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The Sword of Azaray

Page 10

by Shannah Jay

  THE MAGIC SWORD Shannah Jay 83

  ‘Maybe that’ll distract them. But if we do our best to remain hidden, we may succeed in getting away.’

  Shayla frowned. ‘I’d better make myself look as if I’ve had a beating, though.’ She let go of the scabbard, then tugged at her clothes and concentrated, forcing herself to think of sad things until tears welled in her eyes.

  ‘Give me a minute to get rid of the guard.’ She walked out of the outer door without waiting for them.

  The guard looked at her sympathetically, but didn’t say anything.

  ‘You’re to go back to the guard room,’ she said, letting her voice break on a sob. ‘I’m to fetch her some refreshments.’ On a sudden inspiration, she lowered her voice and added, ‘I heard Lord Beffris say he was coming to inspect the guards in an hour’s time.’

  ‘Oh, no! Thanks for the warning!’ The man rushed off. Inspections always ended up with men in trouble. Like his wife, Lord Beffris enjoyed dealing out pain.

  Shayla waited until the guard was out of sight, then opened the door and beckoned. Come on! Let’s hold the scabbard again.’


  In Azaray, Pavros heard his sister’s calls for help only dimly, because of another thunderstorm. He was deep in a spell to bind the sword blade and hilt more tightly, a spell which didn’t need spoken rhythms that could be interrupted by thunder. The magic for dealing with such a powerful sword required a lot of energy and care, however.

  But his sister’s calls continued, on and on.

  It took him several minutes to realize what the mind message meant, and further time was lost disentangling himself from one set of magic and bending his mind to another. Eventually he was ready to send help to his sister.

  He smiled grimly. He’d use the Halishi’s own magic against them. Storm demons would be able to travel to Weyridge House very quickly by using the power of the storm the Halishi had created. See how you like that!

  Thunder rumbled about the room still, but he chose his spell carefully. Within minutes the demons were on their way, flying at the speed of the wind towards his sister’s home.

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  No one could stand against a storm demon, let alone against two of them!

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  The three youngsters crept down the stairs. Twice Ronan and Kerril had to duck into doorways to avoid servants. Once they hurried up a flight of narrow twisting stairs, only to find the person they were trying to avoid was following them up. Precious minutes were lost hiding at the top and waiting for the woman to pass, then going back down to an anxious Shayla.

  The ribbon of light faded when they separated, but as soon as the three of them came together again, it re-appeared and they were able to continue following it. It led them into the Great Hall and then on into the smaller room where Shayla said the family sometimes dined with distinguished visitors in private.

  With a sigh of relief that they had got there safely, she closed the door behind them. Then the three turned to clasp hands over the scabbard and find out exactly where the ribbon of light led. Now that they were in the room, however, the light seemed to have spread out into a glittering haze that swirled round them, as if agitated. They looked at one another, frowning. If the magic scabbard was trying to tell them something, they couldn’t think what it was.

  Kerril rubbed his ears. ‘There’s a humming noise again.’

  ‘More dark magic!’ Shayla worried.

  Ronan stared round, trying to see or sense danger. But there was nothing, just a shivery feeling of unease that chilled his spine and made his neck prickle.

  An intricate wooden carving over the fireplace seemed a likely place for the hilt to be hidden, as it had in Castle Nezrim. When Kerril took the initiative and drew the other two closer to the wooden panel, the scabbard’s light flickered and sparkled more brightly, but there was still no sign of a ribbon guiding them to where the hilt lay.

  ‘What does it mean?’ Shayla worried.

  ‘This feels different from the other spell,’ Kerril muttered in disappointment.

  ‘Perhaps it’s a woman’s magic,’ Shayla suggested, taking another step forward. ‘Should I try touching it, do you think?’ But something made her hesitate. ‘Maybe, I—’ her eyes glazed over for a moment, then THE MAGIC SWORD Shannah Jay 86

  she blinked them open. ‘It just doesn’t feel right.’ She swung round in a circle. ‘Why is the scabbard not helping us?’

  ‘Perhaps the dark magic is too strong for it in here?’ Ronan offered, keeping his hand on the scabbard.

  Kerril suddenly realized that they’d let go of one another’s hands. ‘We should stay together,’ he scolded and grasped his sister’s nearest hand, watching as she took hold of Ronan. He sighed in relief as warmth flooded through him and with it a feeling of rightness.

  ‘Let me try,’ he said. Closing his eyes, he tried to sense where the hilt was, but the loud buzzing inside his head made it hard to think properly. The light from the scabbard was flickering, as if it was having trouble staying bright for them.

  ‘Let’s open the panel first,’ he muttered. ‘Concentrate, you two. It—it swings open to the—the left, I think.’

  Shayla could see a faint glow around him and exchanged glances with Ronan. It was obvious that he could also see the light of Kerril’s magic this time. Was that because their brother’s magic had grown stronger? She hoped so.

  As the carved panel started to creak open, however, the scabbard jerked suddenly against Ronan, tugging him violently downwards. He didn’t waste time, just followed his instincts and yelled, ‘Drop!’

  dragging the other two to the ground with him.

  Just in time!

  A flight of small darts flew out of the hole behind the panel and scattered round the room, stabbing into curtains and woodwork, quivering like live things, so strongly were they flung outwards.

  Lying sprawled on the floor Kerril stared round in horror. He had nearly led the others into danger, nearly got them killed! ‘I’m sorry! I’m a fool to think I can do magic!’

  ‘It wasn’t your fault,’ Shayla whispered, giving his hand a quick squeeze.

  Ronan pressed his shoulder reassuringly. ‘You did your best. No one can do more.’

  But if this was his best, Kerril wasn’t satisfied with it. He had nearly got them killed!

  ‘Can you sense anything else?’ Shayla whispered when he didn’t speak.

  ‘No. Nothing.’

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  The light from the scabbard was shining steadily again, however, and the sense of danger had vanished, so after waiting a moment to check his feelings, Kerril told the others that.

  Ronan moved slowly to a more upright position, ready to drop back to the ground if the scabbard tugged at him again. Nothing happened. On his knees, he studied the room. ‘It’s probably safe to go near the panel now. The scabbard isn’t pulling at me.’

  Remembering what Hallie had told them, Kerril said firmly, ‘I’ll stand up first,’ and pushed his brother down again, standing up quickly before Ronan could argue.

  Kerril wasn’t used to facing danger. Goose flesh shivered along his arms and all his senses were on quivering alert. He felt literally sick with the fear of letting them down. But as nothing happened, he breathed more easily, pleased with himself.

  Slowly he began to move forward, taking one step at a time until he stood in front of the panel. ‘I can see nothing except an empty hole lined with wood,’ he reported. ‘It’s dusty inside and there’s nothing there. It looks as if it’s not been touched for years.’

  The other two stood up and joined him.

  ‘Where is the sword hilt, then?’ Ronan worried, glancing over his shoulder and listening, to check whether anyone was approaching the room. They had to hurry if they were to find it and escape.

  The scabbard tugged at him again, this time pulling him towards the wi
ndow frame, which was carved at the edges. He nudged the others and held out his hands. The light grew stronger as the three of them touched one another. They watched as the warm glow from the scabbard settled on one place.

  ‘Do you sense danger, Kerril?’ Shayla whispered.

  He stilled and closed his eyes. ‘No.’ He focused every last bit of energy into the service of this strange new gift he was developing. ‘But it’s hard to open it. I think if I—’ Still holding her hand, he began to fumble with the carving on the window frame.

  The other two tried to wait patiently, but they were both aware that the longer they stayed here, the greater the danger of being caught.

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  There was a click, so loud in the silent room that it made them all jerk in shock. Another panel swung open behind them. It had just looked like part of the plain wood panelling which covered all the walls in here.

  As they swung round to face it, the room was immediately filled with a humming sound and the light formed into a single bright thread again, a thread which led directly to the new cavity. There was something inside.

  Kerril moved forward to check for traps, but nothing happened, so he stepped back and gestured to his brother. ‘It’s your sword. I mustn’t touch it.’ How he knew that, he couldn’t have said, but he felt certain it was true. He leaned against Shayla, feeling utterly exhausted, as if even walking would be too much effort.

  She looked at him anxiously for a moment or two, then turned to watch their brother.

  Ronan let go of their hands and walked across the room like someone in a dream. When he reached inside the opening and touched the hilt, the light coming from it turned blue and ran up and down his arm as it had when he first took hold of the scabbard. Inside their heads all three young people heard a voice singing faintly but clearly in the distance.

  ‘You are the true king. The rightful king. The King of Azaray.’

  Face still lit up by that bright pulsing glow, Ronan picked up the hilt with both hands and moved it towards his belt. ‘It hurts!’ he groaned, but although his movements slowed, they didn’t stop. Pain lanced through him, but he knew somehow that he had to do this on his own, whatever the cost.

  With a flash that made him cry out in both surprise and pain, the scabbard melded with the ordinary blade of his own sword, then the weapon slid of its own accord into the scabbard. There was a sound like a chord played on a hand harp and the light began to fade.

  Ronan sighed in relief as the pain faded with it.

  As the light dimmed, a faint voice urged, ‘Hurry! Get back to the Touchpoint. Storm demons are approaching.’ The voice of the sword was muffled and slow as if it spoke with great difficulty.

  ‘To the rock now!’ Ronan ordered.

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  As they opened the door, they could smell burning and hear voices calling out in panic from several points inside the house.

  ‘I didn’t think the fire would spread,’ Kerril said.

  ‘Well, it has and they’ve discovered it,’ Ronan muttered. ‘Maybe it’ll help us get out without being noticed. Hurry.’

  ‘How are we to get to the rock?’ Shayla fretted. ‘Kerril is so weak he can hardly move, let alone dodge and hide.’

  ‘We’ll go openly, carrying him if we have to,’ Ronan decided. ‘We’ll hide as much as we can, but if we see any of the house servants, we’ll ignore them. Can we take a route that avoids the guard house, though?’


  Half-carrying Kerril, they staggered from the room.

  They met no one in the first corridor, but in the second one they met a young maid carrying a pile of linen. She screeched in terror at the sight of them and dropped the folded cloths.

  ‘Cariss, don’t tell them! Please don’t tell them where we are!’ Shayla called, trying to use her magic to make the other girl agree.

  For a moment all hung in the balance, then the maid closed her eyes for a moment. When she opened them, she nodded agreement. Standing pressed against the wall, she waited till they were past, then started picking up the linen.

  ‘I don’t think she’ll betray us,’ Shayla whispered. ‘I’ve helped her avoid trouble with Lady Alvyna quite a few times.’

  ‘We can’t rely on anyone but ourselves, not when they can use magic to force people to do what they want. Hurry!’ Ronan began dragging Kerril along again.

  Shayla lent her help and they managed to speed up.

  They got out into the garden without being seen by anyone else, but they could hear cries and shouts now and black smoke was billowing from an upstairs window, while behind it flames speared through.

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  They had to duck behind some bushes as a serving lad from the house ran across to the guards’

  quarters, yelling ‘Fire! Fire! Come and help!’

  Men spilled out even as they watched. The guards rushed into the house, then some came out again and began searching the grounds.

  ‘They’re looking for us,’ Ronan scanned the area round them, seeking a way to continue without being seen.

  ‘Look!’ Kerril croaked, pointing upwards.

  The sky was turning dark and big clouds were approaching the castle. For a moment everything fell silent, then the clouds started whirling. The men’s voices were full of panic now and everyone in the gardens turned to flee towards the house.

  ‘What’s the matter?’ Kerril asked. ‘Why are they running away?’

  The clouds began to gather together, forming a shape mothers threatened naughty children with, saying, ‘Be good or cruel storm demons will come down from the sky to eat you alive!’

  ‘I can’t believe there really are such things as storm demons,’ Shayla whispered.

  Ronan nudged her. ‘Come on! Maybe we can outrun them. If we can only get to the rock, we’ll be safe.’

  Kerril was moving more quickly now, beginning to recover from using the magic. He knew he had to go as fast as he could but it was still an effort to set one foot in front of the other.

  The clouds gathered into a huge mass above them and it grew so dark they could hardly see their way.

  It could have been midnight, not afternoon.

  They could see the Touchpoint in the distance.

  ‘Hold on to one another,’ Kerril gasped. ‘Makes us—stronger—in all ways. Hold on.’

  In the sky a storm demon was now emerging from the whirling clouds. Its huge mass was as black as the Touchstone, but without the reflection and glow the huge stone had. The demon had an enormous head, black hair whipping about behind it and red eyes that glowed with an angry light.

  When you looked at it, it seemed as if this creature swallowed up the light, instead of reflecting it. It hurt to look at it for too long.

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  A breeze began wailing around the trio, as if it was trying to push them down the hill, then a screaming, howling wind blew up, tugging at their clothes, blowing their hair across their eyes so that they couldn’t see clearly.

  It grew harder and harder for them to move. They slowed from a run to a walk and shortly afterwards to moving forward one slow pace at a time. Only their combined magic kept them going at all against the power of the storm demons.

  ‘I can see the Touchstone clearly now!’ Ronan gasped. ‘Over there.’ He pointed.

  ‘No!’ Kerril pulled him back. ‘It’s not over there. It’s over here.’

  Above them air moaned and whistled, then the huge dark figure began to circle downwards. ‘Halt!’ it cried in a voice so deep the sound vibrated in their bellies.

  ‘It’s this way!’ Kerril repeated, tugging at his brother and sister.

  ‘But I can see the Touchstone!’ Shayla protested. ‘It’s over there.’ She pointed in a different direction to the others.

  ‘No. That’s the demon’s magic! There’s nothing over there,’ Kerril insisted, feeling torn apart as they both tried to go in
different directions and he struggled to hold them together, his stronger gift for magic helping him to see truly.

  The sword hilt suddenly began to glow and hum.

  Ronan stopped trying to pull them in his direction.

  Shayla blinked and stood still.

  ‘This way!’ Kerril repeated. ‘Trust me. You must trust me.’ This time his brother and sister started moving in the direction he wanted, but still too slowly.

  They were not going to reach the Touchpoint in time.

  The storm demon landed right in front of them, barring their path, and the clouds above began whirling as another of the dreaded creatures started to form from a patch of dark sky.

  The air was filled with a smell so vile the three young people gagged.

  A black arm holding a sword flashed out towards them.

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  Ronan reacted quickly, letting go of the others’ hands and drawing his sword. He slashed at the demon’s sword, which sizzled as his blade touched it. The magic hilt felt warm and comforting in his hand as he prepared to fight and that gave him courage.

  Kerril suddenly remembered another spell he’d read about. ‘Help me slow it down! It might help.’ He took Shayla’s hand and concentrated on making the demon act more slowly. It seemed to work well enough to help his brother a little.

  Swords clashed, then, as Ronan was preparing to fend off another blow, he heard Kerril shout, ‘Dodge this way! Link up with us again.’ Holding the sword in his right hand, Ronan allowed the others to pull him to one side. The demon’s blade swished slowly past only a fingerspan away and they gained another few paces up the hill.

  But still the Touchpoint was out of reach.

  The demon kept trying to slash at them with its sword. Ronan had to let go of his siblings to parry the blows. To his relief the others still managed to use their magic powers to slow down the demon and they continued to fight their way slowly upwards.


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