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Unknown Touch

Page 25

by Gina Marie Long

  Everyone seemed to accept my decisions. I was surprised there weren't any arguments, but maybe since Daniel was sitting right there, they chose not to pitch any fits in front of him. They were thrilled that I wanted to continue going out on missions. I explained that Daniel would be accompanying me, and how he would be a huge added benefit to the team, with his speed, strength and heightened senses. Zac actually shook Daniel's hand as a fellow soldier and comrade after hearing that news. Zac had been extremely impressed when Daniel gave him first aid and stitches after the brawl with Stephen left some nasty gashes on his arm. A bond had been formed.

  Tessa mentioned that it was about time to call my parents again, as many days had passed since I had last talked to them. I always dreaded calling them. I was still leading them to believe I was out in California, and remained elusive with any real details on where I was staying or phone numbers to call. I couldn't believe I was able to manipulate their thoughts and emotions enough to prevent them from calling the FBI or some agency to locate me. I borrowed the special, untraceable, cellular phone Tessa always carried with her and dialed my parent's house number. It was the normal conversation, with them wanting more information about where I was exactly. And when was I coming home. I had to push firmly into their minds that I was perfectly fine, healthy, and enjoying myself. Once again, I implanted calming thoughts and modified their behavior a little to ward off depression and anxiety about my being gone so long.

  I felt that once this week had passed, I could not keep up this charade much longer with my parents as we were getting closer to Christmas. I wanted Daniel to drive up with me and visit them. Maybe have Christmas up there together. And if that happened, I would have to come up with a new story on how in the world I ended up in Kentucky after spending "time" in California. Not only that, but to end up at the same resort my family had stayed at in the fall. To top it off, I had fallen for the owner of the resort, Daniel. That was going to be very interesting on how I would try to pull that off. Some of it was true. Some of it was made up.

  Eli reminded us that we needed to check in on Stephen and give him a pep talk and have a counseling session. My God - I hadn't bothered mentally touching Stephen's mind all night long or yet this morning. Shame on me. Although I had specifically told Stephen and Abigail very firmly that if they needed me at all to reach out psychically for me. Or for that matter, pick up the phone and call.

  I wandered over by the counter in the kitchen, to get away from all the chatter, and to connect with Stephen. Stephen, it's Kara. Are you there?

  A few moments passed, where I imagined Stephen was gathering his wits from my mental invasion. I understood that when I entered people's minds with no forewarning, it would obviously feel intrusive and even confusing. Stephen replied, Kara, yes, I'm here. It's strange this mental talking thing. I made it through the night without anything bad happening. Having Abigail with me made a huge difference with my state of mind. I still feel somewhat lost and mixed up at times.

  Stephen, we'll be coming for a visit this morning to have a sit down session with you. In the meantime, I want to praise you for behaving so well and keeping the aggression away. See you later!

  We fiddled around cleaning things up and preparing to leave to drive over to Simon's place where Stephen and Abigail were staying. One of the other werewolves, Phillip, was just pulling up outside to help Daniel run the resort during the time we'd be gone. At the same time, a delivery driver arrived with a box. It was my new laptop that Dominic had ordered for my birthday present. I was excited to have received this gift, as I had been without my very own computer for a while. To show my sincere appreciation, I gave Dom a smothering hug that about squeezed the air out of him and thanked him several times. The laptop would have to wait till later to play with, as the rest of the group was ready to drive to Simon's.

  About fifteen minutes later, we arrived at Simon's place and were greeted with open arms. It was nice to know we were welcomed and not about ready to walk into a war zone, like we had experienced over the previous few weeks. Daniel, Dom, Eli and I settled down in their spacious family room with Stephen and Abigail. Zac and Tessa were being given the grand tour of the woodworking business by Simon, to be followed by some target practice as a chance to release some built up energy. Simon's property was very private, perfect for Zac and Tessa to have some fun. Lydia was dealing with administrative paperwork for their business, while David and Rachel were back in the shop creating beautiful pieces of furniture for customer's orders.

  Daniel asked Simon if he had a chance to call some of the other werewolves and relay what had transpired over the last day. There were still a few needing to be contacted, so Daniel excused himself to the kitchen, where he could make the last phone calls without disturbing us. We had tentatively planned to meet with the different sets of werewolves over the next four or five days. To make them as comfortable and relaxed as possible, we would go directly to their homes. It would be considered an evaluation of their behavior, an observation of the level of aggression they held within themselves. We were attempting to help them ward off any future violent situations. No one wanted another "Stephen" running amuck. If needed, Eli, with his expertise in counseling, would offer guidance and suggestions to help the wolves deal with their wild, animal side. Also, if needed, I would use my psychic skills in manipulating their thoughts and emotions, to provide them relief.

  Eli began his session with Stephen and Abigail. It was completely like sitting in a psychiatrist's office, as he went through his series of questions and answers. Dom and I happened to be the flies on the wall, as we listened in to everything that was discussed. We sat a distance away from the three involved in the session, to allow some form of one-on-one therapy. They would have to twist their heads to the side to get a full visual of Dom and me. I hoped that was enough to put them at ease. The therapy was very personal, very private and it was critical that the wolves felt they could open their minds and their eyes to new possibilities and better ways to control themselves.

  Abigail did not have an issue at all concerning her emotions. She loved Stephen and wanted to support him and to be involved as much as possible with his new transition in life. When the discussion came around to living arrangements, and the fact she had been working for Daniel, Stephen's emotions spiked. I felt anger building quickly throughout his body. He thought she might want to go back to the resort to work, or for that matter, keep living there. He strongly preferred she didn't. In fact, he wouldn't be able to handle that. Even though Daniel was her uncle, Stephen was jealous of the amount of time she would end up spending there. It was true. Stephen had a valid point. Abigail really needed to live at the resort in order to take care of everything she had previously been doing. It would be a hardship to drive back and forth and she would be gone from Stephen for too long a time. His hands had started to quiver, and he looked like he was about to lash out. Or transform. The room was dead silent, as everyone looked to me as the savior to quelling his emotions.

  Instead of pushing into Stephen's mind to soothe him, I spoke up, "Abigail, you stay right here with Stephen. Don't worry about the resort. Daniel and I are together now, and I have chosen to stay here with him at the resort. I can take over your job! But you'll have to show me what to do. How's that sound?"

  Daniel was standing in the door opening, beaming from my announcement. Stephen and Abigail were so overjoyed that both came running over to hug me and show their appreciation. All aggression had left Stephen's body and mind. Abigail said, "Oh, Kara, I can't believe what you're saying. Thank you so much!"

  Stephen said, "Yes, that sounds very good to me. It removes a huge hurdle that I was having a hard time getting over. Thanks. And that keeps you here so we can come running to you if we start to lose our minds!" He laughed.

  Daniel and Stephen gave each other small nods; it meant they had come to terms, to an agreement, between themselves. Abigail could be with Stephen and not have to split her time between the two of them. Ther
e was no doubt about the rivalry, the territorial aspect, of both of these powerful men. Two Alpha males needed their own space, and did not like sharing things, but could still learn to respect each other, as was now the case with Daniel and Stephen. Thankfully.

  "You won't be as fast as me," Abigail considered. "It will take you longer to get stuff done. But, I'll gladly show you the ropes and what to do."

  I mentally told Abigail with a mischievous grin, If I turn into a werewolf, I'll be fast then. I'm still thinking on that one, though. She about tripped over her own two feet with my revelation that I was at least weighing the idea of becoming a werewolf.

  During the rest of the day, we discussed with Stephen different scenarios that could arise and cause him stress or anger. We acted out some of those scenes, giving him advice on the best way to handle himself during those moments. I stepped into his mind several times during those practice sessions to add some behavioral modifications to help him out. He was learning control and reached out to us for help when he felt he needed it. We were making progress.

  * * * *

  The next day, we returned to Simon's place again. This time, we had a session with David, Rachel, Simon and Lydia. Eli, Dom and I had a little routine with how we worked through the therapy. More or less, it was a repeat from the previous day which had been quite successful with Stephen and Abigail. It was interesting to see how different werewolves reacted to situations that we created for them. Obviously, they acted just like humans would, but their emotions were very much heightened, which could make them dangerous. That's what we had to focus on.

  In this group, David was the only one we had to watch. He still had a carefree, wilder attitude, which was actually a fun personality trait of his, but it could get him into trouble. He would get so excited, or have the instant urge to let the animal side out to explore, that he would suddenly decide to transform. We were concerned with his actions getting too violent or of not being cautious when so near humans during some of his transformations. He could easily be spotted by people and then gossip would fire up in the area. We kept reminding him the importance of keeping a low profile. I pushed into his mind the idea that he was perfectly capable of controlling his feelings. That he was a good person, and he just needed to stay focused on his surroundings. And be aware when his body gave him the signals that he was about to transform, and to calm those urges.

  Rachel had her exam performed by Eli that day, too. At this early stage of the pregnancy, there really wasn't much to it. Rachel asked for me to be in the room with her, and I sat in a chair up by her head, to respect her privacy during the physical exam. David was on the other side of her holding her hand. Eli took a blood sample and asked her for a urine sample then ran through routine checks on her. He was constantly scribbling on a notepad, especially when he asked her questions about her health, when she thought she became pregnant, etc. He was elated to be allowed involvement in her pregnancy. I knew he'd spend many hours researching his notes, trying to understand the mystery behind the rare werewolf pregnancies, and just the honor, the fulfillment in his mind, in helping her through this.

  * * * *

  Over the next two days, we traveled to Isaac's resort and Rebecca and Samuel's resorts. We proceeded in the exact same way as the previous days with our therapy sessions. In a total of four days, we had met with all the werewolves from Daniel and Stephen's packs. Every one of them allowed me access to their minds. They were grateful for my intervention and were amazed with how my mental manipulations truly made them feel calm, happy, and in control of their actions.

  It was the end of that fourth day, and our little team had just returned to Daniel's resort. Everyone crashed in the lounge on their favorite chair or sofa. No one moved. We all felt such relief and a sense of accomplishment in what we believed we had achieved. Salvation. Peaceful werewolves that could live a quiet, hidden existence, blending in with human society.

  Dominic stretched and headed off to the kitchen to prepare the evening meal. I was resting my head on Daniel's lap which made me think of the time Daniel caught me with my head on Dom's lap a few weeks ago. Of course, I had a pillow under my head then. And I was so exhausted at that time, I just wanted to lay flat out. Dom happened to be sitting right on the couch where I wanted to lay down, so his lap got put into service as an extension to my pillow.

  Daniel had entered my mind while I was having that memory. He chuckled and said, "Yeah, I remember that, too. It seems like that was forever ago. I walked in here to find you're all nice and cozy with Dominic. That was self control then, baby. I had to report my findings on Stephen at the time, otherwise, you might have seen a bit more jealousy flying out of me. Dom's a good man, Kara. Don't worry, I won't rip him to pieces. I do consider him my friend, after all."

  I commented, "He doesn't want us together. He's been really quiet about that lately, probably due to all these sessions with the werewolves that have preoccupied his mind. The Liaison will be leaving from here soon, and I sense that you and/or I will get confronted by him or the others soon about me staying here."

  "Kara, I love you," he leaned over to kiss my forehead. "We'll get through this. It's not like you haven't warned them that you plan on staying. They already know."

  "I'll need to deal with my parents soon, too," I added with dread in my voice. "Especially since Christmas is only a few weeks away.

  Daniel rubbed my arm and said, "I know. We'll figure it out. And, by the way, I've been told by several of the werewolves, that they are absolutely thrilled that you're staying. You have made many friends here, Kara. Some would even call you family. Most say you are almost like a drug to them. Very strange. You're addictive. Your mental links with them have become something they look forward to. It's how you can help them, soothe and relax them, and that you are so dedicated; you have them completely won over. A few compared your psychic skills to getting a massage, only mentally. You amaze me! I feel like I have to share you with everybody, though."

  I grabbed him by the neck and brought his head down to mine, and firmly told him, "Don't be jealous over this. I'm working my magic and it feels right. Just like this does." And I kissed him passionately on the lips.

  * * * *

  The next morning I awoke in Daniel's arms, knowing this was the last full day that The Liaison team would be here. They were leaving the following morning. I instinctively knew I'd be receiving phone calls and emails from them constantly. And more than likely, some other catastrophic situation with these hidden, unknown species would emerge and I'd be called into action. With Daniel by my side. Eli was planning on numerous trips down here to check in on Rachel and her pregnancy, too. So, I'd get a chance to visit with him fairly often.

  We had a wonderful breakfast prepared by Dominic. I was going to miss his superb cooking talent. I wondered if that meant I would have to start cooking around here. With Abigail staying with Stephen, and Dom leaving in a day, it would only be Daniel and me. That was a scary thought. Not being alone with Daniel, but the cooking was the scary thought. During the winter months, there were rarely any guests to contend with, so we hadn't had to worry much about cooking for anyone. I really needed to discuss my inability to cook with Daniel. But, later.

  Everyone planned to take the day off. Nothing pressing had to be done. It was lightly snowing outside and life seemed serene for the moment. About twice a day, I had been making a point of checking in on Stephen's mental state to ensure his emotions were still under control. Not only that, but the fact he knew I would be establishing a mental link at any given time, kept him on his toes with maintaining a balanced mindset.

  I was chatting with Tessa in the lounge, and Daniel decided he better look into a few business matters for an hour or so. First, he went to the kitchen to fetch us some drinks before he went to his office. I was in the far corners of his mind, having a light mental connection with him, as I watched him walk away. He was so confident, so gorgeous, so powerful. He entered the kitchen, and I was about to drift o
ut of his mind, when I sensed he was being confronted by Dominic. Through Daniel, since we had such a strong telepathic bond, I was able to hear the words being said to him.

  Dom approached Daniel and blurted out, "You know this can't work between you and Kara. You won't age and she will. Eventually, it's going to be awkward and weird and you'll get tired of her. And the whole thing is cruel to her. And that doesn't mean I'm telling you to turn her into a werewolf to prevent aging, either. Please consider letting her go."

  Daniel firmly explained, "Dom, my friend, I understand your concerns. This is your last ditch effort to try to take Kara back to Illinois with you. I don't blame you. But, I have to remind you, she is the one who made up her mind to stay here with me. I never once pressured her. She thought long and hard about this situation, and made up her mind without any influence from me. I am not forcing her to stay and would never do that. And, as far as her converting into a werewolf, that will be her choice. That is something I have definitely not tried to sway her thoughts on. I try to stay neutral on that issue. I love Kara and respect her wishes. Whatever they may be."

  Dom groaned, "Which means you would turn her into a werewolf, right?" His voice reminded me of the sounds a little boy might make when the big scoop of ice cream completely fell right out of his cone onto the floor. And all he could do was stand there and stare at it with no way to fix it.


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