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Tom Swift and His Electric Locomotive; Or, Two Miles a Minute on the Rails

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by Victor Appleton

  Chapter XVI

  Off for the West

  Of course, as Tom supposed they would, the Blatz Detective Agencydenied that Joe Myrick, their one-time operative, had been engagedthrough their bureau either to spy upon the Swift Construction Companyor to injure Tom's invention of the electric locomotive.

  Nevertheless, three points were indisputable: Myrick had been caughtspying; in his possession was a can of explosive which could be set offby concussion; and it was a fact that to Myrick had been firstentrusted the matter of hunting for Andy O'Malley when Tom had put thesearch for the Westerner up to the Blatz people.

  "He played traitor both to you, Mr. Swift, and to our agency," declaredBlatz to Tom. "I wash my hands of him. I hope the police send him awayfor life!"

  "He'll go to prison all right," said Tom, confidently. "But the mainpoint is that one of your operatives fell down on a simple job. Iwanted that Andy O'Malley traced. He's out of the way, now, of course.If you had put an honest man to work for me, O'Malley would be behindthe bars himself."

  "Some doubt of that, Mr. Swift," grumbled Blatz.


  "Where's your evidence that this O'Malley was connected with theattempt to blow up your locomotive the first time? Mr. Newton'stestimony would need corroboration."

  "Never mind that," rejoined the young inventor, with a smile. "I'dhave him for highway robbery. I recognized him. He robbed me of awallet. Guess we could put O'Malley away for awhile on that charge. Andby the time he got out again my job for that Western railroad would becompleted."

  "Humph! Nothing personal in your going after the fellow, then?" queriedthe head of the detective agency.

  "No. But I frankly confess that I am afraid of O'Malley. He isundoubtedly in the employ of men who will pay him well if he wrecks myinvention. But there really is no personal grudge between O'Malley andme. At least, I feel no particular enmity against the fellow."

  There was a pause.

  "If you say so we will give you a couple of good men as bodyguards onyour trip West," suggested Blatz, licking his lips hungrily.

  "As good men as Myrick?" retorted Tom, rather scornfully. "No, thankyou. Just make your bill out to the Swift Construction Company to date,and a check will be sent you the first of the month. I will take my ownprecautions hereafter."

  And those precautions Tom considered sufficient. When the Hercules 0001was towed out of the enclosure belonging to the Swift ConstructionCompany early on Monday morning, each door and window of the huge cabwas barred and locked. Inside the cab rode Koku, the giant.

  Koku had his orders to allow nobody to enter the Hercules 0001 untilTom or Ned Newton came to relieve him of his responsibility as guard.The giant had a swinging cot to sleep on and sufficient food--of akind--to last him for a fortnight if necessary.

  He was not armed, for Tom did not often trust him with weapons. Theyoung inventor, however, did not expect that any armed force wouldattack the electric locomotive.

  If Montagne Lewis desired to wreck the new invention which might meanso much to Mr. Bartholomew and the H. & P. A., he surely would notallow his hirelings to attack openly the locomotive while it was enroute.

  On the other hand, Tom did not really believe that Andy O'Malley wouldattempt any reprisal against him personally. Of course, the Westerndesperado might feel himself abused by Tom, especially in the matter ofTom's use of his ammonia pistol.

  But that had happened months ago. O'Malley had undoubtedly been hiredby Mr. Bartholomew's enemies to obtain knowledge of the contract signedbetween the young inventor and the railroad president; and later it wascertain that the spy had tried his best to wreck the electriclocomotive.

  As for any personal assault so many weeks after O'Malley had clashedwith him Tom Swift did not expect it. With Ned in his company on thisjourney to Hendrickton, the young inventor had good reason to considerthat he was perfectly safe.

  Mary Nestor and Mr. Swift came to the station to see the two young menoff on Monday evening. Mary had heard about the second attempt made toblow up the Hercules 0001 and she begged Tom to take every precautionwhile he was in the West.

  "You will be in the enemy's country out there, Tom dear," she warnedhim. "You won't be careless?"

  "I know I shall be mighty busy," he told her, laughing. "I'll let Nedplay watch-dog. And you know, his is a cautious soul, Mary."

  "I've every confidence in Ned's faithfulness," the girl said, stillwith anxious tone. "But those men who are trying to ruin Mr.Bartholomew's road will stop at nothing. I must hear from youfrequently, Tom, or I shall worry myself ill."

  "Don't lose your courage, Mary," rejoined the inventor, more gravely."I do not think they will attack me personally again. Remember thatKoku is on the job, as well as Ned. And Mr. Damon declares he willfollow us West very shortly," and again Tom chuckled.

  "Even Mr. Damon may be a help to you, Tom," declared Mary, warmly. "Atleast, he is completely devoted to you."

  "So is Rad Sampson," said Tom, with a little grimace. "I certainly hadmy hands full convincing him that father needed him here at home. Atthat, Rad is pretty warm over the fact that I sent Koku on with thelocomotive. If anything should chance to happen to my invention,Eradicate Sampson is going to shout 'I told you so!' all over the shop."

  Mary dabbed her eyes a little with her handkerchief, and Tom patted hershoulder.

  "Don't worry, Mary," he said more cheerfully. "There won't a thinghappen to me out there at Hendrickton. I'll keep the wires hot withtelegrams. And I'll write to both you and father, and give you the fullparticulars of how we get along. You'll keep your eye on father, Mary,won't you?"

  "You may be sure of that," said the girl. "I will not leave himentirely to the care of Rad," and she tried hard to smile again. Butit was a difficult matter.

  Such a parting as this is always hard to endure. Tom wrung his father'shand and warned him to be careful of his health. The train came alongand the two young men boarded it with their personal luggage.

  They had a flash of the two faces--that of Mr. Swift's and Mary'sblooming countenance--as the express started again, and then theoutlook from the Pullman coach showed them the fast-receding environsof Shopton.

  "We're on our way, my boy," said Tom to his chum.

  "We certainly are," said Ned, thoughtfully. "I wonder what the outcomeof the trip will be? It may not be all plain sailing."

  "Don't croak," rejoined the young inventor, with a grin.

  "I don't see how you can appear so cheerful. Why! you don't even knowif that electric locomotive is safe. Something may have alreadyhappened to it. The freight train might be wrecked. A dozen thingsmight happen."

  "I am not crossing any bridges before I come to them," declared Tom."Besides, I propose to keep in touch with the Hercules Three-Oughts-Onein a certain way--Hullo! Here it is."

  "Here what is?" demanded Ned.

  The Pullman conductor at that moment came in through the forwardcorridor. He had a telegram in his hand, and intoned loudly as heapproached:

  "Mr. Swift! Mr. Thomas Swift! Telegram for Mr. Swift."

  "That is for me, Conductor," said Tom briskly, offering his card.

  "All right, Mr. Swift. Just got it at Shopton. Operator said you hadboarded my car. This is railroad business, you'll notice. Have you anyreply, sir?"

  Tom ripped open the envelope and unfolded the telegram. He held it sothat Ned could read, too. It was signed: "N. G. Smith, Conductor,Number 48."

  "What's that?" exclaimed Ned, reading the message.

  "'Locomotive and crazy man in it all right at Lingo,'" repeated Tomaloud, and chuckled.

  "No, Conductor, there is no answer."

  "Good!" exclaimed Ned. "You arranged to get reports en route from theconductors handling the Hercules Three-Oughts-One?"

  "Surest thing you know," replied Tom. "And I guess, from the wording ofthis message, that the crew of Forty-eight have already found out thatKoku is not an ordinary guard."

  "He's a great boy," smiled Ned. "Glad he i
s on the job."


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