just like a state senator?” I ask. “He is always on the top bachelor’s list. There is no reason to change his face like that. I think Matthew Quick is not actually Matthew Quick.”

  “But where would the actual Matthew Quick be? And how would Alvin Quick manage to be two people at one time? And how come no one has noticed anything about how much these guys look alike? Or that the actor looks different than he once did?” Damon asks.

  “How long has Matthew Quick been an actor?” Tariq asks.

  “His first credits go way back to when he was a kid, but it was sporadic. He worked every few years on stuff no one would have seen,” I say, peering at his filmography on the site. “It says he worked under the name Matthew Forsythe up until maybe two years ago, when he got a starring role that pushed his career into A-list status. That’s the first movie he did with the last name Quick.”

  Tariq strokes his beard as he thinks. Vincent looks bored. Damon says, “I just can’t imagine that these are the same person. How is that possible?”

  We’re all quiet for a moment while we think. It is Tariq who speaks next.

  “I think…I need to do some research, but it is possible he could be Kitsune,” he says.

  “Kitsune?” I ask. “I’m not familiar…what is that?”

  “Yes,” Vincent says, finally turning his full attention to the group. “A Kitsune is a Japanese fox that can shapeshift. Usually not into mid-male form, though there is no reason it could not choose that. Normally they are younger, beautiful women or older men. But they can manipulate time and space and, perhaps more importantly, control people’s thoughts and perceptions through their dreams. They are rare. In fact, I have not heard of one in several centuries.”

  “A fox?” I ask. “Like a cute little animal?”

  “Like a cunning, smart, manipulative magical creature,” Tariq says.

  “So where is the real Matthew Forsythe?” I ask.

  “That,” Tariq says, “is another mystery to be solved.”

  Chapter 14

  “This is insane,” I say, trying to process the possibility that Alvin Quick might be some other kind of creature, something we’ve never dealt with. I look at Damon. “Have you heard of this Kitsune? Have you ever fought one?”

  “I mean,” Damon starts, “I’ve heard of them, but more like a story, a legend, you know? My father once told me that they can be killed with silver weapons, but that they will manipulate you into avoiding battle.”

  “That is all correct,” Vincent says. “Their magic is incredibly strong, too strong for any one person to beat.”

  I put my hands on my temples, willing away the headache that is setting in. “Guys, how much power does this take? How much power must be required in order to be more than one person at a time? To shift in and out of people’s forms and have them unaware? To shift into different times and places, doing different things?”

  As I look around at the three men, I know that we are not enough. Even if I have some crazy, buried abilities, they won’t be enough to take down a creature that is so incredibly powerful. None of us, alone, can do this.

  Tariq voices my thoughts. “We will have to work together. More than just us. We need to gather all of the power we can to stop him. I think I could talk the werewolves into coming to the table…”

  “Werewolves attacked a young witch tonight with no provocation,” Damon says.

  Tariq says, “I know. I saw her when I came in. But I believe I can get them to at least allow a truce while we talk.”

  Alexis has wandered in as we’ve been talking. I look at her for an update on young Tabitha.

  “She is resting. In shock, but she’ll be okay,” Alexis says. “No major injuries.”

  I let out a breath. “Thank goodness.”

  “I’ve been listening to your conversation. I’m dubious that a Kitsune would be here in Los Angeles, rallying witches and trying to create some super-race of witch. Like Vincent said, no one has even heard of a Kitsune in centuries. Why would one show up here, killing people, invoking magic? I just don’t know that I buy it.”

  “It’s the best lead we’ve had,” I say. “The only thing that even remotely makes sense under the circumstances.”

  “Only it doesn’t make sense. It’s like you’re grasping at straws just to get to something that feels real. You want something that will give you a way to make a plan. I get it.”

  “So what is your explanation for all of this, then?” I ask. “Since you’re clearly so wise.”

  “I think he’s a warlock who has plowed deep into dark magic,” she says. “I think there is a limit to that kind of power, so he has to use these little acolytes to do some of the work for him. I think he’s a cult leader – charismatic, attractive, offering solutions for people who think there is a problem. And that kind of man can be beaten. He can be leveled.”

  There is logic to her statement, I suppose, but I am reluctant to admit it. I look at the men to see what they think.

  “She may have a point,” Damon says.

  “It is still worth gathering as many creatures as we can,” Tariq says. “And it is still worth researching Kitsune so we are prepared if Quick is, indeed, one of these mythical creatures.”

  Alexis rolls her eyes at Tariq. “It’s a waste of time, but whatever.”

  Vincent’s eyes are narrowed as he focuses on his gaze on Alexis, as if he’s trying to see inside of her. She shifts uncomfortably as he puts the full weight of his attention on her. He licks his teeth before he speaks and a chill goes down my spine. If I were Alexis, I would feel very, very afraid, but she stands tall, her chin jutting out defiantly as she meets his eyes. She refuses to be intimidated; I’ll give her props for that.

  “Alexis,” I say, “You’re more closely aligned to the witch community here than I am. “Can you at least get those who aren’t aligned with Quick to come to a meeting? We’ll explore all options, but for now, we just need to get these groups to talk about how we can work together.”

  “Fine,” she says. “But no talk of Kitsune. They’ll laugh you out of the room.”

  “I’ll talk to the Hunters,” Damon says. “It will be tough to convince them that saving creatures from extinction is really a good thing, but I’ll try. There are a few guys who might at least listen. Maybe I can get them to compartmentalize things, see that this threat needs to be neutralized, so a temporary cease-fire must be engaged.”

  “Thank you,” I say. Then, “Vincent?”

  “The covens do not favor me, as you know,” he says, “but I will talk with them.”

  “Okay, let’s try to get everyone in the same space in twenty-four hours,” I say. “In the abandoned warehouse on Poplar.”

  “We had better get to work,” Tariq says. “I can drive the young one home, if you’d like?”

  “That would be great,” I say. “Thank you.”

  He nods and heads to the living room. I watch him drop to his knees to stay eye-level with the scared girl. He introduces himself, tells her he is a warlock, and offers her a ride home. She sits up and looks around first, then nods. Before she leaves she turns and says, “Thank you, Amy. I might not be here without you.”

  Alexis gives Damon a long, thirsty look before she turns and says she’s got work to do, as well. Damon seems to steel himself a bit before standing up abruptly and walking her to the door. I just watch as they talk in low tones, feeling myself getting more and more jealous. Damon says he wants only me, but there is something between them. I know what she wants it to be, but is that what he wants as well? Is he starting to realize that she might be better for him? Alexis is unencumbered by other baggage. They can have a somewhat normal relationship together. I should let him go, I know, but I do love him. I still want him. And, frankly, that woman just gets on my damn nerves.

  I get up and walk toward the window, where Vincent still stands. He pulls me to his muscled chest a
nd embraces me. I put my head on his chest and he says, “I am sorry, Amy. I was not honest with you about my feelings.”

  “I didn’t even think you could have feelings,” I say. I let out a little laugh. “Imagine my surprise.”

  “I thought it would be easier if I kept my love for you unnamed. I have loved before. Many years ago, I was bonded. My partner was staked and I vowed I would never be beholden to emotion again. As you know, though, I am well-known in the vampire community as more human than most. It is hard for me to live without love and friendship.”

  “Tell me about her,” I say. “Your partner.”

  “It is still hard to say her name,” he says.

  I look up, amazed to see genuine emotion in his eyes. “I am sure it is.”

  With a tinge of sadness in his voice, he says, “Her name was Farren. We were bonded for fifty years.”

  “That is a very long time,” I say.

  He chuckles a little, a rarity. “It is really the blink of an eye when one is immortal.”

  “Yes,” I say. “I guess that would be the case. For me, fifty years is… I will be very old once that much time has passed. I cannot imagine you wanting an old woman.”

  “I do not think that you understand how vampires think. We fuck those we find attractive. It does not matter if they are young or old, human or vampire, black or white. We do what feels good, and the mix of blood and sex, as you know, takes us to a place of control and war and contentment. Add love into the mix and there is very little else that matters – including how old one’s partner is.”

  “What did she look like?” I ask.

  “Dark-skinned, dark-haired, green-eyed. She was a beauty, but very troubled,” he says. “If I could get her to focus on just us, just our immediate space, our connection was electric.”

  I feel desire pool in my core at his words. Why do I always feel so aroused by him? And while he is talking about his love for another woman? It seems crazy.

  “Farren was an artist,” Vincent says. She was quite talented, and also a little mad, as I mentioned. She was a bit of a provocateur, constantly using her art to speak out against the things in our culture that she found oppressive. Of course, that meant I was often fighting off those who found themselves offended by the opinions she expressed, and eventually the wrong vampire coven found itself at the center of her attention.”


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