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Dark War Chronicles Box Set One

Page 62

by A. L. Kessler

  She was gone. With the demons again. Lucius knew he couldn’t take Zaaren down, but every muscle in his body screamed too. “You let her just walk into enemy territory?”

  “She’s with Kaden’s sister, they will rescue him and then return. If they fail, then I will go fetch my sister.”

  Lucius snarled. “You should have told me.”

  “You would not have let me do it. You have grown soft over the years and she is your weak point.” Zaaren shook his head. “Go back to your papers and your plans. I’ll let you know when I go to find her.”

  Lucius shook as his anger started to rise. “If she comes back injured I will blame you.”

  “No, you should blame yourself for being such a poor master.” Zaaren turned and started down the hall.

  The words rang true, had Lucius followed the original plan to keep Tegan hidden and weak, this never would have happened. He’d have to rectify this when she returned, but he would do it his way. In a way to show her that it was meant to protect her. Zaaren was testing him to see if he was strong enough to handle his people, his territory.

  Tegan stepped through the portal and instantly drew her sword. It took a moment for the dizziness to wear off. The moment she saw Kaden she knew he’d been tortured. She’d never seen his demon form before. Large leathery wings were pinned to the walls by spikes, his feet were talon-like and his hands claws, each pinned to the wall. His face had formed into an enlarged muzzle, he was still humanoid and his muscles more defined than when she’d seen him naked before. Blood poured from his many wounds and Tegan rushed to him.

  “Kaden?” She put her hand against his cheek, to her relief he opened his eyes.

  “Tegan, what are you doing here. It’s a trap. Go.”

  Cael stepped forward. “It’s okay brother, we came to free you. Take you back to Lucius’ territory.”

  Tegan tried to keep her tears from her eyes as she pulled at the spikes pinning Kaden. He cried out as each one was removed then fell to his knees. Tegan knelt in from of him and her heart fell. “Kaden?”

  “I’m okay. I’ll heal. We need to leave now.” He stood and she tried to support him the best she could, but he was too tall. Cael came to help as the door flew open.

  “I thought I sensed you back, dear.”

  Tegan’s eyes widened at the general. Towering over everyone, dressed in simple black pants. Scars covered his chest and a wicked curve crossed his face. Without thinking Tegan drew her sword and attacked.

  “Tegan don’t!” Kaden’s voice came from behind her, but she ignored him. Her only focus was to kill the creature in front of her. How dare he torture her mate? The general summoned a sword and the clanging metal echoed through the room. Tegan smirked. It’d been a while since she had a good sword fight, it had gotten to the point that she could take down Coran every time.

  Her and Aristides pushed off each other’s swords and he growled at her. “You can’t save him.”

  Tegan laughed. “I’m not as defenseless as everyone seems to think I am.” She rushed him again, jumping back as he swiped at her stomach and Cael jumped in, her own sword clashing with Aristides’.

  “I had it handled.” Tegan growled.

  “You can’t kill him alone.” Cael snapped back and Tegan widened her stance.

  Tegan bet she could. The anger would keep her moving. Cael wouldn’t be able to deal the final blow, if it was true that Aristides was her mate. Aristides exchanged blows with Cael and her sword before throwing her away. Tegan jumped back in and parried his attack and kicked his feet out from under him. He went down with a thump but didn’t stay down long enough for her to do anything. He stood and laughed as his body started to change.

  She backed up as large wings sprouted from his back and Aristides’s skin turned into something green and leathery. His feet turned to talons and his hands into claws, he turned red eyes to her and panic hit her. No turning back now though. She tightened her grip on her hilt as the creature approached her. With a series of moves and forms she sliced up his chest, but he still moved towards her.

  Cael came up from behind him, her sword going through his chest, but it only made him stagger.

  “Tegan, here!” Kaden’s voice caught her attention and she turned in time for him to throw her a second sword. Cael pulled back, her eyes wide, and Tegan knew she felt the pain of wounding her mate. Tegan took a deep breath and focused on the demon in front of her. In his new form he not only towered over her, it would be impossible for her to take his head without jumping...she needed to take out his knees.

  Coran taught her that just because she was small didn’t mean that she couldn’t take out those bigger than her, she just needed to be smart about it. Aristides brought a clawed hand down and she dodged, diving closer to him, and staying in a crouch. With both swords she slashed his legs and he came down. Blood sprayed and he snarled. Swinging his arms he caught her across the cheek and she slammed into a wall.

  She touched her head and came back with blood. He took a step towards her and toppled down to his knees. She shook off her pain and grinned. She bounded to him and crossed the swords over his neck, with a cry she uncrossed them and his head toppled to the ground.

  The head rolled away from her and Cael. Kaden struggled to his feet and hugged her, wiping the blood off her face. “Home now.”

  Tegan nodded against him then stepped back. “Summon a portal and get us there. You need tending to.”

  He laughed and kissed the cut on her head. “So do you, before Lucius realizes what has happened.”

  She was sure her master already knew. Kaden raised his hand and cursed when nothing happened.

  “You’re too weak to summon one right now. Let me.” Cael raised her hand and one opened. “Tegan, you first. I’ll have to help Kaden through.”

  Tegan sighed and stepped up to it. Something didn’t feel right. Panic tugged at her. She turned around to say something and Cael shoved her in and the portal closed around her.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Kaden reached out to try and grab Tegan before the portal closed around her, but he caught nothing but air. He spun towards Cael, anger taking over his pain. “Where did you send her?”

  “I did what I had to in order to free you.” Cael snapped. “Now you are coming home with me. I need your help with the troops and the people.” The steel of her voice told him there was no arguing.

  Tegan was gone, gods only knew where. She was still on this plane, but he couldn’t pinpoint where. Not in Lucius’ territory. Nowhere near him. “Where is she?” He looked into his sister’s cold eyes. She’d just helped kill her mate and yet she held perfect control over her emotions.

  “Safe. You’ll see her again, but right now I need your help.”

  He took a deep breath, trying to calm the anger and panic. He owed his sister for saving his life and because she saved him, he needed to trust her. He met her gaze. “Promise me that I will see her again and I will help you.”

  “On my soul.” Cael opened a portal. “Now come, I’m going to have a mob on my hands soon and you need rest to heal.”

  Reluctantly he stepped through the portal, wondering where his mate was now.

  The minute she was clear of the portal, Tegan drew her sword and lashed out at the first person who came at her. It wasn’t until after the blood coated the sword did she realize that it was Markus.

  He snarled at her and went to grab her throat. She dodged and plunged the sword into his stomach. As she pulled it out Markus backhanded her, sending her flying to the stone floor. Her sword clattered to the ground out of reach and she cursed. Using a recovering move that Coran had taught her she rolled and jumped up before Markus could slam his foot into her. She dove for the sword and wrapped her hand around the hilt. Crouching, she watched as Markus circled her.

  “You’ve already attacked me, you’re only making this worse.”

  This could go away if she could kill him. All the pain and memories flashed in her mind and she tighten
ed her grip. Markus would deserve his death and if she managed to kill him than she could claim self-defense and no one would be around to say otherwise.

  “Might as well go all the way.” She rushed him, he would outclass her in speed and strength, but she had her sword. She poised herself for a blow to his heart, but he moved and she settled for a slice down his chest. He shoved her away and trapped her against a wall, his hand around her throat.

  She struggled against him, her sword fell as she clawed at his wrist trying to force him to let go. She still needed air to function and he was the last person she wanted to be unconscious around. Growling, she kneed him in the stomach and he threw her across the room. She landed in a heap and took a deep breath, coughing. Struggling, she stood. This was a losing fight without her sword, but she couldn’t just give up to him.

  “Stand down, Tegan.” He laughed and stalked towards her.

  “No.” She could call out for Lucius, but she had no idea where she was, he might not be able to come to her.

  Markus rushed her, she hunkered down and took her defensive stance. It only took a few blows for Markus to knock her to the ground. Her body couldn’t take much more after the fight with the general.

  Markus shoved her to the ground and Tegan tried to fight against him. Her body sore and aching. She cursed her brother for setting this up, it was the only explanation. He was trying to teach her a lesson, just like she’d thought. Kaden was free, but now she was back under Markus’ hand.

  “Do you know where you are, Tegan?”

  She swallowed. “No.” She tried to keep the fear out of her voice and he put a boot on her back.

  “You’re in my territory. You just attacked me.” He stomped his foot on her back.

  She cried out in pain and tried to roll away from him, but failed. Panic crawled through her as she realized her mistake. This was more than a setup, Zaaren couldn’t have known this outcome. She turned to look at Markus and took satisfaction in the fact that he still bled from her attacks. She smirked and opened her mouth to speak when the door flung open.

  The Father walked in and her voice died in her throat. His power filled the room and she instantly became relaxed despite her trying to fight against his power. He had a way of doing that. Before she always fought it, but her mind now accepted it. Years of being under it had taught her to just succumb to it.

  “Tegan,” Her name rolled of his tongue and she shivered. “You know better than to attack Markus.”

  Her words bubbled out of her mouth before she could stop them. “Yes, sir.” She hated herself at that moment. ‘Lucius, Master...I made a mistake.’ She needed him to know where she was, needed him to save her.

  ‘Zaaren will come get you.’ His voice was cold and harsh in her mind and she knew that she truly fucked up.

  ‘Master...please he’s here. The Father is—‘ Their connection ended and Tegan’s heart dropped.

  “You remember how this works, Tegan? Correct?” The Father grabbed her hair and Markus removed his foot from her back. “Good, because I know it won’t be long until Lucius gets here.”

  “And you can’t keep me.” She whispered and a small smile crossed her lips, she risked looking up at him. “He owns me.”

  The Father grabbed her jaw. “You think that will save you?”

  “You have to follow at least some of the rules you set up with the Originals and the Circle. It’s why you were put in that grave. Even the Circle was wary of you.” She grounded out against the pain of him squeezing her jaw.

  His grip loosened and she knew she almost had him.

  “The Originals are waking and you know that the Circle fears them. There’s no stopping them when they are all together. Don’t you think it’s best that you play your cards right?”

  He let go of her. “You have learned a lot about the past. You were just a sniveling whore when I was locked away.”

  With his power flowing through her, she couldn’t muster up enough care for the word to bother her. “It’s my job as Lucius’ human to know the past.”

  “Ah, but that is where you are mistaken, you are not human Tegan.” He laughed and kicked her in the stomach, causing her to fall into Markus. “But, your words are true. We are still within our rights to punish you as we see fit since you attacked Markus in his own territory.”

  She bowed her head. It was still getting off easy and she knew that. “Of course, sir.”

  His sister did have a mob on her hands, luckily the demons were easy to settle or kill if they resisted. Kaden wiped the blood from his blade and his mind went straight to Tegan. Something didn’t feel right. He hadn’t been able to check on her during the battle. Hell, he hadn’t gotten any sleep. Two days had passed and his sister had said nothing about him going back.

  Cael walked in to his room, her body swaying to music only she heard. Her mind seemed to be far away since the death of Aristides. Losing a mate would do that to a demon.

  Kaden cleared his throat and stood. “I need to go check on Tegan.”

  “You won’t like what you find out.” Cael said and cupped his cheek.

  “What do you mean?” He narrowed his eyes and his heart sped up. What had happened to his mate?

  She moved away from him. “Promise that you’ll return back here. After you’ve seen her and secured her safety.”

  “If she’s hurt–“

  “Swear to me!” Cael screamed and met his eyes. He saw the red taking over hers. “I cannot be alone until this grief either goes away or kills me. I need you, brother. I killed him for you.”

  Though Tegan had given the final blow. He sighed and put his sword down before pulling his sister into a hug. He may have not been around, but she was always his little sister. “I just need enough time to see her and figure out what is going on.” Though he was sure his sister would be able to give him the answer to that, he knew there was no point in asking.

  “Swear to me.” She said again.

  He took a deep breath. “I swear to you I will come back, Cael. As soon as I make sure my mate is safe.”

  She pulled back and smiled at him. “Thank you, brother.”

  He’d left Tegan to gods only knew what and now it was eating at him. He saw how well Lucius protected her, it was only if politics allowed him to save her, he would. Just like when she was being tortured by the demons. The stupid war was going to take his Tegan away from him if he didn’t do something about it.

  He summoned a demon portal and looked at the black swirling vortex. Worry settled into the pit of his stomach and he stepped through. When he stepped out he found himself in Lucius’ great room and it was empty. He sensed Tegan, but she wasn’t on the property, no she wasn’t even in the country. Kaden shook his head as the worry turned to panic. No, surely he had to be mistaken.

  He rushed down the hall and passed all the rooms, paying no attention to anyone he might have passed. All that mattered was Tegan. The halls were oddly quiet when he approached her door. Shut. Tegan didn’t keep her door shut all the way, she hated to be closed in.

  He opened it and stepped in. “Tegan?”

  Nothing. Her room hadn’t been touched in a few days. No new opened books, no clothing in the basket, nothing. Not even a soda can. Her laptop was on the bed, but that didn’t mean anything. “Fuck.”

  “What are you doing here, Kaden?” Zaaren stepped into the room. “Tegan is not here, therefore you have no reason to be on Lucius’ property.”

  He spun and faced the vampire. “Where is she? I can sense her, she’s...” He couldn’t explain it. There was pain, but she was at peace.

  “She’s learning her lesson for going against Lucius’ orders and is being punished by the Father and Markus.”

  Kaden grabbed Zaaren by the throat and threw him out of the room. “Lucius would never punish her like that.”

  “You only have yourself to blame.” Zaaren stood and brushed himself off. “She went after you. You are the reason this has all happened. Now she’s probably under
his body, being used by him, or sleeping at the foot of his bed.” He shook his head. “A harsh reminder of what she actually is.”

  Kaden snarled. “And you and Lucius are doing nothing?”

  “They are within their rights to punish her. She attacked them on Markus’ territory.”

  “How did she—“ The answer came to him. “My sister set it up.”

  Zaaren nodded. “Crafty bitch that one. She knew she couldn’t kill the general herself, so she used Tegan to do it and then sent her to Markus.”

  “You knew.” Kaden threw his hands up in the air. “What the fuck is wrong with people around here. I thought you were supposed to protect her.”

  Zaaren nodded. “We are, but we can’t do that if she goes against the rules and puts herself in danger.”

  “Speaking of,” Lucius came down the hallway. “Her punishment is over, it’s time to collect her.”

  Collect her, as if she was an item. Kaden clenched his fists. “I want to go with you.”

  Zaaren started to speak, but Lucius put a hand on his shoulder to stop him.

  “I think that is a good idea. Markus is not too keen on me entering the territory and we have no promise that the Father will not attack me for taking Tegan from him originally. She’ll need someone she is familiar with there. Zaaren may not be enough.”

  Kaden relaxed a little, so Lucius hadn’t turned completely back into an asshole.

  “That and Kaden has allied himself again with the demons, so he will not be seen as a threat from our territory. They will know that when this is done, he’ll be returning back to the demon world. They will see him as their ally now.” Zaaren added.

  Someone had been planning this all, but the question was who and how was he going to be able to break the news to Tegan. His sister had gone back on her plan to break away from the Circle, at least for now. He hadn’t thought about that when he swore he’d come back, all he was thinking about was Tegan.

  “So Kaden will get his chance to say goodbye as well.” Lucius nodded. “Good. I’ll prepare for her return.” He walked past Kaden and into Tegan’s room.

  Kaden growled and followed him. “She is my mate.”


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