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Qualify: A Driven World Novel (The Driven World)

Page 16

by TL Mayhew

  The pounding in my ears increases and I’m afraid if his lips don’t connect with mine soon, I’ll die from a fucking heart attack. Urging him on, I glance briefly at his lips, licking my own, and then lifting my eyes to his once again.

  He takes that as his invitation and my approval. His lips crash down on mine hard.

  I know taking this step is risky. It also means everything from now on will be different, but judging by the shouts and whistles of the guys surrounding us, they don’t see it as a problem. And I don’t see any way around it.

  I want to be with him.

  I need to be with him.

  As though reading my mind, he pulls me tighter against him. I tangle my fingers in his hair while neither of us can get enough of the other. He must feel the same because he pulls away, grabs my arm, and drags me toward the empty building reserved for Kingston Corp.

  Stopping only long enough to tell his crew to get the car out on the track and have it ready by the time he returns. They all scramble behind us. One of them shouting, “Take that checkered flag, man!”

  Kye ignores the comment and we continue at a quick pace toward the building.

  Grady’s extends a hand as we pass by, and even though I’m too ashamed to look at his face, I do catch a glint of silver that passes from his hand to Kye’s.

  I wonder momentarily if this is something they planned, but then decide I don’t care. It’s better safe than sorry anyway.

  Chapter 22

  We barely breach the door and slam it shut before Kye has me pressed against the nearest wall. His knee pushes between my legs, spreading them as his hands cup my face and his mouth takes ownership of mine.

  No longer a delicate rhythm, our lips move erratically, adding to an already aching need in my pussy. Desperate for some relief, I adjust my feet, so the placement of his thigh rubs me in just the right place. I rock forward, uttering a moan against his mouth.

  “Goddammit, Berkleigh,” he growls, breaking our connection and lowering his forehead to mine. “You’re killing me.”

  “Mmm-hmm,” is my only response. I relish in the feel of his body against mine. Arching my neck and tangling my fingers in his hair.

  He grips the back of my thigh and I wrap my leg around his back, opening to him. Even though I’m in my coveralls and he’s in his fire suit, I can still feel the press of his erection against my mound.

  Not missing a beat, he kisses and nips his way down my neck until material blocks my exposed skin. Without an ounce of hesitation, he makes quick work of the zipper then shoves the material down my arms until my breasts are exposed.

  Pausing long enough to take in the red lace bra, he curses, “Motherfucker.” Before running his knuckles over one of my already taut nipples.

  I drop my head back, feeling as though I could orgasm just from his touch and I almost do when he pulls the material back and takes my breast in his mouth. Jutting my chest outward, I try and give him better access while pushing my pussy against his cock, moaning aloud.

  He covers my mouth with his hand, pinning those hazel eyes on me from his place at my breast. Watching him suckle me is hot as fuck and I’m almost in tears at how much my pussy aches.

  “Do you want to get fucked?” he asks, flicking my nipple with his tongue.

  Pleading with my eyes, I nod frantically.

  He eyes the door before letting go of my leg and standing his full height. “Then you’ll have to be quiet. Can you do that? Can you be quiet while I’m fucking your pussy hard and fast from behind?”

  My response is muted from behind his hand. And even though my answer is yes, I can’t guarantee I’ll stay quiet, no matter who’s just outside that door. All his dirty talk is pushing me closer to an edge I’m already balancing unsteadily on.

  He removes his hand from my mouth, cups my cheeks, and places a lingering kiss on my lips before flipping me around.

  I gasp when my breasts connect with the cold wall.

  “Shimmy out of those coveralls but leave them on at your feet,” he orders, fumbling with this own suit. I hear the familiar sound of a foil packet being ripped open. I reach back, intent on grabbing his dick but my hand is brushed away. “Uh uh. If you wrap those fingers around me, I’m going to lose my fucking load. Coveralls. Now.”

  I do as he says, and I’m rewarded with his body against mine. “Good girl,” he praises, slipping his hand in my panties and sliding his fingers through my slick pussy lips. “You’re so fucking wet. There’s no way I can do slow, Berkleigh. We’ll have to save slow for another time.”

  I’m not sure if he expects a response so I only nod.

  Gripping the elastic of my panties he tears them away before gripping and slapping my ass. “Are you ready, baby?” he asks, angling himself in such a way his dick is level with my opening, before making a few passes and getting the head slick for entry.

  My walls clench and I know if he doesn’t put it in soon, we’ll both miss out on what we’ve waited so long for. “I’m close…” I warn him.

  “I know, baby,” he says pressing his dick against me, and without any further warning he pushes part of the way in.

  After having been so long since I’ve been with anyone and because of his girth, my body resists. He pulls out, placing a hand on my shoulder and leans in. It’s in that moment memories of the professor shoving me against the wall flood my mind and my body stiffens.

  Tears sting my eyes. Not now! This can’t be happening now.

  Kye recognizes my reaction, and quickly spins me around. “Did I hurt you?”

  I shake my head and a tear slips down my cheek, I brush it away and lower my gaze to the floor. Not wanting him to see the shame that must be painted across my face.

  He tips my head up. “Berkleigh, look at me.” I drag my eyes to his but wish I hadn’t. Pity swirls within his hooded stare and I know I’ve ruined the moment. “Talk to me. I need to know what’s going on.”

  Taking a breath, I gather a minute amount of courage, “It’s just… in the professor’s office…” I don’t get anything else out before he’s pushing off the wall and turning away from me, scrubbing a hand over his face.

  “That son of a bitch.” He turns back and closes the distance between us, cupping my face with his hands. “Baby, I’m so sorry, I never should’ve…”

  I press a finger to his lips. “It’s not your fault. I want this. I want you.” Moving my hands to rest on his cheeks, the stubble to prickles my skin as I stare into the hazel I’ve become so accustomed to. “Make me forget. Please.”

  He searches my eyes for the longest time. After a beat and on a frustrated breath, he wraps his arms around me, cupping the back of my head, and pulling me against him. I can hear his heart pounding inside his chest and the rumble of his words as he says the last thing I want to hear.

  “It’s obvious how bad I want this. I’ve waited for you. I wanted it to be on your terms. But not like this.” He takes a step back and holds my face in his hands once again. “You’re not ready and I’m most certainly not sharing our moment with his memory.”

  Shame heats my cheeks and I lower my eyes. How could I have let this happen? Caught up in the moment, I wasn’t thinking clearly and now I’m not sure what to do next.

  As if he can read my mind, he places his lips on mine for a moment before pulling back. “Don’t. There’s nothing to be ashamed of, Berkleigh. We’ll get through this, and the next time it’ll be something neither of us will ever forget. I promise.”

  Tipping my head up with a finger, his hazel eyes greet me like a welcome sign. “Are you going to be okay?”

  I nod, hoping it’s enough for him because the words I want to say we’re definitely not ready for.

  “Good,” he says, slapping me on the ass, hard. “Now get dressed, the guys are probably wondering what’s taking so long, and there’s another girl out there waiting for me to drive her hard and fast.”

  My eyes go wide for a split second until I realize he’s talking about the
car. That small twinge of jealousy—even though mistakenly directed at a machine—confirms I feel something much deeper than I’d expected for him.

  Sure, I knew I liked him, probably from that first day I bumped into him at the university, but this is different. This is the type of ache those who’ve been in love have told me about but nothing I’ve ever experienced before myself.

  Once we’ve both redressed, me sans panties, he heads for the door as I tuck my hair up in a messy bun.

  His pauses with his hand on the knob, glancing back at me—waiting.

  Once I reach the door, he presses his lips to mine. It’s innocent, not a kiss where the outcome is meant to have me on my back, instead it’s full of emotion, and does he ever have a lot to give.

  Our eyes meet when he pulls away. Something flashes in his, but it’s gone as quickly as it came and he doesn’t elaborate on what he might be thinking, instead he laces his fingers in mine, then asks, “Are you ready?”

  “I am, but a question first,” I tell him.

  “Anything, sweetheart,” he says, taking my chin in his finger and thumb playfully.

  “Did Grady somehow… I mean, you guys didn’t counter plan this, did you?” I wave a hand around the modestly furnished space and suddenly recognize it as a room overlooking the track, most likely for VIPs.

  His brows furrow in confusion. “You mean plan sex with you?”

  I nod.

  Shaking his head, he lets out a frustrated breath. “Absolutely not. Grady and I have been friends for quite some time. He’s seen that same look in my eyes before...” He pauses most likely rethinking the moment before swiping a hand through already tousled hair. “Honestly, I’m actually glad he did what he did because I would’ve fucked you, covered or not.” Waving a hand over his waist, he smirks. “No pockets to carry condoms.”

  I pat him on the chest chuckling, “Enough said. Let’s get out there so you can give your other girl a spin.”

  That sexy smirk I love tips up his lips before he opens the door and we step out into the warm open space.

  Chapter 23

  I’m not sure what I was expecting on the other side. The crew to still be standing there, clapping, and celebrating when we came out? That would’ve been beyond embarrassing, especially considering we hadn’t done anything, but I am surprised to find the space deserted.

  Kye squeezes my hand. “They’re all down on the track. I knew they had some manners.” He chuckles, leading the way.

  We weave our way through the wide-open halls beneath rows of seats. Passing closed concession stands, we end up at a small flight of stairs. Once we’re at the bottom and finally step into the pit area, I lift a hand to my mouth, keeping my gasp at bay as emotion consumes me.

  I’ve waited my whole life for this. Even if it is just a test track and a test run, I’m here as a pit crew member, no longer just a fan. A lifelong goal of mine is finally coming true.

  Kye senses my change in emotion and although he may not know the real reason for my reaction, he doesn’t question it. Instead, he pulls me to him, wrapping me in his arms, and we stand in silence while tears make their own tracks straight down my cheeks.

  “You ready to fire her up?” Eric asks, eyeing the two of suspiciously.

  Kye, not seemingly caring about what his team thinks tips my chin up, kisses me on the forehead, and asks, “Do you want to do the honors?”

  His question comes as a shock and my eyes widen. “Really?” I ask, looking out toward the track at car number sixteen.

  “Go for it,” he says, encouraging me by pressing a hand in my lower back.

  I can’t leap over the short wall separating me from the car soon enough. The guys chuckle at my enthusiasm.

  It’s ridiculous I know, they’ve probably done this a million times, and it’s not as though I haven’t started the car before. It’s just the idea of doing it here, on the track, after I’d taken so much time getting her ready.

  Sliding through the window on the driver’s side, I let out a content sigh as I drop into the racing seat and reach for the switch.

  Before flipping it, I think about what it would be like to drive in a race myself one day. To feel the adrenaline flow through me as I fly around the track at record speeds. “One thing at a time, Berkleigh,” I mutter, dismissing the idea—for now.

  With a quick glance over at the pit, I find the guys lined up, anxiously waiting. And they’re not disappointed when the throaty growl of the engine comes to life. Cheers and whistles can be heard coming from the sidelines. Even Grady is there clapping right along with them.

  If my grin could get any wider, it would.

  Slipping out of the car, I trot over to the side, jump over the half wall, and saunter straight up to Kye. “She’s all yours.”

  He chuckles leans in and says, “You’re something else,” before dropping a kiss on my lips and heading toward the car. Once he’s inside and strapped in, Robert hands him his helmet. Taking one last glance in my direction, he slips the helmet on, straps it to his chin, and gives us a thumbs-up.

  Once we receive our own headsets, I glance over to the car where Kye still sits.

  “Testing… testing… 1…2…” Robert’s voice filters through the speakers, making me jump.

  “I hear you loud and clear. Are we good to go?” Kye asks, the rumble of the car’s engine blares into my ears and I pull the earphones away as he gives it more gas.

  Normally, it wouldn’t bother me, but that much power is intensified tenfold through the expensive headsets and when I steal a quick glance in the direction of the others, I find they’ve done the same.

  Once the noise is back at a manageable level, Robert speaks again, “You’re good to go.”

  Kye merges slowly onto the track, taking the straightaway and the first turn at a slower highway speed, it’s not until he’s out of the turn that he kicks it up.

  “That’s good right there. Keep her at 175 and see how she does,” Robert says.

  On the other end Kye has gone quiet. I suspect he’s concentrating on the road, and the way the car feels. Making sure my adjustments did the trick.

  I move over closer to the guys and the monitor they’re watching. It shows all the standard dash info with added statistics on how the car is performing. Each person has their role in finding where improvements can be made, but only after everything is printed off.

  While the car is on the track, all eyes are on it and the driver, making sure they’re prepared for anything that might go wrong.

  “Lap two is coming up, check-in on the next straight,” Robert instructs.

  As soon we see the Camaro take the next turn, static teases my ears. “She’s running like a dream, man. Steering is good, RPMs holding steady. I’m gonna kick it up notch after the next turn.”

  He’s been hanging between 175 and 180. Not only does the car shoot out of the turn when he hits 200 so does my heartbeat.

  Having been around my brothers racing my whole life, I’ll say I’ve never felt as much anxiety watching them race as I do Kye in this very moment. What if I missed something? The hairs on my arm stand at attention and my breaths come quick.

  If something goes wrong and he gets hurt or worse…it would be my fault. I bend over, taking my headset off so he can’t hear my fast breathing.

  Someone places their hand on my back. “Hey, are you all right?”

  Eric. I raise a hand up, waving him away, hoping to God Kye didn’t hear him speak.

  “Yeah, she’s here, man,” I hear Robert say, and my eyes dart to him.

  I shake my head, but he points frantically to the headset dangling in my hand. “She’s just adjusting her headset.”

  Taking in a few deep breaths, it calms me enough to hit the mute button and hopefully get through whatever it is he has to say before freaking out again. “I’m here, Kye.”

  “Everything is running perfect. Great job, sweetheart,” he says, and fuck if my cheeks don’t heat again. I chance a glance to the oth
er side of the pit where I find the guys making kissy faces. Mocking his term of endearment. It makes me giggle.

  “I didn’t realize what I’d said was so funny,” Kye responds dryly.

  “It’s um… not. And thank you.” I stutter through my response, trying to recover by redirecting the conversation. “I was really concerned about those RPMs. Glad to see they’re staying at the expected levels.”

  “I’m coming in,” he growls out before the line goes quiet.

  “Kye… Kye. You there?” Robert pulls off his own headset and tosses it aggressively on the dashboard in front of him. “Ass-fucking-hole!” Robert shouts.

  I’ve never seen him get so aggravated. I’m afraid to ask but do anyway. “Is there something wrong with the system?”

  Robert’s face is red when he turns my way. “Yeah, Kye’s system. More specifically his attitude. He’s not supposed to fucking disconnect the only form of communication we have with him until his ass is parked and he’s out of the fucking car!” He takes in a deep breath. “Sorry for all the fucks but Goddam him. I’ll bet, fifty bucks he doesn’t come in, even though he said he was.”

  Eric saunters up to me. “Don’t take that bet,” he says pointing to the track, where sure enough, Kye slows like he’s coming in then guns it and heads back toward the middle of the track.

  Taking me by the arm, Eric drags me back over to the monitor. “Watch this.”

  We all have our eyes glued to the screen, glancing up every few seconds to make sure everything is good on the track. My breath catches as the speedometer shoots up to 200 and then 205. He even edges toward 207 but then lets off the gas, bringing it back down to 175.

  “Reckless,” I mutter, hearing my dad’s voice in my head as I say it.

  “That he is,” Robert says and my eyes dart to him. “Don’t worry I won’t say anything, even if we’ve all called him that, directly to his face.”

  Why would Kye chance those higher speeds on an unmonitored track, with no EMTs on standby, especially in the new car?


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