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Unknown Touch

Page 15

by Gina Marie Long

  No problem, Dominic offered himself up for practice. I am a willing candidate for you to experiment on, He just loved to play around with double meanings as he nudged me with his elbow.

  We entered the dining room. Abigail had arranged a huge spread of food, again. I would have to start watching how much I ate down here; otherwise, I could easily see myself putting on several pounds. I remembered having this same thought over the last few days. Daniel was standing by the table, popping some edible appetizer into his mouth, looking as healthy as ever. You would never know he had almost been sliced open by Cassius's claw. And, of course, another shirt was donned for the evening.

  Everyone was famished by this time of the evening, regardless of the horrendous day's endeavors. I thought Zac was going to take my arm off as we both went in for the same piece of chicken. It was hilarious as he pretended several fake pokes at my hand with his fork. At that moment, I felt at peace. It was nice to be able to joke around and tune out some of the tension we had all been experiencing. I had people, and werewolves, around me that I truly cared for and enjoyed being with.

  I remembered something that was bugging me. I asked Daniel, "Daniel, you really have a clothes issue, don't you?"

  "What do you mean exactly?" he questioned.

  "Every time you transform, your clothes get ripped apart and fall off. Then, when you go back to human form, you're left standing there naked. Two problems I see here: 1) you're naked, and 2) you have to buy a lot of clothes," I giggled.

  Everyone, including Daniel, was laughing intensely. "Yes, those are problems lately. Under normal circumstances, I'm not transforming that often. And when I do, it's been planned and thought out ahead of time. So, I simply take off my clothes in advance, lay them aside, and poof - change to my werewolf form. For example, if I was out taking a run through the woods, then I'd come right back to where my clothes are, transform to human shape, and get dressed. And I had packed some extra clothes to take with us today. I had some in that duffel bag when we were at Stephen's cabin, thankfully. Plus, I always keep a set of clothes in the truck in case of some unlikely event, where I would have to transform, then I'm prepared. I would merely keep my body in wolf form until I ran back to the truck where the clothes are."

  Eli had been patiently waiting to ask me, with everyone at the table, "Well, Kara, tell us how your ability to mentally connect with Stephen is coming along."

  I gave my answer, "Ever since Stephen touched me, and believe me, he had a death grip on my arms; I have been seeing more flashes into his mind. I cannot do a complete mind merge with him yet. But I keep picking up more and more all the time. It's like a broken connection. I think it has become much harder for him to block me out. If he puts all his focus into the mental block, I believe he's able to completely keep me from connecting to him. But, he can't keep that up all the time, twenty-four hours a day. I don't think he had any idea that the physical contact he had with me would actually increase my psychic ability to read his mind, to feel some of his emotions. But, as I said before, it's more like flashes, bits of his thoughts I capture, not totally reading his mind or being able to mentally have a conversation like I can with all of you. I want to try a more concentrated effort by psychically linking myself, Dom and Daniel together again. I want to do this tonight."

  "Hmm," Eli began, "Nothing like diving right into the fire. If the others feel like it after supper, go for it."

  Within fifteen minutes, we hastily gathered in the conference room. Daniel approached me with a look of concern on his face. "Let me see your arms. I want to see how badly Stephen hurt you."

  "I'm fine, Daniel. Don't make a big deal out of it," I tried to skirt the issue.

  He persisted, "No, slide your sleeves up; you're going to show me now."

  I pushed up one sleeve of my shirt. I knew Daniel would have a fit when he saw my arms. They were starting to show the signs of large, red and purple bruising from Stephen's rough hands. Stephen had brutally held me up against the wall long enough to cause damage to my arms, even if it was temporary and would fade away in a week or so. Daniel inspected my arm thoroughly. Without bothering to ask my permission, he reached for the other arm to discover that it looked just as bad. I sensed his anger raging at Stephen for having hurt me. He also felt disappointed with himself for letting this happen in the first place. Immediately, I merged with his mind to calm his emotions. If we were going to attempt to connect with Stephen tonight, Daniel had to get his head on straight and be more relaxed.

  Suddenly, Daniel drew me into the protection of his arms. He held me gently, so as not to cause me any additional discomfort. I instantly responded by hugging him back, his cheek rubbed on the top of my head. In the meantime, everyone was getting situated in chairs and trying not to stare at us. They were not sure what to say or do about the affection Daniel was giving me. And, I was openly returning the affection, not at all concerned about their reactions.

  Daniel and I released each other and sat down in the chairs provided. Dominic was not thrilled about our behavior, but he would just have to get over it. It was time for the three of us to get serious with the next move in this game. On my right was Daniel and on my left was Dominic. The rest of the team stayed many feet away so as not to cause any distractions.

  "Okay, guys, let's do a little mind merging," I smiled deviously at each one before I closed my eyes. First, I entered Daniel's mind, waited a moment, and then sensed Dom's presence. We put into motion the ability to keep linked together as we sought out Stephen's mind. This time, I didn't need as much guidance as compared to the first time we tried this out. Of course, during that experiment, I had not had any form of contact with Stephen at all. It was a different story this go around.

  Daniel, only back away when you have brought me as close as you can to reaching out to Stephen's mind to connect. Dom, stay with me the entire time, if you can. Don't let the links between the three of us break, but try to help with reading Stephen's mind, too, I explained.

  The first several minutes reminded me of a roller coaster ride. Or, perhaps, like an old black and white movie that kept breaking up and you'd miss parts of it. The three of us worked perfectly together, our strength was impressive, but it was Stephen's mind that locked us out. When someone, as in Stephen, was completely aware of what we could be doing to him, trying to access his mind, and in no way was a willing participant, it only stood to reason that he would try to prevent such an invasion.

  Still, I was picking up images. Those disorienting flashes of his memories and thoughts. He seemed to be actively having a conversation with someone. No – several werewolves. I stayed very quiet and focused as I slid in and out of his mind, never quite gaining a solid hold in it. I listened. Dominic was also trying his best to pick up any insight into Stephen's actions. I absorbed everything I could and would give a full report to the team as soon as we ended this experiment.

  We were able to remain mentally linked together for a good fifteen minutes. I believed Daniel and Dom gave me the extra power and ability to touch at Stephen's mind for that length of time. But, all of a sudden, my luck ran out. Stephen abruptly ended his conversation. He fully comprehended that I was there, a tiny presence on the outer edge of his mind, trying to find a crack to slither through. Dominic was either cloaking himself better than I was or had already dropped back, not trying to sink as deeply into Stephen's mind as was my intention. I sensed Stephen's uninhibited anger and frustration. He just wanted me to leave him alone. He, in turn, sent me the image of a very ticked off werewolf with deadly fangs bared, lips curled back, jaws snapping together, growling as it charged at my mind. I pulled back immediately and ended the connection with Stephen.

  My eyes popped wide open as I stared out at my audience. I sat in the chair, my hands trembling, breathing heavily. Daniel and Dominic may not have caught all the images and thoughts I had from Stephen, but that last display of rage, was so violent, such a show of defiance, that it was impossible for them not to feel or see th
e same image that I was shown. Daniel wanted to console me, to calm my nerves. He swiftly stood up and brought me to my feet from my position on the chair. Dom was on his feet, too, concerned about how I would handle this ordeal. My left hand slipped out of Dom's hand. Once again, Daniel's arms surrounded me as he offered his protection and comfort.

  "Kara, are you all right?" Daniel asked.

  I replied, still shaking, "Yeah, he just freaked me out for a second. Which is the exact reaction he wanted in order to get me out of his head."

  Abigail had just entered the conference room, after cleaning up the dishes from supper. She was interested in how successful the psychic connection had turned out, if I had made any progress in helping Stephen. Eli encouraged me to relay what knowledge I gained from the experience. I asked Abigail if the lounge was clear of visitors. I had the urge to sit on the cozy couches by the fireplace instead of staying in this stuffy room. She said that no one was out there and we would have the opportunity to talk freely.

  Everyone retired to the comfort of the lounge and settled down. Daniel and I sat next to each other on a sofa. The others had tried to pick spots as near as possible, even turning chairs to face me, if needed. Obviously, the spotlight was on me, even though Dominic could add valuable details to this psychic experience.

  I began, "First off, I'm just fine now. Stephen attempted to rattle my cage and it took me a couple minutes to relax. I thought it would be a great idea to chill in here. This room is so much more soothing and since it's getting late, I figured we should be comfortable while I explain what I picked up from his mind.

  "Stephen definitely considers me a huge threat to his way of life. His lifestyle. I have been consistently attempting to enter his head over the last week. He's not used to that. What little amount of psychic ability werewolves have with each other, and I am not trying to downplay that, is nothing compared to what I personally have been doing to him. He doesn't seem to have it in him to be a cold-blooded killer, but if his life is at risk, he will fight to survive. Of course, we already know that from the farmer he killed a while back, which was done in self-defense. Stephen had a chance to kill me at the campground. Cassius was urging him to do it. But, he didn't. Regardless, I think he's hoping to scare me off. That I'll give up and leave. He doesn't know what to do about me. I am a threat.

  "Next. Stephen was engaged in a conversation with several werewolves. Oh, let me interject, a lot of what I'm telling you, I am guessing as to what it all means. So, speak up if you think I'm on the wrong track. Back to what I was saying...I'm assuming Stephen had run back to his pack to rile them up and gain their support. Maybe he even wanted sympathy. I can't tell if he's wanting a full-blown fight or to sabotage something. Like I've said before, these are flashes, images, emotions that I get. Not a clear cut, flowing picture.

  "One of the other wolves appeared to show signs of aggression. He seemed easily excited, as if he might be swayed by Stephen's words," I put the image in my mind and sent it to Daniel.

  "That would be David," Daniel responded. "He is one of the younger werewolves. He was turned about fifty years ago, and does not have a good hold on his emotions yet. This is not a good thing."

  I continued, "I sensed that the remaining wolves were not agreeing with Stephen. It felt as if they did not want to go up against Daniel and this pack. They don't want to fight."

  "And I'm sure that would be Simon speaking out," Daniel offered. "There are only five of them. Three men and two women. I guess Stephen kept hoping he would turn Simon more and more against me, but it doesn't appear to be working. Simon may not want to be under my rule anymore, but that doesn't mean he wants to kick my butt."

  "I didn't feel that Stephen had made any decisions or plans of attack," I was wrapping it up now. "Nothing is organized or strategically figured out yet. Revenge and retaliation are high emotions he's going through. The other emotions and thoughts are obvious: rage, loneliness, aggression, loss of respect from the other wolves, confusion. That's it, folks. That's all I got. I still can't get inside his mind to influence his behavior, to give him positive emotions and images. Basically what I've done, Dominic could probably have done just as well. I'm not able to use my ability to its full extent on Stephen. And that is extremely frustrating."

  Eli was quick with his pep talk, "Kara, you are an exceptional person with incredible psychic talent. We all need to remember that you are still fairly new to this type of world. You are going up against the mind of a werewolf that is trying his best to refuse you access. It is different when people want help. When someone doesn't want to be helped, it is going to be much more difficult. Tomorrow, you will practice your skills. There are a few more tricks you can work on to broaden your range. Zac and Tessa, it would be a wise idea to make use of your surveillance techniques. Undercover, not stomping around in full combat mode. Act like tourists, or hunters, or relatives coming for a visit. Keep your distance from Stephen and his pack, but keep your eyes open."

  "I am so tired. I can't believe what a long day this has been. I could sleep for days," I commented.

  Dom slyly announced to the group, and was proud of knowing this fact, "Well, Kara, you can't sleep through tomorrow, after all, it's your birthday, or did you forget?"

  Chapter 16


  The next morning arrived all too soon. December 6. My birthday. I was officially 21. I clambered out of bed to embrace the day. Dominic almost gave me a heart attack when he suddenly popped into my room at that exact moment. I was trying to stretch the kinks out of my back and almost pulled a muscle with his shocking arrival. He smiled from ear to ear. Oh, lord, what would I have to endure from him on my birthday?

  "Happy birthday, Kara!" He practically shouted. If anyone in the cabin was still asleep, they weren't anymore. "What are we going to do on your birthday?"

  "Well, as far as I'm aware, we'll be working on our fancy psychic skills. But, thank you for acknowledging my birthday, Dom." He waltzed over to where I was leaning on the bed, reached out and hugged the life out of me. And he couldn't help himself but to sneak a kiss on my cheek at the same time. I felt a little awkward since I just woke up and my hair looked like I had stuck my finger in a light socket. Not very lovely.

  He merrily commented, "Yes, you're right. We will be practicing today. But, at some point in the afternoon, I'd like to slip away and borrow Abigail's kitchen to whip up something special for your big day. Let's get real – you only turn 21 once in your lifetime."

  "Yeah, I bet you'd love to get into that kitchen. Having someone else make all your meals for you lately is probably strange. I know how much you enjoy all that baking and cooking stuff," I told him with a look indicating I, personally, did not like cooking.

  Within an hour, Daniel, Abigail, and The Liaison members assembled in the dining room for a light breakfast. Everyone gave me a hug and wished me a happy birthday. I mentioned that I should probably call my parents today. It had been quite a few days since I had last spoken to them. With this being my birthday, they would expect to hear from me. And they'd be frustrated with me that I hadn't returned home yet. I knew they had bought presents that they didn't have a clue what to do with and since I hadn't given them an address, they didn't even have an option to mail anything to me. The gifts would sit on a table, and remain unopened, with no celebration.

  Eli agreed that I should call my parents. Perhaps I could hint to them that I was about to make a decision with my life or move somewhere more permanent. Giving them some kind of hope might keep them subdued a little while longer. In all reality, I actually did need to figure out what I was doing to do with my future.

  Before Zac and Tessa left for their undercover field surveillance of the other werewolf pack, I borrowed their high-powered, untraceable cell phone. My parents were both home, as I knew they would be. It was an emotional conversation, with a lot of tears on both ends. I kept trying to push pleasant, comforting thoughts into their minds. I explained that I was perfectly fine and in
good health. No harm had come to me. I just needed this time for myself to reach out into the world and see what I could discover. They just needed to bear with me a few more weeks. I told them to hold onto those presents of mine because I'd be home soon enough to enjoy a belated birthday party with them. I mentally projected emotions and feelings into their minds of them having trust in me and my decisions. To have confidence that I knew what I was doing and hadn't lost my sanity.

  After that call was over, I knew Zac and Tessa were ready to head out on their mission for the day. I asked them to wait a few more minutes.

  I announced, "I have an idea for an experiment. And Zac, Tessa, you could try this while you're out and about today, that's why I stopped you before leaving. Think about this concept...Dom and I are psychics. The werewolves have a slight psychic ability. Zac, Tessa and Eli are not psychic at all. I can enter their minds and read their thoughts. I can also have a conversation with them in their own minds as they think the words they want to say to me. And we know I can suggestively implant ideas, actions and behaviors. But on the three of them, I have to initiate the contact with their minds. Dom and Daniel to a certain extent can initiate contact with me first because of the shared telepathy. I want Eli, Zac and Tessa to experiment with trying to call for my help. If I am made aware you need me, then I can take over with creating the mental connection."

  Everyone was silent. They were replaying my words over in their heads. Eli was tapping his finger on his jaw. Dominic was gazing up at the ceiling in deep thought, truly considering this as a possibility that it could work. Daniel stood nodding his head in approval, comprehending how beneficial this could be if it were successful. Zac and Tessa, mostly Zac, stared at me in total confusion.

  I continued, "You see, it would be like a 911 call to me personally. I would suspect you'd have to really concentrate, to focus on screaming my name in your head, or maybe out loud if you chose to, but depending on what's happening, screaming my name at the top of your lungs could be a bad idea. So, I know you're not psychic, but if I'm able to pick up on these things, and I've already had tons of mental connections with you, then perhaps if your emotions are supercharged to reach out to me, I might be able to grasp that mental call for help."


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