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Kisses From Jack: The Other Side of a Billionaire Love Story (Saltwater Kisses Book 2)

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by Lakes, Krista

  She shook with pleasure. Every tremble made him want her more. He had never wanted a woman to come for him as badly as he wanted Emma. Her hands gripped his hair as she arched her hips, wordlessly begging for more. And he was eager to give. Her legs tightened to a choke hold as she lost herself to the motions of his practiced tongue.

  He was surprised when she pulled up hard on his hair before he could make her shake with pleasure again. There was no way she could have known that her sheepish smile made his blood sing with desire. If she wasn't going to let him pleasure her again that way, he was determined to find another.

  He grabbed the hem of her dress and lifted, pulling her bikini top off with the dress. She lay naked on the bed before him, frozen. He nearly came right there. She was so perfect, so lush and beautiful that he could barely breathe.

  His hands moved to the button on his swim trunks on their own volition. Every thought in his mind was just that he needed her. It was primal and deep. She stared with open lust at his erection, mouth open and tongue licking just the tip of her lips.

  He carefully placed his phone on the nightstand and then set his wallet beside it after removing the foil package inside. With practiced hands, he rolled the thin wrapper down his length; he swelled slightly at his own touch but knew it was hers he was thinking of.

  “What's your favorite position?” he asked, leaning over her body but not touching her. He could feel her heat, feel it all the way to his core.

  She giggled. “The one we're in right now is just fine.”

  “Then, I'll start right here,” he whispered. His erection throbbed against her opening. His brain was buzzing as her perched, ready to slide into her. Jack's breath caught as he took what he was so desperately needing.

  He was lost to everything but the feel of her body clenching his, lost to Emma completely. She kissed him, pulling her into her ever deeper. He thrust harder, propping himself up on his hands and using his muscles to fill her with his need.

  He wanted so badly to just explode right there. The buzzing sensation growing in his groin was threatening to overwhelm him. He hadn't been this eager since his first time with a girl. It was taking every ounce of self control not to succumb to the pleasure Emma was giving him without even trying.

  He pulled back, afraid of losing himself too quickly. With quick hands, he grabbed her shoulder and slid behind her, spooning her. He took a breath to center himself as he traced her hip with his fingers. She shivered and raised her leg, granting him access once again.

  Everything about her was warm and soft. Jack's breathing was ragged in her ear, his body questing and diving into her as she rocked her hips against his. He took control, using his hands to guide her hips just the way he wanted. She didn't fight, instead reading his actions and responding like a dance partner to his request.

  It was happening again. He never came this quickly, but within several beats of her hips, he was flying toward climax again. At this rate, he was going to be no better than a high school boy. He wanted to impress her, to make her feel as wonderful as he did. He dove deep one last time, savoring her heat surrounding him before pulling back.

  She turned, looking him up and down and biting that lip that drove him crazy. It wasn't fair to put such perfect lips on a woman. He beckoned her forward with a finger, grinning impishly. She blushed, still shy and sweet even naked in the dark.

  With a boldness betrayed by her shy blush, she straddled his hips and sank into him. She began to writhe, pressing her arms together and flaunting her perfect breasts. He growled, soaking in the sight of her bouncing on top of him.

  Emma's breaths came in ragged gasps as he skewered her with pleasure. Every thrust, every inch, every touch was pure ecstasy with her. Her breasts bounced up and down right in front of his eyes and he groaned, feeling his body responding to her every movement. It was as if she was made to give him pleasure. She created rapture in him without even seeming to try.

  He needed to be in charge. He needed to take control before he lost control completely. His hand went to her hair and she gasped as he clenched. Her body clamped down on his, tightening and clenching on his rod as me pulled her to him. He wanted to touch every inch of her skin, to have her completely to himself.

  “You're incredible,” he gasped, his body straining to continue. He slammed his hips up into her, waning to hear her cries of passion. He was in control of her body, using her to find himself. He pulled her to him and rolled until he was on top.

  She looked up at him with big green eyes full of trust and want. He knew this time, there was no stopping it. His primal urges were too far gone this time. Rearing over her, he thrust deeper and harder. She cried out for release, digging her fingers into his skin in a desperate attempt to take as much of him into her as she could.

  His roar shook the windows as he exploded, losing himself to her completely in a pleasure he wasn't sure he could survive. Black spots filled his vision and his ears rang as he rode out wave upon wave of pleasure.

  His arms collapsed and he fell onto her as his orgasm finally subsided. Jack was breathing hard and slick with sweat as he pulled away so not to crush her with his weight. He removed the condom and tied it in a knot. He could see a trash can near the bed and he carefully aimed and threw.

  It missed by a mile. He couldn't believe it. He never missed, but Emma had him seeing double. She did things to him that made it hard to see straight, let alone hit a target. He stared at the spot on the floor where the condom now rested. His body was refusing to move, refusing to leave the comfort of the woman still wrapped around his body.

  She sighed, but just snuggled closer. He held her close, their breathing slowing in time with one another. Emma's breathing became slower and more even as her head rested on his chest. He brushed the hair from her face and smiled, feeling himself drift to sleep behind her. For the first time in a very long time, Jack was happy.

  Kisses From Jack: Chapter 5

  Jack awoke the next morning to the sound of a text.

  Lawyers have question. Investors in Dubai. -Rachel

  Jack groaned, but knew it needed a response. Emma was still fast asleep, her head resting on his arm. He didn't want to move, didn't want to even risk waking her up, but he had to call the lawyers back or there would be a panic. Even on his vacation, he didn't really get a day off.

  He slipped out of bed and into his clothes from the day before. He searched for his shirt, finally finding it hanging on the top of a dresser on the other end of the room. He grinned remembering the noise Emma had made when she pulled it off of him. He kissed Emma's forehead before leaving the room. She murmured something and smiled in her sleep.

  Morning was already warming the white sands of the beach outside as he stepped onto the porch. The ocean was a soft green, reminding him of Emma's eyes. Only Emma's eyes had more depth.

  Jack sighed and hit the speed dial for Rachel.

  “The lawyers are at it early this morning, Jack,” Rachel informed him without greeting. “They want to know if the contracts from Dubai have been looked at.”

  Jack grimaced. “That's Owen's job.”

  “I told them that,” Rachel replied. “But, since he's smart and not picking up his phone, they called me. Since I got woken up, you get woken up. It sucks being the boss.”

  “I was having a very nice morning.”

  “So was I.” Jack could almost feel Rachel's probing gaze on him, even though he knew she was nowhere nearby. “So, still at your new girl's place?”

  “Yes. And I'd like to stay here if you don't mind.” Jack lowered his voice. “Is Brandy gone?”

  “I have her bags packed and in the car. Her flight's in an hour,” Rachel said confidently. “If she resists, Dean offered to hog tie her and throw her in the trunk.”

  “I'm so glad to know my employees think so highly of my dates,” Jack replied. Rachel snickered.

  “You just need to pick better dates. I'll let the lawyers know you've seen them and to bother Owen for
anything else,” Rachel said. “I'll let you know if there's any updates and when Brandy's in the air.”

  “Thanks, Rachel.” Jack sank into one of the chairs on the porch overlooking the water. He clicked the phone off and set it on a small outdoor table. An old copy of Old Man and the Sea sat tucked into one of the chair cushions. Jack pulled it out and began leafing through the pages, trying to remember the plot from lit class.

  It wasn't long before he heard motion from inside. Emma stepped out on the porch, her eyes distant but strong as she looked out at the water.

  “Good morning, Sleepy-head. I thought you were going to sleep the day away,” he said, setting the book down. She jumped a little, but the smile that lit up her face was worth it.

  “You're still here,” she murmured. “I woke up and thought you had left.”

  “After a showing like last night? I may never leave,” he replied with a mischievous grin.

  “It was pretty good, wasn’t it,” she remarked with a grin. Jack stood up and took her into his arms. She felt so good there, like it was exactly where she was meant to be.

  “Better than good,” he whispered, and truly meant it. He tucked his chin and leaned forward to kiss her. She opened up like a flower under his touch and he could already feel himself getting hard after just one kiss.

  Unfortunately, his phone had other plans.

  “What is it?” Jack growled into the phone. She untangled herself from his arms and stepped down into the sand, trying to give him some privacy. He leaned against the rail, watching her and wanting to hang up the phone instead.

  “It's the lawyers again, Jack,” Rachel started.

  “I don't care about the damn lawyers.” Jack did his best to keep his voice low and even, but the fact that lawyers were interrupting his vacation put him on edge. “Take care of it.”

  “I'm trying. They need your signature, Jack,” Rachel explained. “I can't forge it, not for this. Just come sign the paperwork and I'll take care of the rest.”

  Jack ran his hand through his hair, looking out at Emma. She was watching the water dance across the shore. He didn't want to leave her. He wanted to stay right here, perhaps even in the bed, but definitely with her.

  “I'm sorry, Jack. This is important. I wouldn't call if it wasn't,” Rachel said after a moment.

  “I'll be there in a bit. I'm done in two hours, though. Even if it means Robbie has to run the company, I'm back here in two hours.” Jack hung up the phone and watched as Emma tucked a strand of brown hair behind her ear.

  “Emma,” Jack said softly, joining her in the sand. “I have to leave for a little bit. There is something I have to take care of that can’t wait. Business.”

  Her green eyes clouded and she looked away. “I understand.” Her voice wavered and it broke his heart. He could only imagine what she thought he was leaving for.

  The stand of hair escaped in the wind again and Jack gently tucked it back behind her ear once more.

  “I will meet you here in two hours. Don't be late,” he said and kissed her.


  One hour and forty five minutes later, Jack was ready to murder the lawyers and Owen. His neck hurt from cradling the phone against his shoulder as he signed every sheet of paper Rachel put in front of him. It was a never ending task.

  “I'm done,” Jack informed Rachel, setting his phone down. “I said two hours, and I have a ten minute walk back. Owen can handle the rest.”

  Rachel picked up one last sheet of paper. “Just this one and you are free for the day, I promise.”

  Jack hastily scribbled his name and looked up at Rachel. He wanted to do what was right by both Emma and his company.

  “You're free. Go have fun,” Rachel told him, stacking up his signed documents. She checked her watch. “Oh, by the way. Brandy's plane just took off.”

  He grinned, feeling free. Now he could have his vacation without interruption. Now he could enjoy the one person on this island who saw him as a man instead of a meal ticket. He felt lighter than air.

  He was so happy he had to share it, so he did the only thing he could think of. Jack hugged Rachel. She pulled back in surprise and then squeezed him hard. “You haven't done that in years,” she whispered, holding him close.

  “I'm happy for the first time in years,” he said softly.

  “You are, aren't you?” Rachel looked up at him, her brown eyes soft as she searched his face. Whatever she saw there made her smile. “I'm glad you found someone that makes you happy. You deserve it.”

  He unwrapped his arms around the woman he considered an older sister. “Thanks, Rachel.”

  She smacked his shoulder. “Now get going. I don't want to see you for the rest of your vacation.”

  He grinned and took off for the door. He was going to make it back to Emma with time to spare.

  Jack heard the door close behind him, but he stood frozen to the front step. His smile faded and the joy abandoned his mood. Standing in the driveway, her things on the ground behind her, was Brandy. He watched as a cab pulled away, leaving her with him.

  “Jack,” she said softly, her doe eyes big and sad. “Jack, what's going on?”

  “You're supposed to be on a plane,” he informed her, not really sure what else to say.

  “I couldn't leave without saying goodbye, Jack.” She took a step forward. “I love you, Jack.”

  Jack snorted. Confusion and a hint of anger flashed across her face, but she quickly schooled it into a hurt expression.

  “I do, Jack. I couldn't leave without telling you.” She quickly crossed the space between them, putting her hands on his chest and looking up at him through long, eyelashes. He looked down and realized the eyelashes were fake. Emma's were real. Everything about Emma was real, while Brandy was just an imitation of real. The differences between the two women, real and fake, amazed him. He gasped at how blind he had been to Brandy's true nature.

  Brandy took his gasp to mean he felt something. She rose up on her toes to kiss him, but he turned his face from her. Her lips grazed his cheek, twisting his stomach with their touch.

  “Jack, baby, what's wrong?” Brandy pouted. Panic flickered at the corners of her eyes and mouth. “I don't want to lose you.”

  “You never had me in the first place,” he said coldly. Jack picked her hands off her chest and dropped them as if they were covered in mud. “You're supposed to be on a plane.”

  “I told you, I couldn't leave without telling you I loved you.” Her voice took on a hard edge. This wasn't how she had envisioned this reunion. “I love you, Jack.”

  Jack laughed. “No, you don't. You love my money.”

  She took just a second too long before responding with a, “I do not!”

  Jack looked her up and down, clearly seeing the woman in front of him for the first time. She was gorgeous in the traditional sense of the word, but everything about her was fake. From her dye job, to her eyelashes, to her breasts, to her emotions, not a single thing about her was real. He was disgusted that he had ever let himself believe he could have a future with something so patently false.

  “Go away, Brandy. I'm done with you,” Jack said coldly. He stepped to the side and walked around her. He needed to get back to Emma.

  Brandy panicked. She was losing her ticket to financial freedom. Everything she had worked so hard to achieve the past few months, the hours spent flirting and setting him up to love her were about to be lost. She had a billionaire in her grasp and she was about to lose him.

  She grabbed his arm, and spun him to face her. “They said there was someone else. I love you, Jack. How could you do this to me?”

  She wore the mask of a confused lover, but her voice held too much anger and greed for it to be real. Her eyes flashed with anxiety instead of hurt, and her stance was poised for attack instead of reconciliation. Every line of her body language screamed she was defending her territory, not her relationship with him. He was an object to her, not a person.

  “I love you,
Jack,” she whispered, forcing tears into her eyes. She was trying for an Oscar performance, but her words didn't have even the simple warmth that Emma's did at just saying his name.

  Jack stared her down, his hazel eyes hard and cold. He was going to make him late getting back to Emma. His sweet Emma who blushed when he complimented her, who smiled when she said his name, and who looked at him like he was a human being instead of an ATM.

  “We're done, Brandy.” He used his business voice, the one that made people tremble. “You will leave the island or I will have you deported.”

  Brandy's eyes went huge and her jaw dropped open, as if she couldn't believe that anyone, not even a billionaire, would talk to her like that. Then, her eyes narrowed and her mouth twisted into something ugly. “You can't do this to me. I worked too hard for you to do this to me!”

  Jack didn't even bother to respond. With a nod to a security guard, he pulled his arm from her grasp and started walking.

  “Jack... this isn't funny,” she called after him. When he didn't turn, she screamed his name. “Jack!”

  “Come with me, ma'am,” Jack heard the security guard say.

  “Get your hands off of me,” she shrieked. “Do you know who I am? Jack!”

  Jack kept walking. He didn't look back. Looking back would only give her hope.

  “Jack! You're going to be sorry you did this to me!” Brandy screamed after him. He knew he wouldn't be. She was a parasite that he had willingly accepted for too long. His life was better without her in it.

  He glanced at his watch. He was late. He picked up his pace, needing to get to Emma. He wanted to spend every moment he could with her before he had to say goodbye. Once this vacation was over, he had to go back to being a billionaire businessman again, and Emma deserved better than that. He wouldn't have time to take care of a cactus, let alone give Emma the time and adoration she deserved.

  He didn't want to think about that, though. He just wanted to enjoy every moment that he could with her while they were here. This island brought them together. It was just the ray of hope he needed to get him through the next few months. Maybe once the transition period was over, he could find her and bring her out to New York.


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