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The Devil's Pride (Wild Beasts Series)

Page 28

by T. Birmingham

  “Red, he’s just hurting and scared.” He held up his hands as she was about to say something. He’d apparently sensed her anger. “There’s no excuse for how he’s treating Mindy. I agree.” Alexia didn’t say out loud that there was also no reason for how Cam was treating Devon because that instance a couple weeks earlier hadn’t been the only time Cam had brought up those missing years.

  “But he’s in pain, and he’s my brother, and I want to help him through this. I just don’t know how. I don’t know how to get him to see that this is a good thing. That he can be better, faster, stronger. He’s going to live a long time. Most people would kill to add on a few healthier years, let alone a few hundred. And I just don’t know why this is so scary for him, why he is avoiding this. I’m missing something…” He trailed off, deep in thought. Alexia let her anger go and took his hand back. Her mate wasn’t going to go through this on his own. He wasn’t going to take on another burden to bear along with those he was already shouldering. They’d go through it together.

  “We’ll figure it out,” she said.

  “Yeah.” He smiled broadly and traced shapes on her hand. “We’ll figure it out.”

  Alexia felt a chill down her spine just as Devon stood abruptly from the booth. She didn’t want to turn around. The moment was like déjà vu. Like the night Nicky and Uncle Graham had saved her from the Skröm in Cam’s woods. But she wasn’t a chicken. She was a grown woman who sucked blood regularly from her Man Bear mate and who could now officially turn into a wolf – an Alpha Vuković. Or at least, those were the things she told herself as she forced herself to turn around and peek out of the booth.

  Red eyes stared back at her from a face paler than even her own. The man held her red gaze with his own equally red stare, and he looked almost thoughtful. She didn’t know what to do. Whereas she expected her Vuković side to retaliate because that’s what the wolves did – they fought the Skröm. She hadn’t expected her Skröm side to stand up and pay attention as well. She could feel herself trying to escape, and Alexia took a deep breath. Lighting up in the middle of Trappe’s would not have been cool. This man, though. There was something visceral in his looks. Something ancient, and she felt a tingle down her spine that screamed, run. And yet, a part of him called to her. She knew him. Like she knew Uncle Graham and Nicky. This man meant something. He was familiar.

  “Councilor Roman,” Devon said, tilting his head in respect.

  “Devon,” the Skröm said, and his voice was melodic, like Alexia’s. She’d always sort of liked the sing-song quality of her voice, but his use of the tone made her realize the voice was purposeful, woven deep, and written in her DNA. It was the voice of seduction, of coercion. With that voice, he could convince the listener of anything if they weren’t on guard.

  “Hi,” said a woman standing behind this Councilor Roman. She was much taller than Alexia. Where this man was easily about 6’5”, the woman was about 6’0”. Alexia wanted to feel uncomfortable in her presence because she too had the red eyes and the skin as pale as moonlight, but she’d smiled broadly and she’d been so chipper when she’d said hi that Alexia’s guard faltered.

  “Hi,” Alexia said back, not sure what was going on. But from Devon’s reaction, she assumed violence was not the answer in this particular situation. Devon cleared his throat and moved to Alexia’s side of the booth. Alexia stood for a moment longer, her Vuković and her Skröm sides not letting her move until the other two were sitting down as well.

  “Let’s sit,” Councilor Roman said, and his voice even gave her chills. Bad chills. Ghosts and Clowns in a haunted house at Halloween kind of chills.

  “You going to introduce us, Devon?” the young woman asked, and Alexia smiled at her friendly manner. Friendly Skröm. Who would have guessed? Of course, Alexia realized she’d never actually formally met any other Skröm, so how would she know who was friendly and who wasn’t? She only knew what everyone else had told her. Well, and that they’d been trying to kill her.

  “I’m Ginny Zolanski,” she said, shaking Alexia’s hand in such a soothing way that it almost felt like a hug, and Alexia didn’t cringe from her show of familiarity. Suddenly, it clicked. Why the man felt familiar. Why the name Ginny rang a bell.

  “No other introductions needed,” Alexia said, cozying into her mate’s side. Her Clan. Her family. Devon was practically vibrating next to her, but when she touched him, he seemed to settle down a little.

  “Grandpa Roman,” she said pointing to the man who looked to be about 35, but who was definitely much older. Grandpa, she thought, and she snickered internally. The man looked the same age as Devon and Cam. She had the pleasure of seeing his calm, stoic facade flinch just a bit. In pain? Was he just as unhappy with her existence as some of the werewolves and the Darmov family were? Or did he feel bad about what she was dealing with? Did he even know? Too many questions. And his prideful face suggested he didn’t give one iota about what was going on with her or her town. “Cousin,” she then said pointing to Ginny who smiled at Alexia, and her fairy-like, yet angular face was so friendly, so angelic that it was disarming.

  Before any of them could share anything further, Lina brought out their food. She put Alexia and Devon’s plates down, but then took an abrupt step back when she noticed the addition of more red-eyed, pale-faced people. She stuttered for a moment, but Alexia gave her a mental thumbs-up when she quickly recovered and asked if they wanted anything. Roman just stared at her neck in a super creepy way, but Ginny ordered a chocolate milkshake and some curly fries. And again, Lina rushed off.

  “Don’t mind Roman here,” Ginny whispered loud enough for the table to hear as she leaned across. “He hasn’t eaten for fun since his 100th birthday. Almost 100 years of only kale, fish, and bad guy’s blood will make you the biggest asshat in the room.” Ginny grabbed a fry from Alexia’s plate and Alexia wouldn’t normally have minded, but she was seriously hungry and her wolf clamored to the fore lighting up her eyes even as a low growl rippled out.

  “Geez!” she said, pulling her hand back quickly. “Please tell me you’re just hangry and that you aren’t going to turn out to be more like your mom and grandpa than your grandma. Your grandma, Cousin Alexia, whose name you share, is way cool. You’ll like her. But I don’t know if we could deal with another dour face around here. Boring,” Ginny said, and Alexia laughed outright. So, her mom had been like Roman. But hadn’t Nicky or James said Ginny claimed Roman was a big teddy bear underneath it all? Alexia couldn’t see it. And she sure as hell hoped the apple fell way far from that tree – killer mother or eternally young but also forever grumpy grandpa. Neither option was appealing.

  “Hangry,” Alexia said as a one-word answer, and she dug into her burger and fries. If they had something to say, they should just get it out. Alexia liked Ginny, but she was pretty much running on fumes.

  “Thank God,” she said and she snuck another fry before Alexia could stop her. Alexia didn’t growl again. Ginny was good people just as Devon and Nicky and even James had said, and Alexia’s sugar levels were getting back to normal. She chanced a glance at Devon and she was glad to see that, despite his tension, he’d finished one of his burgers. “So, you’re probably wondering what the magnificent Ginny and the dour Roman are doing in your quaint little town. I mean, Stealth is two counties away, and Roman here only comes to the states for holidays or funerals, so what made him step out of his beloved German castle you ask – in your head of course,” she babbled on. Jesus, this girl…woman…chipper vampire? had a lot of energy. It was possible she was insane.

  Alexia thought for a second how strange it might be to see her and Nicky working together. The old Nicky was a goofball for sure, but the new Nicky was dark and well, the word dour that she’d used for Roman came to mind. Interesting dynamic I bet, Alexia thought as she closed her eyes for a moment at the taste of the smoothie. Her sense of taste had gotten better as well.

  “Hate to stop the party you guys are having,” Devon said, cutti
ng in, “but what are you doing here? And why have you just gotten here?” Uh-oh. Man Bear was angry.

  “The Council requested I come, and Ginny has just filled me in on what’s going on, so we’re here to help,” Roman returned, coolly.

  “With?” Devon asked, his voice low.

  “With your Darmov Shadow and Vuković Clan murderer issues,” Roman said as Lina brought Ginny the milkshake and fries, then left just as quickly.

  Alexia sank back into the booth as a feeling of dread pooled in her belly. She hadn’t talked with Devon yet. It had been a while since she’d spoken with Nicky, and he’d made the case so convincing... She’d second-guessed keeping the secret so many times, because Devon and her didn’t keep secrets. It wasn’t something they did. They shared everything especially since their bond.

  Bonded-mates could hide things from each other. It wasn’t a mental connection. Sure, the souls connected, but mental powers and that special bond Devon and Alexia had only happened for fated mate bonds. Even then, the bond between fated mates was always different from couple to couple. But Alexia really hadn’t been able to keep anything from him – not just because he would find out eventually, but because she’d been loving their open, honest connection. Except, she’d sort of forgotten about Nicky. She’d only thought about their conversation a couple times the past few weeks. Between training and Mindy and her new bond with Devon, Alexia’s mind had been a little full. But when Devon tensed beside her, she knew he’d sensed her nervousness.

  Alexia caught the waitress, Lina’s, gaze before the other woman immediately ran off and looked away. Oh, Fuck!

  What the hell was wrong with Grandpa Roman? It was like he didn’t have a care. Wasn’t he on the Council? Didn’t he need to make sure he was careful about what he said? Or was he that jaded? And bringing up that business with a human nearby–

  Double fuck!

  Whoa, Alexia thought, mentally taking a step back. When had she started thinking of herself as something other than human? But that wasn’t her biggest concern. She felt the tension coming from Devon next to her, and she knew he was angry.

  “What Darmov Shadow and Vuković Clan murderer issue? And how the fuck did you know about this?” he asked, giving Ginny a dark look. He was blaming Ginny and Roman for having knowledge of what had been going on, but he didn’t yet know that Alexia had known as well.

  Roman gave her a dark look that felt more like a public flogging, and Alexia slid further down into the booth closing her eyes like a child who thinks she can hide from the grown-ups in the room just by creating darkness with her eyelids.

  Ginny had also looked over at Alexia and she hadn’t turned away fast enough. Not that it would have mattered. Grandpa Roman was still glaring at her in an admonishing way. What was worse was that Alexia now felt her mate’s eyes switch their focus from Ginny and Grandpa Roman to Alexia herself.

  Triple fucking fucked.

  “Well, you see, Devon,” Alexia said, opening one eye and then the other. He didn’t laugh at her awkward body language this time. She’d known he wouldn’t. He didn’t like not knowing what was going on around him especially when innocent lives – or God forbid, Alexia’s life – were at stake. “Well, see…the thing is…” Alexia blew out a breath.

  “Red,” he growled, and his nickname wasn’t loving like usual.

  Alexia felt a stab of panic, of fear, and of hurt. She pushed the feelings deeper because she deserved his anger and his distrust, and this wasn’t about her. If he decided she wasn’t worth it, it would break her, sure, but she deserved it.

  She wished for a second that she could take back the promise she’d made to Nicky. She wouldn’t have, of course. Nicky had made a good case, and in order to protect Devon, she’d made a call. The wrong call maybe, but it had been a choice, and she didn’t know if she’d make a different call even now with him looking at her with such distrust and anger.

  “The night your family came to town, Nicky shared some new information with me.” Alexia told Devon about the Darmov family, the Shadows, the wolves, Reece’s involvement, Nicky’s involvement, Uncle Graham’s involvement, and even the connection to Mally. Alexia had already shared so many stories about Mally with Devon, and so she knew he would understand what the information about Mally’s death had meant to her. He even said as much as she finished the story, but he was still angry, which really didn’t shock her.

  What did shock her was that he pulled her in closer to his side despite the fact that he was even more angry with her now than he’d been when she’d first started telling the story. Alexia didn’t know what to do, so she let him pull her in because she feared he would let her go after. She feared he would realize she wasn’t a good person, and he’d run the other way.

  Shit! Alexia had thought she’d gotten over those feelings, but they’d been so much a part of her for so long that it was hard to move passed them. Hard to give up the feeling that she wasn’t good enough, that she wasn’t really good.

  You’re good, Red, Devon whispered through their bond. They hadn’t done it much. It had taken a lot of energy in the beginning, but fated mates could speak through their bond. They’d only tried it a couple times. You’re good, Red, but you did hurt me. I won’t lie about that. I’ve got to wrap my mind around this, and fuck, I’m pissed you held this information back from me, but I… Jesus, Red. I understand. A little, he added through the bond.

  Alexia looked up at him through hooded eyes afraid of what she’d see in the grey-green depths. But even though she saw disappointment and distrust and hurt, she also saw love and devotion mixed in there.

  Give me time. And we’re gonna talk about how we handle protecting each other in the future. I’ve never lied to you. I’ve always given it to you straight. You need to trust me to do the same even when you think it might hurt me. It hurts me more when you lie and keep things from me, he finished telling her through their bond.

  Love you, she whispered into his mind and then cringed for a second because they hadn’t even said those words out loud.

  He took her chin into his big palm and kissed her forehead. And although his face was serious, there was a light in his eyes that hadn’t been there before.

  Love you too, Red. So goddamned much.

  “So, it’s true,” Roman said, quietly. His presence had been subdued during their silent conversation, and Alexia again felt the skin-crawling sensation of his power. How had she almost forgotten he was sitting there?

  “That we’re mated?” Alexia asked. She knew what he was saying. He was looking at their body language, and even though he’d seen them touching and hugging and maybe even kissing earlier, the conversation they’d obviously had mentally was something else entirely. “Yep,” Alexia said. And with a challenging look, added, “Is there a problem with that?” She felt Devon tense beside her, but as much as she sensed some fear in their bond, she also sensed pride. Yeah, he loves me.

  She stared at Grandpa Roman and he stared back. Then he smiled broadly, and the look changed his face. He no longer looked cold, hard, calculating and mean. He looked almost as angelic as the woman sitting next to him.

  “No problem, Alexia,” he said cryptically. “No problem at all.” But there was something he knew. Some piece of information. She didn’t think it was bad. The smile he was still sporting spread wider, and it wasn’t a bad smile, just a secretive one with a side of “I’m so happy for you.” Okay, so he wasn’t so terrible. Secretive, which she didn’t like after the big bomb that had just been dropped by the big, bad, newly-minted alpha bitch herself on the man she loved, but she had a feeling Grandpa Roman had a lot of secrets. She could wait him out. She had like at least 474 years left to weasel it out of him, right?

  They talked about the Darmov Clan, and Grandpa Roman, who was now back to his dour self, shared some of the history between the two families while everyone speculated how wolves had gotten involved. But they had full bellies, other allies, and the truth was out. Despite the fact that Ale
xia had a lot to make up for with Devon, she would do anything to make sure he trusted her again, and now they had more information to go off of. More history. More motives. More pieces to a puzzle that was slowly being revealed and being made more clear. So clear, in fact, that Alexia knew she and Devon would be having a long conversation with Mindy soon. Probably Cam as well. Yes, the jackass needed to know what was going on – even if only for his own safety. They were both Dormants, even if she wasn’t anymore. She hated what he’d done to her friend, and she pretty much wanted to take a chunk of flesh out of his arrogant face, but she didn’t want him dead. Maimed, but not dead.

  Roman and Ginny left the bar, and Alexia didn’t want to know what Roman would be eating tonight. She’d been told Ginny drank freshly bagged blood, so she wouldn’t let loose and attack a human, but rumor had it that the Skröm Councilor drank more blood than was needed, that he had an insatiable appetite. Of course, the rumors also said that he only drank from criminals and evildoers, but did that make it right? Did that make the fact that there were three or four less “bad” people each week okay? Alexia didn’t know. But she did know they’d be helping, and that they’d be staying. She also knew no innocents were going to die at their hands – that was a breath of fresh air, especially considering what she’d heard about the Skröm.

  Devon and Alexia drove to her and Mindy’s apartment with Alexia on the back of Devon’s Triumph and she let the cooling breeze of a spring night soothe her fears about her relationship with Devon and her fears about the murders, the Darmov Shadows and the rogue Vuković Clan members.

  When they got to the apartment, James paced along the front walkway.

  Devon and Alexia pulled off their helmets and she looked at her mate.

  “I texted him, let him know about Graham and that we had to talk.” She couldn’t be mad about that. Devon wasn’t the type to keep secrets from anyone. He’d called himself a straight-shooter, and he was right about that. He’d been that way with her and with Cam. He didn’t hold things back to spare feelings because he knew that wouldn’t help out in the end. It would just hurt more. She’d hurt him by holding back, by not trusting him. Before he could meet James who was walking quickly their way, she took his hand in hers and slowly looked up at him. His eyes held a hint of sadness and yes, they also still held distrust.


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