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Shattered Heart

Page 10

by Carol May

  “I’ll teach you to make fun of me.” His fingers move across my ribs and I laugh. The more they move the harder I laugh. The harder I laugh, the harder I try to contain the very un-lady like snort my brothers used to tickle me to hear. Holding up my hands and begging, he gives me some mercy and stops. Regaining our composure, I couldn’t help but wonder what his competitors would say if they could see this side of him. Sighing as I rest my head on his shoulder, I want to remember this night.” I do have to admit something though.” I could feel his body tense.

  “What is it? I sit up, turn to look at him and realize I’ve never seen the strange look he has on his face at this moment. “You know, that doesn’t mean that Lana didn’t check you out and give me some basic info.”

  “Really? Just what did Lana tell you about me?”

  With just a hint of mischievousness in my voice, “I really am not sure your ego can handle what they said.”

  “Oh, Ms. I know something you don’t know, I am pretty my ego can handle it.”

  “Wellllll, she relayed that in her research women said that you were, I believe one quote was- Pure liquid gold sex on legs.”

  Lifting, his brows just a little, “It did, did it?”

  With a slight nod of admission, I continue on. “Yes, but I don’t agree.”

  “Oh you don’t? Then perhaps I need to up my game..”

  “Your game is just fine but if you feel the need to up it, then I am all for that as long as I am the receiver of this improved game.” Smiling, I continue. “No, I need to write a response to those that have called you liquid gold sex because they obviously are wrong. Pulling my hand up to his lips, seductively kissing my palm, “And what would your response be?”

  Pretending to be in deep thought, I pause for a minute enjoying the feel of his lips on my palm. I’m not sure I ever knew how sensual kissing my hand could be. Maybe it’s not exactly the act that is so sensual but the provider. “I’d respond-not liquid gold but rock solid gold, baby, rock solid gold.” Smirking, he patted the sofa’s soft fabric between his legs, “Come over here and sit in front of this, what was it you said-rock solid body.”

  “Ah, don’t let that that little comment about the rock solid stuff go to your head, Mister.”

  “I really can’t help it baby. When a sexy woman like you makes a comment like that about me, I just can’t help it going to my head. By the way, it goes to both of them.”

  “Oh my goodness, you are incorrigible.”

  “Incorrigible or not, I want that pretty little behind right here sitting between my legs.”

  “That seems to be a thing with you, Mr. Donovan. Me sitting in your lap or in front of you.”

  Shrugging his shoulders, “You said it was rock solid not me. What the hell, Charli. What is this Mr. Donovan crap? Are we back to that then, Ms. Jensen?” Asking with some contempt in his voice.

  “Calm down, H.” I respond as I roll my eyes. “Oh Lord, it’s not like I said anything you don’t already know, you are rock solid thanks to those hours you spend in your gym at all those random times of the day and night. What do you mean, are we back to that? You are Mr. Donovan” shrugging my shoulders, “Sometimes, I just like to say it.”

  With a calm quickly returning to his face, “Well, ok that’s settled, now back to the matter at hand, can you think of a better place for you to sit than right here in front of me?” Patting the seat one more time and saying in his best creepy voice, “The better to kiss your neck my dear.” Looking from side to side around us, “You’ve talked me into it but I just want to ask you one thing.”

  “Alright, what is it? Ask away.” Are any of your little elves going to magically appear?” Making his eyes big in an exaggerated way, and shaking his head, “I didn’t know you were into that sort of thing but I suppose…”

  “Houston Donovan, you know better than that!” as I smack his leg.

  “Well, if you say so. Darn it! As for elves, I don’t have any but I do have something that is magically delicious or so I have been told.”

  “If you don’t stop teasing me, I am going to get up, go stand over by that bush and leave you sitting here alone. I do agree you are magically delicious but what is the point if there is no one to enjoy all the yumminess.”

  “Oh really, alone, huh?” Pausing for just a second, “No Baby, they are gone. This section of the estate has been closed for the night and no one, including the security will dare to come near us.” Smiling, he moves his legs apart, and pulls me across his lap guiding me to sit down. He wraps his strong arms around me, kissing the top of my head. When we are like this, laughing and joking, I really do forget that the man with me is a cutthroat business man that has thousands of people in his employ and hundreds at his beck and call twenty-four hours a day.

  As we sit here, I lean back against Houston’s firm chest as he whispers into my ear, “Charli, during these past six months since you came into my life, my views on a great many things have changed. I have no idea where my future will take me. What I do know, I want you to go with me. I am not sure that I believe in the institution of marriage but I do believe in the way you make me feel.”

  I swallow deeply, really at a loss for words. I sit there trying to interpret what is happening. I answer with a bit of confusion. I know he can hear the perplexity in my shaky voice as I spoke. “I feel the same way, Houston.” Lifting an antique key from somewhere beside us, he holds both the key/chest out in front of us. (I know he can feel the deep breath I take.) Houston unlocks, what I have come to refer to as my little chest, placing it in my hands.

  “Open it, Baby.”

  Following his simple directions, I lift the lid of this intricately carved box, slowly exhaling the breath that I didn’t realize I have been holding. Laying on a bed of black velvet is an antique emerald and diamond heart shaped necklace. It is the most stunning piece of jewelry, I think I have ever seen. Supporting my trembling hands from underneath Houston calmly says into my ear, “This necklace represents a great many things to me Charli. It has been in my family for a number of years. Nigel gave this piece to Penelope when they were first betrothed.”

  I sit staring with my mouth open. I am completely stunned at this gleaming beauty. If anyone dared to approach us, they would have almost physically felt the love radiating from us. Even though, neither has ever used that four letter word, I know in this moment as I sat staring at this heart that I love this man. Suddenly, understanding the significance of this night, all the family heritage pieces; Houston Donovan has put this night together for me because vintage pieces and history are so important to me. This is my special night. A night that I will someday tell my daughters about. The night that was made just for me.

  I look over my shoulder as a lone tear slips down my check. The only person I can’t tell is the one that would have been the happiest for me, my Mother. “Houston, will you please put this exquisite necklace on me?”

  Gently wiping my tear he leans around and looks at me with a question in his eyes, “Are you sure?” “Yes, H. I am more than sure. I know deep in my soul that I want you to.”

  “When, I close the clasp on this piece of jewelry, we are closing the doors of our lives to others. Do you understand that?” Smiling so big, there could be no doubt, I lift the box to him.

  “Charli, I also want you to think about moving into the penthouse with me. Let’s see where this is going.”

  “Ahhh, I’m not too sure about that Houston.”

  “We’ll discuss that later, I think the time of talking is over.” We lay there in each other’s arms celebrating the commitment each has just made to the other.

  Chapter 19

  My phone is ringing. I look at the number, roll my eyes and take a deep breath. “Hello.”

  “Hey, sis. How are you?”

  “I’m fine and you?”

  “I’m good.”

  “What have you been up to lately, Charli?”

  “Just working, why?”

o reason.”

  “What about you John?”

  “Same here, work- then home.”

  “I did have something interesting happen to me the other day.”

  Ah, here is the actual reason for this call. “Oh, really, what was it?” I silently exhaled.

  “I ran into the Speedy Grab, for a loaf of bread, there I am standing in the checkout waiting for the little lady in front of me to pay for her dog food and toilet paper. I look over at those magazines they have for all the teenage girls and the Hollywood lovers, can you guess what I saw?”

  I wince because I know where he is heading. Speaking of teenagers, I suppose, I need to utilize the skill that I developed as a teenager myself. I believe my parents called it lying. I always preferred to refer to it as stretching the truth.

  Charli, are you there?”

  Sorry, John. I got lost in the visual. I’ve no idea what you saw?”

  “A picture of my baby sis in a bathing suit that was barley covering up her woman parts, walking down the beach holding some mega-zillionaire’s hand.”

  “Woman parts? Mega-zillionaire? Really? You have got to be kidding me?”

  “The magazine called him that. Yes, woman parts, you’re my sister. That’s what you have, woman parts. I can’t call them anything else. Can you imagine how I felt, trying to buy bread when I saw that?”

  “Noo, I have no idea how you felt. I can only try to imagine.”

  “What the hell, were you thinking, Charli?”

  “Oh! My! Gosh! I was on the beach what’s the big deal? Besides you’re my brother not my keeper.”

  “How would they have felt?”

  “I don’t know. If they were alive, I wouldn’t be here. Don’t John, just don’t.”

  “Well, it was a little embarrassing but it irritated me, not irritated but… it pissed me off to find out you are involved with someone from the front of some gossip magazine.”

  “John, I’m not sure what Houston and I are, right now. We have been seeing a lot of each other but I don’t know, so let’s see. How weird would it be to call you up and say-Hey Bro, I just wanted you to know, I’ve meet this great guy, who is filthy dog rich. We have great sex. His...

  “Woe! That is enough of that. I know you have sex, at least I assume you do, you are my little sister so let’s just leave it at that. I really don’t need a visual. Damn, Charli now I have to erase that from my head.”

  “Well, welcome to my world. It took me years and years to erase the images I had from you and Brad and the things I heard. Really, John, one little picture? Point for little sis. Who says I don’t know how to work my brother.

  “Listen Sis, you deserve this. It’s nice to think that you are having some fun, again. Lord knows you haven’t had any fun in a really long time.”

  “Thanks. It feels pretty nice.”

  “Now, just do me a favor and buy a one piece bathing suit.”

  Laughing, I’ll think about it. Catching up for just a little longer, I fill him in on how our business is growing. He tells me how he is playing basketball in a league. After about 15 minutes of catching up, we say our goodbyes promising to not let so long go between our next call. I also made him promise to two things, to talk to my younger brother Bradley about the pic and to stop looking at those trash magazines.

  The time is quickly approaching for the Black and Gold Gala. Lana and I head out for a day of shopping. Every time I go out to any store that might possibly carry a dress for the gala, I look. I’ve been doing this since Lana and I agreed that the gala might be the very thing to push Supreme Corporate Travel into the limelight. I have designated today as the day. It’s the day I’m bringing home a dress to wear if it kills me. I am meeting Lana and Rose at The Java House, we are going to spend some time catching up and the three of us are heading out for a day of shopping in some vintage stores.

  What are you doing, beautiful?

  Shopping. U?

  Meetings all day

  Yuck, on Saturday!

  Afraid, so. Pictures from the dressing room????

  Maybe… Possibly... More than likely... Ok. Next one ;) ;) ;)

  That’s my girl

  When will you be back?

  Couple of days.

  “I can’t believe I found the dress, it even looks great with my necklace,” I say to Lana as I enter into my building’s parking area.

  “OH MY GOD!” Charli, what in the world is going on?”

  “I have been with you all day, remember? How would I know? Probably some nut job has gone off the deep end. Just my luck they would live in my complex.” Just as I put the car into park, I get just a little scared when I hear people yelling, that’s her car! There she is! Have you seen Houston today? The next thing I know, a crowd is moving toward us. “Lana, what am I suppose to do?”

  “I don’t know but I can tell you what you shouldn’t do and that’s get out of this car.”

  Just as I am trying to back out of the space two police cars arrive. They get the crowd under control and most of them leave. Apparently, they just wanted my picture. The officers advise me to find another place to spend the night just so everything will calm down. They assure me that this kind of thing happens in Miami quite often. They also tell me more than likely it will be blown over by tomorrow or just as soon as some scandal breaks over in South Beach.

  I am spending the night at Lana’s. On the way to her place out in Coral Way, we decided a girl’s night was much needed. We text Rose and Joan, they are calling a couple of our other friends. So the six of us will be doing the comedy movie thing, mixing margaritas and laughing till our sides hurt. Just what I need. We were about half way through the first movie, the second round of drinks was beginning to fill our glasses, when Lana’s doorbell rang. We all looked at each other,

  Joan asked, “Ah, are we expecting anyone else?” After a round of definite no’s we just sat there. Lana walked over to the door, peeked out the peephole, turned and smiled. She opened the door wide, standing there is Terrance with a couple of friends. What turned into a girl’s night has now turned into a party. Well, since I’m staying here tonight, you know that old saying, if you can’t beat’em join’em.

  Chapter 20

  It is good to just sit around, talking and laughing. Not having to worry about impressing anyone, not having to worry if my makeup is just right, not having to worry about the way I am dressed, is it just sexy enough but not over the top. Yep, it is good. Everyone is just having a good time. Music, laughter, food, conversation. I almost feel like I have time traveled back to our apartment at the University, when this was the only way we could afford to unwind.

  “Charli, that’s some necklace you have on.”

  Reaching up, I touch the special piece lovingly. “Thanks, Terrance.”

  “Terry, please.”

  “OK, Terry.”

  “Someone special?”

  As I smiled, I picked up the heart shaped necklace, and nodded, “yes, someone very special.” “Good for you! You know, I’ve noticed when you come in The JH, you seem happier.” Nodding his head toward my neck he asked, “Is he, I’m assuming it is he, the reason?” Shaking his head, “Wait a minute, does any of that make sense?”

  Laughing just a little, “Yes, it all makes sense. Let’s see if I can answer your questions. Yes, he is a he and yes he is the reason I am happier.”

  Giving me a one arm hug, he turns and walks away. No wonder Lana likes him, smiling to myself, and good for her. As we are winding down this impromptu party, taxis are called. Everyone heads out with the exception of me and Terry. I say my goodnights to Lana and Terry, I am not sure they really heard me, as I slipped into my room for the night. Just about the time my head hit the pillow, I remembered my phone.

  “Crap!” I am really too tired to get up and check on it. Oh yeah, it was dead earlier when I put it on the charger. It should be charging. I roll over and drift to sleep.

  Sometime the next morning, I faintly hear Terry leaving. Lyi
ng in bed, I am just beginning to wake up, when Lana knocks on the door. “Charli, are you awake?”

  Moaning, Lana. “Sorta, why? Let me guess, you want to come in here and tell me how many, Oh Terry’s! you said last night? Oh wait, it was probably too many to count or you lost count at some unbelievable number. Well, I could really give you some numbers but I always loose count with my chocolate haired sex machine. So just take that!”

  “Funny, smart ass but you better get up and get out here.”

  “Why? Is the sky falling, little chicken?”

  “It’s not falling and you mean Chicken Little goof ball not little chicken. You’ve got to see this.”

  “See what?” I ask as I drag myself out of bed and into her living room. All I could do was stand there wide eyed. Finally, I managing a “What the hell? Forgive me Mama but really what the freckin hell?” Walking over to the window, all I see out front is all types and sizes of people with cameras. “Oh Shit, Lana!”

  “Oh shit is right girl. My neighbors are going to freak out.”

  Lana, do you think they are here for me?”

  “Well, let’s see Charli, I have lived here almost two years and while last night with Terry was fantastic, I really don’t think they are here because of my epic “Oh Terry’s,” she replies smacking my arm.

  “Lana, what am I suppose to do?”

  “I don’t know. Call your man. That’s what I would do.”

  “I really don’t want to do that but your right he will know.”

  Jerking up the phone, I text Houston.

  Shit Storm at Lana’s. Call ASAP.

  No response. “He must be in a meeting.”

  Lana looks at me with her hands on her hips. “Seriously? A meeting on Sunday?”

  Raising my shoulders in a slow shrug, I answer sort of shakily, “Well, I don’t know but I do know he would answer me if he could.” Thinking for a moment I asked, “Lana, did you call the police?”

  “Sure Charli, didn’t you hear me? Hello officer, there are about fifty people standing on the sidewalk in front of my house with cameras.” Shaking her head for effect, “No officer, they aren’t attacking me. No officer, they aren’t rushing my property.” She looks at me and slowly nods for emphasis. “Yes officer, they are standing on the sidewalk peacefully right now.” Smacking my shoulder and asking me in her well duh voice, “What do you think the police are going to do? Cause, last time I heard –It’s still a free country and they aren’t doing anything wrong.”


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