Exile of Lucifer

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Exile of Lucifer Page 37

by D. Brian Shafer

  sharply at Michael. "And then all your efforts to serve the Most

  High in this will have failed. Yes, Michael--you will have failed the

  Most High in this!"

  Michael resisted the impulse to strike out at Rugio.

  "Whatever happens in Eden," said Gabriel, "will be the choice

  of the humans. If anyone should understand the consequences of

  poor choices I would think it would be you, Rugio."

  Rugio began to manifest his reddish aura, but maintained


  "Nevertheless," said Pellecus. "It will be a very different

  world by the time the next sun comes up. A'dam will be here soon

  and then it will be finished."

  "And so shall you all be," added Kara.


  "You wish to share this gift with me?" asked Eve. "But why?"

  "Because it is a very special gift," said the serpent. "One

  which will make you very wise indeed."

  "Wise?" said Eve incredulously.

  "Why, yes," purred the serpent, who stood up and moved in

  closer to the trees. He now sat under the branches of the tree on

  Eve's right.

  "But what does that mean?" she asked.

  "All that God holds in contempt we shall encourage in mankind." 299

  "To be wise means to be able to see," began the serpent. "To

  be wise means helping your husband steward in ways he never

  thought possible. To be wise means you will be able to act and feel

  and think in a whole new light--in short, Eve, to be wise is to be

  like God. And being like God is the duty of His creation, isn't it?"

  Eve thought about these words for a minute.

  "I suppose so," she said. "But how does one become wise?"

  "That is the rather delicate part," the serpent said. "You see,

  even though the Most High desires that we be like Him, it requires

  on our part a certain action--a choice, so to speak--to begin down

  that glorious pathway."

  Eve indicated that she did not quite understand.

  "Let me explain it this way. If there was a way for you to

  become wise so that you might be a better wife to A'dam and a

  greater caretaker of the Lord's earth, you would make such a

  choice, would you not?"

  "Well, yes," said Eve.

  "Of course you would," said the serpent. "And that is because

  you already have a measure of wisdom inside of you. Now, if I

  were to tell you of a way to increase that which is already inside of

  you, that which the Lord has already placed within, you would

  most certainly want to know of it, yes?"

  "Yes," said Eve. "If it would increase that which the Lord has

  already placed inside of me I would honor Him by increasing it."

  "Exactly!" said the serpent. "I could not have put it any better."

  The serpent's eyes glanced in the direction of Kara and Pellecus and

  then back toward Eve. "If the Lord had not imparted such wisdom

  to me---a mere beast--I would never be able to speak with you.

  Imagine what would happen to you--made in the image of God

  Himself--were you to have this increased measure of wisdom."

  "But what about A'dam?" she asked. "Could he have this gift

  as well?"

  "My dear," said the serpent. "I would insist upon it."


  A'dam was nearing the meadow now. He sensed in his spirit

  that there was something wrong, but he couldn't quite determine

  300 CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile of Lucifer

  the source or the reason. But he knew somehow that he must get to

  the center of the garden. He hurried along.


  "Are you prepared to make the choice, Eve?" asked the ser-

  pent. "A choice which will open your eyes for the very first time. A

  difficult choice but the only choice, really, if you are to truly honor

  the Most High in your stewardship."

  "I suppose..." she began.

  "The Lord has charged you with keeping His earth," said the

  serpent. "Clever as you and A'dam are, you will need more wisdom

  to fulfill this commission. After all, do you think you will always be

  in Eden? I am sure that one day the Lord Most High has greater

  plans for you. How can you possibly handle the things He has in

  store for you without the wisdom to carry on?"

  "Yes," she said. "I want more wisdom. For me and for A'dam!"

  "Of course you do," said the serpent.


  "Your lord certainly knows how to confuse an issue," said Gabriel.

  "I think he is being quite clear," said Pellecus. "He is merely

  presenting the woman with a choice. He is neither forcing her nor

  compelling her."

  "He is tempting her," said Michael. "And that amounts to the

  same thing!"

  "Poor Michael," said Pellecus. "You really should have lis-

  tened more at the Academy. The woman has a free will. As you so

  ably pointed out a moment ago, Eve is like us angels who made our

  own choices. The consequences befell us. We were not forced into

  our decision. Neither shall she be. Lucifer is not allowed to touch

  the humans. This is all her game now."

  "And I might add," said Kara arrogantly, "that she isn't play-

  ing very well."


  "As you know, Eve," the serpent continued, "the Most High

  has graciously given you and A'dam the privilege of taking care of

  "All that God holds in contempt we shall encourage in mankind." 301

  His world. He has withheld nothing from you, correct? And yet it

  puzzles me a bit. Did He not tell A'dam that you must not eat from

  every tree in the garden?"

  Eve looked up at the two trees, the light of the sun glimmer-

  ing between the branches and shining on her face.

  "All is ours except for these two trees," she said, a feeling of

  hesitancy coming over her. "A'dam received instruction from the

  Lord which was very clear."

  "Isn't that odd?" said the serpent, glancing up at the large

  boughs. "I wonder why the Lord would withhold these two trees

  from you?"

  "A'dam said that to eat of these trees means death," she said,

  moving a bit away from the tree.

  "Death?" asked the serpent. "In Eden?"

  "This is what the Lord told my husband," she said, looking

  once more at the trees.

  "Now that is interesting," said the serpent. "For I am only a

  serpent and yet I am wise enough to know that you will not die."

  The serpent looked up at Eve.

  "Do you really think that the Lord would destroy His most

  precious creation?" he continued. "Do you think for a moment that

  He would allow a creature who bears His very image; with whom

  He walks casually for fellowship; in whom He has poured His

  great love and has authorized to steward the world--do you really

  believe He would allow you to die?"

  Eve wasn't sure how to answer.

  "You shall not die," said the serpent. "That is a ridiculous

  notion. I'm sure that A'dam has innocently misrepresented what

  the Lord meant. In fact, quite the opposite is true. The Lord Most

  High knows that if you eat of this fruit that your eyes will be

  opened and you will become the gods of this world--a god very

p; much like He is. You will know good and evil. What better way to

  serve Him than by knowing the difference so you may avoid the

  one and do the other?"

  A cold chill ran down Eve's spine. She shuddered a bit.

  "Are you cold, my dear?" asked the serpent.

  302 CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile of Lucifer

  "Then why would God forbid it?" she asked. "If it is such a

  good thing, why would He tell A'dam not to eat?"

  "Why indeed?" replied the serpent. "Makes little sense, hmm?

  That is why I propose that A'dam has misheard the Lord's instruc-

  tion. If God would withhold from you the greatest gift of all, He

  would not be a very loving God, now would He? Yet we know that

  the Most High is a God of great love. Love withholds nothing, Eve.

  True love anyway."

  Eve looked at the lowest limb of the tree. Several large, round

  pieces of fruit hung on the branch. She stood and stopped for a

  moment, staring at the fruit.

  "Wise as God," said the serpent. "Can you imagine such a


  Eve walked over to the branch and touched the fruit. It

  seemed ordinary enough--much like other fruit in the garden. She

  sniffed it. There was really little fragrance. Perhaps she could at

  least hold it and examine it a little more closely. As she held it in her

  hands it broke off and she made a startled noise and dropped it.

  "It won't hurt you, Eve," said the serpent. "Do you really

  think the Lord would place something deadly in Eden?"

  "No," she admitted, "there is nothing deadly in Eden."


  "Gabriel, we must do something!" Michael said.

  The area around the garden was by now filled with angels

  watching the exchange between the woman and the serpent.

  Lucifer's angels had crowded in around Eve and the trees in an

  unholy circle. The holy angels watched in horror as Eve came clos-

  er and closer to the trap. Gabriel looked at Michael and shook his


  "If only we could intervene," he said. "But we are forbidden.

  She must make her own choice."

  "I'd say she has already made it," said Kara with delight.

  "Not yet, Kara," said Michael. "Remember Serus? He repent-

  ed at the last moment and never fell into sin."

  "All that God holds in contempt we shall encourage in mankind." 303

  "Serus is weak," said Kara. "But Eve is strong. She won't turn


  "Her strength may deceive you, Kara," said Michael.

  "I'm counting on it to deceive her simpleminded husband,"

  said Kara, "and here he comes!"



  A'dam ran to the tree and pulled Eve by her arm. The serpent

  slowly moved to the other side of the tree.

  "Let's get away from this place--what are you doing?" he


  "My love," she answered. "I am doing this for us both."

  She picked up the piece of fruit and showed it to her husband.

  "Together we will become wise as God and rule for Him to

  His glory," she said.

  "Join me in this--if you truly love me."

  Eve took a bite of the fruit. The juice ran down both sides of

  her mouth as she bit deeply into its meat. She then offered it to her

  husband. A'dam was completely shocked by this.

  "What have you done?" he demanded. "You know that the

  Lord has forbidden this! You know what He has said!"

  "Yes," she said. "I know. And yet I live."

  A'dam turned from her. She grabbed his arm.

  "Dearest, rule with me in wisdom!" she said.

  "Wisdom? Where do you hear such nonsense?" he asked.

  "From the serpent. He speaks and is wise," she said, looking

  for him. "He told me so. A'dam, you must listen to me. We can be

  like God Himself! A'dam, I ate and did not die. If you truly love me

  you will join me and together we shall become like God! We will

  know good and evil. We will be able to rule this world in a way fit-

  ting to the glory of our Most High Lord!"

  "Eve," said A'dam, "I cannot."

  "It is because you don't love me then," she said. "I am merely

  another beast in Eden to you."

  "No, my love," A'dam insisted. "It is simply that..."

  304 CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile of Lucifer

  He looked tenderly at Eve, the fruit turning brownish already

  where she had bitten into it. He stared at the tree and thought about

  the Lord's words to him. Yet Eve lived!

  He would prove his love to her. And if perchance she was cor-

  rect, become wiser in the process! He took the fruit out of her hands

  and bit into it.


  Lucifer's angels shrieked in delight as A'dam took the fruit.

  The holy angels groaned and wept bitterly at the sight of God's pre-

  cious man turning rebel. Michael was stupefied. Gabriel looked on

  sadly. Kara was completely overjoyed. He moved away from

  Michael, not knowing what his reaction might be. Pellecus looked

  on studiously, watching the reactions of the Host. It was a chaotic

  mixture of rapt ecstasy and horrified sadness as A'dam transferred

  his authority to Lucifer.

  The serpent began to snicker aloud. He called to Eve.

  "Eve," he said. "How do you like it? Your eyes being opened,

  I mean. Gives one a new sense of life, hmm?" He laughed.

  "What have you done?" Eve asked the serpent.

  "I have done nothing, my dear," said the serpent. "But I fear

  you have undone everything!"

  A'dam looked at the fruit and threw it down to the ground.

  He suddenly was aware of a feeling of horrible shame and naked-

  ness. He could sense the unholy angels around him, laughing at

  him. Eve, too felt naked and alone. She looked to the serpent for

  some sense of comfort.

  "What do we do?" she asked, fear in her voice.

  "It's already done," he said, laughing.

  A'dam quickly picked some large leaves off a tree and used

  them to cover himself and Eve. They felt vulnerable. Ashamed.

  Embarrassed. He decided that they must get away from the trees

  immediately. He took Eve's hand and started to run out of the

  meadow. They could hear the sound of laughter all over the garden.

  "A'dam!" came a Voice.

  "All that God holds in contempt we shall encourage in mankind." 305

  "It is the Lord," A'dam whispered to Eve. "We must hide from


  Lucifer realized that the Lord was present and quickly fell to

  the ground, prostrating the serpent. He tried to make the serpent

  scurry away but found he could no longer control the animal. He

  sat still, quietly terrified. The unholy angels, upon hearing the

  Lord's voice, quickly scattered. Michael and the other angels pulled

  back, turning their eyes from Eden. Many bowed low to the Lord,

  waiting the judgment which must surely follow.

  "A'dam," said the Lord again. "Where are you?"

  A'dam remained hidden behind a large bush. Eve sat next to

  him, quietly sobbing.

  "A'DAM!" said the Lord. "Where are you?"

  A'dam stood up. His poorly made covering of leaves was al-

  ready falling apart. He held up a portion of it to cover his nakedness.

"I am here, Lord," he said. "I heard Your voice in the garden

  and it frightened me. I didn't want You to see the shame of my


  A'dam looked to the ground. Eve came up behind her hus-

  band and stood.

  "Nakedness?" He said. "Who told you that you were naked?

  Who told you that you should be ashamed of anything?"

  A'dam and Eve remained silent.


  Michael and Gabriel were feeling the shame of watching

  God's creatures turn on Him for a second time. They could only

  look on in agonizing silence. The rest of the Host had quietly

  departed or were prostrate in the Lord's Presence. Serus joined

  Michael and looked upon the fruit of his former master's labor.

  "This is freedom," Serus said in disgust. Michael looked at the

  little angel who had recently returned to the Lord. "Lucifer's free-

  dom always seems to lead to rebellion and shame. If only I had seen

  the truth earlier, perhaps..."

  "There is nothing any of us could have done," said Michael.

  "Even had we exposed Lucifer, his course seemed set--one way or

  306 CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile of Lucifer

  the other he would have found a way to rebel against the Lord. It

  was his choice, Serus, not ours."

  "Yes," agreed Serus. "But now his choice has become man's



  "Did you eat of the trees which I forbade you?" the Lord


  A'dam could not look up at all. The Father he once knew

  seemed distant now. It was as if they were strangers. He felt

  ashamed, and embarrassed. He also felt anger building up inside of

  him. He recalled his conversation with Eve at that very spot and

  looked at his wife with intense hatred. The leaves he was grasping

  dropped to the ground and he pointed at Eve.


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