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The Chronicles of Stella Rice: March

Page 6

by Adrienne Kama

  “Focus kitten. Think wedding dress.”

  Dress hell. Slipping my free hand around his waist and standing on my toes, I tried to force the issue. I let my breasts press into his chest, melded my body to his. His warmth seeped into me, drawing a soft moan from the back of my throat.

  Despite the stirrings I felt between his legs, Dev, damn the man, tilted his head away and raised a brow. “You have a one-track mind, don’t you? No sex, Stella. Not till next week.”

  I remained on my toes a moment longer, hoping he’d relent. “One itsy, bitsy little kiss?” I batted my lashes and gave him a pout. When he laughed, I didn’t take it a good sign. With a few choice words, I settled flat on my feet. “Since when did you become so sanctimonious?”

  “I’m not. But I refuse to be distracted from the goal. Dress first, after that…” He gave me a heavy-lidded stare and dragged his tongue over his bottom lip. The exquisite slowness of the move had me gasping for air.

  “You’re cruel, Dev. Jake never teases me.”

  “I’m not Jake. When I fuck you, I want you desperate for it.”

  Dev eased from my grasp and started forward, leading me away from Muvico and deeper into the mall.

  “So, do you have a favorite color?” He asked a few minutes later.

  It was obvious Dev wouldn’t be persuaded into sharing an erotic interlude with me, so I tried to do as he suggested and focus on buying a dress. “You don’t have to buy me a dress, you know. I have plenty to choose from at home.”

  He squeezed my hand, sending a fresh wave of arousal through me. “Maybe I want to buy you a dress.”

  I was so pleased by this statement that I nearly emitted a girlish giggle. I managed to suppress it. “Okay. I’ll cooperate.”

  We stopped in a store I figured had purchased stock in Baltimore Gas and Electric. Bright, florescent light shone from the ceiling, thoroughly illuminating the pastel wears on display throughout the shop. Skimpy summer dresses in various hues of pink, orange, teal, and green hung on racks. The dresses were so tiny I had to wonder exactly who could put these clothes on and hope to cover any of their more private parts. The garments were nearly microscopic. Also short on material were the short-shorts, micro-mini’s, and halter-tops. Didn’t people were clothes that covered them anymore?

  When I felt a hand shove my coat aside then a finger dip into the waistband of my pants, drawing me back a step, I was pulled from my thoughts.

  “Stella,” Dev said, sliding another finger into my waistband. “You have any shorts like these?”

  I scanned the garment in question. A pair of very pink, very minuscule, short-shorts. As I rule, I didn’t wear anything that would show this much of my butt unless I was on the beach. “No.”

  Another finger squiggled into my pants. “I think they’d look great on you.”

  I looked at Dev, saw hot lust in his eyes, then took the shorts from his hands. “But I have wanted to get a pair.”

  So what! I’m not the first woman to tell a white lie for a man, and I won’t be the last. I’m also not the first woman to contemplate wearing some ridiculous item of clothing to make a man happy.

  As I walked to the changing rooms at the back of the store, a tiny voice in my head tried to convince me the shorts were too “young” for me, but I ignored it. I could pull off micro clothing as well as any twenty-something. And at that moment, while I was suffering through forced abstinence, I had the perfect incentive.

  However, poised in the fitting room with said shorts on a bit later, I was beginning to have my doubts. Short, didn’t really begin to describe what I was wearing. I stared at my reflection and wondered if they were supposed to look this way.

  A copious amount of flesh lay bared for all to see and I doubted even with the promise of sex hovering in the air, I could wear something so skimpy in public.

  “Do you have them on yet?” Dev called. From the nearness of his voice, I knew he was poised just beyond the curtain. “Try this top on with them.”

  I bikini type shirt appeared over the curtain rod, Dev’s bejeweled fingers clasping the item as if it were gold. For a moment I merely contemplated the object, wondered how far I was willing to go to get some action.

  Maybe a little further, I mused, then grabbed the shirt.

  Once I had it on and saw my reflection, I couldn’t help but laugh. If the girls could see me now. Hell, they’d probably have me committed. My breasts didn’t so much rest in the narrow sliver of cups the top offered, as much as they warred against it. One quick move, one wrong turn and my wears would be on display for all to see.

  I was willing to do a lot to make Dev happy, but this was where I drew the line.

  “Are you dressed?” Dev called.

  “I don’t think these are gonna work, Dev.” I know these aren’t gonna work.

  “Let me see.”

  Shaking my head at my own bemused reflection, I said, “I don’t think so.”

  A moment later, the curtains were shoved aside. Before they could settle back into their closed position, Dev was standing beside me, a faraway look on his face.

  “Dev,” I whispered in my most stern voice. “You can’t be in here.”

  “Turn around,” he managed. His voice was low, smooth as cream, and rich with sexual overtones.

  I turned.

  As I displayed the posterior view for him, he let out a strangled moan.

  “We’re buying these,” he decided.

  “What about the dress?”

  “We’ll get you a dress too, and maybe a few mini-skirts.”

  That wasn’t what I wanted to hear. I didn’t want to own these clothes. I’d never wear them.

  I spun to face him. “Dev, I can’t go in public like this. I’d be arrested.”

  He stepped close and fitted his palms to my very exposed bottom. “Who said anything about going in public? This is for home. For Jake and me.” He squeezed and drew me forward until my body fit snuggly to his. “Baby, you have no idea how good you look right now.”

  I squirmed free of him and stepped back.

  Dev advanced.

  Chapter Seven

  Before I realized what was happening, he was on me. I released a surprised yelp when the cold surface of the mirror came into contact with my skin. The discomfort, however, was quickly forgotten.

  His arms quivered when he set them against the wall on either side of me, as though to actually touch me would be too much for him. He moved in with the speed of a panther and gave me a sexy growl as he closed the distance between us.

  Then his lips were on me, and all conscious thought evaporated.

  Gentle as a dove, his lips moved over mine. Despite the ravenous desire I saw in his eyes, the touch was hesitant. Our lips brushed, the wet creases of his mouth inciting an ever-growing fire in me. Eager for this intimacy, desperate for it, I opened to him. Of their own accord my arms reached for him, pulled him close so I could feel his every inch along my body. I stood on my toes, so desperate for more than a chaste kiss I marveled that I could stand on my own two feet.

  “I want you so bad right now,” he muttered, then dove deeper.

  He tasted like paradise. His lips, his breath, his skin. There wasn’t any part of him I didn’t delight in feasting on. I lost myself in him, reveled in the feel of his tongue plunging into my mouth and feeding. His fingers grazed my scalp as he tangled his hands in my hair and pulled my head back, positioning me so he could delve deeper.

  Our tongues danced, I was in a frenzy for more.

  Then he released me and stepped away.

  “Not a good place,” he said, chest heaving.

  I couldn’t disagree, though I had to force myself not to twist a finger in a belt loop and drag him forward again. Instead, I nodded.

  He stared at me with hooded eyes, an evil grin spreading on his lips. “We’re gonna finish this later, kitten.”

  Saying this, he slipped out of the dressing stall and left me alone, trying to catch my breath.

  5:21 p.m.

  Four hundred dollars later, I teetered around on three-inch heels while Dev struggled under the weight of all our shopping bags.

  It took us an hour and a half to traverse the first half of the mall…and I’m not exaggerating. My feet hurt, my ears had tired of the incessant chatter going on around me, and I was horny. I’d lost the thrill of shopping a few stores back. When I left the girls at the Gallery I was primed to do something sexy with Dev. Maybe not actual sex since Jake issued his stupid dictate, but there were still a few scintillating things we could do. Then, a few stores back, Dev had led me to believe he too wanted to enjoy a few carnal delights, but so far, that hadn’t happened.

  I’d lost count as to exactly how many stores we’d been in, but it seemed we’d purchased something from every one of them. More shorts, micro-mini’s, halter-tops, shoes, a few pairs of jeans—something I would actually wear in public—and more dresses than I figured I’d ever wear. Including the dress I currently had on. An incredibly short, pink and green, floral print baby doll dress. We’d found the heels in a Nine West outlet shop. (I LOVE Nine West!) They weren’t the kind I typically purchased for myself. I wasn’t big on pink. Frankly, I was a little surprised to learn just how fond Dev was of the color. In any case, the shoes were fashioned to look like…well…slutty Mary Jane’s. Basically, I looked like an overgrown schoolgirl with very bad intentions.

  For about the two hundred thousandth time since I’d allowed Dev to convince me into donning the ridiculous outfit, I thanked God for the long winter coat I was wearing. Presently, it was buttoned from my ankles to my chin.

  “Stick a fork in me, I’m done.” I cuddled closer to Dev, eased an arm around his waist and squeezed. “Dev. Let’s go to my place.”

  One look at me, and Dev knew exactly what I wanted. He was silent for a few beats, his lush lips open and poised for speech. “What a bad little girl.”

  “You promised that we’d—”

  He shushed me. “When I’m ready, Stella. Not before. Are you hungry? There’s the food court. We can grab something to hold us till we get home.”

  I thought Dev was being more than a little unreasonable. “I’m not hungry, Dev, I’m horny. Sorry, but my hormones don’t move on your friggin’ time schedule.”

  Dev stopped and gazed at me for a few, drawn out moments, then started for the food court. I supposed I was meant to follow, which I did.

  Bloody hell, I wasn’t hungry. Did the man have a hearing problem or was he daft? Would I have to do something drastic or…? I never finished that thought. At that moment I saw he wasn’t taking me to the food court but to the hall at the back of the food court that led to the restrooms. We entered a sterile corridor at a jog, the sound of my heels clipping the floor echoed around us. He led me down the first hallway and to the right down a second hall where we were far out of sight of mall traffic. He came to an abrupt halt, backed me into a wall, and studied me.

  Pleasure surged through me at this display of masculine aggression, and for a moment, I wondered what on earth was wrong with me to be stirred by such brutish behavior. Was I really a submissive like Jake and Dev said? Was I really so easily aroused by the thought of male domination?

  “Unfortunately for you, Stella,” Dev began, casually removing his hat and dropping it in a bag, “you’re not in control. I am.” His stance was more telling of just how much control he had over the situation. Standing so close I had to crane my head back just to see his face, Dev loomed over me. Even with the numerous shopping bags he was holding, Dev seemed one hundred percent male. And my body reacted to this fact immediately.

  My quim gave a hungry clench even as I blinked. I looked away, thinking maybe if I got my eyes off him I could regain my mental footing.

  “Look at me, Stella,” Dev demanded in a tone that brooked no argument.

  Slowly, I tilted my head toward him again and raised my eyes to his. Lips set in a determined frown with his fair waves wild on his head, he looked feral.

  “Good girl. I want you to open your coat for me.”

  Shit! I should have learned by now that it was never a good idea to call Dev’s bluff. Eccentric that he was, Dev was always ready to rise to whatever challenge came his way, and he had taken me demanding that I was ready for action now as a definite challenge.

  “What are you waiting for, kitten? I told you to open your coat.”

  I glanced to the left and right to see if anyone was coming along the corridor. It remained empty, but I didn’t know how long that would last. “What if someone comes?”

  Dev settled the shopping bags on the floor, eyes on me the entire time. Speaking in a slow, measured voice, he said again. “Open your coat, Stella.”

  I began to glance up and down the corridor once more, but was stopped cold when Dev demanded. “Eyes on me. My opinion is the only one you need to care about right now.”

  Feeling a little stunned by Dev’s sudden transformation from shopping buddy to Dom, I lifted shaky hands and set about releasing the buttons on my coat, as ordered. When I was finished, I chanced a look at Dev.

  Unlike Jake, who could remain stony eyed until he came, Dev didn’t mind expressing his emotions with his face. However, with his coffee brown eyes narrowed to thin slits and his lips pursed as if to give a kiss, I wasn’t sure what he was thinking.

  “Hold it open,” he said.

  The desire to see if anyone was coming was nearly too strong for me to overcome. Nevertheless, I clasped the flaps of my coat and spread them wide. Hot air whooshed past my bare legs and I shivered. In my skimpy clothing I nearly felt naked without my coat to cover me. But I didn’t move.

  “Good girl,” Dev breathed. He reached between his legs and gave his crotch a squeeze. “Now, baby, I want you to take your panties off and give them to me.”

  I swallowed. Hard. “But Dev—”

  “Do it, Stella.”

  With lust making smooth movement impossible, I bent and slid my fingers under the short skirt of my dress until I found the waistband of my panties. As I drew them down my thighs, over my knees until they pooled on the floor at my feet, the need to have Dev inside me grew. I didn’t know why such displays of domination aroused me, couldn’t fathom how this had happened to me. All I knew was if he wasn’t buried inside me soon, I’d explode from pent up sexual yearning.

  Bending low, a clasped the panties then stood and set them in Dev’s waiting hand.

  “Good girl.”

  I saw Dev move closer, felt his body press to mine and nearly swooned with joy.

  Our lips met in a slow, erotic kiss. Then he surprised me by sliding a finger along my wet nether lips. He prodded me open, and slid his finger inside.

  “We’re gonna play a little game, kitten.”

  His finger glided along the moist walls of my vagina, found my G-spot and tickled. Whimpering at the contact, I wondered how long I’d be able to stay on me feet.

  “You wanna play a game with me?” he slipped a second finger within.

  Fierce heat descended on me as intense need flowed through my body like buttery smooth creamy. My legs trembled. The delicious thrill of Dev’s touch was nearly too much. Too much and not nearly enough. To my starved quim, his fingers were magic, but I wanted more than fingers.


  He captured my lips again, nudged them open with a flick of his tongue and probed within.

  I thought I’d melt into a quivering mass of jell-o on the floor at his feet. The touch of his tongue, the feel of his fingers as he penetrated deep, withdrew, then sank inside again was a wonderful torture. It felt amazing, too perfect for words. The fact that we were in public should have given me more pause, but it didn’t.

  Dev glanced at his watch. “For the next few hours, Stella, I own you.” He let his eyes rove my body. “I figure, why let that adorable baby doll dress and those shoes go to waste.”

  “But what’s the game?”

  “The game is, a
s long as you keep me satisfied I won’t tell Jake you tried to seduce me.”

  I gaped. “You’d do that?”

  Speaking against my spread lips he said, “Until I say otherwise, kitten, that sweet little pussy belongs to me.” He found my clit with a finger and began a slow tease. He moved his fingers in languorous strokes that had an inferno blazing inside of me.

  “Dev,” I begged against his mouth. Suddenly so desperate for him I’d forgotten where we were. “Please.”

  Dev released my lips and grinned wickedly. His finger continued to dance over my nub, drawing me inexorably to climax. “I love how pliant you are when you’re turned on. So very docile.”

  I hated that word, and Dev knew it. No doubt, that was precisely why he used it. But I was too far gone to quibble over words. I wanted Dev, was desperate for Dev, so docile it was.

  He stepped back, a movement that put an immediate end to the delicious tickling between my legs.

  Eyes on me, he lifted his fingers, still glistening from my juices, and raised them to his mouth. He sucked the fingers clean. “You taste so good, kitten.”

  I opened my mouth, but remained still and silent, waiting for his next direction.

  “Button your coat, Stella, then follow me.”

  I wanted to protest, wanted to beg him to finish what he started, but thought better of it. No matter how horny I was, we couldn’t very well get busy in the hall to the restrooms. Sooner or later we’d be caught. That nobody had wandered down the hall thus far was something of a minor miracle.

  With the promise of Dev burying himself deep in my quim, I hurried to clasp my buttons.

  Chapter Eight

  6:24 p.m.

  We sat side by side in the car, me trembling with repressed desire. I wanted Dev’s hands on me again so bad I could scarce breathe.

  Could I really go through with this? We were about to do something Jake had expressly forbidden us to do. Somehow, knowing we were doing something we weren’t supposed to made me all the more anxious to do it. Much as Dev would never admit it, Jake was our alpha, our Dom. An order from Jake was as good as a law. Yet, there we were, having a secret tryst.


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