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Lola & the Millionaires: Part One

Page 17

by Kathryn Moon

  I’d spent one night with Leo at my apartment, and then one night alone catching up on the sleep I’d lost, before giving in to Rake’s pleads to come back to the house. This time, I’d been smart and brought an overnight bag too, and it was currently slung over Rake’s shoulder. An omega and a gentleman.

  The elevator dinged and we got off on Rake’s floor. Caleb’s rooms were dark, so maybe everyone was doing their own thing on the family floors below us and I wasn’t too much in the way for the night.

  “I can see you worrying,” Rake said, arching an eyebrow.

  “Get used to it,” I volleyed back, and smiled when I made him laugh.

  We walked into his rooms, and I bit at my smile. The first time I’d been here, the space had been overtaken by a stylish kind of chaos, clothes and photo equipment and books were strewn about everywhere. Now it was spotless and organized, with a few candles burning around the room that seemed to replace some of his heady perfume with a clean citrus smell. The curtains were closed to his bedroom, making the space feel comfy and close.

  I sat with Rake on a dense loveseat in front of a long coffee table, pulling our food out of the paper bag as I glanced over at the corner of the room that was set up like a mini photo studio.

  “Do you do shoots here at home?” I asked Rake.

  He was quiet and I turned to find him blushing, stirring chopsticks through his ramen. “Um. Not for like…not professional ones,” he said, cheeks darkening.

  It took me a moment of staring at his growing blush for it to click. “You do sexy photoshoots at home?” I asked, my grin spreading. “For your alphas?”

  “Of my alphas, and my beta,” Rake said, laughing at my dropped jaw. “Okay, sometimes for them too. For us all.”

  “Ohmigod, that’s so…hot,” I said, staring down at my food and wondering if I could ask…

  “Do you wanna see some?” Rake asked me, face wicked and eyes warm on my face.

  Now I was the one blushing. “I…I mean, would they mind? Are there ones with just you and Leo?”

  “Oh for sure. And to be honest, Cyrus probably couldn’t care less, even if you are his employee. I’ll be very selective,” Rake said, jumping up and pulling a heavy leather-bound book from the shelves across the room.

  It looked professionally printed and I wondered how they’d managed it, or if Matthieu had done it with some of his publishing connections. I would’ve assumed it was a coffee table art book if I’d been browsing the shelf.

  “Okay, let’s see. Um…nope, not that one.” Rake flipped through pages with an almost smug smile on his lips as I slurped noodles and watched brief glimpses of skin flipping by. “Ah. Okay, umm…huh, this feels sort of weird to show someone, actually. I didn’t think it would.”

  “You don’t have to—”

  “Nope, here.” Rake flipped the book around, setting it down on the cushions between us. A little bit of broth dribbled down from my lips, and I caught it on the back of my hand before it could hit the full-page photo of Rake.

  It was just his bare torso and his face, but it was explicit even showing so little, his skin wearing a sheen of sweat, muscles strained and face torn with a silent cry of pleasure, eyes squeezed shut.

  “I set up the camera and just let it take shots to see what it’d get while we…you know.”

  My mouth was dry. I wanted to see that look on Rake’s face for myself. I wanted to watch someone else put it there. “It’s beautiful,” I breathed. “You’re beautiful.”

  “Thanks,” Rake said, his foot nudging against mine as he picked the book up again. “Okay, what’s next? Oh, this one I like.”

  He turned it again, and the next photo wasn’t explicit at all, but it was intimate—a black and white photo of Matthieu in profile, shadows catching all the lines and texture of age on his face. Rake turned it long before I was done studying the man, it was easier in a photo than in person when I might be caught. I wasn’t sure what exactly about Matthieu Segal was so appealing to me, only that I wanted to trace the outline of that profile with my finger, memorizing all the angles.

  “Here’s Leo,” Rake said, and the photo brought an immediate smile to my face.

  Leo reclining in white sheets, body on display but relaxed and languorous, the aftermath of lovemaking in his lazy, drowsy smile.

  “Yeah, I knew when I met him. It’s just…he’s just like that feeling of coming home from a long trip away, but it’s every time I see him,” Rake said, and I bit my lip to keep from agreeing. I didn’t know Leo the same way Rake did. I wasn’t part of his pack. But he did feel a lot like home already and I was trying not to let it terrify me.

  “Okay here’s a juicy one. But I just really like it,” Rake said.

  I held my breath to keep from gasping, but even that didn’t prepare me for the visceral shock and ache of seeing the next photo. Cyrus was there, mostly covered by Rake’s sprawling, tense form, the omega’s back arched and mouth open on a moan, his hips in Cyrus’ darker hands. Leo was there too, bent over Rake, licking down his chest, his hands wrapped around Rake’s length and hiding it from view. Altogether, the lines of their bodies filled the page in muscle and stretch. It looked as much like a Renaissance study in oil as it did a racy photograph of a pack.

  My sex pulsed at the picture, and I blushed and turned away from the sight. “I…don’t think I know enough about art to tell you how impressed I am.”

  Rake laughed and pulled the book away, closing it and sliding it onto the coffee table. “That’s enough of a compliment for now. You can congratulate me on my super hot pack if that’s easier.”

  I laughed and nodded. “Yeah, um, sexiness is not something this house is lacking in, for sure.” I looked up at Rake’s wicked grin and drew up some courage. “So…how does it work?”

  “Being surrounded by hot men? Fine, I’m a big fan. Ten out of ten, would recommend,” Rake said.

  I snorted and shook my head, drawing in a deep breath. “No I mean…um, a male omega. With male alphas?”

  Rake’s lips formed an ‘o’ and he nodded slowly. “Ah. Right. Like, do they knot me?” I lifted my ramen container high to hide my blush, my eyes wide, and Rake laughed. “Um. So, yes, they do. Although it’s not… Biology is a bitch, honestly, and it’s not quite the same. Do you know much about female alphas?”

  “I know about knots, and that’s kind of it,” I said.

  “Right, so a female alpha doesn’t have a knot, she has a ‘lock.’ Basically, when she’s…uhh, ready, she locks down on the male omega. And just like a female omega is extra sensitive and prepared for pleasure from a male alpha’s knot, a male omega is um…” His head wobbled side to side, and he searched the air for the right words before meeting my eyes and shrugging. “I can come a lot, basically. Like…a lot. It’s all about breeding, I guess.”

  I slurped noodles and Rake laughed, pulling veggies from his own bowl, the pair of us munching and staring at one another in the ensuing awkward silence.

  “So with you and the guys…”

  Rake sighed and shrugged. “You know, I uh…had an opportunity to be with a female alpha once. But they don’t do super well with packs, because they’re rare and I guess they have a hard time with male alphas. And this one didn’t want shit to do with my pack, so it seemed like a risky idea. So yeah, my guys and I, we just adapt a lot. There are some toys that mimic an alpha-lock and we use those, although—I mean, the lock feels fucking awesome, but sex feels fucking awesome too. I’m not that picky,” Rake said, grinning.

  “Does it hurt you to be knotted?” I asked. It had hurt me, but that had been Indy’s intention, hadn’t it?

  Rake’s eyebrows jumped. “I mean it could, but it never has. Or not more than I might like it to. The guys are really careful with me. We love each other. It’s not…it’s not about alpha and omega with us. It’s just about us,” he said.

  I smiled at that and turned back to my food.

  “Leo…Leo told me about the night you met,” Rake s
aid, drawing my gaze back up. “Have you…have you only been with betas since you left those assholes?”

  I nodded. “Just betas. Just in clubs. Just once. Until Leo, obviously.”

  “Man. Leo would’ve given you hell if you’d had sex with him in the bathroom and tried to leave without his number,” Rake said grinning.

  I shook my head. “That whole night went wildly out of control.”

  “Control? Is that what you like?” Rake asked, setting his food aside.

  I shrugged and set my own down, staring back at him. “I…guess it’s what I thought I needed to survive, at the time.”

  “Lola, if you want control, I’m your guy,” Rake said, his eyebrows raising slightly, focus firmly glued to my face.

  We were facing one another on the loveseat with just a few feet between us, and Rake’s invitation was like a rope around my chest, tugging me closer, begging for my attention.

  “It doesn’t have to be like that,” I said, watching him.

  He grinned. “I mean, like I said, I’m not picky. But if you wanna tie me to the bed and have your way with me, I sure as hell wouldn’t ask you to stop. Honestly, I’d do just about anything you asked me to at this point.”

  My breath stopped, but my heartbeat picked up, thumping so hard in my veins I could feel the pulse between my thighs. Or maybe that was just pure desire. Rake’s tongue flicked out over his bottom lip as he watched me. He was so…easy going, so open. I was bundled up in my spot on the loveseat, but Rake was sprawled open, thighs and arms spread over the furniture, making room for me against him if I was brave enough to take it.

  I concentrated on my own body, forcing my shoulders to soften and relax, my spine to straighten. I sat up on my knees and crawled closer until one knee was pressed to Rake’s groin. His chest was rising and falling faster now, eyes hooded as he watched me, and he pushed his hips against my leg, riding it slightly and drawing a smile up on my lips. I braced my hands behind his shoulders, hovering my face over his as his head leaned back, warm breath fanning against my neck.

  “So where’d you put all those sex toys I saw last time?” I asked, grinning.

  Rake tasted like caramel, rich and buttery and sweet on my tongue. And he wasn’t kidding. I’d already made him come once, on accident, on his own stomach while I’d been fiddling around with a toy in his ass, teasing him for all the sounds he made—perfect whimpers and sighs and moans.

  After that first experiment, I’d become more careful and better at being able to tell when he was about to lose control.

  Like right now. I drew the textured roller away from the base of his cock and slipped my fingers out of the handle of the sleek glass prostate stimulator, rising up on my knees.

  “Fuuuuck, Lola, please,” Rake moaned, wiggling in the dark sheets of his bed, cock weeping profusely. His cock was surprisingly thick, not super long, but I had no doubt it would give me a stretch I’d be feeling for the next day at least, whenever I got around to being done teasing and ready to ride, that is.

  “You were right,” I said, staring down at Rake’s pleasure torn expression, the sweat clear on his brow. “This feels really good.”

  “Woman, you are literally killing me,” Rake gasped. His eyes were almost fully black and his cock jumped as I ran my finger up its side, gathering the seeping fluid and drawing it up to my lips to suck.

  I’d discovered Rake’s second bite mark early, down in the crease of his thigh, and I dipped to lick over the spot now, making Rake’s leg shake in response. Caleb had picked a fairly traditional if not subtle spot on Rake’s shoulder—the mark I’d covered up in Rake’s photoshoot—but evidently Cyrus had opted for somewhere more unusual. According to Rake, it also meant that Cyrus had his head between Rake’s thighs for a torturous two days after the bonding while the mark healed.

  “You’re fine,” I said, looking up and grinning. “But if you really need me to, I can give you a break.”

  “Fuck no,” Rake growled, one hand flying out of the pillows he’d been clenching down on, to reach out and cup my hip. His fingers caught in the side of my panties, tugging slightly. “But maybe I could have a taste?”

  I bit my lip, wetness slipping from my core as I imagined staring down between my thighs to watch Rake feasting on my sex. It was…tempting, to say the least. I shimmied out of my panties, and Rake sat up to watch me expose my pussy, his expression wild.

  Just when I’d made up my mind to let him eat me out—gosh, what a hardship—Rake’s phone on the bedside table rang.

  “Shit,” Rake said, twisting on his side and then groaning as his swollen cock rested against my thigh. I scooted back out of the way with a laugh when he started to grind against my leg, his eyes rolling back in his head. “Shit. Oh! It’s Leo,” he said, lifting the screen. He glanced at me and gave me a wide grin. “Wanna torture him too? He wants to video chat.”

  Shyness, or worry, welled up in my chest, and Rake held out his free arm, offering me his side to curl into. I took him up on it, crawling up and hiding my breasts against his chest.

  “Maybe,” I said. “If he wants to.”

  Rake hummed and kissed my forehead, and then swiped across his screen to accept the video call. Leo popped up immediately, propped up against a headboard in a hotel room, pillows high behind his back. In the top corner of the phone screen, a little image of Rake and me was there, and I realized how totally mussed my hair was from Rake holding onto it while I’d treated his candy-flavored dick like…well, candy.

  Leo’s eyes widened, and he let out a long sigh. “I have never hated business trips more than I do at this moment. You two look like dessert, Jesus. Hey, gorgeous.”

  Leo’s smile was so wide that my worry evaporated almost immediately. “Hey,” I said, a little whispery from some remaining reserve.

  “Lola is murdering me, slowly and divinely,” Rake said. “She’s a secret Domme in the bedroom.”

  I laughed at that, and Leo nodded. “I had my suspicions. But your hands are free so she’s taking things slowly, I guess?”

  “She mastered orgasm denial in like two minutes,” Rake said, a faint whine in his tone.

  “Fuck, well if I wasn’t jealous before, I am now,” Leo said. “Don’t let her break out the whips and chains before I get back.”

  “Ohmigod, shut up,” I said, laughing and burying my face against Rake’s throat as the men grinned. “I might like to listen to Rake beg, but it doesn’t make me a sadist.”

  “Have you gotten a taste of her yet, babe? Our girl is fucking heaven.”

  “You just interrupted us, as a matter of fact,” Rake said, flashing me an evil grin as I lifted my head.

  Leo was quiet for a minute, and I looked to the screen to find him settling into the pillows more. “Any chance I could convince you two to pick up where you left off? Without ending the call?”

  I nearly swallowed my own tongue, and Rake looked to me. Of course he did. I stared at Leo through the small phone screen and licked my lips.

  “Are you going to join us?” I asked.

  “I think I would have a hard time keeping my hands off my cock if you give me a view like that, gorgeous,” Leo said in his rasping growl.

  This lucky bitch had found herself a beta who sounded like an alpha. My thighs pressed together and I looked back to Rake, nodding. He beamed at me and wiggled in excitement.

  “Oh, hell fucking yes, Lollipop,” Rake said. “You be the camerawoman. I’ll do the work.”

  I laughed at that and took the phone from him, rising up. Rake didn’t even wait for me to crawl up to him, he just slid right down the sheets.

  “God, I miss you,” Leo hissed. He was shifting on his hotel bed, pushing his boxers off his hips probably, although I couldn’t see it yet. “Miss you both. Lola, gorgeous, can you be at the house tomorrow night too?”

  Rake was handling me from below, making me giggle as he pawed at my legs, desperate to make room for himself between my thighs.

  “Yeah, I’l
l figure it out,” I said, watching Leo’s face light up.

  Good thing I never got the cat I’d wanted, I guess. Poor Mr. Kibbles would’ve been cramping all this sleepover style I had going with my new boyfriends.

  I tapped the screen to flip the camera and blushed to myself at the new view. Leo had a vividly explicit picture to enjoy, right down my stomach to where Rake was grinning up from between my thighs, his tan contrasting against my ultra pale skin.

  “Lola, you’re fucking soaked,” Rake said, waggling his eyebrows.

  I opened my mouth to answer, but Rake arched his neck, lifting his head and swiping his tongue directly up my center. Leo, Rake, and I all moaned at the same moment.

  “Leo,” I gasped. “I wanna watch you too.”

  Leo nodded and then rolled, setting the phone down on a table and then shifting into frame. He tore his t-shirt off with one arm, over the back of his neck, until he was naked in front of the camera, a hand fisted around his cock. Up in the tiny right-hand corner of the screen, Rake grinned up at me.

  “Ready?” Rake asked.

  “Mhm,” I nodded.

  “Fuck yes,” Leo echoed, tugging on his own length and then smearing the pre-cum back up.

  I whined and the shot blurred as Rake wrapped both arms around my thighs, and pulled me down to his mouth. I cried out and Leo huffed, his stomach jumping as he started to fuck into his hand.

  “Ohmigod, it’s like watching porn,” I said, giggling breathlessly.

  “Best porn ever,” Leo agreed.

  It was. Best porn ever and one desperately greedy mouth on my aching pussy. For all the teasing I’d done to Rake, I’d been making myself just as needy and excited. Rake’s mouth was already smeared with my wetness as he lapped and sucked over every inch of me.

  “Fuck. Fuck yes,” I whined. It was a strange mirror, watching Rake eat me out on the screen, watching Leo’s brow furrow and fold as he watched, his chest heaving. My brain knew what I was watching corresponded to the delicious sensation of Rake’s lips and tongue on me, but I could almost pretend that the two were separate, that it wasn’t my hips that were rocking and rolling and pleading for more.


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