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Dark War Chronicles Box Set One

Page 60

by A. L. Kessler

  The thought made her sick, if the Father took over... “He has no right to touch Lucius.” Did he?

  “Do you really believe that?”

  “I thought that’s why you bound me to Lucius.” She snarled at him.

  “Part of it, but with the Circle working with the Father they can play politics to their liking. If all of us were awake, it would be a different story, the Father would have no choice but to play by the rules he helped us put into place.”

  “You woke, which means the others must not be far behind.” She tried not to panic. If she was separated from Lucius, she had no one to protect her. Especially since Kaden was gone. Her brother would just bide his time until the other Originals could back him up.

  He shrugged. “I don’t know. I don’t know where most of them are at this point. Do you keep in contact with their Keepers? Letters? Telephone calls?”

  She tried not to laugh at the lack of information on new technology. “I keep in contact with some of the them, through e-mail. Others thought it’d be better to go off the grid.”

  “Have they mentioned any of them stirring?”

  “No.” She pushed her glasses up and rubbed her eyes. A familiar calm feeling washed through her. “Lucius is awake.”

  “Go to him.”

  She glared at her brother and opened her mouth to say something sarcastic, but threw her hands in the air and shook her head.

  Lucius looked up when Tegan walked into the room. The first thing he noticed was the fading bruise on her face. Then he felt the emotional pain trying to consume her.

  “What happened?”

  “Good evening to you too.” She grumbled and crossed her arms. “Kaden and I were attacked by demons. He’s gone. He went with them to save my life. So don’t worry, he did his job.”

  And he knew it hurt her to even think about Kaden disappearing. “He did his job and I’m sorry that he’s gone.”

  “He’s not dead yet, he came to my dream. Something else is going on, something he wouldn’t admit to me.”

  Lucius knew the tone in her voice. It meant she was thinking about something, normally something that would go against his orders. “Whatever you are thinking, the answer is no.”

  “I can’t just leave him there.”

  “You have no way of saving him from the demons and I will not let you put yourself in danger. Not for him. Not for a mate.” Lucius growled. “The territory comes first, the demons could turn you over to the Circle again. Do you want that? Want to be under Markus’ care again?”

  “I wouldn’t be, because he’d hand me right over to the Father.” She growled back. “I can take on a few demons to get Kaden out of there. As long as I’m prepared. I want him back. I want the happiness he gave me. I finally felt complete and worth something with him.” She pressed her lips together as if she said something she shouldn’t have.

  Lucius took a deep breath. “Tegan, I know you want him, but we have to be smart about this situation.” If only she’d believe she was worth the world, but he knew she would not believe those words from him. Not right now, not while her mate was missing. “I will see what connections I have, but you are not going to the demon realm again.” He would ignore the comment about the Father for now. No need to push her anger further.

  “Fine, but please Lucius, I know you don’t like him, but I need him.”

  He knew it’d come to this eventually. “I know.”

  “I need to go back to the apartment and clean it up.” She looked down at the ground. “Many of my butterflies were destroyed during the fight.”

  He touched her cheek. “I will replace them, I promise. We’ll go and clean up after I feed.”

  “Oh, and Victoria is on your feeding schedule for the next month.” She shot out, a bit of venom in her voice.

  Lucius couldn’t help but chuckle. “And what did she do to end up on your list?”

  “She let my brother into my room.” She muttered and Lucius pursed his lips.

  “He’s still getting used to how things are now, give him a chance. We need you two to get along.” He walked past her. “I’ll come find you once I’ve fed.”

  She bristled and sighed. “Okay, I’ll wait for you in the great room. I will work on tolerating Zaaren, but he has got to get accustomed to the way you treat me.”

  That was true, but Lucius knew it wouldn’t happen. Especially if the Father had been raised. “Get going, I’ll find Victoria.”

  She turned and left. Her spunk was back, but if Kaden died, she’d lose it again. He’d seen the effects of grief with Coran and Lucius didn’t want Tegan to go through the pain. She’d already suffered enough through her life. Now that Kaden was in the picture it was going to be impossible for her to go back to how she was before. He cursed his luck and went to find Victoria.

  Markus looked up when Aristides walked in, guards behind him with a demon in chains. “This is your traitor?”

  Aristides nodded. “This is Kaden, the king killer and mate to Lucius’ little bitch.”

  “You’re Tegan’s lover?” So Lucius had allowed them to mate now, interesting. He recognized Kaden from Tegan’s memories, but never had he expected Lucius and Zaaren to allow them to actually become lovers.

  “That’s what the man said, isn’t it?” The demon snapped. “Mad that you never got your chance with her?”

  Markus gave a barking laugh. “Oh, you’re great. I’m going to have fun with you, unless you’re willing to give us information on Lucius and the territory.”

  “Like what? It seems to me that you got what you wanted already. Tegan claims that you have raised the Father.” He shook the demons off him, but they stayed near.

  Markus waved them off. “You’re right, I have what I need to invade his territory. I should just have the general kill you, but no, I want Tegan to know that you suffered the same as she did. Though, unlike that little whore, I’m betting you can die.” Fear slid through the demon’s eyes. “And we’ll be doing it in the human realm so that I know Tegan will be able to sense it.” He turned to Aristides. “Open a portal, we’re going back.”

  Aristides started to protest, but shook his head. With a wave of his hand he summoned the portal and Markus grabbed the captive demon, pulling him through. They came to the place that he and the Father occupied while they were in the States and threw the demon to the ground.

  “Who is this?” The Father snarled.

  Markus gave a wicked grin. “The man who’s going to bring Tegan to us. Willingly. And with Tegan comes the bargaining power over Lucius. You wanted a way to get around Zaaren being here, I bring you Tegan’s mate.”

  “She’s a blood whore, they do not mate.” The Father snarled. “You have touched my property.”

  Markus nodded. “So he claims. Tegan will know he’s here and she’ll come to us. It will allow us take Lucius’ territory through bargaining, it doesn’t matter if Zaaren is being set up as the second if Lucius willingly gives it to us.”

  The demon stayed quiet. The Father paced the room thinking on it. “We do that and continue to hunt the others, we hurt their numbers they cannot rise against me again. Are you sure Tegan will fall for this?”

  “Without a doubt. Let the torture begin and she’ll come right to us if they are truly mated.”

  “And if they aren’t?”

  Markus shrugged. “We just kill him. He’s wanted for treason, no one would blame us. We already have Aristides’s alliance so it won’t cause waves.”

  “Then commence with your plan. I visited Tegan last night. She’s a mess, but there’s a fight to her that I’ve never seen, not even when she was first changed.”

  “Lucius lets her get away with quite a bit and it adds fire to her spirit. I originally thought the torture would bring that down a notch, apparently it just added to it.”

  The demon snickered. “It has nothing to do with you and everything to do with Tegan. She is a strong woman who can overcome everything. She’s too smart to fall into this tr
ap and Lucius and Zaaren are too powerful for it to work.”

  Markus slammed his heavy boot into the creatures back. “Shut your mouth.” Grabbing the chains, he dragged the demon out of the room and into the basement of the house.

  Chapter Eleven

  “Okay, so Lucius was insistent that I come here and keep you company. Why?” Renee asked as she walked into the media room. “Why couldn’t you come over?”

  It was a valid question and Tegan knew the answer, but she shrugged. “I’m pretty sure you’re here to make sure that I don’t run off in attempt to find Kaden.”

  “He thinks I’m going to be able to stop you?” Renee laughed. “He does realize I am human, right?”

  Tegan couldn’t help but smile. Renee’s light hearted voice and conversation always put her at ease. That was one reason Lucius had her come here, that Tegan would have a chance of being distracted. “He’s hoping that you’ll keep my mind off it. That being said, Lucius finally got me a DVR here, and it looks like I’m behind on some reality shows. Care to join me?”

  “Like I’d turn my nose up at reality shows.” Renee plopped down on the couch. “Can I tell you how happy I am that you’ve regained your memories?”

  “Because it means I’m no longer plotting ways to kill Coran?” Tegan teased. “Trust me, I’m happy they are back too.”

  “Dare I ask what happened between you and Coran? How did you come to be able to forgive him?” Renee’s voice was quiet and it wasn’t a conversation that Tegan wanted to have, but the human deserved answers.

  She turned on the TV. “I never really forgave him, but after I recovered I locked myself in mine and Lucius’ room for a while. I didn’t want to see anyone, I was well aware of the mistake I made and how I put everyone in danger and how I was responsible for Trisha’s death. I realized that Coran was grieving and I had taken what we thought was his only chance of happiness. So I moved past it. Lucius agreed to let Coran teach me how to fight and I used that to take out a lot of my anger towards him.” She took a deep breath. “In the end we are family and if we never let go of the past than our family will fall apart.”

  “He never told me what he did to you, just that he had a hand in it. No, that doesn’t mean I want details, but...”

  Tegan patted Renee’s leg. “If you’re worried about him going down that road again, he won’t. Not as long as you’re alive. It was bad and had I been a normal human, I’d have died from it. Unfortunately for me, he knew that.”

  “Thank you for being honest with me.” Renee turned towards the screen. “Speaking of family, Coran told me your brother has risen?”

  Tegan let out a low growl. “I’m going to smack Coran. Yes, he’s risen, no he’s no less of a pain in my ass.” A strange wave went through her and she paused. Emotions and a feeling that only happened with Kaden close by. He was back in the realm. Fuck. She needed to find him and now.

  “Tegan?” Renee asked.

  Tegan put a hand to her chest as it tightened. Kaden was in trouble. “I’m okay, I’m...” She was going to get Renee in trouble, but “I’m just going to go out and get some air.”

  “You aren’t supposed to leave this room.” Renee stood. “Alone at least, let’s go take a walk. I don’t know what’s going on, but you don’t look well.”

  How could she explain it? Tegan stood and stretched. “Remember how you felt when you sent Coran away at the hospital?”

  “Yeah, it was awful and I don’t really want to feel that way—’re missing Kaden that way.” Renee wrapped a friendly arm around her. “I’m sorry.”

  So was she, because she was going to have to do something to get out of Renee’s watchful eye. Knocking her out wasn’t an option because Coran would be pissed, not to mention that it would leave an unconscious Renee outside. In the winter. At least it was daytime. “Me too. I’ve only had him for a short time and now he’s gone. I understand now why Lucius had been so protective of me when I got close to other men. I know what the longing feeling was that came if I slept with someone else. Lucius was trying to protect me and now that Kaden’s gone and stupid thoughts are going through my head, I truly understand why Lucius is against mating.”

  “What stupid thoughts?” Renee asked and put a hand on Tegan’s shoulder as they headed towards the exit. “We’re not going out there if you’re planning on running. You have to trust Lucius to handle this and you need to stay safe.”

  Tegan pressed her lips together. She could run, but Renee might be able to catch her now. The woman’s reactions seemed to be quicker than Tegan remembered. Just little things, catching things as they fell in a blink of an eye, recovering quickly if she stumbled. Coran must have been working with her. They were still inside, knocking her out could be an option now, and Tegan would have to deal with Coran’s wrath. Or she could take Renee with her...

  “And what are you two up to?” Victoria asked, rounding the corner of the great room. “I’m pretty sure you aren’t supposed to be out of the media room.”

  A tick in Tegan’s eye started. “I’m not allowed out of the mansion, there’s a difference.”

  Renee started backing up. “Holy shit, you’re old are you?”

  “She’s a what?” Tegan turned back to Victoria, wondering what Renee saw behind the immortal shifter. She’d yet to see Victoria’s animal form, but the shifter was strong enough to keep the beast hidden and under control.

  “Don’t say it Renee, that is my secret.” The woman snarled. “How can you even see it?”

  “Clearly Lucius forgot to fill you in on that.” Renee laughed. “I can see what your animal is. I can see Kaden’s demon form, Orion’s wings, the aura of mates.” She emphasized the last one.

  Victoria rushed Renee and slammed her against the wall, pinned by the throat. “You will not share that information with anyone and if you do I will slaughter you. Coran or not, Lucius or not.”

  “Let her go, Victoria.” Tegan growled and ignored the terrified look on Renee’s face.

  Victoria turned her eyes to Tegan. “You trust her with your secret?”

  “If it was up to me I would trust her with it and my life. Now let her go.” Tegan snapped.

  The woman removed her hand and let Renee down. “You’re lucky Lucius spoils you and I’m supposed to listen to you.” She glared at Tegan.

  Tegan raised a brow. “News to me. Now if you’ll excuse us, we were headed to take a walk.”

  “I don’t think so. You have orders to not the leave the mansion, nice try.” Victoria stepped in front of Tegan.

  Renee put a hand on Tegan’s arm. “I think it’s best that we head back to the media room.”

  She didn’t want to head back, she wanted out and into town to see if she could find Kaden. “Tegan.” Renee said again and she turned away from Victoria.

  “Okay fine.” Tegan sighed and headed back to the media room. House arrest, that’s what this was. She needed to find a way out or a way to contact Kaden. Sleep. She needed to sleep and she’d be able to do that in the media room. Her and Renee could both pass out in front of the television.

  Markus stepped out of the room he kept the demon in, only to come face to face with a female demon. “You’re Aristides’ mate. What do you want?”

  “My name is Cael and in case you’re not up on demon culture, our women are just as dangerous and respected as our men. I’m here to negotiate with you.” She swayed towards him, all her curves encased in a silk dress that clung to her, leaving very few details to the imagination.

  Markus let his gaze wander over her body. “And what do we have to negotiate, my deal is with your mate, not with you.”

  “Ah, but what you don’t know is that our people are divided. Half with me and half with him, it’s the danger of us not having a king.” She gave a wicked grin. “While he’s been hunting my brother I have been rallying the troops that are loyal to me. I could easily take him out, but I know that working with you and the Father is much more to my advantage.”r />
  Markus sensed no lies in her. She had perfect control over her breathing, her heartbeat, and her emotions. She was smart and cunning going behind Aristides’ back like this. “What did you have in mind?”

  “A trade and me taking over the demons without Circle interference when the general is killed.”

  “I’m listening.”

  Kaden pulled at his bonds and snarled. Aristides had helped Markus force out his demon, so now Kaden was pinned to the wall in full demon form. His wings pinned with blessed stakes and chains held his taloned feet and clawed hands to the wall. Sleep, he needed to sleep, but the pain kept him awake. Part of the torture, but he’d never be able to warn Tegan if he couldn’t sleep.

  A demon portal opened in front of him and he snarled until his sister stepped out. “What do you want?” His voice was strained and low in his demon form, coming out of his twisted face.

  “Aristides granted me safety to see you. I wish I could free you from this, but it would start a civil war in the demon world that we’re not ready for. Half the people would support me while the other half Aristides.”

  “It’s unavoidable.” Kaden growled. “They are going to try and use me as a bargaining chip. I am bait for Tegan.” An idea went off in his mind. If he couldn’t get to Tegan, maybe his sister could. “I need you to warn her for me.”

  She shook her head. “No one can get into Lucius’ territory now, not without one of his people knowing. They are ever watchful.”

  “Her dreams. Please try those. She can’t come after me, tell her whatever she does she has to stay safe. The territory is in danger if she does not.” He begged.

  Cael pursed her lips and her eyes ran over his body taking in what torture he’d received already. “You love her.”

  “I do, she means the world to me Cael. We just got each other and I do not want to risk her falling into the Father’s hands.”

  “I’ll do what I can.” She promised. “And hope that Lucius truly does care for his people so that he comes for you.”

  Yeah, he wasn’t holding his breath on the vampire, but he’d let his sister have her wishes and hopes. He had no such illusions, the Father and Markus would kill him when he out lived his usefulness. Which would be when Tegan showed up or their plan failed. He reminded himself that she was too smart to fall for this trick. Lucius had taught her well to not fall into traps set for mates.


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