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The Devil's Pride (Wild Beasts Series)

Page 32

by T. Birmingham

  The darker side of her, the Shadow living in her, wanted to crawl beside the beast inside her old Cam and lay waste to the world around them together. She pined for him as much as she pined for James. And every day, it was a struggle to keep the Shadow’s desires at bay. Because Cam was Mindy’s, and yet he would never be hers again. Not really. Not until she could find a cure for herself and save him.

  But she couldn’t do that as a half person. She couldn’t save him like this – if he could be saved. Hell, if she could be saved. She was working on it, though, and she was determined. She didn’t want to hide in the shadows forever. She wanted to be whole.

  Mindy watched Alexia as she lay her children on the blanket outside, on the large parcel of land she herself had once called home, with the man who was now beyond recognition.

  Mindy blinked her eyes in a bird-like manner to clear the tear that had fallen. Devon leaned down to his redheaded mate and gave her a kiss on the forehead. They laid down on the picnic blanket, and Alexia curled into Devon’s side as they both looked at their sleeping little ones, and the red cardinal watching from above, smiling on the inside.

  Her girl had won. She’d won the battle, she’d moved on with her life, she’d finished school, and found her man, and had a family, and gotten her peace. She was also becoming a super badass leader, something Mindy had always known she could be.

  Alexia was whole and happy, and although Mindy sometimes saw her staring off – and she knew Alexia was thinking of who Mindy had once been – one touch from her mate, and Alexia would smile a sad smile that so clearly matched his own sad look. And not long after, they would find each other again in a passionate embrace that would re-knit and heal their tattered souls.

  Such was the way of life and of love.

  The End

  Clans: Said to have been created by the gods and goddesses to defeat the Others. Five Clans including the Skröm, the Vuković, the Luna, the Taryn, and the Azima.

  Dormant: An individual with the ‘dormant’ DNA of a Clan member, either because a family of Clan members chose long ago to not change during puberty or because the individual is a Hybrid.

  Hybrid: A Clan member born from the parents of two different Clans. Considered unclean to some.

  Skröm: A Clan that, thousands of years ago, is said to have once had orange eyes. Their eyes bled to red when they started feeding on the blood of humans, and Clan see this as evil. And so, although still Clan, they are treated as Other. Their red eyes, red hair, frail looks, unnatural strength, ability to tether and ground but not to use light energy, and a hypnotic voice, set them apart from the other Clans as well.

  Luna: A Light Clan that has the ability to shift into, and take on, the characteristics of their animal. They can only turn into one animal, and when they turn, their body mass does not change. The animal each member chooses always has a strong significance for the Luna. Almost like a Spirit animal.

  Taryn: A Light Clan that has the ability to ground and tether. In this case, they are also able to push light energy out and defeat the Shadows as well as use their light as a cleansing power when fighting the Others and the Skröm. The Taryn Clan only produce offspring once, and they are always mirror twins. These twins have a strong connection and are able to connect to each other’s minds without grounding and tethering; however, grounding and tethering greatly increase their connection to one another.

  Azima: A Light Clan that uses the five elements of power: Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit. This Clan believes themselves to be separate from the other four. They believe their leaders are chosen by the gods, and their Council seats are not inherited.

  Vuković: A Light Clan that transforms into wolves. Powerful and large, these are the strongest of all the Clans. This Clan can also sense Dormants, Clan members, and the powers of other creatures – not just by scent, but an innate gift.

  Others: Dark creatures that are not Clan. Said to have been created by the Darkness and not the gods and goddesses. This group includes banshees, mermaids, dragons, the Fae, and many other creatures of legend.

  change: The initiation of the Clan DNA. When a Dormant or a born Clan member become full Clan. Usually takes place during adolescence, but can occur later on in life for Dormants and Hybrids.

  tether: The process of connecting to another Clan member mentally. Fated mates, the Skröm, the Taryn, and some Hybrids can do this.

  ground: The process of connecting to the Earth to draw power. This is also a stabilizing action. The Skröm, the Taryn, the Azima, and some Hybrids can do this.

  transform: Also referred to as Changing, this is when the Luna, the Vuković, or Others turn into their animal or creature and shed their traditional human form.

  shift: see transform

  light energy: Once power has been gathered from grounding and tethering, the gifted Clan member can push this at the evil. Shadows are obliterated entirely by the power; however, those who have Darkness in them are also hindered by the light energy.

  cleanse: The process of cleaning an area of evil. When the light energy has removed the Shadows or the taint of evil.

  Council: Formed by the gods, the counsel oversees all facets of Clan life, but only intervenes when death has occurred or the law that Clan is not allowed to harm Clan is broken. They are the mediators. They also have extra gifts as Councilors.

  Councilors: Five Clans each have one seat. All but the Azima inherit their seat and the power that comes with that seat.

  fated mates: These mates are chosen by the gods and goddesses. Very rare. Special gifts and connections result from these pairings.

  Bonded Mates: Any mating pair, whether fated or not, that has bonded their souls together.

  Well, damnit, if this isn’t the best part ever! So many people to thank, but let’s start first with my editor. Yes, you, Katie Ekvall of Underline This Editing. The only reason this document exists in its current version is because you pushed me, you challenged me at every turn, and you helped me put out this puzzle I like to call book one of many more to come. Thank you!

  THANK YOU to Genevieve R., Roxanne T., the Laurens, Lori S., Marilena A., Nichole R., Sacha C., Taylar B., Katie J., Charlotte F., Sarah L., Angela D., Pam D., and so many other friends, soul sisters, personality twins, and besties – new and old; to family, especially the #travelingwiththeaunts aunts, whose guidance was the catalyst for diving back into this baby full-throttle (siblings and Mom, y’all were thanked in the beginning, but really…thank you [PS – nephews, this book is entirely inappropriate for you, but you rock!]); to my photographer, Shauna Kruse, of Kruse Images & Photography (who kept me calm in the beginning when I knew no one in this world and was hopped up on Starbucks coffee 24/7); to my book designer, Irish Ink; to my Cover designer, Sassy Queens of Design; to my cover models, Kristina Canady (who has also been a great support through all of this) and Noah Bartholomew; to Bodacious Books and Baubles for hosting my release; and to my PAs, Jennifer M. and Candace M. You two have helped me more than you know. I am incredibly blessed to have you ALL on what my PAs and I lovingly call: #TeamGoof.

  T. spends most of her days teaching college-aged kids how to practice proper grammar and how to write a paragraph. Her passion, though, lies in Literature and she loves instilling her love of writing, of words, and of creative adventures in the future leaders of America (yikes!).

  T. writes stories in her wee apartment with a tortoise her nephew calls Yoda, but who she has secretly renamed Hagrid (because Harry Potter is way cool). She’s traveled all over but still needs to hit all seven continents (three down).

  In each story she writes, she tries to capture the heart of the characters and the relationships. Some people would say that the story line is the most important. Others would say the grammar. T. believes that a truly good story has, first and foremost, complex characters and powerful relationships. She writes Urban Fantasy/Paranormal Romance and really loves the drama and the epic moments that fantasy brings about. Who doesn’t love a good dramat
ic moment or an even better sex or fight scene?

  T. lives in Western Mass, is hoping to one day build a log cabin home in the mountains or a tiny house community, is still searching for her own Man Bear, and watches Once Upon a Time and Nicolas Sparks movies when she needs to remind herself that fairy tales really do exist.




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