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Memory: Volume 1, Lasting Impressions, A Tale of Pride and Prejudice (Memory: A Tale of Pride and Prejudice)

Page 19

by Wells, Linda

  Darcy stood and grabbed the settlement from Fitzwilliam, threw it into the grate of the fireplace, and quickly set them ablaze. “What are you talking about, Richard? I never said that I wanted to marry anyone!”

  They laughed, and Darcy walked over and shook Fitzwilliam’s hand. “Thank you. I almost made a terrible mistake. I think that I heard too many times the drumbeat of “duty and honour” pounded into my head, and forgot that there is more to it than just marrying a rich woman, and failed to understand and remember the most important lesson my father ever tried to teach me.” He looked gratefully at his cousin.

  “I am looking forward to meeting this lady who captured you so quickly!” He grinned. “Now, you have an assignment. It is not too late to pay a call; shall I ask for your carriage to be prepared while you run upstairs and change into some courting attire?”

  Feeling better than he had in years, Darcy smiled widely. “I believe my green coat will look very well on me.” He took off up the stairs and Fitzwilliam rang for a footman to give the orders for the coach. He walked over to pick up a crystal decanter and poured a healthy glass of port, and raising it to his lips, paused and toasted George and Anne Darcy.

  “To new memories.”

  DARCY PEERED OUT at the neighbourhood as his coachman paused and called to a passing tradesman. “Do you know the Gardiner House?” He did not hear the reply but the coachman obviously did as they began moving again, not too far, when they came to a stop before a modest townhouse. A maid was on her knees outside, scrubbing the front steps clean. He drew a breath, straightened his cravat, and stepped out when the door opened.

  “I am not sure how long I will be John, but I suspect it will be brief.”

  “Yes sir, I’ll just wait here, then.” He closed the door and jumped back up on the coach, and he and the footman watched surreptitiously as their master handed his card to the maid who bobbed a curtsey and ushered him inside the door. “What brings Mr. Darcy to this part of town?” He asked his partner.

  “I dunno, but he looks nervous.”

  “How can you tell? I never know what he’s thinking.”

  “Didn’t you see the way he was chewing his lip?” Robbie chuckled. “Something special is afoot, I’d wager.”

  Darcy waited in the hallway and took in the decoration. Like the outside, the house appeared modest but well-kept. There was nothing at all wanting, clearly Mr. Gardiner was successful in his business. The maid returned, followed by an older woman who was obviously the housekeeper. “Mr. Gardiner will be pleased to speak to you, sir. Please follow me.” He walked through the home, looking, listening, pleased to smell the scents of a meal cooking and wax from the floors and furniture. A well-run home indeed, it spoke volumes of Mrs. Gardiner. “Mr. Darcy, sir.” The housekeeper moved from the doorway to a study and Darcy stepped in, hearing the door close behind him. He was greeted by a man of about forty years, his face was good humoured, but his eyes were shrewd and curious. Darcy liked the combination and did not feel at all offended by the close inspection he was receiving.

  “Mr. Darcy, I am pleased to welcome you to my home, I am Edward Gardiner.”

  “Sir, it is a pleasure, please forgive my late call.” He took the indicated chair and watched the man settle behind his desk.

  “I must admit that the note on the back of your card intrigued me, as well as your identity.” He smiled to see Darcy’s brows rise. “My wife lived in Lambton for a time. The praises of Pemberley have been sung here many times, and she did happen to mention meeting you this afternoon.”

  “Ah, well then, the element of surprise has been thoroughly eliminated from my visit.”

  “I assure you, sir, welcoming a gentleman of your eminence into my home is quite surprising, even without the notation on your card.” He picked it up and read aloud. “I wish to speak with you on a matter of some importance regarding Miss Elizabeth Bennet.” Setting it down, he rested his hands on the desk and looked Darcy in the eye. “You can understand my curiosity.”

  “Yes, I can.” He smiled slightly and plunged in. “Perhaps I may begin by saying that I first saw Miss Bennet in Hyde Park two years ago. She made a very strong impression on me, an unforgettable one, although at the time I realized she was too young to approach, and circumstances in my life prevented me from pursuing a friendship with her.” Mr. Gardiner nodded and waved him on. “I did not speak to her, but as I said, I was gifted with a display of her …” He struggled for words.

  “Unique personality?”

  “Indeed.” Darcy flashed a warm smile for a moment. “I thought of her often, but as my father had just died and I had my sister to care for, I am afraid that I felt that the memory of my encounter would remain just that until this afternoon when we met again. I …have had the pleasure of spotting her from afar on several occasions through the years, at the Royal Art Exhibition, at the Derby last summer.”

  He saw Mr. Gardiner nod, and arriving at the events of that day felt the importance of impressing him. Darcy began confidently but by the end his anxiety showed as he rushed through the story. “I realized that she was just as strongly affected by our reunion as I. I …well, she gave me advice for my sister and we …enjoyed our conversation, and she said that she would welcome my call, but she left before I could confirm her address. My friend Charles Bingley has called here, but he was not available to consult immediately, and I …came here now to make sure that another two years does not pass before I speak to her again.”

  Mr. Gardiner listened in fascination. He could well-imagine how Lizzy might impress such a powerful man, but he had to ask the important questions. “What is your interest in my niece, Mr. Darcy? I am very aware of your place. Are you aware of my niece’s?”

  “She is the daughter of a gentleman with a small estate in Hertfordshire named Longbourn.”

  “Yes. She has very little to offer besides herself.”

  “If my intuition is correct sir; that would be a treasure indeed.” Darcy said and met his eye sincerely. “You ask my intentions? I have hopes for many things, but my first is to be given an opportunity to meet her properly and ascertain if she truly desires my attentions.”

  “Mr. Darcy, I doubt that there are four hundred families in England that possess your wealth, why would you …”

  “I have found them wanting.” He said simply. “I assure you sir; I am not a man in search of a mistress if that is your fear. My intentions are honourable. If she is willing, I wish to begin courting her. Will you grant my request, sir?”

  “I would be a fool not to, and I believe that my sister would never speak to me again if I did not.” He chuckled and stood. Darcy sighed with relief and rose. “By the way, Lizzy is no fool, and will not hesitate to put you in your place, but she also has the kindest heart I have ever known beyond my dear wife. Show her the respect she deserves.”

  Darcy smiled at the description. “I will sir. I grew up watching an excellent marriage, and hope for the same someday.”

  “Very good. I am sorry to say that we are going to attend a dinner this evening and the ladies are upstairs preparing. I will ask Lizzy to come down to greet you, if you do not mind waiting for a few minutes?”

  “No sir, in fact I would be willing to leave and return at a more convenient time.”

  “Now Mr. Darcy, you know that is not true.” Mr. Gardiner laughed. “Make yourself comfortable.”

  He left the room and Darcy blew out the breath he had been holding. The interview had gone very well, and he realized that it was due in no small part to the skill of his host. “Perhaps I need to rethink my opinions of all men in trade, not just Bingley.” He mused and wandered the room, scanning the bookshelves and appreciating the collection that was there.

  “Oh.” Elizabeth had flown down the stairs and came to a sudden stop in the doorway. Darcy turned at the sound and they stood frozen for a moment, then he advanced to stand before her. “Mr. Darcy.”

  “Miss Elizabeth.” He bowed and took her hand, and li
fted it to brush his lips softly over her warm skin. Darcy closed his eyes and breathed in the scent of the perfume that clung to her fingers. Slowly he straightened and looked down into her face, and delighted in the dreamlike expression. “I returned home and realized that I had forgotten to ask you a question.”

  “A question?”

  “Yes, an important one.” His eyes twinkled and his mouth lifted in a small smile.

  Elizabeth relaxed and smiled in return. “Then do not delay a moment longer, sir.”

  He removed the volume of sonnets from his pocket and held it out to her. “I did not learn your favourite. Bingley purchased this for me, but I am afraid that I have always thought of it as a gift from you, and … I confess that I am never without it.”

  She blushed with pleasure and her eyes shone. “That is quite a confession to make to a girl you have just met.”

  “You are not a girl, Miss Elizabeth, and you are hardly a new acquaintance. Will you please tell me which you love?”

  “That is a private matter, sir.” She teased.

  Darcy shook his head and squeezed the hand he still held in his grasp. “What must I do to convince you to reveal your opinion?”

  “Tell me yours.” He smiled and slowly shook his head. Elizabeth laughed at his refusal and tried to withdraw her hand from his. “Sir, you must let go, I hear my uncle’s descent.”

  “Only if you promise to walk with me tomorrow.”


  “Anywhere you like.”


  “You know my answer, Miss Elizabeth.” He raised her hand to his lips again and she closed her eyes as he closed his and murmured. “Please.”


  “I will come at one o’clock.”

  “I will be waiting.”

  “Thank you.” Darcy’s eyes opened to find Elizabeth looking at her hand enveloped in his. “They look well together, do they not?”

  “I always thought they would.” Their eyes met and looking down to her parted lips leaned forward, then checking himself, stepped back and let go of her hand.

  “I told your uncle that my intentions are honourable, Miss Elizabeth. I want you to be confident that I am serious.”

  Elizabeth drew up to her full height and he smiled, appreciating that she only came to his chin, but her expression was fierce. “I would accept nothing less, Mr. Darcy.”

  Mr. Gardiner arrived and was satisfied with what he saw, he had only left them for five minutes but the necessary words had clearly been exchanged. “I am sorry sir, but we will be departing very soon.”

  Darcy slipped the book back in his pocket and nodded. “I understand. I hope that you enjoy your evening.”

  “Let me see you to the door, Mr. Darcy.” Elizabeth offered. She wrapped her hands around his forearm and they walked from the room to stand before the front door.

  He looked down into her gently dancing eyes. “Do not let any of the gentlemen steal you away from me tonight.”

  Elizabeth laughed and he raised his brows. “Sir, I assure you, I am the most unappealing woman in London. Nobody ever looks at me.”

  “Well they are fools, but I will not attempt to correct them.” He squeezed her hand and stepped away. “I will see you tomorrow. Good night.”

  She watched him walk out to his carriage and board. He waved to her as they departed and she waved back and leaned on the doorframe. “Good night, Fitzwilliam.”

  Mr. Gardiner waited and watched her then looked up to the top of the stairs where Mrs. Gardiner stood with Jane. He stepped forward and touched Elizabeth’s shoulder and when she turned, he saw that her face was covered in tears. “Lizzy!”

  She fell into his arms and sobbed. Mrs. Gardiner came down and took over, leading her into the drawing room and holding her, rocking her back and forth. “These are tears of happiness, dear?” Elizabeth nodded. “You never thought that this would ever happen?”

  “How could I, Aunt? Even before Mr. Stewart rejected me, I knew how unworthy I was for any gentleman, and that all of my dreams for Mr. Darcy were just that.” She sniffed and looked up. “He said that he was serious. He told Uncle that he wants to court me, and is coming tomorrow to walk with me.”

  Mrs. Gardiner kissed her forehead and whispered in her ear. “I was going to talk to you about all of the liberties you took today, speaking to him alone, holding his arm in the park, even being a little too forward in your talk, but I can see that Mr. Darcy clearly appreciated everything that you did, and has been hoping to meet you again, too.” She smiled and looked into her eyes. “He obviously needs a girl like you to bring some liveliness into his days.”

  “I am so afraid of disappointing him.” She whispered and dabbed at her face with her handkerchief.

  “I guarantee he feels the same way about you.” Mrs. Gardiner laughed. “Now, let us go to this dinner, and then we will discuss this walk the two of you are taking tomorrow.”

  5 MAY 1809

  My hands are shaking. This is a page that I know I will reread forever, and my hands are shaking so hard that I can barely put my thoughts down. Today I finally touched my Elizabeth. When my lips met her skin, it was all I could do not to allow them to continue up her wrist and ultimately to her beautiful smiling mouth. I will marry this woman. I realize that we need time to know each other, and I know that we both have so much to learn, but I also know that she is the only woman I have ever wanted. As much as I despised the Season, and fought against the charms of all of those women who I met, I must thank Richard for forcing me to go through the exercise. I can say for certain that I know there is not one woman who matched my Elizabeth. I am nervous and worried about somehow making a mistake that would drive her away, but I am also aware that she is as well. That knowledge alone gives me confidence. Father gave me his blessing to marry as I wish. That is what I intend to do. I cannot wait until tomorrow!

  Darcy closed his eyes and relived the kisses to her hand and remembered the sweet subtle scent of her perfume. “What a day this has been.”

  “Brother?” Georgiana peeked nervously into his study. He looked up and smiled.

  “Come in.” She slipped inside and took the chair before his desk. “What can I do for you?”

  “I wanted to apologize again for this morning, and I wanted you to know that I trust your decisions for me, and if you feel that I should go to school, I will without protest.” She sat back and watched him anxiously.

  Darcy tilted his head and studied her. “I accept your apology and thank you for your trust. What brought this about?”

  “Richard spoke to me about my behaviour.”

  “And was it helpful?”

  “He helped me to understand your responsibilities. I am so sorry, I was just thinking of myself.”

  “That is a hazard of your age, I think.” Darcy smiled and she relaxed with his ease. “Did he speak to you of staying at Matlock House for the rest of the Season?” She nodded. “And what is your opinion?”

  “I would like to go. Aunt Helen can do things with me that you cannot.”

  “That is very true.” Darcy smiled again. “I think that it will do us both a bit of good to have the separation. But please know that I think it will be a good experience, and not that I wish you away because I am angry.”

  “I know that, I do.” She tilted her head. “What will you do with yourself without me here?”

  Darcy laughed and held up his hand. “I apologize, that was rude.”

  “You are happy!”

  “I am very happy.”

  Georgiana gasped. “Miss Elizabeth, does she have something to do with your smiles?”

  “Do you like her?”

  “Yes, very much. I thought that she would be a wonderful friend.”

  “Well then, you should know that I have asked her uncle for permission to court her, and tomorrow we will begin.” He smiled and leaned back. “What do you think of that?”

  “Really?” He nodded and the smile remained on his face.
“Will Aunt and Uncle approve of her?”

  “Probably not, and Aunt Catherine will hate her. She is not of our circle Georgiana, but she is a gentlewoman and I have no doubt in my mind that she will win them over. And I will do everything I can to help her.

  “Well if she makes you smile then I will do everything I can to help, too!” She jumped up and came around the desk to hug him. “I am so happy for you!”

  Darcy blinked hard and hugged her tight. “Thank you, dear.”

  ELIZABETH CLOSED HER JOURNAL and laughed softly. “What a day this has been! I at last meet my Fitzwilliam and am so happy that I say nothing at dinner, and I am suddenly surrounded by interested men!” She looked up into the mirror on the dressing table at her exultant face. “Well, now I know what was wrong with me, it was not what I said in my conversation; it was that I spoke at all! Oh how wonderful that Fitzwilliam likes me for myself!” She stood up and spun around the room, landing with a thud on the bed and immediately hugging her pillow. “What can I say to him tomorrow? I must hear his laugh again!”

  There was a knock at the door and Jane spoke. “Lizzy, may I come in?”

  She sat up and moved aside, patting the bed. “Of course!”

  “You are just brimming with joy.” Jane smiled.

  “Oh Jane, it is as if an albatross of failure has been lifted from my shoulders. I did not realize how deeply hurt I was from Mr. Stewart’s rejection and well, everything, until Mr. Darcy accepted me. I have dreamed of him for so long.” She smiled and saw Jane’s creased brow. “What is it?”

  “You loved Mr. Stewart?”

  “No, I did not, but naturally it hurt to have a man who you know is good and kind reject you because of your poverty and poor relations. And Mama’s disappointment only drove home to me how unlikely it was that I would ever be wanted by a good man again.”

  “Do you love Mr. Darcy?”

  “Jane … My feelings for him are so difficult to describe, until now this was a courtship of our imaginations.” She smiled and squeezed her hands. “We begin courting in truth tomorrow.”

  “It seems that all of the men care for you. Tonight they all seemed to look at you.”


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