Exile of Lucifer

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Exile of Lucifer Page 38

by D. Brian Shafer

  "This woman you made for me to be my helpmate--she

  tricked me. She is no helper to me! She gave me some of the fruit

  and I ate it!" He looked at her with contempt and added with great

  sarcasm, "Bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh indeed!"

  Eve looked at her husband pitifully, sobbing.

  "Eve," said the Lord. "What is it you have done?"

  Eve looked up at the Light. She still could not see the serpent

  but sensed he was nearby.

  "It isn't my fault," she said, fighting back the tears. "I was

  here to help the serpent. He began talking to me and deceived me.

  He laughed at me after we ate of the fruit. He drove me to eat!"

  Eve stepped back. The Lord turned His direction toward the

  serpent. Lucifer trembled violently, unable to control the beast that

  was once his to command.

  "Serpent!" said the Lord.

  Upon the word serpent, Lucifer was shaken violently. The ser-

  pent came slinking out from behind the tree and stood in front of

  A'dam. Lucifer tried to leave the beast but it was as if he was

  imprisoned there for this critical moment. The serpent stared at the

  light where the Lord's presence was. He was terrified.

  "You have done a grievous thing," the Lord said. "For this you

  are now cursed. You shall be cursed above all beasts of creation. You

  "All that God holds in contempt we shall encourage in mankind." 307

  shall be humbled to the point that you shall eat dust! It will be as if

  you shall crawl on your belly--no longer dignified, no longer a

  prince among your peers. And hear this: I shall place between you

  and the woman an enmity that shall span the ages. Hear me, ser-

  pent! There shall be enmity between your vile seed and hers. And

  one day her Seed shall thoroughly break your crown, though you

  bruise His heel!"

  At that moment the serpent gave Lucifer up with a loud wail-

  ing noise. The animal dropped to the ground, dead. Panicked and

  terrified, Lucifer flew into the Heavenlies to get away from that

  place of cursing. Michael and the others watched as Lucifer

  streaked past them out of Eden, screaming as if in great pain.

  Lucifer could feel something happening to him, overwhelm-

  ing him. He looked down upon Eden and seethed with a hatred for

  the Lord and all that He held dear, with an intensity never before

  experienced. His heart and mind were given over to complete cor-

  ruption, as all that was once holy inside of him died. Lucifer had

  become the complete Adversary--the Satan. He glanced at


  "As I said to you once before, Archangel, this is not finished!"

  he screamed.

  He quickly disappeared into the earth.

  Eve looked at the lifeless body of the serpent, then awaited

  her own punishment.

  "Because you have done this thing, I will cause great pain to

  come upon you when you bear children. You and your husband

  will indeed fill the earth, but it shall be through much pain and sor-

  row in childbirth. Not only that: Because you rebelled against the

  authority of your God, your desire shall be toward your husband

  and he shall rule over you in earthly, carnal authority."

  Eve stepped back, ashamed and weeping.

  "A'dam," said the Lord.

  A'dam shielded his eyes from the great light that he could no

  longer look upon.

  "Yes, Lord," he answered.

  308 CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile of Lucifer

  "Because you listened to the counsel of your wife and did not

  keep the law in Eden, the ground will now be cursed. That which

  once yielded fruit will now yield thorns. That which gave to you

  freely will now have to be worked rigorously. By the sweat of your

  brow you will labor all your life simply to exist. And one day you

  shall return to the ground from which you came. For you have for-

  gotten something, A'dam. You are dust--and to dust you shall


  A'dam turned away from the Lord and looked at Eve. He real-

  ized in his heart that he had shamed both of them. He had been

  given the responsibility to keep the law and failed. He took her by

  the hand, managing a weak smile. Together they left the area,

  weeping bitterly for what they had done.


  Chronicles of the Host


  Following the rebellion in Eden, the Lord determined that

  rather than risk further impertinence from the humans, He

  would set a guard around the trees. Thus did Michael com-

  mand that two cherubim be placed around the trees with

  swords of fire which would keep any tempter to eat of these

  trees away. For the Most High knew that should the fallen

  humans eat of the Tree of Life, they should live forever.

  Thus began the struggle for which we angels continue to fight

  this very day. The Great War that began in Heaven was now

  raging on earth as darkness sought to wage war against light

  through the lives and minds of humans. The Host never

  dreamed the critical role they would play in this conflict; that

  they would be intervening and encouraging, fighting and

  ministering, supporting and strengthening men and women

  on behalf of the Lord. They never dreamed that one day a

  human would be born of the Seed of the woman in whom God

  "All that God holds in contempt we shall encourage in mankind." 309

  would invest His Very Self; that through a man would come

  the redemption of mankind...


  Lucifer was brooding. Not even Rugio's report that the Lord

  had driven the humans out of Eden seemed to encourage him. He

  sat lost in thought, sizing up the situation and trying to discover

  what would be the next move. The Council gathered nearby await-

  ing his direction.

  Tinius walked over to Pellecus, who was seated on a large

  rock in the great cavern where they were meeting. The other angels

  waited in awkward silence, exchanging awkward glances.

  "How long must we stay in these gloomy quarters?" he whis-

  pered to Pellecus. "Surely we may inhabit Eden now that the

  humans have been forced out!"

  "Not that it matters, but the last report I heard of Eden is that

  it is being overrun by thorns," said Pellecus dryly. "It is hardly the

  paradise it once was. It's quite desolate."

  "How like the Most High to be so cruel in His judgment," said

  Tinius, "to remove the one completely beautiful spot from the


  "I hear that the Most High actually made clothes for the

  humans out of the skins of animals," said Kara, coming over to the

  conversation. "How bizarre!"

  "Yes," said Tinius. "It seems that nakedness is suddenly offen-

  sive to the Lord! It never bothered him before."

  He laughed, breaking the silence of the chamber. Everyone

  turned his way and then went back to what they were doing.

  "The nakedness is not what bothers Him," said Pellecus. "It is

  the shame of the disobedience. The Most High now realizes He has

  made a grave error in judgment and is attempting to cover the

  indiscretion as it were with the skin of beasts. P
itiful symbol really

  of A'dam's fallen state."

  "The blood of beasts to cover the shame of beasts," said Kara. "I

  sometimes wonder if the Most High knows what He is doing at all."

  310 CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile of Lucifer

  Pellecus smiled at the stupidity of Kara.

  "I am weary of waiting," said an exasperated Tinius. He

  addressed Lucifer directly: "My prince, when do we move?"

  All of the angels looked at Tinius, startled at the exclamation

  which broke into Lucifer's reverie. Some scowled at him; others

  nodded in silent affirmation; all eventually looked to Lucifer. He

  remained impassive.

  Finally he looked up at Tinius.

  "I have been thinking," Lucifer began. "I have been thinking

  about those things which the Lord said to me in Eden. He cursed

  me, you understand. And not only me, but realize you too are

  cursed. As I once said, we are in this together."

  A chill swept through the room. Every angel knew that he had

  tied his destiny to Lucifer. Now they understood that they tied

  their grim fates to him as well.

  "I know you sense this," said Lucifer. "There is, however, one

  consolation to A'dam's disgrace. His rebellion prolongs the war.

  Gives us time to prepare. Hear me!"

  The Council gathered around the makeshift conference area,

  deep within the heart of a mountain. Lucifer found solace in darkness

  and preferred it to the light of earth. He rarely ventured on the sur-

  face anymore, although he anticipated that one day he would return

  in complete triumph. He could see the dark eyes peering at him.

  "These are the facts--grim or great--however you wish to

  interpret them," Lucifer began. "First of all, the earth is ours," he

  said. "We have obtained legally what we could not take by force.

  A'dam's decision has wrested the kingship and the authority from

  him and it now belongs to me. That is the rule of law. We are the

  principle authority on earth. We also find ourselves in a grave bat-

  tle with Heaven which centers on the fallen humans. It is through

  humanity that we shall wage our warfare."

  "But how so?" asked Tinius. "The humans shall never trust

  you again."

  Lucifer stood up, and thought a moment.

  "I once remarked that the Lord has a propensity for leaving

  doors open," he said, ignoring Tinius' question. "Every time we are

  "All that God holds in contempt we shall encourage in mankind." 311

  finally set back, He leaves room for us to react. Whenever we are

  cast down there is an opportunity to rise again. He has done so

  once more. The Lord is a great God but a poor strategist for the long


  The angels perked up, hopeful that somehow Lucifer had a

  definite plan of action which could stop or delay the inevitable

  judgment that awaited them.

  "What is your thinking on this?" asked Pellecus.

  "Dear Pellecus," said Lucifer. "Always a question. My think-

  ing is in terms of the prophecy that the Lord spoke to me. Do you

  recall the words?"

  "You mean the Seed of the woman?" asked Kara.

  "Yes," said Lucifer. "The Seed of the woman. Everything on

  this planet that yields life involves some sort of seed--a deposit of

  sorts which assures the continued existence of itself. The Lord Him-

  self told the woman that she should bring forth children in great

  pain--the children are the seed of the woman."

  "And the Seed of the woman will break the crown of the ser-

  pent," muttered Pellecus. "Interesting."

  "And deadly," agreed Lucifer. "The same Seed which yields

  life to man will yield death to us."

  "So we are to war with the children of Eve?" asked Tinius.

  "Yes," said Lucifer, "but not just any child of Eve. One day

  there will be a child with which we must contend--provided we

  allow such an event to occur. The prophecy clearly speaks of a com-

  ing one. But since we cannot ascertain who that one is, we must do

  our best to exterminate all of them."

  "What do you mean, my prince?" asked Pellecus. "We cannot

  stop the blessing of the Lord. He has willed that A'dam and Eve fill

  the earth. What are you proposing?"

  Lucifer looked at the Council with a malevolent stare.

  "Death for death," said Lucifer. "That is what I am proposing.

  Death to humans. Death to A'dam and to Eve and to all who come

  after them. Destruction of the human seed. War against mankind.

  Death to the plans of the Most High!" He looked at the group with

  cold, savage eyes. "The only way we will stop the prophecy from

  312 CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile of Lucifer

  being fulfilled is to corrupt the Seed before it has a chance to turn

  on us."

  The Council looked at each other in melancholy glances.

  "When you say `death,' my prince," said Pellecus, "you are


  "Murder," said Lucifer. He began his customary pacing as he

  spoke. He paused. "I felt the serpent dying, you know. I know what

  death feels like. A'dam shall return to the dust of the earth. He was

  not permitted to eat of the Tree of Life. He only ate of the tree which

  will destroy him. He can die. He will die. As will all humans who

  follow him. Of course there are only two of them presently..."

  Rugio smiled at the thought of tearing A'dam and Eve to

  pieces. Lucifer looked at the angels, reading many of their faces.

  "I'm telling you that if we do not compromise the race,"

  Lucifer pleaded, "A'dam shall breed the Seed of our own destruc-

  tion! The Lord has left us no choice. The humans must die--to

  themselves, to each other, and most importantly to the Lord."

  "But how can we approach them, much less destroy them?"

  asked Tinius.

  "The same way I approached the serpent," said Lucifer.

  "Remember, we now have legal possession of this world and all of

  its resources. The Lord has distanced Himself from it. We now may

  approach the humans, influence them, even control them if they let

  us. I once sought to guide their destinies as their steward--now I

  shall drive them as their master."

  "But how?" said Kara. "What will be our strategy?"

  "We will set them to war against each other," said Lucifer.

  "Brother shall fight against brother in hatred. We shall stir up base

  qualities of jealousy and greed, lust and anger, strife and bitterness.

  All that God holds in contempt we shall encourage among men.

  Everything that is profane we shall inspire. This will be the fruit of

  our seed in mankind! We will thoroughly corrupt that which the

  Most High once held so dear. By the time we are finished He will see

  no reason to continue this conflict. Why would He desire to preserve

  a race of humans who have nothing but contempt for Him? What

  "All that God holds in contempt we shall encourage in mankind." 313

  seed of such perversion would hold fear for us? This earth will run

  red with the blood of men before we are through.

  "However, violence will not be our only weapon. We are

  thinking creatures, are we not? We shall be subtle and cunning in

  our dealings with man
. We shall create great systems of worship--

  some of you shall become gods of this planet--idolized and

  adored. You shall have images erected in your honor and placed in

  great temples--something strangely contemptible to the Most

  High. We shall divert the attention of man away from the Lord; he

  will look to the Heavens and see many gods; he will look to cre-

  ation but miss the Creator; he will look for God within his own cor-

  rupted pride. Instead of looking at a star and bowing to its Creator,

  he will bow to the star itself! What delicious irony to allow creation

  itself to be worshiped!

  "As humans grow and organize themselves--and they will--

  you shall be placed over families, villages, cities--even whole

  nations should it come to that. You will be given authority to

  manipulate those people for the common goal of sowing to their

  own destruction. If seed is to be the cause of strife then so be it! We

  shall sow seed--bloody, rebellious, violent seed--in all of


  He looked at the angels grimly.

  "We shall influence their bodies when possible and cause

  them to fall prey to all manner of disease and sickness. Death opens

  up a whole new possibility of settling the issue. Sickness of the

  mind, body and spirit we shall visit upon humans. We shall make

  their existence burdensome. They will grow weary of life!

  "We shall corrupt and destroy the Seed of woman before the

  Seed of woman destroys us. We have a struggle ahead, brothers.

  Make no mistake about that! What we have obtained by legal right

  is meaningless until we are able to secure it. So long as the pre-

  tenders in Heaven have authority, we must wage war--brutal,

  ugly, merciless war. And as you, the commanders of our move-

  ment, carry the war to earth, so shall I carry the war to Heaven. I

  shall ever remind the Lord of the rebellious nature of humans; I

  314 CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile of Lucifer

  shall ever accuse them to His face; until that day that He relents


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