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Promising Forever

Page 5

by Ashley Wilcox

  Chapter 10


  I know it all sounds crazy- getting married in a hospital room where my dad in barely conscious, but underneath it all, this has always been the plan. We weren’t planning on getting married until Collin was done with school - in the summer, maybe on the beach - but then my dad’s health took a turn for the worst and Collin surprised me by asking me to marry him so my dad could be there to walk me down the aisle. He may not be able to walk me down the aisle, but at least he’ll be here. At least he’ll still be by my side.

  After confirming that this is what I really want to do, Collin went to work, calling his mom and putting together the best last minute wedding possible- in a hospital room. I insisted that all I needed was the justice of the peace and our family, but Collin insisted on having a little bit more. You can’t have fresh flowers in the ICU rooms, so Collin’s mom brought in fake ones, saying that we had to have flowers at our wedding. It wasn’t until well into the night that our wedding party, Collin’s parents, and the justice of the peace arrived. Although there is only two people allowed in the room at a time, the nurses and doctors made an exception. Leah and Kat helped fix me up in the bathroom as Collin and the others waited.

  The walk from the public bathroom to my dad’s room acted as my walk down the aisle. My heart melted and tears pricked my eyes when I heard the recorded version of the harpist that we picked out playing my entrance song. God love Collin’s mom for having to capture every moment on film or camera, and remembering every little detail. The nurses all lined the front desk with tears in their eyes. Turning the corner, Collin, Matt, Travis, and the justice of the peace are lined on one side of my dad’s bed with Leah and Kat lined on the other. Mr. and Mrs. West sat in the corner of the room. Between all of us and all of the machines, space is limited, but we somehow make it work.

  Collin’s mom stops the tape, muting the music as Collin steps forward and takes my hand- we’re hand in hand by the side of the bed with my dad quietly sleeping behind us. The justice of the peace then steps forward, starting his speech.

  “Collin and Summer. We are gathered here today…” he begins, but his voice fades away as my eyes connect with Collin, pulling me into the caramel depths of his soul. The world disappears around us, leaving us in a bubble of our own. For a moment I forget about all the worries and pain in my life and focus only on the good, the adventure that Collin and I are about to make together as one. Collin’s thumbs caress the top of my hands as he mouths, I love you, for only me to see. With a flock of butterflies invading my chest, I smile and mouth, I love you, back to him. Snapping us out of our daze, the judge asks Matt and Kat for our rings. Thankfully, they both still have them and pass them along.

  “It is my understanding that you both wish to make the traditional vows?” he asks.

  We both nod our head in agreement.

  “Okay. Summer, we’ll start with you.” He hands me Collin’s ring. “As you place this ring on Collin’s hand, repeat after me.”

  “I, Summer.”

  “I, Summer,” I begin, already feeling a knot of tears moving up my throat, but manage to push it down and finish, sliding Collin’s ring on his finger.

  “Now, Collin, repeat after me,” the judge starts, but Collin cuts him off.

  “No, I’d like to say my own...if that’s okay?”

  My heart floods with emotions as I look at Collin, shocked.


  “Okay, Collin. Proceed when you’re ready.”

  Taking a deep breath, Collin smiles while caressing my hand with his thumbs again.

  “Summer, from the moment I met you, I knew you were something special. From the moment I kissed you, I knew you were worth loving. From the moment…”

  He shakes his head with a devilish grin. “I won’t go there,” he kids, making me blush and a small chuckle to erupt.

  He did not just refer to us having sex in his vows!

  “But from the moment I proposed to you, I knew I couldn’t live without you, and from the moment I put this ring on your finger, I will never let you go. I want to be here for you through every up and down, every challenge we might face. I want to be here for you the moment our first child enters this world. I want to grow old with you and hold your hand until the very end. Summer, I never want to miss one second in all of the days of your life.”

  With my heart in overdrive and tears streaming down my face, Collin looks to the justice of the peace for my ring. Placing it on my finger, he continues, “Summer Nadine Walker, will you accept this ring and make me the luckiest man alive by promising me forever?”

  Overwhelmed with his words I manage to answer…

  “I do.”



  “Goodnight, Daddy. I’ll be back in the morning.” Summer kisses her dad’s forehead before wiping the stray tears from her cheeks.

  “Ready?” I ask, rubbing her back then lacing my hand with hers.

  She nods her head in agreement and glances at her dad one last time before leaving.

  It wasn’t easy convincing Summer to come home tonight, but after getting a sympathetic lecture from me and from the nurses, encouraging her to get some rest, she agreed.

  “I’m sorry this is how we’re spending our wedding night,” Summer apologizes once we get in the car.

  Shaking my head and resting my hand on her cheek, I tell her, “I told you, babe, I don’t need the superficials. All I want is you as my wife and now that you are, that’s all I care about.” I raise my eyebrows with a grin. “Mrs. West.”

  Her beautiful lips turn up into a smile and her eyes sparkle with adoration.

  “I love you,” she tells me before gently kissing my lips.


  The ride home is quiet. Our hands stay laced together as Summer stares out the window and I stare out the front, paying attention to the road. Every once and a while we glance over at each other at the same time, stealing a heartfelt smile, making my heart beat a little faster and my blood flow a little warmer.

  I help Summer out of the car and carry her dad’s suit that I have to return to the tux rental store for him tomorrow into the house once we arrive. To my surprise and with much appreciation, trays of food line the inside of our refrigerator. My mom must have dropped them off after the reception.

  “Do you want something to eat, hon?” I shout from the kitchen, already making a plate for myself. It’s been hours since I ate anything.

  “No thanks. I think I’m just gonna get in the shower,” she calls back from down the hall. “Can you come unzip me first, though?

  “Of course,” I respond, setting everything down on the counter and making my way in her direction.

  When I turn the corner, my breath hitches. Summer is standing in front of our full length mirror, holding her hair up in the back- it is the most beautiful picture that I’ve ever seen. I’m doing everything in my power to control the urge to kiss every exposed inch of skin on her neck.

  Taking a deep breath, I continue in the room, reaching for the zipper midway down her back.

  “Thanks, babe,” she tells me once the zipper reaches the bottom of the seam.

  Gently resting my lips on the bottom of her neck, I softly whisper, “You’re welcome,” against her skin. She exhales slowly, and I can see her eyes close in the mirror. She can feel it, too, but I remind myself of the series of events that occurred tonight and that this is not the time nor the place to be seducing my wife. With another gentle peck on her shoulder, I tell her to enjoy her shower and that I’ll be right back once I get a bite to eat. She gives me a tight grin and watches me as I leave.


  I’m surprised when I return to our room just a short time later and find Summer sitting on the edge of our bed already showered and dressed in her pajamas, going through her dad’s hospital bag.

  Sitting down beside her, I ask, “What’re you doing, baby? Let’s just go to bed- we can go through his things tomorrow.�
� Though it’s already well into the morning, so really- later on today.

  “It’s just his clothes,” Summer answers. “I don’t want to leave them all bunched up in a bag.”

  Instead of arguing with her, I stand up and reach for a hanger in our closet. As I drape his tuxedo jacket over the sides, I notice a bulge in the inside pocket and slip my hand inside, pulling out a long thin jewelry box.

  “Babe, did you see this?” I ask Summer, holding it up for her viewing.

  She looks at me, confused. “What’s that?” she asks, standing up and reaching for it.

  “It was in your dad’s pocket,” I tell her as I hand it to her.

  Taking a deep breath, she examines it’s exterior before sitting back down on the bed and opening it up. A note falls out onto her lap, startling her. Picking it up with her left hand, she examines the inside of the box in her right. Summer’s mouth drops, seeing the emerald platinum gold necklace sitting within.

  “Oh my god,” she whispers, stunned.

  She looks at the note in her hand blankly, frozen in space.

  “Do you want me to read it?” I ask, knowing that she’s probably questioning her strength to open it.

  Swallowing hard, she answers, “Could you?” and hands it to me.

  Placing the jacket neatly on the bed behind her, I take the note from Summer’s hand and takes a seat down next to her.

  Noticing the feminine handwriting and the age of the paper, I worry that maybe we should wait to read this.

  “Are you sure?” I gently caress her cheek with my thumb. “We can wait and read it tomorrow?”

  With tears welling in her eyes, she swallows hard again while shaking her head no.

  “No, I want to know what it says,” she chokes out in between the knot visibly forming in her throat.

  “Okay,” I agree, taking a deep breath before I start.

  My beautiful Princess,

  Today, on your wedding day, is the day you truly become a woman. Today, Daddy will give you away to begin a life full of love, friendship and the best years of your life. I wish I could be there to hold your hand, help you into your dress, and whisper to you how proud your father and I are of you- that never has there ever been a bride as beautiful as you. And even though I can’t be there to tell you this in person, please know that I’m telling you this from up above. Know that no matter where you are or what challenges you are facing, I’m here and always will be.

  Please accept this necklace as your something old. It’s been passed down through generation after generation. Your grandmother gave it me on the day I married your father and today I want to give it to you on the day you marry your soul mate. Always remember when you wear this that no matter what sacrifices you might face, or what heartaches you may suffer, there is no love as strong as the love you and your husband hold inside your heart. Always remember the love you shared that moment you said I do. As long as you keep God and that love at the focal point of your marriage, you and your husband can survive any hurdle thrown at you.

  I love you, Princess and I wish you years and years of happiness!




  From the moment I woke up this morning, I was wishing that my mom was here. All day I envisioned what it would be like to have to her here with me, experiencing this milestone in my life, together. And now I know she was; that she always has been. Every day with everything I do, she’s here…watching over me. In my heart I always knew it was true, but now, actually hearing her tell me this, confirming it, my heart fills with warmth as the tears stream my face.

  “Thank you,” I whisper to Collin with a tight grin. “Thank you for reading that to me.”

  Collin wipes his eyes with the back of his hands, nodding his head in agreement, before turning and looking at me with heartfelt eyes.

  “Summer Nadine West, I love you so damn much and your mom is right.” He holds up the letter, tears falling freely down his face. “With the amount of love that we have inside of our hearts, we can make it through anything. I’m going to be here for you forever, holding your hand and walking you through any hardship we face. Never doubt me- never doubt us. My love for you will never change.”

  I nod my head yes, trying to hold back the sob that’s threatening to escape my body. He pulls me in forcefully, engulfed with emotion, wrapping his arms tightly around me. Not being able to hold on any longer, we both break down, wrapped in each other’s arms.

  Once I’m able to catch my breath and speak again, I whisper into his shoulder, “I could never doubt you, Collin. I’ll always be yours.”

  Nodding his head gently, he agrees.

  “Forever, baby,” he tells me. “We’re forever.”

  Thank you for following this wonderful journey of Collin and Summer’s. I hope you enjoyed this special wedding novella. Keep your eyes peeled for the next book in this series, Giving You Forever, a continuation and conclusion of Nolan and Alexa’s story coming this July 2013.


  Oh, how I love my readers and fans. You guys continue to knock my socks of and amaze me daily with your constant love and support. I heart you all!

  A-Team- this book is dedicated to you! Without you crazy bunch of ladies I wouldn’t be where I am today. I seriously love and appreciate ALL that you do for me.

  About the Author

  Some may consider me a jack of all trades, but I consider myself well rounded.

  I’ve waitressed, styled hair, answered phones and, most recently, worked full time as mom to my two beautiful little boys.

  Then there was this book…

  Everyone and their brother started talking about this book series titled Fifty Shades of Grey by EL James. I didn’t really pay attention to the craze at first, since I wasn’t a big reader–okay, I didn’t read at all. But curiosity got the best of me, so I downloaded it to my kindle.

  I was immediately hooked. I read the whole series in three days. Yes, three books in three days.

  I kept finding all these great books that I HAD to read (just ask my credit card!).

  Then I started hearing voices. Voices that turned into stories; stories that were begging to get out of my head.

  I started writing them down on scraps of paper. Then I transferred them to my computer. Before I knew it, Planning on Forever was born.

  The voices in my head are still talking, so I’m still writing.

  For more information about me, and what I’m working on please follow me on:








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