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Rediscovering the Earth

Page 5

by Michal Hall

  "All of the houses will be powered by inconspicuous solar devices. The abundant, available, clean energy of the sun will now be the only energy that will ever be used. These devices will supply your lighting, and your water will come from solar powered wells. Until you can harvest it for yourselves, food made from one-celled organisms from the Federation will be planted and harvested from our oceans to serve as our food. This is the least complex, but very healthy, food that we can eat, and it will also allow the plants, animals, and fish on this planet to naturally grow and flourish. These one-celled organisms have already been planted, and will now be harvested. It will not affect the food chain of any marine life in the ocean. There will be enough food for everyone. As of this day, and far into the future, no other marine life, or any life of any kind, will ever be killed again.

  "Every family will live in similar housing, and no one will have any more than any other. All of the prideful, superior, controlling things, such as class, wealth and power, will be replaced by equality, forgiveness, kindness, peace, and an interconnected concern for everybody and everything. In fact, we will evolve to be just as concerned for each other and the Earth as we are for ourselves.

  "As I said, there will be no killing of anything ever again. No one will kill an animal or fish for sport, or kill a person for any reason. As we move into humility, with its kindness, concern and love for all, we will clearly see the atrocity of killing anything. We will see it as being something sickening and wrong, and we will be grateful for this natural change. Of course, all weapons of any kind will be gone. There will be no military, and there will no longer be any money. There will be no ‘jobs’ since none of us will have to work to survive as we did in the past. As time goes by, people will be able to train for their chosen ‘contribution’. It will be something that they like, enjoy and makes a difference.

  "Instead of money, the motivation for working will be love sharing and being able to assist and help each other, the Earth, and the cosmos. For instance, it might be that if you were a fisherman, you might help to preserve the oceans; if you were a gardener, you might encourage and help the area around you to grow; if you were a blue collar or business person, you might learn how to make some of things the Federation is temporarily providing for us, because at some future time, they will leave everything up to us and depart our planet. Of course as we evolve into this new life, there will be many other ways that we will find to contribute our gifts. As for now, our only tasks will be to rediscover the Earth and listen to the Federation’s teachings on the screen for at least four hours every day.

  "We will not have to worry about medical care, since an instrument from the Federation called a health monitor will evaluate and treat our ills immediately every day. Also, our time will be taken up with learning about how we can move from pride to humility to appreciate and cherish the Earth, the cosmos, the value of all he life-forms, and the amazing possibilities of our reflective life. We will learn about the tragedy of pride and the joy and peace of humility. We will find real inner and outer peace growing within us as we begin to move from the divisive culture of pride into the uniting, humble culture of the Earth.

  "At first, we may be confused and even angered by the changes in our lives, but as we learn to love and live in nature, we will begin to realize these changes are who we really are, and begin to feel relaxed, real, and at home. As we move from knowing only pride and move into humility before each other, the Earth and the cosmos, we will find that we are coming out of ourselves to embrace the other people and animals around us. We will feel secure and happy about what we are doing and who we are becoming. As I said earlier, some of us, in our residual pride, will fight all of this, but soon they will begin to see past their pride and see the freedom and truth of love, peace, inclusiveness and sharing. We will embrace everything that is around us, and of which we are a part, rather than fearing and fighting it. We will become one with and unafraid of other people, animals, and the wonders of the Earth and cosmos.

  “One thing that will surprise us is what happens when we allow animals to naturally live around us as equals. Very soon they will no more fear us and we will no longer fear them, which means that they will become our friends and even our families. Of course, the same will be true of people, because pride has also left us frightened of each other. However, when we all begin to evolve into humility and love, we will no more need to compare, fear, be jealous of, or compete with each other. Thus, we will evolve ever closer to all humans and all of life around us. If we can stick with this, it will change us into who we really are.”

  The voice in my mind stopped there. I guess they felt I had talked long enough, and I felt I had said about as much as I possibly could to prepare everybody for what was about to follow. I knew how frightened everyone must be at hearing this because I was frightened too, but no further explanations could really help with that. We had to go out and experience this new life for ourselves. I realized we were stepping into a new evolution of our species. Nothing more the Federation or I could say would help us to do that. It was now up to us. However, something came into my mind that I felt might make a good ending to all of this, and the voice in my mind said to go for it! Thus, without any help from the voice of the Federation, I spoke again on my own.

  "Several weeks ago, I was walking in a park close to my home. On a path, I saw something I had never seen before. I saw a turtle who was turned upside-down. Apparently, he was not able to turn back over himself, so at this point his legs were barely moving. Of course, I went over to him and slowly turned him over. When he tried to get up and walk, he was unsure, frightened and confused. Gradually, again with my help, he was able to get on his feet and finally walk into the forest.

  “I think this is kind of like us right now. We have totally turned ourselves over in our evolution into pride, and we can’t move forward. Our arrogance, greed, judgment, fear and anger have flipped us over so we can no longer evolve together with the Earth or each other…and even soon not be able to evolve at all. Our violence, hate and lonely isolation have just worn us out, so now we’re losing all hope of ever walking again. The Federation of Planets is here to help us turn over, but it will take some time for us to adjust and walk freely again…but we will. Starting off, we will be wobbly, but in time we will be joyfully walking straight and strong into our intended joyful future the cosmos.”

  I wished them all well and said goodbye. The screen went off in front of me, and everything totally changed!

  Chapter 8

  The New Life

  “When the sense of the earth unites with the sense of one’s body, one becomes earth of the earth, a plant among plants, an animal born from the soil and fertilizing it. In this union, the body is confirmed in its pantheism.”

  Dag Hammarskjöld

  “Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop away from you like the leaves of autumn.”

  John Muir

  A moment later, my wife and I were standing together in the dark. Then a light came on to reveal a room in a small, mud house like the one I had described in my speech. It looked like the floor was made of some kind of ground rock, and we later discovered that it had a flat roof with endemic small plants, clovers and grass growing on it. It all seemed very sturdy and clean. Around us were a few chairs, a table with three books on it, and a nice, but strange looking, bed. In one corner there was a fancy box that I later learned was the health monitor, and in another corner was what looked like a walk-in closet which I quickly learned was a bathroom that recycled our kidney and bowel contributions back into the Earth. Several changes of white and gray clothes were in a dresser-drawer. There was also a bucket of water that would periodically refill itself as needed. We were to use it to drink and wash ourselves. We found that lights turned on and off at our command. Bilbo was already contentedly lying asl
eep on the bed.

  Then we decided to go outside. It was dark, but we could still see that there were some trees and wide stretches of land around us. We even saw a light in the distance which we thought must be another house. The most obvious thing to see out there was the bright moon and stars, which we still couldn’t see as we could later without the remaining air pollution.

  We were both frightened, but as we talked it all over together, we began to calm ourselves. It did appear that now things really were going to be very different…but maybe things would get much better soon. However, that couldn’t alter the fact that our lives at that moment were turned upside-down. It felt like a rug had been pulled out from under us, and we were falling blindly into some unfolding mystery.

  Neither of us could imagine where we were. I later remembered that we were told that everyone would be located somewhere near to where they had previously been. However, they said that in an attempt to give everybody equal space, the new location could be some distance away from where they had lived before. Also, all of the previous lines of demarcation on the Earth, like nations, states, or counties were now abolished, because there really is only one land-mass, and that is called the Earth. Thus, from now on we will all just be identified as citizens of the Earth, which is all that is real because it is our one and only home. We were also told that if we had previously lived in a highly populated area, we might be a great distance from our last home. They said we might even find ourselves in what used to be another country. For us, it was over a year before we found my beloved Mississippi River on one of our very long walks.

  We were both tired that night because my wife had just witnessed my speech, and I had presented it…and also it was very late at night. I didn’t tell her about my experiences that night because I knew she would ask me endless questions and I really wanted to go to sleep. There would time for that in the morning. We both went into our new bed with Bilbo right there in the middle between us. It felt good. It took some time for me to get to sleep, but, to my relief, I finally did, and I slept well.

  When we awoke the next morning, we got up to see that there was some strange looking stuff on the table. I didn’t remind Akari that it was probably some kind of one-celled organism from the ocean; however, when she tasted it, she said it was really good. It also tasted good to me. When we finished eating, we looked out of the door and saw that there were some trees around us, and in the distance we could see another house just like ours nestled in a meadow. However, there were no other houses or any paved roads anywhere in sight. We went out and looked around for about an hour, and when we came back into the house, an image appeared on one of the walls. On it was written “Your teachings for today”. Akari and I both felt a strong urge to pull up one of the chairs and listen. For a long time after that first day, we watched and listened, and we’ve been learning from this amazing gift of wisdom ever since.

  We later learned that the ‘screen’, as we would come to call it, would respond to questions, which was a great help. Some times during the day, it would even play a movie we might request if it did not include violence. We also learned that from now on, it would be the way that children all over the world would be individually taught in their own language and on their own level. We could not have imagined what the result of everyone being given a real, challenging, really good education would mean for our future, because soon after everyone started learning and being educated, there was a huge drop in criminal activity. There was also a dramatic drop in those who were resisting the changes. We came to realize that we were not moving backward as we entered this culture of the Earth, but we were moving forward into truth, peace, and a meaningful future. This, and many other things, inspired us to accept the Federation and its new ideas.

  In only a few years, our teachings had even helped us to slow down our overpopulation. Very few children were being born even though every couple were only able to have one, so almost at once, the population was dropping. It was amazing how quickly people were able to grasp what overpopulation was doing to us and to the Earth, and then voluntarily respond to address it. Every day we could see on the screen what the population was, which made us even more aware and concerned about it. As the years progressed and people began to live much longer because of the health monitor, the population still kept dropping.

  As we were first watching the screen, it told us about the healthy food we were eating, and about our temperature controls. It also told us how to everyday use the health monitor to recover our optimum health. The voice of the screen was the same one that had spoken to me in the past. It constantly tried to calm us with pictures of how people were settling in around the world, and what we could expect next. Some of the time, the image and voice would stop and we would be told to just go outside and walk. Actually it was always encouraging us to go outside and experience nature around us.

  Also on the first day of the screen’s lessons, they said, “We know that most of you are finding your living arrangements to be an improvement over what you had before, but others, who always had enough to eat and drink and a large place to live, are now finding yourselves limited and confined. Of course, when this last group sees that living in this way is necessary if we are to heal our abuses of the Earth and allow our species to survive, they will change their minds. This way of living will help you to understand and feel that you really are the Earth. In fact, all beings throughout the cosmos who live on their planets, and come from and stand upon them, are their planets.”

  "A good way to begin this journey of self-realization is to peel away the layers of who you are. To do this, you start with reflecting on who you are now. You then peel away each layer of your evolution down to your birth. This can offer you a profound lesson in self-understanding, but you don’t stop there. You then peel away the stages of when you were in the womb all the way down to the egg that is fertilized by the sperm. But even that is not the end of this, because we must ask where the egg came from? Where does all life come from? Obviously, when all has been peeled away, you are left with one thing…you are left with the Earth. At this point you have to see that where you have ultimately come from is the Earth, because the Earth is where all of life originates. So you see, you are the Earth.

  “Of course you could go further to see that the Earth came from the dust of exploding stars, so you could say that you are the cosmos. That is true; however, you have not been abusing, using, and wiping out the mighty cosmos as you have been doing to your planet Earth. Thus for you to take steps to reverse your abuse of the Earth and treat it properly and lovingly, you must begin by actually living on, with, and in tune with the Earth…which is what you are now doing. You must reverse your past misguided, cruel actions toward your planet, but you must do more. You must live in ways that will honor and restore the Earth…and when you do that, you will be allowing your species to have a future.”

  The teaching pointed out how we had totally left the Earth, so returning to live on it will not be going backward; it is moving it forward. They also reminded us that only the reflective beings that have humbly lived close and in tune with their planets have survived. They said again that nothing of value will be lost when we return to the Earth, but many real and valuable things will be opened to us.

  At some point, the lessons began to change to be more specific. They began teaching us all of the things that we had done to hurt the animals. For instance, I was shocked when they said that we had destroyed 83% of all the wild mammals. Also, in order to feed the exploding number of humans on the Earth, we had developed a more artificially reproduced livestock (cows, chickens, etc.) so that cows made up 60% of all the mammals that were left on the Earth, and poultry made up 70% of the birds. They then expanded out to quote other shocking statistics about our abuse of the oceans, air, land, and ecosystems, but it would take up the rest of the book to talk about that.

  Along with that, they pointed out how our abuses of each other and our planet came out of our cruel, destructiv
e pride, greed and arrogance that was constantly herding us into extinction. After a while, the teachings started showing us how we had left the natural, connecting state of humility, love, and peace, to sink into, and be enslaved by, the unnatural, divisive, fearful state of arrogance, pride, hate, and fear. It showed us how pride was tearing us apart from ourselves, each other, the Earth and its life-forms, and our future.

  However, it also showed us how all of this can be neutralized when we chose to stop evolving into pride, and evolve into natural humility. It admitted that because we had for so long been evolving into divisive pride, it had become an addiction that would take time, courage, wisdom and patience to move out of it. However, they said it can be done, because many other reflective beings on other planets that were also going extinct, have been able to move out of pride, control, hate and fear to taste the wonders and peace of love, humility and peace. They repeated over and over that there is no reason that we can’t do that too!

  As I listened, I was amazed at the impact these words were having on me. I could see that I had already started changing the way that I thought about things. Also, when I stopped trying to pridefully control everything, I became much more patient with myself, other people, the animals, the weather, and the seasons. It was like I was coming out of a dark, cold cave of deception, into a comforting, warm light of peace and truth. I know that the reason the Federation came to our planet was not just because we were going extinct, but also to be able to throw off the reasons we were going extinct to stop living in misery!


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