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Qualify: A Driven World Novel (The Driven World)

Page 9

by TL Mayhew

  The image rolls through my mind like a movie in slow motion, distracting me for the rest of the ride home. I don’t realize we’re already in the garage of my apartment complex until the car stops.

  Elliot sends out a quick text to Dante, who answers back within minutes. With each reply Elliot shows me his phone. They’re going back and forth about why, what’s going on, and how did he get the short end of the stick.

  The last text from Elliot is just do it and I’ll fill you in later.

  It must’ve been good enough because we didn’t hear back after that.

  Heading over to the elevator, we step inside. It only makes it up one floor before stopping and the doors ding open. Normally the touchy-feely couple that gets on would embarrass me but right now, even with everything that has happened tonight, all it does is make me think of Kye and how I long for the feel of his lips on mine.

  Elliot chooses that moment to bump my shoulder, and he nods toward the couple, rolling his eyes. It makes me giggle but they pay us no attention. They’re too caught up in each other to notice.

  I’m thankful when our stop is the next one and we arrive at my apartment. Unlocking the door, I push my way in and wait for Elliot before closing the door and flipping all the locks. Once inside, I drop my heels on the floor on the living room side of the kitchen half wall. “Make yourself at home, I’m going to change.”

  “Will do,” he says, heading for the cabinet and pulling down two glasses.

  By the time I’ve slipped into some sweatpants and an oversized sweatshirt and make it back into the main room, I find Elliot sitting on the couch with his feet up on the coffee table next to a bottle of wine and two glasses.

  “I didn’t know I had any wine.”

  He shrugs. “It was tucked back in the lower cupboard, hidden behind some paper plates.”

  I chuckle, taking a seat on the opposite side of the couch, and pour some from the opened bottle in my glass. “I guess you really did make yourself at home.”

  “You’re wasting time, Berk, have a few sips, gather some courage, then spill. I’m all ears.”

  He’s right. I am wasting time. Shifting on the couch, I tuck my feet under me and face him. There’s no way a couple of sips will give me any of the courage I’m going to need. Instead, I take two big gulps then refill the empty space.

  “Where do I begin?”

  I spend the next hour explaining to Elliot what has happened in my life up to this point. He’s the first person I’ve ever told the entire story to.

  Now he sits across from me with his head in his hands. “Why didn’t you say anything sooner? You know the five of us would’ve taken care of Donnelly.”

  “That’s exactly why I didn’t,” I tell him, tears tracing a line down my cheeks. “It’s not like he actually… well, you know. I was able to defend myself and although it left an emotional scar, I feel like I’ve dealt with it.”

  When he turns to me, I notice his glossy eyes. He’s fighting his own tears. “I really don’t think you have. Now that you’ve told me, I realize I missed the subtle signs.” He stands, turning away from me, and begins pacing the floor. “The distance you put between me and the rest of the family, both emotionally and in miles makes it clear, you were running away.” Turning on a heel, he pins a narrowed stare on me. “How much does he know?”

  “Who Kye?”

  He nods.

  “Only that I punched the guy in the balls. I haven’t told him anything else.”

  He lets out a frustrated breath and he takes a seat on the coffee table. “He’s going to ask at some point, but don’t tell him anything.”

  “Why, what does it matter telling him anything now?”

  “Don’t be so gullible, Berk. This is exactly the reason Dad was so against you coming out here alone. This guy, Kye, is someone who would use this kind of information to his advantage and at some point, I can guarantee he will.”

  It’s not something I’d even considered.

  “With the way you reacted at the bar, I’d say you’re more into him than I think you’d care to admit. This information you’ve just told me, it’s something he can, and most likely will use against you.”

  What my brother is saying tumbles around in my mind. Seeing a woman with her head in the lap of the man, who only a day ago had me nearly melting in his arms, set me off. But no matter how much I want to be open to Elliot’s suggestion, I can’t see it. Kye doesn’t seem like someone who would share details. “I don’t know, Elliot. I’ll admit there is something there and sure, I was upset, but I just don’t think he’d stoop so low as to...”

  My brother takes my hands, his grip tighter than I’d expect, as his eyes bore into me. “Will you just listen to me?”

  Maybe he’s right. I hadn’t really intended on telling Kye anything, but I suspect it’s something that would’ve come up. At some point. “Fine, I’ll keep it to myself, but I’d expect you to return the favor,” I tell him.

  He arches a questioning brow.

  “This stays between us. You’re not telling Dad or the rest of them.”

  “Uh uh,” he growls, rising from the table. “They need to know, Berk.”

  “Why? Why do they need to know? It happened over a year ago and I’ve managed this long. If you tell Dad, he’ll make me come home and I’m not doing that. I’m fully capable of defending myself.”

  On a frustrated breath he drops down onto the couch again. “Fine, they don’t need to know, not now.”

  “Not ever.”

  His hard stare is pinned on me. It’s as though he’s deciding if he wants to press the issue any further but doesn’t. Eventually, he just shakes his head and ends the conversation with a “We’ll see,” before leaning forward and pouring each of us another glass of wine.

  Once settled into the couch, he opens an arm to me and I curl up next to his chest. We sit in silence for the longest time, so long my eyes are starting to droop closed, that’s until the rumble in his chest has them springing open. “I’m sorry, Berk…” he starts but doesn’t finish.

  I nod, knowing and acknowledging everything he can’t say.

  After a beat he chuckles. “I can’t believe you punched him in the balls.”

  We both laugh, longer than we should considering the seriousness of my past, but it’s a nice change. I’m tired of being so sensitive over it. Always wondering whose touch will set me off next and why.

  Having this moment with my brother is like a godsend. One I never knew I needed.

  Chapter 13

  The ring of my cell drags my eyes open. I’m disoriented at first, tossing the covers back, thinking I’m late for work.

  When it rings again, I’m reminded I texted Josh last night. First scolding him for not telling me my brother was in town and then letting him know I’d be in late. Typical Josh had brushed it off as a surprise and that he’d call when the caliper came in, later in the day.

  But in glancing at the clock on my nightstand, I realize it’s only 8:00 a.m. No one delivers parts that early. The ringing continues. Sliding off the edge of the bed, I head over to the dresser where I’d placed my phone for charging last night.

  I’m fully prepared to give my boss a piece of my mind for waking me so early. Instead, a breath catches in my throat when I glance at the screen: Grady, Kingston Racing.

  This is it. I’ll either be spending the rest of my days at Josh’s place or starting my career with Kingston Racing. “Hello?” I ask nervously.

  “Is this Miss Berkleigh Shaw?” a soft female voice asks from the other end.

  Taking in a breath, I try and collect my bearings. Her question is a simple yes or no answer, but my mind is on how much I want what they’re about to tell me to be you got the job.

  “Berkleigh? Hello?”

  “Yeah, this is her.” I’m surprised by her use of my first name and respond then realize who it is. “Alicia? Is that you?”

  “It is. I’m calling because Mr. Anderson would like to speak wi
th you. Please hold.” The line goes silent.

  There are no clicks or hold music to keep my mind from drifting to the worst-case scenario. What will I do if they say no? I mean I know what I’ll do in the short term but long term, I’m not sure I want to sit through another interview and another rejection.

  My dad is always a possibility. He could pull some strings and get me on pretty much anywhere I want, but that would defeat the purpose of me doing this on my own. Plus, if anyone found out I’m sure it wouldn’t bode well being a female in this industry.

  Shaking my head, I try and rid my mind of the direction my thoughts are turning.

  “Hello, Miss Shaw. Grady Anderson here.”

  Perfect timing.

  “Hello, Mr. Anderson, how are you?”

  “Please, call me Grady. And I’m sure you’re not really interested in how I’m doing, so we’ll just get right to the point of my call.”

  Here it goes, his harsh tone does not sound promising.

  “I’ve talked with corporate; they’ve reviewed your résumé and although they feel you have a promising background, it was mentioned they would prefer more hands-on experience.”

  “Okay,” I respond with enough disappointment in that one word to sink a ship.

  “I also reached out to the team. I will say the decision wasn’t unanimous.” He pauses briefly, adding to my anxiety.

  I’d rather he just rip the Band-Aid off in one fell swoop, instead of pulling out each hair individually with his dramatic spiel. I’m fully prepared to move on and decide what I’ll do after this, other than make El take me out for a row of shots until I forget my name.

  “Berkleigh, the team…” he starts.

  My ego is shot. Another rejection is coming, I can hear it in his tone.

  “… and Kye himself…” His voice drones on.

  What will my father think? I haven’t done anything I’d set out to do. The money he spent for school was all a waste.

  “…have decided...Hell, I can’t drag this out any longer. Welcome to Kingston Racing!” he exclaims.

  “It’s understandable, I mean I am new to the circuit and all…” His words finally process in my mind. “Wait… You mean I’m hired? I’ll be a part of Kye Kingston’s pit crew?”

  “You are and you will.” His tone is light, and I can envision the smile painted on his face.

  Pulling the phone away from my mouth, I cover the microphone and shout out my excitement. “Yes! Yes! Yes! I can’t believe it! This is a dream come true!” After a short happy dance that is basically running in place, I collect myself and raise the phone to my ear again. “Thank you, Mr. Ander… I mean, Grady. Thank you, Grady. This news has just made my entire day!”

  “I’m not going to lie; it took some convincing. If this doesn’t work out it will be my ass handed to me.” The lightheartedness in his tone is gone and the seriousness in his words hit me like a ton of bricks.

  “I really appreciate the opportunity. And I promise, I won’t let you down.”

  “We’ll see. You start Monday.” With that he disconnects the call.

  Holding my phone to my chest I drop back onto the bed and let out an exasperated sigh, right before kicking my feet and pounding my hands against the mattress. “Ahhh! I’m on Kye Kingston’s pit crew!”

  It’s then realization sinks in and I sit up straight, repeating my own words but with a lot less enthusiasm. “I’m on Kye Kingston’s pit crew.” The man who only days ago was within inches of putting his lips on mine.

  I take in a sharp breath.

  What if he agreed to hire me because he thinks something more will happen between us? No, surely that’s not the case. After last night and with Josh telling me it was Kye’s grandmother who left the card after all. But I can’t stop the thought from tumbling around in my mind.

  What went on in the simulation room can’t happen again. This is too good an opportunity to mess up by getting involved with someone. Especially a someone who will pretty much be my boss.

  There’s a knock on my bedroom door and it swings open before I have a chance to answer. “Berk, are you okay?” Elliot pokes his head in my room, his sleepy tone greeting me the same way as his tousled hair does from a good night’s sleep.

  I’d forgotten he was even here. Leaping off my bed, I rush over and wrap my arms around his waist, almost knocking him back into the living room. “Oh, El. I have the best news.”

  Once the shock of his sister’s assault dissipates, he pushes me back at an arm’s length. “Well, give it to me then.”

  “You’re looking at the newest member on Kye Kingston’s pit crew!” I exclaim.

  “Hmm. That’s great, Berk,” he says, but his less than excited response tells me he’s not all that happy about my good news.

  I twist out of his arms and place my hands on my hips. “What’s your problem?”

  “I’m sorry, Berkleigh. It’s just after your little show at the bar, I didn’t think this is still what you wanted.”

  “If I let something like that change my mind about what I want in life, then my dreams would’ve ended back in college.”

  He cringes at my admission.

  “This is something I’ve wanted my entire life, El. You know that. Where else did you expect I’d end up after all those days at the track with you, our brothers, and dad?” I ask him, as I take a seat on the edge of my bed.

  After a deep sigh he heads farther in my room and sits down next to me. Placing an arm around my shoulders and kissing the top of my head. “You’re right. I’m happy for you, sister. Just be careful.”

  “You sound just like Dad.”

  His laughter comes from deep within his chest. “Yeah, and with good reason… you better call him and share the news. He’ll not be happy he wasn’t the first one you told.”

  I roll my eyes. It’s always something. But Elliot’s right. If I don’t let him know there will be a fifteen-minute lecture and my day will be ruined.

  Swiping my phone from the nightstand, I scroll through the contacts on my phone until I see Dad’s number. I tap the screen and wait through several rings before he picks up.

  “Hey, sweetheart, how are you?” His deep timbre filters through the line. No matter how much we make fun or how mad and controlling he gets, just hearing his voice warms my heart instantly.

  He’s been there for me through the good and the bad. More than once I’ve treated him like shit, but he never stopped loving me or encouraging me to do my best at whatever I set my mind on that day. His support is the reason I have this exciting news to share, but by the time I’m ready to tell him, tears pool in my lids and a knot forms in my throat. “Daddy, I did it. I’ve been hired on as a pit crew member for Kye Kingston.”

  Shouts and whistles come from the background. “Way to go, Sis!”

  “We knew you could do it.”

  “Tell your boss we’ll see him on the track.”

  My lips tip upward at the thought of Dad having to listen to each one of them getting a word in. Elliot and I just shake our heads. Like me, Dad must have his phone on speaker. “Hi, Dante, and, Dru. Did I also hear Dex?” I ask, raising my voice so it can be heard over the celebrating.

  “You sure did,” he shouts from the background. “We’re all proud of you. But don’t think just because you’re working for the high and mighty you don’t have time for us anymore.”

  “I wouldn’t dare,” I respond, giggling into the phone.

  “Gotta go, my date’s waiting. Love ya.”

  My brothers always have their hooks in one girl or another. I hope one day they’ll get the bachelor out of their systems and settle down with someone they each deserve. Right now, I know there’s no girl worthy to be on the other end of a ball and chain. At least that’s what they always say.

  “If it’s not Elliot stealing my thunder it’s the three others,” Dad says, a bit distracted with all the chaos going on at the house.

  Elliot opens his mouth to say something, but I cover
it with my free hand. If he gets on this call, I’ll never get a word in edgewise.

  Once all the background noise is gone, his focus is finally on me. “As much as I’d rather it not be that racing team, I am still proud of you, Berkleigh. This is quite the accomplishment and a direct result of all your hard work. I knew you could do it.”

  Hard work. My thoughts instantly go back to the dreaded thoughts of this being a ploy to get me into bed. But why? I mean, he could have any girl he wanted. Why choose the Midwest girl who knows how to use a torque wrench and has grease under her nails?

  Shaking the thought from my mind, I turn my attention back to my phone. “Thanks, Dad,” I tell him. “I couldn’t have done it without you. I’ll do you proud, I promise.”

  “I know you will, sweetheart. Just be careful and let me know if you need anything.” The line goes silent for a moment, and I’m about to ask him if he’s still there when he speaks again.

  “I wasn’t planning on mentioning this but you’re my daughter, my only daughter, and well, a dad never gets these thoughts out of his head. I know some of the guys from that crew, Berkleigh, and they’re great mechanics but… they’re also men.” He lets out a deep sigh. “You’d let me know if anything… inappropriate happens, right?”

  His comments have me taking in a breath and my eyes flit to Elliot’s. He raises his hands and shakes his head, as though confirming he hadn’t said anything to Dad about the story I told. “Dad! Come on. I have five brothers and was raised by a father who taught me how to protect myself. I think I’ll be fine.”

  “And you’re just like Dante. Hardheaded through and through,” he says lightheartedly. I can almost hear his smile through the phone.

  “I learned from the best,” I tell him.

  Our conversation goes on for another ten minutes or so before Elliot and Dad take over the call, talking about Elliot meeting up with sponsors and his upcoming race, which in turn has him swiping the phone from my hand and heading into the living room.


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