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Stories by Kiera Dellacroix

Page 63

by Dellacroix, Kiera


  "Because I want to know more about you," she answered. "And I know that women in the military aren't typically exposed to situations that result in combat decorations. I also know that a young, female officer wouldn't be the choice of many to oversee an installation of this importance."

  "I'll tell you if you tell me why you have problem with the military in general."

  "Okay," Corky said. "You go first."

  "What exactly do you want to know?"

  "How did you get your decorations?"

  "I was in a helicopter over Bosnia that came under fire and I took a hit in my thigh," Malory said. "The aircraft itself took several and was crippled. We were forced off course and crashed into the Adriatic."

  "Is that how you hurt your shoulder?"

  "Yeah," Malory said. "Compound fracture of the clavicle, dislocated shoulder, torn rotator cuff, blah, blah, blah."

  Corky winced sympathetically. "And?"

  "And what?"

  "What's the rest?"

  "There were five people on board, only two survived and made it to the surface. One was a Marine Colonel who had broken his back when we crashed. I pulled him out of the wreckage and kept him afloat until we were rescued almost forty-eight hours later."

  "How did you do that with a useless arm and a wounded leg?"

  "With a great deal of pain."

  "I can't imagine how horrible that must have been."

  "It isn't something I look back on fondly."

  "What were you decorated with?"

  "The DSM and a Purple Heart."

  "What's a DSM?"

  "The Distinguished Service Medal. Now tell me your story."

  "Its pretty simple really," Corky said. "Former lover of three years also happened to be in the Army. I never really fit in with her crowd and always felt looked down upon because I was a civilian. I moved across the country twice when she was transferred just to be with her, even though she was distant and treated me as if I wasn't good enough for her. The third time she was transferred she told me not to bother to come with her and informed me that she had been seeing someone else for the last two years. Not surprisingly, another officer."

  "Is that how you ended up here?"

  "Pretty much. Larry was a Professor I had in college. When I completed my residency, he approached me with the job."

  "I'm sorry about your girlfriend."

  "I'm not. She was a horrible girlfriend and an even worse officer," she said and looked away, suddenly shy. "She couldn't hold a candle to you. I judged everyone in uniform by what I saw from her and the people she associated with. I look at you and see everything she could never be. Everyone here respects you, civilian and military alike, and not because you're the boss, but because you're a leader."

  Malory smiled. "Can we make out now?"

  Corky laughed. "No, tell me how you got here."

  The Commander sighed heavily and shrugged. "I'm a promotable officer and was going to resign my commission. They threw me a bone."

  "You were going to resign? Why?" Corky asked in surprise.

  "Because my whole life has been nothing but the Navy," she replied. "I was of a mind to see what life was like without it."

  "You changed your mind?"

  "They made me an offer. Take the position here and use the time to reconsider. Since I didn't have any idea of what I wanted to do once I resigned, I agreed."

  "Do you have a girl in every port?"


  "Have a girl anywhere?"


  "Are you a virgin?"

  "I lost my cherry but still have the box it came in."

  Corky laughed. "Where did you get your vocabulary?

  "It was on sale at Sears. Can I see you naked?"

  "Maybe. Have you had a lot of lovers?

  "Numerically, you'd be the second but as far as I'm concerned, the first and only."


  "Really on both counts."

  "I'm having a hard time resisting you."

  "Why would you want to?

  Eyes rolled. "Do you have any idea what a hateful bitch you were to me?"

  "It was the quickest way to solve the problem."

  "That's it? No, I'm sorry?"

  "Did you know the minute I saw you I got wet?"

  "Could've fooled me."

  "Get over it."

  "It's not that easy."

  "Yes, it is. Just kiss me."

  "You think its that simple?"


  "It isn't for me."

  Malory threw up her hands in exasperation and abruptly leaned forward, resting on her hands and knees, her face suddenly an inch away from Corky's. "Then I'll kiss you," she whispered and gently covered the doctor's lips with her own. Prodding lovingly with delicate caresses until she felt her respond, then greedily devouring what was offered. Catching a hesitant tongue and sucking it tenderly into her mouth, moaning softly at the bodily sensation it induced.

  She sighed in a frustration she felt all the way to her toes when Corky began to gently disengage. Struggling with her composure, she didn't fight it and backed off respectfully, waiting with a barely restrained desire to observe her reaction.

  Corky leaned back against the wall and caught her breath. The energy radiating off the Commander was so extreme, every nerve ending in her body was standing at attention. It was an intensity unlike anything she had ever experienced, both seductively powerful and emotionally frightening.

  "I want you," Malory rumbled.

  Corky looked up into a blue gaze almost dilated black with longing and knew she wasn't yet prepared for the passion lurking behind those eyes.

  "I want you," Malory repeated. "Let me show you how much."

  Corky tentatively reached out with a hand to cup her cheek, almost groaning when it was leaned into wantonly. "I want you too," she whispered. "But I've never felt so... pleasantly scared."

  Malory bit her lower lip almost painfully. "Then lay with me and let me hold you."

  Corky practically gaped at the sudden transformation; the sexual aura that had been almost tangible receded upon delivery of the gentle request. The Commander resituated herself on the cot and lifted the blankets in front of her invitingly. Silently, Corky stood on weak knees, stepped out of her fatigues and climbed into the offered embrace. The blankets settled around her and Malory turned to click off the lamp, returning to pull the doctor tightly against her body.

  "Thank you," Corky said softly in the dark.

  "You're welcome," Malory whispered, her breath tickling Corky's ear. "However, if you wake up in a puddle, it's not because I have a bladder problem."

  "God," Corky giggled. "You're so vulgar."

  For an answer, Malory placed a gentle kiss on the back of her neck and smiled at the shiver it produced. "Goodnight, Doctor."

  05/05/02 - 0815 hours

  Corky rose without the aid of the alarm and frowned upon realizing how late it was. Belatedly, she noticed the body that she held in her arms was about five feet smaller, a hundred and ten pounds lighter, and nowhere near as warm as the one she went to bed with. Her eyes narrowed in the dark and she fumbled around for the lamp. Illumination confirmed her suspicions and she flung Little Lovecraft across the room in disgust.

  Not amused at waking up with the doll instead of the Commander, she got up to put her boots and pants on. She was about to enter Malory's office when she heard McNeely's voice on the other side of the door. Trapped for the time being, she went over and sat back down on the cot with a huff, waiting impatiently. The time passed slowly and she eventually lay back down, staring at the ceiling until her eyelids grew heavy.

  When Malory finally entered, she snickered at finding Little Lovecraft on the floor and picked her up to seat her on the chair. She threw a glance at the cot and smiled at finding the little doctor asleep in all of her clothes. Deciding to leave her be, she silently cursed the efficient McNeely and started relieving herself of her clothes.
  Corky woke up at the sound of running water and froze when she realized that Malory was in the shower. Torn between wanting to make a hasty exit and being present when the Commander emerged, she fidgeted and cleared her throat.

  "Good morning," she ventured.

  "Good morning," came the immediate bright response. "Decide to get up?"

  "Yeah," Corky said. "Why did you turn off the alarm?"

  "McNeely, showed up first thing," Malory said. "If he heard the alarm being shut off, he would've known someone was in my quarters."


  "Your buddy Clovis and crew were up before dawn and down in excavation. Butler went down with them. He wasn't pleased at being rousted for guard duty so early," Malory said amusedly. "Neither was the Sergeant Major."

  "They're just excited," Corky said. "It's an important find."

  "Whatever," Malory said. "Since you're up, wanna join me?"

  Facing another dilemma, the doctor considered her options. Part of her wanted to spring from the cot and shed her clothes and another part wanted to run from the room. "I think I'll pass."

  "You sure? I know you're dyin' to see if my carpet matches my drapes. I'll let you peek."

  Her brow wrinkled in confusion for a few seconds and then her eyes rolled. "I'm sure," she said shaking her head, glad Malory couldn't see her grin.

  "Okay, your loss."

  Corky shook her head. "You're such a pompous ass," she said with a chuckle. "I can't believe how full of yourself you are."

  "I'd like to be filled by you," Malory retorted.

  To her dismay, she started to blush. "I'm going to go."

  "Okay," Malory said nonchalantly. "See ya later."

  Corky narrowed her eyes at the shower curtain suspiciously, wondering what she was up to. Wary of a trap, she rose to her feet and traveled to the door. "See ya," she said, and quickly left the room.

  "Heh," Malory grunted when she heard the door close.


  Corky spent the entire day in a turmoil of emotions, performing her duties in an absentminded automation; her thoughts rarely straying far from the confounding Commander. The woman possessed a multitude of repulsive qualities and Corky was perplexed that she now found them charming when not so recently they would have and did offend her. There was also the lingering confusion left over from the night before, the damn woman exuded a hidden sexual energy that could singe the hair off her toes.

  Like it or not, she had fallen under the woman's spell and the only option left was to either take it or leave it. The latter became more unappealing with every minute she spent in the Commander's company and the former meant forging ahead with the confusing woman and letting the chips fall where they may. It was a frightening prospect with no guaranteed conclusion.

  At the end of her shift, she headed for dinner still halfheartedly debating alternatives, hoping she could share a meal and have a normal conversation with the woman. She figured the odds of an ordinary dialogue were about fifty-fifty, suspecting that Malory herself didn't know what foot to lead with and flew by the seat of her pants.

  She was disenchanted to find the mess relatively empty with no sign of either the Commander or even Clovis to at least exchange pleasantries with. In fact, the only people present were Daly and Cohen so she got a tray and sat by herself, instantly descending into the plight of her predicament once again.

  An uncertain amount of time later, Clovis dropped in the chair across from her with his meal. "What's with the long face?" he asked jovially.

  She blinked and glanced at her watch, surprised to see how much time had gotten away from her. "Huh?"

  "You're sitting there looking like your dog just died," Clovis rumbled. "What's on your mind?"

  "Oh, just thinking," she said, trying to sound offhand. "How did things go down there today?" she added hoping to distract him.

  "The cave in sped up our progress considerably," he answered. "We're a couple of weeks away from the first section, we can't wait."

  She smiled at his obvious delight. "I'll bet," she said, throwing another glance at her watch. "You're up here kinda early."

  "We started early," he said with a grin. "And I suspect our Commander has given the order to have our armed escort tell us when to pack it up for the day."

  Corky giggled. "I'm sure she did, have you seen her today?"

  "Saw her laughing in the hall with McNeely outside of his quarters when I was coming to dinner."

  "Hmmm," Corky grunted. "Well, I guess I'm gonna go find something to do."

  "Okay, Corky," he said, becoming intently engrossed with the food in front of him. "See ya later."

  "Bye, Clovis," she with a chuckle.

  She made her way to Malory's office and upon finding it and her quarters empty; she began a casual stroll around the compound with the hope of running into her. Her efforts proved fruitless as the Commander was nowhere to be found. Confused, she returned to her own quarters and flopped into her chair with a frown. Where could she be? She thought about using the radio but couldn't come up with a good story to offer in case Malory wasn't alone.

  Two hours of brooding later, she impulsively strode from her room and returned to Malory's quarters; again finding them empty. Her face wrinkled in confusion, she retraced her steps from earlier and after having searched everywhere, there was still no sign of the Commander.

  Jesus, its almost eleven, where the hell is she? An idea suddenly formed and she returned to the lounge, finding Lieutenant Ring reclining in his usual spot on the sofa.

  "Lieutenant," she said. "Do you know where the Commander is?"

  He turned around sleepily. "Uhm... she's with McNeely in his quarters."

  "Thank you," she said, exiting the room before a frown of gigantic proportions could take control.

  She had stomped halfway back to her quarters when it struck her that she was jealous and she paused to consider the notion. Tempted at first to dismiss it as overreaction, she returned to her room confusedly. Was she jealous and if so why? Did she miss something? Malory had said she had only had one lover, but weren't they talking about women?

  The idea of Malory being with McNeely brought her blood to a boil and once the thought entered her mind, she couldn't think of anything else. She tried to tell herself that she was blowing everything out of proportion and was probably wrong, but her imagination had taken hold and wouldn't let go.

  She glanced angrily at the clock, it was half past midnight. Determinedly, she stormed from her quarters and was not surprised to find Malory's room still empty upon arrival. Throwing caution to the wind, she marched doggedly in the direction of McNeely's room, quieting her approach as she neared her objective. Stealthily, she paused outside of his door and listened closely for any noise that might emanate from within.

  Mumbled voices and then the distinct sound of the Commander's laugh brought a full head of steam to Corky's features and she turned to stomp crossly down the hallway, stopping when she heard someone step out into the hall from behind her. She turned a furious glance over her shoulder and was surprised to see Malory emerge, followed by Chief Reynolds and Sergeants Alvarez, Hanson, and Terrel; all of them laughing companionably.

  Stunned, she came to a complete halt, her jealousy vaporizing in favor of a very distinct feeling of embarrassment. She tried to slink away unnoticed and winced when she was called up short.

  "Dr. Rivers?" Malory called out.

  "Yes?" she said, turning a hopefully innocent gaze in her direction.

  The men filtered by with polite nods, quickly leaving them alone in the hall.

  "What are you doing here?" Malory asked, closing the distance between them.

  Corky thought frantically. "I couldn't sleep so I was taking a walk."

  Malory snickered. "Uh huh. What's up? You looked angry."

  Corky sighed. "I was looking for you. What were you doing in there all night?"

  A triumphant smile. "Playing poker. What did you think we were doing?"

/>   "I don't know."

  "How did you know where I was?" Malory asked, a knowing look on her face.

  Corky shuffled her feet. "I asked Lieutenant Ring," she said, feeling somewhat exposed in the hallway. "Can we just go to my quarters?"

  "Sure," Malory said brightly and followed the little doctor down the hall with a cocky smile.

  Corky trudged through the halls feeling monumentally stupid and worse, she didn't have to turn around to see the smile on Malory's face; she could feel it. When they entered her quarters, the Commander respectfully chose the chair and seated herself primly, turning an expectant look on her companion.

  Corky sighed and took a seat on the cot, leaning her back against the wall. "Why didn't you tell me you were going to play cards tonight?"

  "I didn't get the chance," Malory said with a shrug. "McNeely asked me this morning and before I could say anything, you lit out of my quarters like your ass was on fire."

  "Oh," came the quiet response.

  "If you had told me you wanted to get together, I would have turned him down," Malory offered. "So tell me, you looked mad enough to blow an ovary, what's the matter?"

  "Nothing," Corky said quickly.

  "Gimme a break," Malory scoffed. "You can tell me anything," she added softly.

  Corky started to play with the hem of her sweatshirt. "It was stupid."

  "What was stupid?"

  "I thought you and McNeely were...uhm... you know."

  Malory smiled brightly. "You were jealous?"

  Corky nodded reluctantly.

  "My, how territorial," Malory teased.

  Brown eyes flashed. "You don't have to be so smug."

  For an answer, Malory leaned down and started to unlace her boots, pulling them off and placing them under the chair along with her socks and standing to remove her sweatshirt.

  Corky watched nervously. "What do you think you're doing?" she asked, watching the sweatshirt fall to the ground and hands drop to start unbuttoning her fatigues.

  "Bustin' a move," Malory said nonchalantly, stepping out of her pants and standing immodestly before the doctor in her underwear.

  Corky couldn't find her voice as her body began reacting strongly to the almost nude Commander who dropped to her knees in front of her and began unlacing her boots. She watched helplessly as they were removed gently and her hands were grasped, pulling her forward. Totally powerless, she let Malory lift her arms above her head to remove her shirt and her bra quickly followed without protest. A soft whimper preceded the removal of her pants and soon she found herself completely naked and waiting to be claimed by the woman kneeling in front of her.


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