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Stories by Kiera Dellacroix

Page 13

by Dellacroix, Kiera

  "Because there are millions of jobs, but I've only seen one of you," she said pointedly.

  "You would quit your job to be with me?" she asked in wonder her eyes raising from the floor. "You probably wouldn't like what you'd find if you got to know me much better."

  "I would quit right now if you said you wanted me and I tend not to judge people so harshly, there are reasons for everything," Piper said sincerely.

  "I don't want you to quit," Bailey said her eyes returning to the floor.

  "Is it the female thing? Have you ever been attracted to another girl before?" Piper asked crossing her fingers behind her back.

  Bailey's eyes came up and she debated with herself furiously for a long moment. "It's more like I've never been attracted to anyone before," she said finally.

  Piper chewed on that one for as long as she thought she could get away with it. She thought for a second that she was being blatantly lied to, but Bailey's hand dog expression and her body language was too honest to be an attempt at deceit. She was definitely sailing on choppy waters. Finally, she hopped up on the counter and patted the space next to her.

  "Come sit down, you're making me a little nervous with all your fidgeting."

  Bailey frowned. "I do not fidget," she said and the conversation she had with Satterfield immediately crossed her mind, she closed her eyes.

  Piper giggled at her and again patted the space beside her. "Come on, let's chat for a second."

  Bailey swayed indecisively for a second before shrugging her shoulders and taking a seat next to Piper on the countertop.

  "Well, Miss Cameron. It seems we have a bit of a problem here," Piper started. "Because I think you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen and I'm very much attracted to you," she said and watched as Bailey blushed again and started studying the countertop. "I would very much like to pursue a relationship with you," she said and paused. "Would you let me try something? I promise to stop if you want."

  "Uhm… I guess," Bailey said hesitantly and watched nervously as Piper slid off the counter and positioned herself in front of her, jumping a little when she put her hands on her knees.

  "Scoot a little closer," Piper said tugging gently on the back of her knees.

  "I… I don't…" Bailey stammered nervously as she complied.

  "It'll be okay," Piper soothed.

  Piper moved her hands to the inside of her knees and applied a small pressure to move them apart. She could feel her trembling and knew she had better move fast. As soon as there was room, she stepped forward between her legs and placed a kiss on her lips. A little gasp from Bailey was her reward and as soon as she made contact, she stepped back in case it wasn't accepted as nicely as it was intended.

  Bailey was stunned. As soon as Piper backed up, her hand went to her mouth and she noticed with irritation that not only was her hand trembling but her whole body was as well. She had never felt so powerless in her whole life; the little woman in front of her had walked right up and had changed everything. Her eyes took in the anxious expression on Piper's face and she realized that it had taken a considerable amount bravery to do what she had just done, an emotional bravery that she knew she herself didn't have. Should she pursue this? The thought of not doing so brought an unfamiliar pain to her chest and it dawned on her that for the first time in her life, she had let somebody in and she didn't want to let go. There would be hurdles and she winced at the thought of how high those hurdles would be. Would it be worth the risk? Another quick glance at Piper and the decision was made.

  "Well? What do ya think?" Piper asked nervously.

  "I… I think…I think I want you to do that again," she stuttered and this time felt the blush that scorched her face.

  Piper smiled and stepped forward putting her hands on Bailey's hips. "Are you sure?"

  Bailey nodded thinking she might pass out her heart was beating so fast, closing her eyes when she felt Piper's lips touch hers again. They snapped open in surprise a few seconds later when she felt a tongue gently trying to gain entry into her mouth. She let out a short gasp and her open mouth was instantly covered by Piper's and she felt the tongue enter and run itself over her teeth. Her mind began to overload as she tried to analyze everything at once, so she just shut down and enjoyed the sensation of Piper's explorations. She was disappointed when Piper broke the contact.

  Piper pulled back a little and laid her hands on the top of Bailey's knees. She was a little breathless and decided she had better stop before she ended up more frustrated than she already was. She got the feeling that getting to know the woman in front of her was going to be a challenge and it was clear that she would have to take the lead. There were at least forty questions that were dying for answers.

  "Did you like?"

  "Yes, very much," Bailey said distantly.

  "Can I ask you some questions?"


  "Have you ever been kissed before?"


  "How old are you, Bailey?"

  "I just turned thirty-one."

  "How does a woman, who looks like you, get to be thirty-one and never been kissed?"

  "I'm not ready to share that story at the moment," she said regretfully.

  "Fair enough."

  "I… I would like to try and… well… I would like to try and…" she stammered feeling stupid and knowing she was beginning to blush again. "…I mean… with you," she finished and gave up with a sigh.

  "I'd like that too," Piper said with a bright smile.

  "As you can probably tell, I…I'm… the concept is pretty new to me."

  "The concept of a relationship or a relationship between two women?"

  "Both. I've experienced neither."

  "Well you're off to a good start, I mean I'm a pretty good catch if I do say so myself," she said cheerily.

  Bailey couldn't stop the smile at Piper's words.

  "You ready for dinner?" Piper asked.


  "Me too, let's go," Piper said and took Bailey by the hand again and led her from the bathroom, letting go of her at the front door. "Let me just get my coat."

  Bailey nodded and waited by the door dutifully for Piper to return, which she did in just under a minute.

  "Let's roll," she said with a grin.

  She opened the door for Bailey and followed her out on to the porch, where she turned and locked the door. Bailey went ahead to unlock the car and opened the passenger side door for Piper, who giggled a little upon being confronted by the big black muscle car parked in her driveway.

  "My goodness, how butch," she said amused.

  "What?" Bailey asked confusedly, waiting patiently for Piper to get in the car.

  "My brother would give his right arm for this car," she said inspecting it from bow to stern. "A HemiCuda no less, I had you figured for the small sporty kinda car. What year is it?"

  "1971," Bailey said. "Would you like to drive?" she asked impulsively, pleased when Piper's eyes lit up and she smiled.

  "Can I?" Piper asked excitedly.

  "Sure," Bailey said handing her the keys and surprising herself with a giggle as Piper performed a little jump and skipped around to the driver's side. She watched in amusement as she sat down and placed both hands on the wheel, bouncing up and down a little in her seat making engine revving sounds; smiling when Piper turned in her seat with a sly look.

  "Can I peel out?" she asked with narrowed eyes.

  "Sure," Bailey chuckled, reaching to put on her seatbelt.

  "Heh, heh, heh," Piper cackled as the car rumbled to life and she backed out onto the street.

  "Prepare for ludicrous speed!" she yelled as she stomped the accelerator and the car lurched violently forward.

  Bailey placed both hands on the dash and laughed delightedly as Piper laid rubber for close to an entire block.

  "Holy shit! Stay with ‘em, Zack. Goddamn it," Russell yelled to his partner as the Barracuda rocketed down the street.

  "Relax, they're just goofi
ng around, see?" Zack said pointing at the car half a mile away.

  Russell looked through windshield to see that the car they were following had indeed slowed down and had resumed a less reckless speed.

  Zack slowed their car as well and maintained a good distance between the women in the Barracuda and themselves. Following them for close to a quarter of an hour before they pulled into a restaurant parking lot, he pulled into a lot across the street and parked, immediately producing a pair of binoculars to watch the women exit the car and walk into the restaurant. Both Zack and his partner looked like college football players dressed in suits off the rack, the only difference being that Zack was dark-haired whereas Russell was blond.

  "Who do you think the redhead is?" Russell asked watching through his own pair of binoculars.

  "No idea," Zack said with a shrug.

  "Did you know The Wraith was a chick?"

  "Nope, always figured it was a guy."

  "What do you think they're doing in there?"

  Zack lowered his binoculars and turned an unbelieving look on his partner. "Why, I would think they're getting ready to have dinner, you idiot."

  Russell lowered his binoculars and laughed at himself. "Sorry, I'm a little worked up," he chuckled.

  "Just take it easy, we're only supposed to follow her."

  "Are they really recalling everyone to Atlanta?"

  "Yeah, from what I understand. Mike will be here tomorrow, I'm sure they'll give him the scoop."

  "I heard one of the guys with Mr. Phillips say The Wraith wiped out Richards and his team earlier today."

  "No shit? Ben Richards?" Zack asked surprised.

  "Yeah, I figured it for the truth. Why else would Phillips be in town?"

  "That's pretty fucking scary. Richards was a cool customer."

  "No kidding, do you think they're bringing everyone in to take her out?"

  "I dunno, possibly."

  "You wanna know what I think is scary?"

  "No," Zack said with a sigh.

  "I think if that chick really is The Wraith, I don't want to be anywhere in the vicinity if they try to put her down."

  "Why? It's just one woman?"

  "Gimme a break, have you heard some of the shit The Wraith is responsible for?"

  "Sure, but rumors tend to get exaggerated."

  "Yeah, then why the hell are they bringing everyone in?"

  "I guess you've got a point there," Zack admitted thoughtfully.

  "Plus I think if I was on the Organization's hit list, I wouldn't be out frolicking and eating dinner in public. Do you really think she knows we're out here?"

  "I would assume so, the dossier said she was aware that she would be followed and not to approach her for any reason."

  "I dunno, I'm getting bad juju vibes here."

  "Just relax, we're only here to observe at the moment."

  "Easier said than done."

  "Gimme a break will ya? Get some sleep, they'll probably be in there for a couple of hours."

  "I'm too wired to sleep," he said and then with a grin he turned to look at Zack. "Would it bother you if I choked the chicken? It helps me relax."

  "Not at all. Would you like me to hold a cup for you so you don't get any on your clothes?" he asked courteously.

  "Why, that would be very thoughtful, thank you," Russell said picking up a crushed coffee cup from the floorboard and offering it to his friend.

  "Get the fuck out of here," Zack said, slapping the cup from the outstretched hand with a laugh.


  Time grabs you by the wrist, Directs you where to go.

  - B. Armstrong

  Bailey had again requested a table in the back and at having found Piper's description of crawfish less than appealing, she had ordered the blackened fish and gumbo. As soon as the waiter left she surprised Piper by starting the conversation.

  "How long have you had a roommate?"

  "Oh, Nanny. We've known each other since we were kids, she moved in with me about a year ago."

  "Is she… uhm…well are you and her…" Bailey stammered not sure of exactly what she was trying to get at.

  "No, Nanny is as straight as they come, we're just good friends," Piper said taking pity on her.

  "Oh," Bailey said relieved and a little confused.

  "It was sweet of you to let me drive over here, I had a blast," Piper said. "I used to help my brother work on all of his old hotrods, but his cars were usually in a constant state of disrepair. It was a treat to drive one as nice as yours."

  "Where's your brother now?"

  "He's in the Navy but lives in New Orleans, with my parents actually."

  "Is that where you're from?"

  "Yep, born and raised," she stated proudly.

  "Do you miss your family?"

  "Sometimes. I go home about twice a year on the holidays and they call two or three times a month. How about you? Do you have any brothers or sisters?" she asked and instantly knew from Bailey's expression that it was a sore subject. "I'm sorry, you don't have to answer," she added quickly.

  "No, it's alright," she said a little surprised that she wanted to share. "My father and older brother were killed by the British fifteen years ago in Belfast," she said and jumped a little when Piper reached across the table to take one of her hands.

  "I'm sorry," Piper said sympathetically. "I didn't know."

  "It's alright, you wouldn't know unless I told you." She worked up a smile for Piper's benefit and continued. "My mother and little brother are supposed to be living in Britain, but I haven't spoken to them since the day father died."

  "Why not?" Piper asked curiously.

  "It's… uhm…complicated," Bailey said quietly.

  "Okay, no pressure. I'm just curious about you," Piper said sweetly. "I usually like to get know people before I throw myself at them in my own bathroom," she added with a chuckle as Bailey's face turned crimson.

  "Have you…uhm…is that…" she stuttered and abruptly lost her temper with herself. "…Jesus, never mind."

  "It's alright," Piper said reaching over to clasp Bailey's other hand. "Say what you're thinking."

  Bailey lifted her eyes and glanced across the table at Piper who was looking at her patiently. She took a few quick breaths in an attempt to reign her temper back in and involuntarily squeezed the hands that held hers from across the table. It was comforting in a way she had never experienced and her eyes fell to the clasped hands in bewilderment.

  Piper saw her eyes fall to their hands. "I'm sorry, does my holding your hands bother you?"

  She took a second to answer. "No, I… I like it," she said finally and honestly.

  "Me too, I'm glad you're letting me." Piper smiled. "Now, you can ask anything you want of me, I won't laugh or poke fun. I'm interested in you and the fact that there are things you want to know about me is flattering because I hope you're interested in me too."

  "I would be lying if I said I wasn't, Piper. It's just that this is all very new to me and…" She paused and let go of Piper to run her hands nervously over her hair. "…And well my life is very complicated and I'm more than a little afraid that…well if things don't work out..."

  "Why don't we cross that bridge when we get there?" Piper interrupted. "But to put your mind at ease, I haven't seen anything but things I like and I believe the qualities I see in you now are by far the most prominent. Irregardless, of what I might find out later, I very much like the woman I see in front of me."

  Bailey absorbed Piper's words carefully. Was there any truth to that? She knew that most of the time she didn't like who she was, but if there was anything that she had learned in the last two days it was that she liked herself when she was around Piper. Was it possible that Piper could see something that she didn't?

  "Thank you," she said quietly.

  "You're welcome and I meant it. So, what were you going to ask me?"

  "I was going to ask if you made it a habit?"

  "A habit? I don't understand,"
she said confusedly.

  "A habit of throwing yourself at people in your bathroom," Bailey said directly and watched as Piper blushed and giggled a little.

  "No…uhm...that was a first for me as well," she admitted.

  "I see." She hesitated. "Have there been many in your life?"

  "Between eighty and ninety, but they meant nothing to me," Piper said seriously and laughed at the sight of Bailey gaping at her with widening eyes.

  "You said you wouldn't poke fun," Bailey said scowling at both Piper and herself for how childish her statement had sounded.

  "You're right, I'm sorry," Piper giggled. "I just couldn't resist, the look on your face was priceless."

  Scowl still in place, Bailey folded her arms across her chest and focused her attention across the room.

  "Oh my God, you look just darling when you pout!" Piper exclaimed and burst into another bout of laughter.

  Bailey tried but just couldn't find anything about the situation humorous. She had just barely managed to put a damper on the impulse to shoot from her chair and exclaim ‘I do not pout' but she had already learned her lesson on that twice, and Piper would no doubt have thought it hilarious if she had done so. She sighed as Piper broke into another fit of mirth and risked a sideways glance at her, which produced another round of laughter. Despite herself, she found Piper's behavior to be contagious and a small grin broke out on her face that soon blossomed into a full-fledged smile as she caved in and started to laugh herself.

  "I'm sorry," Piper said after the giggles finally fled.

  "Hmmm," Bailey said noncommittally.

  "Oh, don't be such a spoilsport," Piper chided. "I was just teasing."

  "Are you going to answer my question or pick on me some more?" Bailey said rolling her eyes, an action that got another quick snort of amusement from Piper.

  "No, there haven't been many," Piper said after getting herself together. "Two, in fact."

  "I see," she said, not sure if she wanted to know more but still curious.

  "My first was a boy I dated most of my senior year in high school, but that fizzled out pretty quickly. I think I was curious more than anything else," Piper started. "The second was a girl I met in college and we were together about a year."


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