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Love on the High Seas

Page 19

by Yasmin Sullivan

  Jeremy wanted her to get some more rest, but she insisted on reading and prepping for her classes so that the next day could be paper grading.

  “I’m sorry I had you stay home. I didn’t know I’d be ready to get work done.”

  She had dressed after making calls and had on the blue capris that Safire had packed for her. She also had her books and papers spread out over the desk in his room. He loved the way she’d taken it over.

  “I don’t mind at all. I can get some reading done while you work.”

  They read through the morning. He left her only to shower and get lunch ready, then they slept for a couple of hours and she started grading papers.

  When the doorbell rang that evening, she was still grading. He knew it was Alistair because they’d spoken earlier in the day. Alistair and Reggie were coming over with takeout.

  They were in the kitchen when she came in.

  Angelina and Alistair went toward each other immediately, and he embraced her. “Here’s the little one who has Jeremy’s head spinning,” he said. “I’m so sorry to hear about your great-aunt.”

  When she stepped back, her eyes were wet, and he wrapped her in his arms again.

  “I bet that after what happened on the ship, you never thought you’d see me again,” she said, trying to laugh it off but not succeeding.

  “Oh, sweetie, it’s going to be okay.”

  “I know it is.”

  “This is my partner, Reggie.”


  She held out her hand, but Reggie ignored it and hugged her.

  “I’m sorry to intrude,” she said. “I just wanted something to drink.”

  “You’re not intruding,” said Alistair. “We needed to know if you felt like company or not. Should we stay and eat or go?”

  “Company is fine. I need to take a break from grading papers for a little bit. What’s for dinner?”

  “We brought Chinese.”

  “I just want to call to check in at home. I’ll be right back.”

  “She’s gorgeous,” Reggie said to him when she was gone. “And she seems really sweet.”

  “She is,” Jeremy said.

  “I can see why you’re so taken with her.”

  “Let’s hope I can also get her taken with me.”

  Dinner was on the table by the time she got back, and she and Alistair resumed their treatment of his foibles, to the great amusement of Reggie. It got her laughing, so he was happy to be the subject of their humor.

  After dinner, Alistair and Reggie cut out early, giving them their space. Jeremy was grateful because this was their last night together, at least for now. He started kissing her just as they finished loading the dishwasher. He put in the last plate, which brought him close enough to the nape of her neck that he could smell the floral scent of her hair.

  He couldn’t resist wrapping his arms around her from behind and locking her to the spot.

  “I have to grade papers.”

  “I know. I won’t keep you too, too long.”

  When he ran his lips over the back of her shoulder, her body squirmed, settling her against the rising swell in his sweats.

  “You’re incorrigible,” she said.

  “I love the way your body responds to me. I’m addicted to it. Look.”

  He ran his lips and tongue over her shoulder again, and though she tried to stay still, she couldn’t. She laughed and tried to twist out of his arms, but he held her, bringing one of his hands up to play with her breasts. He heard her intake of breath and felt her ease forward and back, teasing his groin.

  With his mouth on her neck and one hand on her breasts, he ran the other up her thighs, wishing she had on a skirt. When his fingers found her center, she murmured and tried to get away again, but he still held her.

  “Let me touch you, honey,” he whispered against her ear and felt her shiver.

  Damn, he was as turned on as he wanted her to be. He had to slow down. But first he wanted these pants off her. She laughed when he lifted her, and her arms went around his neck as he carried her into his room.

  Her body was responsive to his touches. Still, there was something in her that wouldn’t let go, that wouldn’t relax, that wouldn’t commit. He didn’t push it because Aunt Rose had just died, but he knew now that he would never let her go.

  Chapter 21

  Angelina finished the last paper just in time to get ready. She was going out with Jeremy that night, only this time it was different; they had set a date in advance.

  She showered and tried on the dress that Safire had brought to loan her. It was too low-cut for her tastes and too short—typical Safire. It was a dark red cocktail dress that fit close to her body, especially in the bust, where she was a bit better endowed than her sister. It had two thin straps at the shoulders and ended midthigh.

  Thankfully, she had a sheer black bolero shirt that she was wearing over it, and she had one-inch black strappy sandals to go with it. Pleated lace around the bottom hem hung down to the middle of her calves, billowing out around her legs and giving at least the illusion of coverage. It should work out. It still made her feel sexy, and she was surprised to find that she wanted to feel sexy. And look that way, too.

  When she got to her room, Safire was sprawled on her bed.

  “The shirt ruins the effect. And you need higher heels.”

  “I like this effect, and we’ll be walking. Are you sure you don’t mind staying until Philly is in bed?”

  “No, we’ll be fine. Alex is going to watch him after that, though. I’m going out later with some friends.”

  “I hate asking Alex to watch him,” Angelina said, “but he doesn’t seem to mind.”

  “He doesn’t, and neither do I. Besides, how often do you get out?”

  “Speaking of which, it’s time for me to go.”

  “Oh, yeah, I came up about fifteen minutes ago to tell you that he’s here.”

  Angelina got a pillow and clapped her sister with it. Safire fell back on the bed, laughing.

  When Angelina got downstairs, Jeremy was in the living room with Alex and Philly, talking to Alex. She waved at him briefly and sat down, not wanting to interrupt the conversation if he’d gotten Alex talking.

  “...but that’s what I really want to do—design video games. I know a little about web design, but it’s not really applicable.”

  “Yes, but there are schools that teach that kind of thing.”

  “I can’t afford school. I don’t even have a job right now.”

  “That doesn’t matter. Look online and find out where you can take that kind of program. If you can find out where they’re offered and get in, Angelina and I will do the rest.”


  “Because you have potential, and you’re family,” Angelina said. “We look out for each other.”

  Jeremy got up from the sofa. “Find a program, and let me know.”

  “Okay,” Alex said.

  Jeremy came to her and took her hand as she got up from the couch. After he hugged her, she got her purse, gave Alex pizza money and hugged Philly before heading out.

  “Thank you for getting Alex to talk,” she said. “I’ve been trying to get him to think about school for a long time.”

  “He has an interest. I think he will.”

  “And you don’t have to offer to pay for it,” Angelina added. “I’ve already figured out how we can do it with what we have and student loans.”

  “We can argue about that later,” Jeremy said. “Let’s let him get in first.”

  He took her hand and guided her toward his car, and they drove to Little Haiti. After they parked, he took her hand again as they started to walk the neighborhood.

  “You look beautiful tonight,” he

  “It’s one of Safire’s dresses. I don’t own anything like this.”

  “It’s not your dress that makes you look beautiful, but I like it. I like when you let yourself be sensual.”

  Angelina could feel her cheeks grow warm, but she couldn’t help smiling.

  “I think I’ll take you shopping one day for some of your own.”

  “That won’t be necessary.”

  “But it could be fun.”

  She shrugged, thinking about it.

  As they wandered through Little Haiti, Angelina started to relax and enjoy the night. They found a restaurant and had Haitian food, and then they walked a bit more.

  “Oh, let’s go in here,” Angelina said, dragging Jeremy toward a little art shop.

  “What did you see?”

  “Just everything—the painting, the sculpture. Look at this one.”

  She pointed to a painting of a little girl in a boat.

  “You like it?”

  “Not to have, but to see. She’s adorable.”

  There was beadwork in the back—art pieces and jewelry. Jeremy tapped her shoulder and pointed to an elaborate coral necklace with a matching headpiece.

  “It’s a bit much,” she said.

  They both chuckled. It would take a diva to carry it off.

  “This reminds me of the art store we found in Old San Juan,” he said.

  “Me too. I think that’s one of the reasons I wanted to come in.”

  In the end, Jeremy got Angelina a small wooden statue as a keepsake, and they continued their walk around Little Haiti, his arm wrapped around her.

  “Can I call you Angie?” Jeremy asked as they turned a corner.

  “Only Philly calls me Angie.”

  “I’ve heard. Can I call you Angie, too?”

  She pursed her lips, unsure.

  “I don’t know. It started when Philly was little and couldn’t say Angelina all at once. It’s kind of his special name for me.”

  “If you really mind, I won’t.”

  Her brow wrinkled in thought.

  “Okay. You can call me Angie—sometimes. But don’t start a trend.”

  They found a little ice cream place that had unique island flavors and stopped for dessert. She tried soursop, and he had guava.

  Back in the car, Jeremy looked at his watch.

  “It’s eight-thirty,” he said. “What would you like to do now?”

  “I know what we can do,” Angelina said. “We’re near Morningside, right? Let’s go the park and watch the sunset over the water. Can you do that at this time?”

  “I don’t see why not.”

  They drove to Morningside Park and walked along the waterfront. One of the fields still had a game going on, and there were a few evening runners still out, but they found an empty bench facing the water. Jeremy put his arm around her, and she rested her head on his shoulder.

  “We’re just in time,” she said.


  She looked up and found his eyes on her rather than the horizon. She pointed to the sky blanketing the water. “For the sunset—we’re just in time.”

  He drew his eyes from her and turned toward the water.

  “It’s beautiful, but not as beautiful as you are.”

  She looked up to find him watching her again. She smiled and returned her attention to the colors of the sky.

  “I feel like I’m on a vacation. I never do stuff like this.”

  “Maybe it’s time that you do. Maybe you just needed the right company.”

  She eyed him mischievously for a moment and then bounced her thigh against his. “I don’t know that you’re the right company. You’re probably a bad influence.”

  In response, he tickled her ribs until she laughed.

  “Okay,” she said. “I was kidding.”

  Her legs were crossed in front of her, and he lifted them up and brought them over his thigh, drawing her toward him.

  “Do you mind?” he asked.

  “No, I’m still comfortable.”

  As she watched the sunset, he traced lines on her calves and thighs through the lace flaring from her skirt. Angelina unclipped her barrette, shook her hair free and replaced her head on his shoulder. Jeremy kept tracing lines along her legs with one hand, but the other hand, which had been drawn over her shoulder, soon found its way into her hair and began rubbing her scalp.

  “You would be a wonderful piano player,” she mused.

  “Why do you say that?”

  “Because you can do two different things with your hands at the same time. It’s like patting your stomach and rubbing your head simultaneously. It’s not easy.”

  He was laughing before she had finished.

  “You notice everything, don’t you? I’ve always been ambidextrous.”

  “See,” Angelina said, “you’d be excellent with an instrument.”

  “Should we get a piano?” Jeremy asked. “Phillip can take lessons.”

  Angelina caught Jeremy’s reference to a future for them together and decided to play along.

  “It depends. Are we living in your house or mine?”

  “Whichever you prefer, but your house needs a little work.”

  “Tell me about it,” she said. “When I win the lottery, I’m going to remodel the whole thing.”

  “What difference does it make where we live?”

  “Your place needs a brand-new baby grand. Mine needs a used upright.”

  “I can see that. Maybe we should get a new place in between,” he offered. “Someplace in between our two jobs so we can both get to work.”

  “Maybe. I’d love to live on a houseboat.”

  “You are on vacation, aren’t you?”

  She caught the joke and swatted at him playfully.

  “I’m just teasing,” he said. “We can look into a houseboat. Can Phillip swim?”

  “Yes, he can. But I wouldn’t actually trust raising a child on the water. I love the water, though.”

  “I’ve seen you swim. I can tell.”

  “Yes, you’ve seen me swim in Safire’s bathing suit. What was I thinking?”

  “You looked beautiful in it.”

  Before she could respond, he bent his head and pressed his lips against hers. His fist locked in her hair, holding her in his kiss. His other hand left the lace and traveled up to her hip. He pulled her even closer against his chest and parted her lips beneath his. He moved his hand to her chest, and a hot wave washed through her stomach and into her loins.

  Angelina didn’t know how long they had kissed, but when they pulled apart, the sunset had gone from a dark red streak across the sky to a light blue strip above the water.

  “It’s starting to get dark,” she said.

  “Ready to head back?”

  She nodded, and they pulled apart. They stood, stretched and walked along the water back to the car.

  “Where to now, my love?” he said once they were inside.

  “Can I go home with you for a little while?” she asked.

  It was tantamount to a confession that she wanted them to make love, and it made her feel a little shy, but she was starting to shed that with Jeremy. It had been almost two weeks since she had spent time at his home, two weeks since they had been together alone. She did want him.

  “I’d like that,” he said and took her hand.

  They were quiet for the first time that night, his fingers woven with hers. The gentle caress sent warm tingles through her body, starting an electricity between them that ran to the pit of her stomach and made it flutter.

  Once they were inside, he closed the door behind them and turned to her. His eyes told her that he wanted her as much as she
wanted him, and she stepped toward him. Then his soft lips arrested her, sending a thrill into her body, as his lips had always done.

  When they broke, he tugged her toward the couch.

  “Can I get you something to drink?”

  “No, I’m fine.”

  He sat down and pulled her onto his lap. She felt a bit silly sitting there, but then he pulled her face toward his and found her lips, and she didn’t feel anything anymore except the sparks that were going off between them.

  His hands worked their way underneath her bolero jacket and began to toy with her breasts, rubbing her nipples into hard peaks beneath the stiff fabric of the dress and bra. Her upper body swayed against his palms, and heat shot through her sex, which started to pulse.

  She moved her hand between them into his lap and felt along the ridge in his pants. He moaned and stirred beneath her.

  “Do you want me?” he asked.

  His attention drew her mind to what she was doing, and she withdrew her hand.

  “Don’t go away. I want you there.”

  She moved her hand back between them and began tracing the outline of his manhood again.

  “I love when you do that. I just wanted to hear you say that you want me.”

  Their foreheads were pressed together, and she could feel his eyes on her face.

  “Don’t you want me, Angelina?”

  His mouth was near her ear, and his deep voice sent a shiver down her spine.

  In response, she kissed him hard, sucking his tongue into her mouth, and she squeezed her fingers along his sex until it leaped against her palm. Then she nodded. “I do, Jeremy.”

  He murmured and took one of his hands from her breasts. He ran it along her legs underneath the lace of her gown and up over her closed thighs. When he reached her center, he nudged apart her legs and began to massage her through the thin mesh that covered her. Her sex throbbed harder, and her body bucked under the attention. The stirring inside her released her voice.

  “Would you like my lips here?” Jeremy asked.

  He tweaked his thumb over her throbbing bud, making her back arch and her eyes flutter closed. She couldn’t think, and she could barely breathe as firecrackers went off throughout her.


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