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Stories by Kiera Dellacroix

Page 55

by Dellacroix, Kiera

  Piper made sure she had her cane and followed behind her vigilantly as they made their way through the house to the living room. A space had been left clear for them on the sofa and Bailey tried a smile for everyone as she seated herself.

  "Are you alright, Bailey?" Ryan asked, concerned at how carefully she moved.

  "Yeah," Bailey said. "Thanks," she added as Piper sat down beside her and took her hand.

  "So what's the story?" Corey asked.

  "I'd like to stay here and build a house close by. Bailey and I have talked about maybe starting a restaurant and nightclub sort of thing which we both think sounds fun," Piper said. "We would be thrilled to have any and all of you stay and help us run the place. Martin, I asked you to come work at C-Corp and you still can if you want, both Bailey and I agree that you would do an excellent job in my position."

  "How long would it take to get this place running?" Ryan asked. "We don't want to impose on anyone very much longer and I need to start looking for a job."

  "You can stay here as long as you wish," Liz said coming up and seating herself on the arm of the sofa. "In fact, Jack and I have talked about it, we have a great deal of land and we would be overjoyed if you wanted to build here."

  "Really, Mom?"

  "Yes," Liz said. "We'd love to have all of you, that is if you want to live out in the sticks with us."

  Piper turned a hopeful look on Bailey. "Can we?"

  "Whatever you want," Bailey said. "As for money, Ryan. That's not a concern. Josh, would you get me my bag, please?"

  "Sure," Josh said, hopping to his feet.

  "What do you mean, Bailey?" Ryan asked.

  "Let's wait for Josh to get back and I'll explain," Bailey said, rubbing her thumb over the back of Piper's hand.

  Josh reentered the room about a minute later with her bag and set it in her lap. She spent a few moments digging through it to produce four passbooks.

  "I left all of my personal holdings in Piper's name, but I took the precaution of making sure everyone was looked after," Bailey said. "Ryan, this is for you and Fiona," she said handing him one of the books. "This is for you, Mum," she said handing another over. "And Martin, this is yours."

  "I don't understand," Martin said walking over to take the offering.

  "Without you, I wouldn't have found my family in time," Bailey explained. "That's to make sure you're looked after, regardless of what you decide to do."

  "Thank you, Bailey," Martin said, stunned.

  "No, thank you," Bailey said. "There's more than enough for all of you to settle anywhere you wish and not have to work, if you so desire."

  "My God, Bailey," Ryan said, blinking at the amount. "Is this for real?"

  "Yes," Bailey said with an effort and Piper glanced at her worriedly.

  "Are you okay?"

  "Could you get me an aspirin, please."

  "I'll get that," Liz said, hopping up from the arm of the sofa.

  "What's wrong?" Piper asked.

  "It's alright," Bailey said squeezing her hand.

  Liz returned and handed her a couple of aspirin and a glass of water. "Thank you."

  "You're welcome, dear," Liz said looking at her in concern. "Can I get you anything else?"

  "No, thank you."

  "We'd love to have all of you help us run a place once we get started, that goes for you as well, Josh," Piper said.

  "I'd love to hang out," Josh said. "It's always been a dream of mine to have a bar of my own, but I'd rather live a little closer to town."


  "I'd like to be in on that as well," Martin said.

  "Us, too," Fiona spoke up.

  "The more the merrier," Piper said.

  "When are you looking to start up a place, Piper?" Ryan asked.

  "Well, it'll be awhile, we're not in a hurry," Piper said. "At least until Bailey is back to a hundred percent."

  "What are you going to do about the business?" Jack asked.

  "I'll go back shortly and make sure everything is in order," Piper said. "And once we get settled here we'll look into hiring a replacement for me."

  "What about me?" Doreen asked.

  "All of the above apply to you, Mum," Bailey said. "You can have a place of your own, or you can come live with Piper and I."

  Piper looked over at the sound of her voice but Bailey smiled at her with a dismissive nod.

  "Or you can stay here with Jack and I," Liz optioned. "I would love the company."

  Bailey nudged Piper and they engaged in a series of whispers for a few moments.

  "Mom, Dad," Piper said finally. "We know that you'll have a problem accepting but we would like you to anyway," she added, extending the fourth passbook to Liz. "This is for you guys and Corey and Jennifer."

  "Absolutely not," Liz said. "We won't take your money."

  "Money means nothing," Bailey said. "Family is everything."

  Liz looked at her thoughtfully for a moment before looking over at Jack, who nodded slightly to the affirmative.

  "We would be honored," Liz said, taking the book from Piper's hand.

  "Is there anything that I can answer for anyone?" Bailey asked.

  "Baby, are you okay?" Piper asked becoming agitated, bringing a hand up to Bailey's forehead. "You're burning up."

  "I think I need to lay down for a bit."

  "Let me help you upstairs," Piper said, springing off the couch and helping her to her feet. As soon as she got her standing, she started to fall. "Oh God," she exclaimed, bringing everyone to their feet. "Bailey! Call a doctor," she shouted as she went limp in her arms and brought them both back down on the sofa.

  Liz hurried from the room for a phone and Doreen rushed to Piper's side. "Christ, she's on fire."

  Piper bit down on her lip so hard it started bleeding and glanced around at all the worried faces. She knew that Bailey wouldn't want to be tended to in public so she looked to her father. "Daddy, would you carry her up to my room, please?"

  Jack came around to the front of the sofa without a word and lifted her into his arms, hurriedly carrying her out of the room with Piper and Doreen hot on his heels. They passed Liz on the way through and she paused to address everyone. "Let's let her have some privacy," she said before she rushed out of the room.

  Liz ran into Piper's bedroom to see that Jack had already deposited her on the bed. "I called an EMT and Doctor Purcell from just down the road, he should be here any minute," she said. "Jack, would you make sure he finds his way here?"

  "Yep," Jack said, leaving the room quickly as Doreen came in with a cool washcloth and applied it to Bailey's forehead.

  Piper fretted nervously as she was relegated to sitting on the side of the bed holding Bailey's hand for the next ten minutes. "Please, let her be okay," she said quietly and Liz came over and put her hands on her shoulders.

  "In there, Doctor," Jack's voice came from down the hallway and a fairly young man with spectacles rushed into the room a few seconds later, opening his bag.

  "What happened?" Purcell asked.

  "She passed out," Piper said. "She was recently operated on, Doctor."

  "For what?"

  "Gunshot wounds," Piper said. "The worst one is on her tummy."

  Purcell reached into his bag and produced a pair of shears to cut away her shirt and both Liz and Doreen gasped when the wound on her abdomen was revealed.

  "My baby," Doreen said, her hands coming to her mouth.


  Martin watched anxiously as the EMT's arrived and rushed up the stairs. "How many times was she shot, Josh?"

  "Three times," Josh said, rubbing his hands together nervously. "They operated on her off and on for over sixteen hours."

  "God," Corey whispered.

  "Let's just pray she's alright," Jennifer said, hugging Devon tightly.

  "Yes," Ryan said putting an arm around a crying Fiona.


  Whatever we deny or embrace, For worse or for better

  - D. Na
varro, D.E. Lowen

  "Thanks, fellas," Jack said, ushering the EMT's out the door. "Sorry to drag you out."

  "No problem," one of the men waved as he made his way down the front steps.

  Jack closed the door and made his way to all the people waiting anxiously in the living room, all of whom looked up expectantly when he walked in.

  "She's okay," Jack said, smiling at the relief on everyone's faces. "She just wore herself out, shouldn't have been moving around like she was."

  "Thank God," Ryan said, relieved.

  "She's gonna have to pretty much stay in bed for a week or two," Jack said. "And the doctor prescribed some meds. Corey would you run out and fill her prescription?"

  "Yeah, Dad," Corey said. "Let me go grab my keys."

  "The rest of you go find something to do," Jack said.

  "I wonder if she'd care if I took her car into town to look around?" Josh wondered aloud.

  "Why don't you ask her? She's awake."

  "Are you sure?"

  "She was sitting up grumbling at the doctor last I saw," Jack said with a chuckle.

  "Okay," Josh said with a shrug. "Martin, want to go with if she says yeah?"

  "Sure," Martin said. "Good luck."

  "Gee, thanks."


  Josh approached the bedroom cautiously but paused outside the door when he heard Piper's voice.

  "Bailey!" she said. "I can't believe you just said that."


  "Don't but me," Piper interrupted. "You will do exactly as Doctor Purcell says."

  "Fine. Are there any other orders you'd like to issue to my Gunnery Sergeant before you go, Doctor?" Bailey asked nastily.

  Josh stifled a chuckle.

  "You're pissing me off," Piper said.

  "Bailey, behave yourself," Doreen said.

  "Doctor, I apologize for subjecting you to her for the last few minutes," Liz said. "I had no idea she could be so childishly cranky."

  Bailey grunted.

  "Anyway, we'll follow your instructions to the letter, thank you so much for rushing over here on such short notice," Liz said.

  "My pleasure, Liz," Purcell said in amusement. "I'll check in on her in a few days."

  "Bring me a new shirt, Doctor," Bailey muttered.

  "Bailey Ann, you're just being plain awful," Piper said. "Please, don't pay attention to her, Doctor. I have no idea what's come over her."

  Josh snickered out loud and realizing his slip with horror brought a hand up to slap over his mouth. He listened intently but the room had gone deathly quiet.

  "You're busted, Josh," Bailey purred.

  Deciding he could tool around town another day, he fled down the hall and took the stairs two at a time, still walking briskly when he entered the living room.

  "What did she say, Josh?" Martin asked.

  "Didn't have the balls to ask her. She was busy throwing a fit."

  "A fit?" Martin said. "That doesn't sound like her."

  An unknowing shrug was his only answer.


  Bailey played with the hem of the bedspread trying not to look at a fuming Piper, who stood a few feet away glaring at her, arms crossed over her chest.

  "Someone's in trouble," Liz said in a singsong voice as she and Doreen made their way out of the room.

  Piper waited until the door closed behind them and took a deep calming breath before she spoke. "That was the most immature, childish, and all around ugly display I think I've ever seen," she said. "If I hadn't seen you do it with my own eyes, I would never have believed it."

  Bailey opened her mouth to speak.

  "Quiet," Piper said, holding up a hand. "That man rushed over here to help you and you were downright nasty to him. If he comes back in a few days, you will apologize to him and be on your best behavior."


  "Would you care to explain?" Piper asked, trying not to melt at the hangdog expression.

  Bailey sighed uncomfortably. "I was disorientated."

  "I can sympathize with that, but that doesn't explain why you were so ugly."

  "Piper, it just brought back some less than pleasant memories. I reacted badly."

  "What are you talking about, love?" Piper said, giving up her stance and sitting down on the edge of the bed.

  "When I was in prison, the doctors would come in all the time to make sure I could live through another…session," Bailey said in a whisper. "I'm afraid of doctors."

  Piper closed her eyes in understanding. "I'm sorry," she said, lying down beside her and hugging her tightly. "I'm so sorry."

  "I'll apologize to him," Bailey said. "I knew better, I just couldn't seem to stop myself."

  "Is that why you left the hospital over the objections of your doctors?"

  "How did you know that?" Bailey asked. "Did Josh tell you?"

  "It doesn't matter how I know, is that why you left?"


  "I'd take it all away if I could."

  "I know."

  "I love you."

  "I love you, too," Bailey said. "I'm sorry if I scared you."

  "Well, you're staying in this bed for the next two weeks," Piper said. "I want you healthy again."


  "Hush," Piper cut her off. "The only time your getting up is to go to the bathroom. I'll go buy you some books and things tomorrow."

  Bailey sighed. "Alright."

  "Good," Piper said. "I want you around for a long time, Bailey Ann."

  "Me too, Esmeralda."

  "Shut up."


  My heart is like an open highway, Like Frankie said, "I did it my way."

  - J. Bon Jovi

  Several days later, Piper poked her head into the bedroom and smiled at finding Bailey asleep. She snuck in as quietly as possible and set her little burden down on the mattress in front of Bailey's face, quickly sneaking off to the other side of the room to observe.

  She watched as the kitten carefully sniffed and examined Bailey's face, finally letting out a pathetic little squeak and rubbing itself over her chin. Piper smiled in amusement as the dark head stirred and then moved back several inches in surprise.

  "Why hello there," Bailey said. "Where did you come from?" she asked, bringing a hand out from under the covers to pet the kitten.

  "Hmmm," Bailey whispered. "Aren't you precious?" she said as she wrestled with the little black kitten that was doing his best to seem ferocious as he chewed on her fingers.

  "I suspect foul play here," Bailey said to the cat.

  "What makes you say that?" Piper asked from across the room and Bailey chuckled.

  "Do I get to keep him?"

  "Of course, isn't he cute?" Piper said, coming over to sit behind her.

  "Have I been that bad?"

  "You've been trying, I know this isn't easy for you."

  "Did you name him yet?"

  "Nope, that's up to you," Piper said. "Any ideas? I kinda like Buford."

  "Buford?" Bailey said with a sour look. "What a horribly undignified name for a cat."

  Piper snickered.

  "I like Frankie."

  "Frankie it is then."

  "Frankie okay with you?" Bailey asked the kitten who was busy lazily swatting at the finger that kept poking him in the belly.

  "Bailey, I've been thinking."

  "Thinking about what?" Bailey asked distantly, being totally enamored with her kitten.

  "Are you okay with all of this?" Piper said. "I mean with staying here and things."

  "My life is here now, Piper."

  "You're a sweetie, but I want you to be happy too. Are you really sure you're okay with all of this?"

  "More than okay," Bailey said, rearranging herself on the bed until she was sitting up facing Piper. She picked Frankie up and set him on her lap as she dug through the pocket of her sweats.

  "What are you doing?"

  "Give me your hand," Bailey said and Piper extended her right hand. "The other o
ne," she said, rolling her eyes nervously.

  "What are you up to?"

  "I've spent a lot of time trying to work up a speech or something romantic to say, but I keep coming up empty," Bailey said, studying the kitten in her lap. "What I'm getting at is that I love you and I want you to be mine as well," she said, slipping the ring over Piper's finger. "I would die without you."

  Piper sucked in a quick breath and her lower lip started to tremble when she felt the ring being placed on her finger. She risked a quick glance at Bailey who seemed to have stopped breathing and started to cry.


  "I do. God, yes I do," Piper said, throwing herself into Bailey's arms. "You're engraved in my heart."



  A SciFi thriller set in the icecap of Antartica where a team of scientists and military are attempting to uncover an artifact buried deep beneath the polar ice. What happens is the awakening of a monster that threatens them all.

  Part 1


  02/15/02 - 1200 hours

  Another small piece of paper was torn off the tablet on her desk and with a wary glance around, the scrap found a temporary home in her mouth. Her first salvo of missiles had missed their target, a dilemma she felt she would soon rectify as she determinedly zeroed in on the back of Ensign Taylor's neck.

  The brown-nosing little shit was completely unaware of her previous assault and she scowled as she loaded her weapon. The spitball was chambered into the end of a soda straw with a minimum of fuss and she took careful aim. Unfortunately, her prior efforts had lacked both altitude and distance so she took the time to meticulously calculate all of the environmental factors. Taylor sat at his desk, roughly twelve feet away, with his back to her. Her projectile would have to possess the power to travel through the door of her office and have enough altitude to carry it on to her intended victim.

  Finally confident, she inhaled deeply and leaned back in her chair, discharging her weapon with a loud expel of breath. She watched happily as the moist little wad of paper stung the back of the Ensign's neck with a satisfying splat and she turned rapidly to the computer on her desk, innocently feigning productivity.

  Instead of finding the monitor, her eyes landed on the stern features of her commanding officer and she silently cursed the painfully transparent glass walls of her office. Judging from the distinct look of displeasure on his face, he had witnessed the entire incident. Fooling no one but herself, she tried vainly to pretend she didn't see him and industriously began to type nonsense into her keyboard. She noted movement out of the corner of her eye and grimaced in anticipation of the inevitable confrontation.


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