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Exile of Lucifer

Page 6

by D. Brian Shafer

  where hundreds of angels were involved in scholarly discussions:

  Some were very animated in making their point, others reasoned

  quietly. Michael smiled as he saw a group of angels being ushered

  into the very room where he himself had been taught by Crispin.

  He walked the halls, greeting some of his former teachers as

  he went. Michael peeked into a room and saw several hundred

  angels seated on the floor in front of a platform. The room itself was

  circular, with very high ceilings that let in light from the outside

  through large round windows near the top. It could hold some ten

  thousand angels, though today's class was relatively small.

  "Who's teaching in here today?" Michael asked one of the


  "This is Crispin's class," answered the angel, a little perplexed

  at the archangel's presence.

  "Thank you," said Michael. "I think I'll join you."

  Michael took a place on the floor very near to where he had

  sat as a student. The angels around him looked at him, amazed that

  the noted angel should attend their class. Michael decided to end

  their speculation about him and said, "Crispin taught me that one

  can never learn too much of the Lord's truth. Today I'm here as a

  student, not as a ruler."

  Crispin entered the room from the rear and walked up to the

  three-stepped dais that was in the center of the room. The students

  were seated casually on the floor, encircling the platform. Michael

  watched as the revered teacher sat his books down, gathered his

  notes and cleared his throat, a routine he had witnessed a hundred

  times before. Crispin looked over the class and noticed Michael,

  seated to his left.

  "Weren't you listening? It's the Creation!" 45

  "Well, it seems that even archangels can learn something," he

  said, the class laughing. "Welcome to my class again, Michael. I

  trust you find today's lesson interesting, hmm? As well as the rest

  of you," he added, scanning the room.

  For the remainder of the session Michael was entranced as

  Crispin taught on the creation of the angels. Crispin was a mar-

  velous teacher, who involved the students in lively discussion

  while he spoke. Michael enjoyed listening to the students ask ques-

  tions, remembering some of these very issues being brought up

  when he attended classes at the Academy.

  "In conclusion," said Crispin, "let me simply say that as

  angels we are privileged to serve with the greatest dignity and free-

  dom any creature can have, because we are free to live under the

  wisdom and love of a Creator who takes an interest in our ministry

  and who preserves us for even greater things. There is not one

  angel in all of Heaven who can know the mind of God and what

  plans He has for His creation. How grateful we angels should be

  that we were made for such things."

  Crispin sat down, assuming an uncharacteristically informal

  posture. "I love my role and I hope all of you love whatever min-

  istries you are called to as well. One never knows where service to

  the Most High might lead. Just look at Michael: a prime example of

  God's grace and purpose working in the life of an angel. We certain-

  ly never expected such an honor, did we Michael?" asked Crispin.

  All eyes were upon Michael, who jumped as if awoken from a

  dream and said, "No. Of course not. I never sought such an honor

  and I certainly never deserved it. But God has chosen me and He

  will choose some of you for great things as well." He looked up at

  his old teacher with a how-did-I-do? expression.

  "Well done, Michael. I see that you were listening to some of

  my lectures anyway," Crispin said as the other students laughed.

  "Any other questions before we conclude?"

  "I have one," came the familiar voice of Berenius, an angel of

  worship who loved to spar with Crispin and the other teachers on dif-

  ficult issues. Berenius seldom asked a question without an ulterior

  motive in mind--usually he was just trying to bait a teacher into

  some intractable theological problem.

  46 CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile of Lucifer

  "Yes, Berenius," said Crispin. "What is it?"

  "I have yet to hear a satisfactory answer concerning true free-

  dom. I mean, master, you have spent a great deal of time discussing

  freedom and yet I am still confused as to its nature. How can we

  angels have such great freedom if we must obey everything we are

  told?" asked Berenius. Many of the students winced as they heard

  the question. Others echoed the question with "Yes" or "Answer

  that one!"

  Crispin read the mood of the class and replied, "You certainly

  have a knack for picking subjects that are far too lengthy and

  involved to give a satisfactory answer to in this setting. Perhaps we

  can take up the subject of our freedom in the next session." Crispin

  began gathering his things and continued speaking. "You see, Bere-

  nius, I am in a sense not free to delve into this matter right now

  because my responsibilities take me elsewhere at this very moment.

  True freedom and responsibility are compatible. I would go so far as

  to say that one cannot be truly free unless one is given some sort of

  parameters, boundaries, to make that freedom meaningful. The

  Lord in His wisdom created boundaries for us and in doing so

  assured us of freedom. Sounds like a paradox, I know, but it is true."

  "A paradox indeed," said Berenius, who gathered his things

  to leave. "It seems as if the Academy is rampant with paradox."

  The students began leaving the room, some saying that

  Crispin didn't have the answer, or Berenius was far too clever for

  him, while others said that Berenius was just a troublemaker and

  wasn't really interested in the answer. Crispin watched them as

  they filed out.

  Michael turned to Crispin and said, "I certainly don't remem-

  ber the students being so brash when I was at the Academy. Even if

  we disagreed with the teacher we didn't make an issue of it like


  "Yes, Michael, things have changed at the Academy since you

  attended classes here," sighed Crispin. He closed his eyes as he re-

  membered. "The students were once so diligent in the pursuit of

  knowledge about the Lord and the Kingdom. They were tremen-

  dously interested in learning about their roles and their service to

  "Weren't you listening? It's the Creation!" 47

  the Lord." He looked at Michael. "Now it seems that so many of

  them have an agenda that is quite their own, as if they're not satis-

  fied with the traditional truths which the Most High gave us and

  which we have always been taught. No, they're always question-

  ing, always debating. Like Berenius. Of course Berenius comes by

  it as a result of his association with Pellecus."

  "Pellecus?" asked Michael. "What does he have to do with


  "Pellecus has a number of angels who follow his rather con-

  fusing teachings," said Crispin.

  "But he doesn't teach anymore," answered Michael, a little


  "Oh, he te
aches," said Crispin. "Just not here at the Academy.

  Pellecus will always teach. The Lord created him to be a marvelous

  teacher, very gifted, very brilliant. He was a favorite at the Acade-

  my, you know. And he leaves quite a legacy. His influence over a

  number of the angels he instructed as well as many of the teachers

  is enormous."

  "Really?" asked Michael with growing curiosity.

  "Oh yes," said Crispin. He looked around the room making

  sure they were alone and said, "But I can't put the blame of this

  attitude which is setting in entirely on Pellecus. True, his teachings

  are a bit on the...independent side, but I feel there is something

  greater...something more going on here." Crispin looked around

  and leaned into Michael, speaking quietly. Michael leaned in to

  hear his words. "Michael, I believe there is a movement which is

  much more dangerous than some radical philosophy that has

  infected some of the teachers and students at the Academy. I

  believe there is something under way which is quite critical, even

  dangerous to the peace of this Kingdom. And I believe I know who

  is responsible."


  The Great Hall of Assembly was energized when Lucifer

  arrived following the trumpet blast that had summoned him. He

  passed groups of angels who were talking among themselves trying

  48 CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile of Lucifer

  to figure out what was going on. Normally, assemblies such as this

  were only called with advance warning. This was beginning to look

  like a very important occasion--particularly since all he could see

  were highly placed angels.

  Lucifer found his usual seat near the center, where a seven-

  stepped circular platform was situated. It was from this platform

  the Chief Elder spoke, and Lucifer was looking around to see if he

  was anywhere nearby so he could find out exactly what was hap-

  pening. He noted that though many of the more important angels

  were in attendance, there were none of the warrior class present,

  not even the archangels.

  "It seems that the Lord is only interested in singers and sages

  today," Lucifer said to Octrion, a chief worship angel who was seat-

  ed just behind Lucifer. Octrion was only a few steps lower than

  Lucifer where the music ministry was concerned, serving as an

  assistant in many worship experiences. He was also one of the best

  sources for the latest news in the Kingdom, because Octrion loved

  to talk to everyone. If anyone would know what this was all about,

  it was he.

  "So it seems," said Octrion, looking around at the growing

  number of angels. "But it only makes sense if what I have heard is


  "Really?" said Lucifer. "And what have you heard?"

  Octrion looked this way and that, then whispered to Lucifer,

  "I heard that the Lord is about to announce that one of us worship

  or wisdom angels is about to become involved in a spectacular new


  "Interesting," said Lucifer, speaking loudly enough for the

  angels seated around them to hear. "But who in this room deserves

  such an honor? All honor belongs only to the Most High. I bear my

  ministry with no expectation of reward. My pleasure is in serving

  the Lord--nothing more."

  Some of the angels around him whispered to one another.

  "Well, that's what I heard," said Octrion, a little embarrassed for

  having brought the subject up. He sat down again.

  "Weren't you listening? It's the Creation!" 49

  Lucifer thought about what Octrion said. Could it be that this

  assembly was called to announce some great promotion? He

  looked around the room again to see if other noteworthy angels

  were in attendance, but could find none who could compare with

  his own station. Among the angels present there was only one obvi-

  ous choice for some new position as far as Lucifer was concerned:

  himself. Perhaps Octrion was right...

  Suddenly the murmur of the crowd began to dissipate as the

  Elders solemnly entered the room and made their way to a section

  near the center that was reserved for them. Gabriel, whose capaci-

  ty as Messenger to the Kingdom necessitated his being at all im-

  portant functions, solemnly followed the procession. Many

  whisperings of Gabriel's name could be heard throughout the room

  as the angels saw the archangel enter the room. Since he only

  attended very important assemblies, this could only mean some-

  thing very significant was about to be revealed.

  Lucifer watched as the Elders seated themselves one by one

  until only Gabriel was standing. He then climbed the platform

  steps, carrying a large, white scroll that the Chief Elder had hand-

  ed to him previously. The recently confirmed golden sheath carry-

  ing his sword of office shimmered as he mounted the steps.

  All eyes were upon Gabriel as he prepared to read from the

  golden scroll. Generally the Chief Elder read the proclamations at

  these gatherings, but since Gabriel was reading, this must be some-

  thing truly grand! With great ceremony, he broke the seal on the

  scroll and began unrolling it. Lucifer cocked his head forward,

  keenly interested. Gabriel began reading...


  The labyrinthine passages of the Great Library that led to the

  private rooms of the ranking wisdom angels who taught at the

  Academy were something that Michael had always wanted to see.

  They were off-limits while he was attending, though he and Gabriel

  and some of the others had thought up some never-used schemes

  to gain entry. Now he was accompanying the greatest teacher at the

  Academy down these very halls to discuss something dark and

  50 CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile of Lucifer

  brooding. He could not help but wonder if somehow Lucifer fit into

  all of this, and meant to bring his name up at first opportunity.

  They arrived at Crispin's chambers and entered.

  "Here we are, Michael," said Crispin. "The sanctorum, as it


  Michael was not surprised to find that everywhere he looked

  were stacks and stacks of books. From the top of the room to the

  floor were volumes on every subject in Heaven. Crispin noticed

  Michael gawking at the enormous number of books that lined

  every wall.

  "Don't be too impressed, Michael," he said. "They belong to

  the Library. I'm just borrowing them. Better make a note to myself

  to return them sometime. Here, have a seat," he said, clearing a

  chair in front of his desk which was piled high with books. Michael

  sat down and Crispin began.

  "Now, before we get into any of this let me say that though I

  may mention some important names, I have no real evidence to

  either vindicate or nullify my thoughts. By that I mean there is no

  clear picture of any of this. It's really bits and pieces--but they

  begin to add up as one takes them as a whole. And remember: In

  the history of this Kingdom since its creation there has never been

  an incident where an angel rebelled against the Lord. So, what I'm

lling you is that I am accusing no angel of any crime against the

  Lord. You understand what I'm saying."

  "Yes," said Michael. "Of course."

  "Good. Then let me begin by giving you a little background as

  to what has been happening in recent times, since you and your

  group left the Academy. As you know, the Lord devised the Academy

  of the Host as an instructional ministry to all angels--particularly

  those angels who showed the greatest promise in their areas of gift-

  ing. Not all angels are going to become archangels, any more than

  all angels can become teachers. The Lord knew this when He creat-

  ed us, and so he developed this school as a place where the skills of

  all angels could be sharpened. As to those angels who don't excel

  as some others do, they are not looked down upon by the Lord at

  all. They are simply given other tasks to perform. But remember,

  "Weren't you listening? It's the Creation!" 51

  the greatest task any angel can perform is to glorify God in his

  duties, however great or humble." Crispin said these last words

  with an impassioned resolve.

  "After the Academy was set up a number of wisdom angels

  were selected to become the instructors, of which I was one. Ours

  was a very important ministry and one we did not take lightly. The

  Lord set us to studying the deep things of the Kingdom for a very

  long time, until we were ourselves ready to teach. It was during

  this time of preparation that I became acquainted with Pellecus.

  After much laborious study, the time came that we began teaching

  and training angels for their posts of ministry and have been doing

  so even up until now.

  "The first groups of angels to enter the Academy proved to be

  those destined for the greatest appointments of ministry. This was

  the season when you were a student, Michael--as were Gabriel,

  Sangius, Tinius, Kara, Lucifer and many others. Look where these

  angels are now serving in the Kingdom! You and Gabriel of course


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