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Stories by Kiera Dellacroix

Page 19

by Dellacroix, Kiera


  "Russell," Zack said sharply as soon as he saw the woman get in her car.

  "What?" Russell said groggily as snapped awake.

  "She's getting ready to move," Zack answered.

  Russell reached up to start the car, brushing absently at his nose with the other hand. Upon encountering a foreign object, he paused and shot a quick glance at Zack, who to his dismay was grinning widely.

  "What the hell?" he said as both hands came up to investigate.

  "Looks like ya got a little something on your nose there," Zack said cheerily.

  Russell leaned over to look at his reflection in the rearview and surprised Zack with a quick burst of laughter.

  "What's this, amateur night?" Russell said still chuckling. "I expected a little more from you, Zack my friend."

  "Well, it was all I could come up with on short notice," Zack shrugged beginning to laugh.

  "Pretty sad," Russell said reaching up to remove the coin. "Owww!" he exclaimed painfully as the skin beneath the nickel tore.

  "Problems?" Zack chuckled happily.

  "This ain't funny. What the fuck did you attach it with?" Russell demanded.

  "Superglue," Zack provided between laughs.

  Russell glared at his friend and attempted to remove it from another angle. "Goddamn it," he hissed in pain when the skin tore again and blood started to flow.

  "Quit picking your nose and get on the ball, Russell," Zack said laughing. "She's moving."

  Russell started the car and began to follow the Barracuda. "Fuck. Give me a Kleenex or something, I have blood running down my face," he yelled angrily.

  "I'm sorry," Zack said sorrowfully. "I used the last one to clean my binoculars an hour ago."

  "Asshole," he spat out and used his tie to dab at the blood. "How the fuck am I supposed to get it off?"

  "It's like a Band-Aid, Russell," Zack said sagely. "If you pull it off quickly, it only stings for a second or two," he finished bursting into overjoyed laughter.

  "Fuck that. It'll take the skin off with it," Russell said angrily.

  "It's either that or you can tell Mike that it's a fashion statement," Zack said and fell back against his seat laughing delightedly.

  "Fuck it," Russell said angrily reaching up to rip the nickel from his nose with a scream, flinging the coin at Zack who merrily ducked the missile.

  "Oh… my… God… that… hurt!" Russell exclaimed pressing his tie to his nose in an attempt to stop the bleeding. "That was fucked up, Zack."

  "Not anymore fucked up than my hair," Zack said and promptly went into another fit of laughter. The nickel had torn off an almost perfectly circular piece of skin from the end of Russell's nose. "That's gonna be a hard scab to explain," he choked out between chuckles.

  "Fuck you," he sulked.


  I want to know what love is,

  I want you to show me.

  - M. Jones

  Being overcome with boredom, Martin ventured out of his room with the intention of checking out Bailey's library, having been satisfied up until now with just trips to the kitchen and back to his room to watch television and feel sorry for himself. He had carefully pulled on a sweatshirt and wandered as quietly as he could down the hall. His brows knitting as he tried to recognize the notes of a vaguely recognizable tune that increased in volume as he approached his destination. He entered the library to find Bailey smiling and sitting at a desk, absently doodling in a book that lay open in front of her. He was a little surprised that she seemed to be totally unaware of his presence and he cleared his throat to announce himself.

  "Uhm... good morning," he said cautiously.

  The smile she had been wearing faded immediately and the book was slammed shut, her eyes pinning him instantaneously.

  "Good morning," she said a little peevishly while turning off the stereo with a remote, being a little put out that he had managed to surprise her.

  "I'm sorry to interrupt," he said pleasantly.

  "It's alright," she conceded. "Is there something that you need?"

  "No, I was just bored and I thought I would look around," he said as he took in his surroundings. "Have you read all of these books?" he asked in amazement as he digested the amount of literature that graced the room.


  "Wow," he said impressed. "You must be fast reader," he said jovially but winced internally when he glanced in her direction.

  "When you're a prisoner, Mr. Satterfield, you occupy yourself with any means at your disposal," she said in monotone.

  "I don't understand," he said cautiously.

  "Do you think that when I escaped British incarceration I became any less of a prisoner?" she asked vehemently. "I'm alive, but that doesn't mean that I've had a life to lead." She paused surprised at herself. "Uhm… I apologize. I don't really know where that came from," she added honestly a few seconds later.

  "No need to apologize," he said carefully. "It wasn't my intention to upset you."

  "Well, it wasn't my intention to tear into you with my feelings of self pity," she said quickly and stood up. "I'm going downstairs for a little while today and I'll be out again tonight. Is there anything you need?"

  "No, thank you," he answered politely. "Did she like the roses?" he added impulsively and was relieved when she smiled.

  "Yes, she did," Bailey said with a little grin.

  "Are you going to ask her over here for dinner?" he asked conversationally.

  Bailey gaped at him. "I… I haven't thought of that," she admitted. "Do you think I should?" she asked curiously.

  "It's sort of customary."

  "What is?"

  "She invited you to her home, you should invite her to yours," Martin said thinking he had just opened up another can of worms.

  "I… I don't think that would be a good idea," she said regretfully.

  "Why not? I could go into hiding for an evening so you wouldn't have to explain me."

  "It's not just you," Bailey said uncomfortably. "She… uhm…" she trailed off stymied.

  "She doesn't know the whole story does she?" Martin asked suddenly understanding.

  Bailey sighed and plopped back into her seat. "No, she doesn't."

  Martin considered the matter seriously as he took a seat in one of the chairs. "Do you really like her?"

  "Yes," she answered slowly.

  "Are you going to tell her?" he asked cautiously.

  "How can I?" she asked reasonably. "If I did she would…" She stopped when her throat constricted at the thought. "… she would leave me," she finished in a small voice.

  "You don't know that." he said compassionately.

  "Yes, I do," she said knowingly. "She's a good person and I'm… I'm not."

  "I don't think you're a bad person."

  "You read my file, you know what I'm responsible for, Mr. Satterfield," she said frostily.

  "I think the Organization would have found a way with or without you," he said honestly.

  "That may be true, but I can't change the fact that it was me. And how do I look her in the eyes and tell her I'm responsible for the deaths of so many?" she said sadly. "I can't even look myself in the eye," she added in a whisper.

  "If she loves you, she won't question how, she'll want to know why."

  "What does that mean?"

  "She'll want to know why," he repeated. "And if she knew why, she'll know that you didn't have much of a choice."

  "I could've optioned for retirement," she whispered.

  "I think you know better than that," he chided gently. "If you were to have died, they would have immediately eliminated your family. You know better than I do that they can't afford or allow loose ends."

  Bailey closed her eyes and leaned back in her chair for several minutes. "You seem a decent person, Mr. Satterfield," she stated. "Sometime you'll have to tell me how you came to be involved with the Organization at all." She stood again and walked quietly from the room.

watched her go and sat silently until he noticed that the book she had been writing in was still on the desk. He debated for all of a millisecond before curiosity got the better of him and he decided to investigate, noting with slight surprise that the book in question was an American Heritage Dictionary. He absently flipped it open and the pages that she had been writing on displayed themselves obediently.

  He studied the work in front of him and wondered sadly what it must be like for her. To be so innocent in some matters, but to be so awesomely knowledgeable in others most never imagine. It was becoming ever more apparent with each passing day in her company, that she was just a woman with the same hopes and dreams that everyone had. He suspected that if one were to look hard enough, they would discover that she possessed an easy going nature and a tender heart. Perhaps, the person with the initials P.T. already knew that. He hoped so.

  He closed the book and left it exactly as he found it.


  Bailey rounded the corner to her office and noticed with a touch of disappointment that Piper had already moved her things. It seemed kind of silly in retrospect to have had her move things twice, but she didn't know she was going to be John's replacement until she had met her face to face. She walked into her office and around the desk before she saw the teddy bear and an envelope in the seat of her chair. Grinning like an idiot, she picked up the bear and placed him on the desk facing her, excitedly tearing open the envelope.


  I'm sorry I fell asleep on you last night. I promise I'll do better tonight. Better dust off your cowboy hat!


  Smiling, she put the note on her desk and studied the bear in front of her, running her hands over the shaggy black hair. She thought it was adorable. She sat the teddy in her lap and held it with one hand while she opened a line with the other.

  "Personnel, this is Marta."

  "Marta, this is Bailey. Do you have a moment?" she asked, absently playing with the bear's ears.

  "Sure, Miss Cameron. What can I do for you?" she asked politely

  "I need an executive assistant for Piper Tate. Hopefully, one with experience in corporate operations or administration. Temp to hire. Could you look into it for me?"

  "Of course, when do you need one?"

  "Immediately, it would be ideal if any of the agencies you deal with could send someone out today to interview. If not, early next week would suffice."

  "It's kind of short notice but I'll make some calls, I could probably let you know by lunch if they can find any qualified candidates."

  "That would be great, Marta. Do you have my cell number?"


  "Alright, let me know, thanks," she said and hung up.

  She unlocked her desk and placed Piper's note in the top drawer. Her nose crinkled and she looked down at the teddy bear suspiciously, bringing him up to her face and sniffing at him curiously. She smiled when she realized that the bear was wearing the perfume she recognized as Piper's and the urge to see the woman overwhelmed her. She stood and relocked her desk on the way out the door but hesitated, and after a second of consideration, she put the bear on her desk and exited the room. Piper's new office was surrounded by staff and it would raise more than one eyebrow if she showed up carrying a teddy bear.

  She gradually left the more isolated area her office was located in and quickly came into view of the executive offices and cubicles that took up most of the floor. She became aware of the paused telephone conversations and stares as she neared Piper's office. She knew it was rare for her to make an appearance but all of the attention began to make her uncomfortable. Fortunately, she spotted Piper outside her office with her back turned and talking to a salesman she recognized as Julio Martinez, a man of Hispanic descent who was short and as thin as a reed. She stopped several paces away and waited politely, since neither of them had noticed her approach.

  "Julio, you know I can't sign off on that until their account is no longer in arrears. I told you this earlier. If we lose the contract, we lose the contract."

  "Accounting said they received payment," Julio said argumentatively.

  "Accounting informed me they received partial payment and until the account is up to date and no longer overdue for the work that we've already done, we won't be sending anyone else out there."

  "Piper, look at the size of the contract."

  "I don't care how large or profitable it is. They still haven't honored the terms of the last one. Talk to them, Julio. If they bring their account current, I'll be happy to sign off on it. You should know better, it's always been policy not to enter into renewal negotiations unless the account is current. "

  "I'll take this to the Board," he threatened.

  "I think that your time would be better spent if you convinced your client to pay the balance of their account," Piper said dismissively.

  "I can't believe…" he started outraged but stopped abruptly when he noticed the figure several feet behind Piper.

  Piper had been bracing herself for the man's inevitable explosion and looked at him confusedly when he cut off suddenly and began to pale.

  "Please continue, Mr. Martinez," came an Irish purr from behind her and she felt her body tingle pleasantly.

  "Uhm…" Julio stuttered.

  "Miss Tate has the authority to act in the best interest of the company," Bailey interrupted. "That's why she's in charge, Mr. Martinez."

  He didn't say anything and Bailey nonchalantly stared at him until it became apparent that he was looking for an escape. "If there isn't anything else, I'd like to speak to Piper?" she said casually and he shook his head to the negative.

  "Very well. Piper can I see you in your office for a moment?" she asked politely.

  "Of course," Piper said and led Bailey into her office.

  As soon as she closed the door, Piper turned to her with a smile. "Well hello there, Miss Cameron," she said brightly.

  "Kiss me," Bailey stated simply and Piper happily closed the distance between them and complied.

  "What a nice surprise," Piper said cheerily. "You taste good."

  "Thanks, I brushed my teeth this morning."

  "Good to know," Piper chuckled.

  "You got a moment?" Bailey asked.

  "Sure," Piper stated and withdrew from Bailey's arms to take a seat in one of the chairs in front of her desk. "What's up?"

  Bailey seated herself in the chair across from her. "I have Marta looking for an assistant for you. So you need to be prepared to interview some people this afternoon at the earliest and next week if you don't find anyone to your liking."

  "Alright," Piper said agreeably.

  "Try to find someone you would feel comfortable handing the reigns over to in your absence."

  "Will do."

  "Thanks for the teddy bear, he smells like you," Bailey said shyly.

  "Is it a good or bad smell?" Piper asked teasingly.

  "I'll run him through the washer and let you know," she replied with a grin and Piper chuckled.

  "I see that I've met my match in the arena of witty remarks," she laughed. "I'm sorry I passed out on you last night. Thanks for tucking me in, although I'm embarrassed you saw what a slob I am."

  "Don't worry about it."

  "So, you still up for tonight?" Piper asked excitedly.

  "Sure, but I don't have a cowboy hat. In fact, I only own one hat."

  "I was just kidding about the hat, goofy." Piper rolled her eyes. "Do you just want to leave from here and eat leftovers while I get ready?"


  "I should be ready to leave here around five."

  "I'll be here," Bailey said with a smile. "Oh, I almost forgot. Would you send a memo out to everyone reminding them that Joshua Anderson will be here Monday to start his evaluation?"

  "Sure," Piper said and walked around to her side of the desk and sat down. "I'll do that now, anything you want me to add?" she asked as she opened her mail program.

  "Just that he is to recei
ve everyone's cooperation and is not to be interfered with."

  "Alright," Piper said as she typed. "Are you really going to sell the company?"

  "No," Bailey said. "But that's a secret between you and me."

  "Goody, I like secrets," Piper said with a smile. "You wanna make out?"


  Piper made a show of going through her calendar. "Great, I can pencil you in for fifteen minutes at 3:30. Can you come back then?" She chuckled and came around the desk when Bailey sighed dramatically.

  Piper stopped in front of her and extended a hand. "Come sit on the couch with me," she said and Bailey let her lead her across the room.

  Piper took off her suit jacket and threw it across the back of a chair, plopping down beside her on the couch. She looked at Bailey with a smile and leaned in until she felt lips on her own. She started out gently for several minutes and gradually increased the intensity. She was delighted to feel Bailey respond enthusiastically and was surprised to feel her hands raise from their normal position on her hips to roam tentatively over her back and into her hair. Suddenly glad she wore slacks instead of a skirt, she rose from her seat to straddle her and situate herself in her lap. She gasped a little and experienced a bright flash of desire when a hand brushed her left breast; it was short lived however because Bailey immediately broke all contact.

  "Uh… I'm sorry," Bailey stated fearfully.

  "Don't be sorry," Piper said a little breathlessly and Bailey looked at her confusedly.

  "It's alright," she said sympathetically as she pulled her blouse from her slacks. "Here," she said soothingly, taking Bailey's hand in her own and moving it under her shirt until it rested on her breast.

  As soon as the hand made contact, she felt Bailey try and pull away but she held the hand firm. "It feels good when you touch me there."

  Bailey looked at Piper carefully before she tentatively began to explore the flesh beneath her hand. She tried to withdraw again when she felt the nipple harden through the fabric of her bra, but again Piper held her hand firmly in place.


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