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Bachelor Unforgiving

Page 7

by Brenda Jackson

  “Will you at least hear me out?”

  She raised her chin. “Why should I?”

  “Because I’m the client, and although you presented my company with a good action plan, there’s an aspect of it that won’t work unless modifications are made.”

  She narrowed her gaze at him. “I will work with any modifications you suggest as long as they don’t include me.”

  “But they do include you, because this idea of yours can only work with you.”

  She rolled her eyes. “That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. Why on earth would you, of all people, think that?”

  “Because it’s true. I will only feel comfortable with a woman that I know for certain won’t get any ideas. You won’t, since you know our relationship will never go back to the way it was before. And you know the arrangement is strictly a strategy to improve my image. I prefer not sharing such personal details with anyone else.”

  “And you wouldn’t have to if we used that escort service that I told you about.”

  “It’s too risky. What if someone was to discover it’s nothing but a sham and that I’m paying someone to be seen with me?” He held up his hand when she opened her mouth to speak. “Before you say that there’s no way anyone will ever find out, think again. Even with all the precautions and safeguards you put in place, can you guarantee that won’t happen, Kara? Think about the consequences if it does. That would be a scandal Bougard Enterprises could never recover from.”

  Kara knew he was right, but—

  He cut off her thoughts. “Your company was hired to fix my image, Kara, not make a bigger mess of it.”

  Virgil’s words momentarily froze Kara and she held his gaze with her glare. “I know what my company was hired to do and I know what I’m doing, Virgil. Don’t treat me like I don’t.”

  She saw the agitation in his face when he said, “Bougard Enterprises would not have hired you if we didn’t believe that you knew what you’re doing, trust me. All I’m saying is that for this plan of yours to work, all players have to be in the game. I know what I’m capable of doing and I doubt I can pretend interest in some woman.”

  “But you can pretend interest in me? Knowing how you feel about me, that doesn’t make sense,” she countered.

  “Think about it, Kara. It makes perfect sense. First of all, you and I have a history and a lot of people remember that history. When they see us together again they will assume we’ve worked out whatever differences kept us apart.”

  He paused a moment then added, “And as far as pretending interest in you, that will be easy, because that’s all it will be—pretense. And I won’t have to worry about you getting the wrong idea about anything.”

  Kara hated admitting it but everything he’d said was true. They had dated exclusively for a full year and had been known as a couple in the community. They’d gone to events together and were always seen together. Everyone had speculated that eventually a wedding date would be announced. Some had even considered them the darling couple of Charlotte. At least that’s how the society pages had pegged them thanks to a popular news column called Flo on the Ro.

  For some reason the editor, a woman by the name of Florence Asbury, a romantic at heart, enjoyed keeping readers abreast on the romantic lives of some of Charlotte’s prominent singles. Originally her column was called Flo on the Romance Scene, but later the title was shortened and became known as Flo on the Ro. Flo enlisted what had become known as Flo’s Posse and the group would roam around town keeping their eyes and ears open for any newsworthy romantic gossip. A few years ago Flo and her posse had decided Kara and Virgil were newsworthy and she enjoyed writing about them in her weekly column, which had quite a following.

  Then their breakup happened and it had fueled rumors as to what had caused it. It didn’t help matters when Virgil reverted back to his old ways of being Charlotte’s number-one womanizer.

  “And you honestly believe people will assume we’ve reconciled our differences and are back together?” she asked him.

  “I don’t see why not. They only speculated as to why we broke up. Besides, it doesn’t matter. It’s been years and people love a good make-up story.”

  Although Kara knew that to be true, she just wasn’t sure that she and Virgil should be in the starring roles of one. He indicated he could pretend, but could she? And why should she? She wasn’t responsible for his less-than-stellar image. However, she had been hired to fix it. And for that reason, a part of her refused to let his company be the one she failed to make into another success story. But still...

  “I have to think about this, Virgil. There has to be another way.”

  “If there is, you need to come up with it by next weekend. Mom is keynote speaker at UNCC’s graduation and Dad wants me to bring whatever woman I’ve decided to date exclusively. He figures it will be the perfect time for us to be seen together.”

  Kara agreed with Matthew that it would be the perfect time—if the plans didn’t include her. “Like I said, I have to think about it. I’ll get back in touch with you.”

  He nodded and, without saying anything else, he turned and walked out of her office.

  * * *

  “So let me get this straight,” Cassandra Gilbert said to Kara through the phone line. “You found out Marti lied so you apologized to Virgil. He didn’t accept your apology at first but has since come around, although grudgingly. And now his image needs repairing because of some scandal with another woman. Your company has been hired to fix it. And in doing so you’ll be presented as his exclusive love interest.”

  “Yes, that’s about it,” Kara responded, setting her wineglass on her coffee table. She had needed someone to talk to and couldn’t wait to get home to call her friend.

  “In a way it’s a rather smart move. Everyone will simply think the two of you have made up and gotten back together.”

  “That’s the plan.”

  “Okay, so what’s the problem?”

  Kara rolled her eyes. “We’re talking about Virgil Bougard, Cassandra.”

  “I know who we’re talking about, and the way I see it, there shouldn’t be a problem unless...”

  “Unless what?”

  “Unless you’re not as indifferent to him as you claim you are.”

  Kara frowned. “What do you mean by that?”

  “I think you know what I mean, Kara. You loved Virgil too much not to feel anything for him now.”

  “Have you forgotten that I thought he betrayed me? When that happened, I stopped loving him,” Kara reminded her.

  “Yes, I know how hurt you were, but did you really stop loving him?”

  “Of course I did. I moved on.”

  “Moved on? Who are you trying to fool? You never allowed yourself to get seriously involved with anyone else. Yes, you dated after Virgil but you never let anyone get close. I was there, Kara. I know. Besides, Virgil isn’t a man a woman can fall out of love with easily.”

  Kara defended herself. “Considering that I thought Virgil had betrayed me, falling out of love with him would have been understandable.”

  “Understandable, yes, but it would not have been you. Like I said, you loved Virgil too much. You were hurt, devastated, but you can’t convince me that you fell out of love with him completely.”

  Kara wanted to argue with her friend, but Cassandra moved on to another topic. “I just can’t believe Marti did that to you.”

  “Sometimes I can’t believe it myself. I probably would never have found out if I hadn’t overheard that phone call.”

  “Did she say why she did it?”

  “She claims she was looking out for my best interests and felt Virgil would have eventually hurt me.”

  “That’s crazy. Virgil loved you. Anybody could see that. I guess that’s one of the reasons I n
ever thought he was guilty even when you did.”

  Kara drew in a deep breath. “And now he hates me.”

  “I doubt if he could hate you, Kara.”

  “Trust me, he does. I can see it in his eyes whenever he looks at me.”

  “Yet he wants the two of you to pretend to be lovers?”

  “Only to serve a purpose,” Kara said drily.

  “So what are you going to do?”

  “I don’t know. It’s my proposed action plan that he’s using. I just didn’t think he would involve me personally. I’ll sleep on it and hopefully I will make the right decision tomorrow.”

  “If I were in your shoes do you know what I would do?”

  A part of Kara was afraid to ask. “What?”

  “I would use that opportunity with Virgil to your advantage and remind him why he fell in love with you in the first place. I would make him remember how good the two of you were together.”

  Kara shook her head even though her friend couldn’t see her. “I’m not even sure I wish that was possible.”

  “Regardless of what you’re saying, I believe you and Virgil should be together. Your love just needs rekindling. A love as strong as the two of you had will never die.”

  Kara wasn’t as convinced as Cassandra seemed to be. “He’s changed. It’s like his heart is made of ice and it’s my fault for not trusting him.”

  “If his heart has turned to ice then you owe it to yourself to melt it.”

  Kara fought back her tears. “I honestly don’t think I can.”

  “And I believe that you can. There’s something you’ve omitted from your action plan, Kara. It’s the only thing that can really help improve Virgil’s image and behavior permanently. It will require that you and Virgil work out your differences and get back together for real. Otherwise, all you’ll be doing is applying a temporary fix to the problem. Virgil might not know it, but he needs you back in his life. You were able to change him for the better once before and I believe you can do it again. The man loved you. He was happy back then. You owe it to yourself...and to make him happy again.”

  Cassandra’s words echoed in Kara’s thoughts long after they’d said goodbye. Later that night after she had taken her shower and slid between the sheets, Kara couldn’t stop thinking about everything Cassandra had said. Her friend was such an optimist, yet... If his heart has turned to ice then you owe it to yourself to melt it.

  Cassandra was right on point about the changes Virgil had made after they’d begun dating. When she’d met Virgil, he’d had a reputation of getting any woman he wanted. Yet she had made him earn his way into her bed. His entire outlook on life had changed and she knew for certain he’d given up his entourage of women just to be with her. She had been his one and only...until Marti’s lie had made her believe otherwise.

  And now he was back to his old womanizing ways. And she of all people was hired to clean up his image. Cassandra was right. All her company would do was put a bandage on the problem and not provide a permanent solution. It would be just a matter of time before he resorted back to his womanizing ways.

  Could she be Virgil’s permanent solution as Cassandra thought?

  By the time sleep had lulled her to close her eyes, she had at least admitted something to herself. She was still in love with Virgil Bougard.

  Chapter 9

  “Mr. Bougard, Kara Goshay is—”

  “Put her call through,” he interrupted.

  He hoped Kara had made a decision about what he’d proposed to her yesterday, especially after he read the article appearing in that morning’s newspaper. And then there was the phone call he’d received from Thomas Fortner.

  Fortner had informed Virgil that he was considering taking his business elsewhere after playing golf with Marv Hilton this weekend. Virgil could just imagine what embellishment Hilton had added to the story to make Fortner consider doing such a thing.

  “Ms. Goshay is not on the phone, sir. She’s here and would like to see you.”

  Kara was here? “Please send her in.”

  He clicked off the phone and adjusted his tie as he stood. In the old days Kara rarely read the morning paper before noon so chances were she was unaware of the article. In that case, was she here to turn down what he’d suggested yesterday? Fearing that possibility, last night he’d tried coming up with a plan B and had even gone so far as to make a list of other women. Not a single one he’d considered a strong candidate.

  The door to his office opened and Kara walked in. He wondered if there would ever be a time when her entrance into any room would not take his breath away. As usual she looked beautiful. Professional and sexy rolled into one. Her chocolate-brown business suit emphasized her small waist and curvy hips. However, it was what was beneath that business suit that he was remembering so well.

  It wasn’t even ten in the morning, yet she looked as radiant as any woman had a right to be this early. She had a graceful, fluid walk, something he’d always admired watching, and he wasn’t surprised at the sexual chemistry that surrounded them. It had always been that way and always would, regardless of how they barely tolerated each other.

  “Kara, to what do I owe this visit?” He studied her. There was something about her that looked different this morning and he wasn’t sure what it was.

  “I’ve made a decision regarding your request yesterday. The one about us dating exclusively just for show.”


  “And like you said, there could never be anything between us again. But letting people assume there is might work in our favor. Your image will improve and I’ll get another success story to boast about.”

  So in essence she would be using him like he would be using her. Why did the thought of that bother him? There was no reason for it. Like she said, in the end both of them would benefit.

  “Are you willing to attend that commencement with me next weekend?” he asked her.

  “Yes. I’m sure your father will explain things to your mother so she’ll know the truth.”

  “I’m sure he will.” He paused a minute then asked, “This plan will also require us to be seen together on occasion, around town, having dinners, going to movies. Do you have a problem with that?”

  “I should be asking you that, Virgil. Will you have a problem with us being seen as if we’re getting back together?”

  Virgil knitted his brow for a second as he contemplated. “No, I won’t have a problem with it. Those I care about will know the truth.”

  “Fine. Then I’ll see you next weekend,” she said, turning to leave.

  “Meet with me later today.”

  She turned back around. “Why?”

  “To plan our strategy. Did you see the newspaper this morning?”


  He picked up the copy off his desk and handed it to her. “We’ve drawn interest already.”

  Kara read the headlines in the Flo on the Ro column.

  Has Charlotte’s Biggest Womanizer Finally Come to His Senses?

  Virgil Bougard was seen having dinner last week with Kara Goshay. It’s been almost four years and the big question on this editor’s mind is...are these two on again? I certainly hope so and think it’s about time. Stay tuned.

  A frown bunched Kara’s brows. Below the article was a photo of her and Virgil enjoying dinner together that day at the Goldenrod Restaurant. Shaking her head, she handed the paper back to Virgil. “Who took that picture?”

  “No telling. Smartphones can turn anyone into a photographer these days. Now we have to deal with everyone speculating. For us that might be a good thing. We need to keep the momentum going by being seen together often.”

  “We’ll be seen together next weekend at UNCC’s commencement ceremony.”

  “I think a co
uple of times before then wouldn’t hurt. Let’s meet later to discuss it. Plan strategies.”

  Kara was inwardly elated he’d suggested meeting with her later; especially after she’d awakened that morning to decide Cassandra’s suggestion last night had merit. She would use this opportunity to remind Virgil how good things used to be between them. Even if it didn’t work, she felt it was a risk worth taking. The key was to not let him suspect anything, which meant she couldn’t appear too eager for them to spend time together.

  She gave a half-hearted protest. “I have a full day today, Virgil. I’m not sure I’ll have time later.”

  His eyes narrowed. She could tell he didn’t like to be denied. He was a man who was used to getting whatever he wanted. “I suggest you squeeze me in somehow, Kara.”

  She held his gaze and wondered what was there in the penetrating depths staring back at her. Cockiness? Anger? Lust? She hadn’t missed the latter when she’d entered his office. He might be mad at her but she had clearly seen lust in his eyes when she’d arrived. That had given her hope. “Fine,” she finally said. “We can meet somewhere later this evening. Have your administrative assistant call and—”

  “I will be the one who calls you,” he said, taking his phone out of his pocket. “What’s your number?”

  “It didn’t change.”

  He nodded and then punched in her phone number. She couldn’t help being pleased that he remembered it. When her cell phone rang, he said, “Now you have my new number. Use it to reach me if you need to.”

  “I doubt I will.” Turning back toward the door, she was surprised to hear him say, “You never know.” Then she walked out.

  When the door closed shut behind Kara, Virgil sat down at his desk and leaned back in his chair. He’d figured out what was different about her today. Her hair. It still hung to her shoulders but instead of being curly it was straight. He always liked the curly hair style on her but thought he liked this one even better.

  He then frowned. The fact that he’d noticed such a thing didn’t sit well with him. Why would it matter to him one iota how she wore her hair? But he couldn’t help remembering those times he would run his fingers through the thick strands and how he would enjoy gripping a handful of her hair whenever they made love.


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