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Vegas Virgin

Page 6

by Kelli Callahan

  “I don’t know, man. This seems like too big of a risk.” I shook my head again.

  “You owe me. You already lost everything we got from the luggage.” He picked up the paper again.

  “I don’t owe you shit.” I sipped my beer and glared at him.

  Later that night I lay awake on my couch with another empty bottle of liquor beside me. There was no way that Peoria would want to stay in Vegas with me. If I told her I was moving to Georgia, she would probably think I had lost my mind. Things that happened in Vegas were supposed to stay there, not follow you home. The whole thing was foolish, from the thought of actually robbing the jewelry store to dreaming of a life with someone I just met. I would be the crazy bastard that stole her luggage and took her virginity—that was hardly enough to build a life on. I didn’t know a lot about her, although she practically told me her life story during the course of the day while we were together. Still, that was probably a fresh coat of paint on the truth, just like the things I told her. I certainly didn’t tell her I spent time in prison or that I was the barely functional version of an alcoholic. Having the dream wasn’t dangerous, but actually going through with it—that was a risk I wasn’t willing to take.

  Chapter 9: Peoria

  “Y ou have to be the stupidest person in the world!” Fiona’s nostrils flared after I got done telling her how I got my stuff back.

  “It worked out.” I shrugged. “I got everything back—well, most of it.”

  “You could have been killed! Getting it back wasn’t good enough, either? You spent the whole day with some common criminal?” Fiona’s nostrils continued to flare and her eyes bulged out of her head.

  “He offered to show me around Vegas. You weren’t returning my messages and he seemed nice—outside of being a thief.” I sat down on the edge of the bed and picked up my camera. “I got a few pictures of him.”

  “Great, I’ll know who to tell the cops to look for if you go missing.” She rolled her eyes and walked over to look at the screen. “Okay, he’s kind of hot.”

  “Isn’t he?” I couldn’t help but giggle. “Remember how you said we might find someone in Vegas and...”

  “Peoria, you didn’t!” Her eyes bulged again. “You fucked him? You lost your virginity?”

  “I did.” I sucked wind through my teeth and slowly grinned.

  “I was so kidding about that. Oh my god, no wonder your parents didn’t let you out of the house!” Fiona took a seat beside me. “This is the craziest thing I’ve ever heard.”

  “What happens in—” I tried to recite the phrase, but she held her hand up.

  “Yeah, what was it you said? The STDs follow you home? I need a drink.” She looked at the mini-bar.

  “We used protection.” I put the camera back on the table next to my bed.

  “You probably should have double bagged him—no, triple bagged him.” She shook her head as she opened the mini-bar and pulled out two small bottles of vodka.

  “I’ll consider that next time.” I lay back in the bed.

  “Next time?” Fiona almost choked on the vodka as it went down her throat. “What do you mean by next time?”

  “I hope to see him again.” I looked over at her. “You agreed he was hot. I already slept with him—what’s the harm in doing it again?”

  “There can’t be a next time.” Fiona sat down on the edge of the bed and started to unscrew the cap. “Please promise me you’re not going to see him again. He could be dangerous!”

  “I don’t think he is.” I rolled over and faced the opposite direction.

  Fiona wasn’t completely off base. I knew that. I didn’t want to believe the man I had slept with after only knowing him for a day was dangerous, but there was no way I could know it for sure. I had put a lot of trust in him and I let him seduce me, even if I wanted it more than anything else when his lips were against mine. Fiona seemed to be making racket to spite me as she got ready for bed. As much as the potential existed for her to be right about what she said, I did want to see Vincent again. There was something about him that unlocked desires I never knew could exist before I was in his arms. Even though he was a thief, there was a lot of kindness in him. He didn’t have to show me around the city. He could have left me standing outside his apartment with none of my stuff. When Fiona finished getting ready for bed and cut out the lights, I was finally able to close my eyes.

  “You’re not seeing him again.” Fiona’s tone was firm.

  “No promises...” I let out a sigh and pulled the covers tight around me.

  F IONA CONTINUED HER rant the next day, trying to convince me that I shouldn’t see him. While she was going off on me, I was secretly sending messages to Vincent and making plans to do the very thing she was warning me against. I just couldn’t explain my attraction to Vincent. I felt like Fiona would understand if she met him and spent time with him, but there was no time for that. I didn’t think she would agree, even if I could bring him to the hotel and introduce them.

  Fiona and I got dressed for the day and spent several hours at a casino, which only made me think of Vincent more. It didn’t take us long to lose the money we had gotten in chips, so we played slots and gambled nickels instead of dollars. It wasn’t as exciting as winning Blackjack, but I was a terrible player with Vincent giving me hints and Fiona really had no idea how to play. We ate an early lunch and talked about going back to the hotel so we could try out the indoor pool, but I really wasn’t feeling it. Fiona seemed to get a sense that I wasn’t really interested in going with her once we were dressed.

  “I’m guessing you’re not texting your mother?” Fiona glared at me across the room as she picked up her towel.

  “No.” I admitted and shook my head.

  “You know what—if you want to see him, then see him. I’m going to the pool.” Fiona walked towards the door with an angry scowl on her face.

  Once Fiona was gone, I walked to the mirror with my cell phone and snapped a picture of myself in my bikini, making sure that my face was hidden. I sent it to Vincent and got a quick reply commenting on how gorgeous I looked. I asked him to come over and he agreed—if I kept the bikini on. Knowing he was on the way made me a little nervous, so I dug around the mini-bar looking for something to drink. There was a small bottle of wine that appeared to be enough for one glass. It was the only thing I felt safe drinking, so I poured it into a plastic cup and sipped it while I waited for him to arrive.

  When I got a message stating he was in the lobby, my heart started beating faster in my chest. I finished the wine and walked over to the door, constantly peeking out the peephole until I saw him outside. Before he had a chance to knock, I pulled the door open with a smile on my face.

  “That looks even better in person.” He stepped into the hotel room and wrapped his arms around me.

  “Next time I send you a picture of me in my swimsuit, I expect one from you in return.” I winked at him.

  “Not a chance.” He shook his head and pulled me closer. “I did bring you your tablet and a few more things.”

  “Thank you, I thought they were gone.” I took them from him and put them on the table by the door.

  “I got them back.” He smiled and kissed me on the forehead.

  “So, about that swimsuit picture you need to send me.” I ran my hand down his chest.

  “Nope—not happening.” He quickly shook his head back and forth.

  “Then maybe that will be the last one you get.” I tilted my head.

  “I guess I better keep it.” He put a hand behind my neck and leaned towards me.

  Vincent kissed me and the same fireworks I felt the night before started to go off in my head. His lips were like fire as they collided with mine. I immediately started pulling at his shirt and he squeezed my breasts through the bikini. My pussy was sore from our encounter the previous night, but I didn’t realize how much until it started to get wet with excitement from having Vincent so close to me again.

  I tugged his shir
t over his head and led him towards the bed. He fell back onto it and I reached for his jeans, unsnapping them with a quick twist of my wrist. I put his hands behind his head and watched as I tugged them down and pushed off his shoes. I tossed them on the floor once I was done and reached for my cell phone. He quickly tilted his head to see what I was doing, but I snapped a picture before he had a chance to react. He immediately sat up and reached for my hand, but I put the cell phone behind my back.

  “There, now I have a sexy picture of you too.” I grinned and avoided his grasp.

  “Give me that!” He got a hand on my arm, but I shifted my phone from one hand to the other.

  “No way, I sent you a picture and now I have one. If you won’t send me a picture, then I guess I just have to take my own.” I pulled away from him and took a step back.

  “Come on, Peoria. The one you sent me doesn’t even have your face.” He cornered me, but I slipped underneath his arm and scurried back towards the bed.

  “I won’t post it anywhere on social media, I just want it for myself.” I grinned again and walked towards the safe.

  “What are you doing?” He started towards me again.

  “Nothing.” I put the phone in the safe and quickly locked it.

  “That’s not fair.” He growled and let his hands rest on his hips. “Open the safe.”

  “No way.” I took a step towards him. “Now that we’re done with that—where were we?”

  “I know where you’re about to be if you don’t open the safe.” He stared at me as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

  “Where is that?” I pulled myself up until I was near his lips.

  “Over my knee.” He grabbed my arm and sat down on the bed. With a swift motion, he yanked me down on his thighs with my ass in the air.

  “Hey! That isn’t fair!” I started to squirm, but he held me tight.

  “Maybe this will convince you to open the safe.” He gave me two quick smacks on my ass that echoed through the hotel room for a moment before I felt them start to sting.

  “Ow!” I reached back and rubbed my ass.

  “You started it.” He pushed my hand away and gave me two more quick smacks. “Now you’re going to get a spanking.”

  The few minutes were spent with me playfully trying to get off his knee while he thwarted my attempts and smacked my ass until it was sore. It quickly became clear that he wasn’t just playing around because the spanking was really starting to hurt. The thin bikini covering my ass didn’t do much to protect me from the palm of his hand, especially around the edges where there was nothing to keep me from feeling the sting.

  The strange thing was that while it did hurt, there was also something exciting about it. I was never spanked growing up and while I had heard about it happening to other people, it didn’t exactly prepare me for what it would feel like. It was a strange sensation that made me tingle, even when he gave me a few harder smacks that really made my ass sting. No matter how much I tried to fight it, he was much stronger than me, so my ass was at his mercy. As the spanking continued, I actually found myself wanting it rather than trying to avoid it.

  “Are you going to open the safe or do I have to pull this bikini down and give you a real spanking?” He wrapped his hand around my bikini.

  “You wouldn’t...” I looked over my shoulder at him.

  “Fine. Have it your way.” With a quick jerk, my bikini was peeled off my ass and halfway down my thighs, exposing my nakedness to him.

  “I’m not opening the safe.” I looked at my ass that was slightly pink from the spanking I had already gotten.

  “We’ll see about that.” He brought his hand down in the center of my ass with a hard smack.

  “Ow!” I squealed and kicked my feet.

  His hand started to come down on my unprotected ass in a rhythmic motion, bouncing from one side to the other. I could feel it getting warm underneath his touch, but it was also starting to drive me wild. My pussy was wet and getting more excited by the second. I struggled against his grasp, mostly out of concern for the tender skin that was getting punished by his hand, but he kept me firm in his grasp so that I couldn’t escape. The sound of my ass getting spanked echoed through the room as his hand created a fire on my ass that burned once the sting faded and it simply became scorching hot beneath his palm. I had never consider that I might enjoy being spanked, but the desire between my legs was echoing the excitement I was feeling. Even when the tears started to well up in my eyes and I thought I was going to actually cry, it was still causing the wetness to spread between my legs. I looked over my shoulder and saw that my ass was no longer just pink—it had turned a shade of red.

  “Okay! I’ll open the safe!” I kicked my feet a few more times.

  “See, how hard was that?” He released his grasp and I rubbed my ass as I stood up.

  “Meanie!” I let my bikini fall to my ankles as I walked back across the room and punched the combination into the safe.

  “Oh, that isn’t so bad.” He tilted his head as I turned on my phone and handed it to him. “You know what, I’ll let you keep this one, but I’m going to get a much better on in return.”

  “You want a picture of my ass?” I turned my reddened cheeks towards him.

  “No.” He reached for his pants and dug around in the pocket until he had it in his hand. “On your knees.”

  “I’ve never done that before...” I looked at his swollen cock that was creating a huge bulge in his underwear.

  “You’ll learn quick.” He put his hands on my hips and helped guide me to the floor between his thighs.

  “Are you really going to take a picture of this?” I let my elbows rest on his thighs.

  “No.” He shook his head and grinned. “I’m going to video it.”

  Before I had a chance to really think about it, he slid the top of his underwear down and started pushing his cock towards my mouth. I saw him hit a button on his phone and I knew he was recording me. There was a part of me that wanted to say no, but the excitement between my legs caused me to let go of my inhibitions and take his cock in my hand. I stroked the shaft several times before opening my mouth and moving my tongue around the glans. I had managed to take his enormous cock in my pussy, but as I started to try and stretch my jaw to accommodate his girth, I realized it was going to be a lot harder to actually get it in my mouth. I looked up at his cell phone for a moment and then started moving my tongue faster. If he wanted a show, I would do my best to give him one. If he was going to use the video for the same thing I planned to use the picture for, then I intended to make sure he had something to get him excited after I was gone from Las Vegas and our encounters were a distant memory.

  “There you go.” He smiled and nodded. “Lick my cock and show me how much you love it.”

  I moaned in response to slide my tongue down the bottom of his shaft. I could feel my heart beating with excitement—both from being recorded and the fact I was pleasuring him. My tongue drifted across his balls and he let out an excited moan, so I focused my tongue there, making several rotations around the large meaty orbs. His groans intensified so I opened my mouth a little wider and took one of his balls between my lips. I rolled it in my tongue while I gently sucked and his hand squeezed my head and he grunted with even more pleasure. I moved to the other side of his scrotum and gave it the same treatment, rolling my tongue around it until I feel his cock getting even harder. I ran my tongue up the shaft and around the glans again, moving down one side slowly before shifting my tongue to the other side and bringing it up the entirety of his length until my tongue was against his glans again. I paused to get my breath and saw pure ecstasy on his face. My eyes looked into the lens of the camera and my pussy practically gushed with the excitement of the moment.

  I’ve never felt this naughty—damn, I like it a lot.

  I swirled my tongue around his glans several times and then started to slowly open my mouth. I pulled the tip of his cock between my lips and alternated between sucki
ng on it and moving my tongue in a circle around it. My jaw stretched wide enough to start pulling more of his dick into my mouth and every bit that went in seemed to make him gasp even more. I slowly worked him against my tongue, massaging the underside while more of him moved past my lips. After several inches were against my tongue, I started moving my head back and forth with my lips tight against his shaft to create a perfect seal.

  My saliva covered his length and allowed me to take more of his enormous cock each time I moved my lips forward. I repeated the motion until he was in my throat and throbbing each time my lips ran down his shaft. I thought he was going to make me gag with his glans pulsating in the back of my throat, but I adjusted as I continued pleasuring him and felt my throat start to adjust. Feeling his excitement got me so wet that my lust was starting to cover my labia and drip down onto my thighs.

  I never imagined this would get me so turned on.

  “Don’t stop. Oh my god, this feels so fucking good.” His hand tightened on my head and he started forcing his cock deeper into my throat.

  I did my best to accommodate his growing desire. He held me tightly and kept pushing deeper until I was forced to start swallowing his cock. I thought it would be impossible to actually get all of him into my mouth but once I started moving down his shaft and swallowing to take more of his length, I realized it would be possible. I repeated the motion while he pulled on my hair to drive himself further and then I felt my lips against his pelvis. He let out a louder gasp when he was buried in my throat completely and then I started to pick up the pace. I moved my lips from his glans to the base of his cock with swift motions that got so fast my lips started to go numb. His abdominal muscles tightened and his cock throbbed in my throat until he didn’t seem to be able to stand it anymore.

  He shifted his hips along with my motions and then I felt the taste of his salty ejaculate begin to land on my tongue. He roared with the release of his pleasure and I could feel the cum surge through his shaft before it splattered into my mouth. I swallowed as much as I could and then slid his cock deep into my throat, massaging it with my tongue and the moans resonating from me. He started to ejaculate faster, exploding in my throat like a volcano while I fought the battle between swallowing it and drowning in his cum.


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